PyQt - Qprocess Can not run command "chcp" directly but from batch its fine - qt

The following code working for executing the batch file:
def GetCMD_Encoding(self):
self.CMD = QProcess(self)
def EventDataForGetCMDEncoding(self):
output = bytearray(self.CMD.readAllStandardOutput())
output = output.decode("ascii")
print (output)
The content of .bat file is only :
But if i want to exclude but file and i only execute simple command like:
it does not working and any kind of signal isnt emit.
Other commands is working like :

You should try to
Use the full path of the file chcp.bat
Or add the path of the file chcp.bat to your system PATH
and maybe ensure that the file is executable.


How to get the address of a Julia script file within itself?

I have a test.jl Julia script file in a directory, e.g., /home/directory1. Assume that I want to save the output of this code as a .txt file in the same directory. My problem is that, obviously, the .txt file will be saved in the working directory of Julia, which by pwd() is somewhere else, e.g., /home/julia/.
I wonder how can I change the working directory in the test.jl script WITHOUT writting the directory address, /home/directory1 , manually? I know that I can change the working directory by cd("/home/directory1"), but the problem is that I don't want to write the address manually. Is there any way to get the directory address of test.jl within itself by a command?
You can get that information using macro #__FILE__
help?> #__FILE__
#__FILE__ -> AbstractString
Expand to a string with the path to the file containing the macrocall, or an empty string if evaluated by julia -e <expr>. Return nothing if the macro was missing parser source information. Alternatively see PROGRAM_FILE.
julia> open("c:\\temp\\some.jl","w") do f
println(f, "println(\"Running at \$(#__FILE__)\")")
julia> include("c:\\temp\\some.jl")
Running at c:\temp\some.jl
shell> julia "c:\temp\some.jl"
Running at c:\temp\some.jl

OpenMDAO adding command line args for ExternalCodeComp that won't results in runtime error

In OpenMDAO V3.1 I am using an ExternalCodeComp to execute a CFD code. Typically, I would call it as such:
mpirun nodet_mpi --design_run
If the above call is made in the appropriate directory, then it will find the appropriate run file and execute the CFD run. I have tried command args for the ExternalCodeComp;
execute = ['mpirun', 'nodet_mpi', '--design_run']
execute = ['mpirun', 'nodet_mpi --design_run']
execute = ['mpirun nodet_mpi --design_run']
I either get an error such as:
RunTimeError: 255, execvp error on file "nodet_mpi --design_run" (No such file or directory)
Or that the command cannot be found.
Is there any way to setup the execute statement to include commandline args for the flow solver when an input file is not defined?
Thanks in advance!
One detail in your question seems incorrect, you state that you have tried execute = "...". The ExternalCodeComp uses an option called command. I will assume that you are using the correct option in your code.
The most correct form to use is the list with all arguments as single entries in the list:
self.options['command'] = ['mpirun', 'nodet_mpi', '--design_run']
Your error msg seems to indicate that the directory that OpenMDAO is running in is not the same as the directory you would like to execute the CFD code from. The absolute simplest solution would be to make sure that you are in the correct directory via cd in the terminal window before executing your python script.
However, there is likely a reason that your python script is in a different place so there are other options I can suggest:
You can use a combination of os.getcwd() and os.chdir() inside the compute method that you have implemented to make sure you switch into and out of the working directory for the CFD code.
If you would like to, you can modify the entries of the list you've assigned to the self.options['command'] option on the fly within your compute method. You would again be relying on some of the methods in the os module for help. os.path.exists can be used to test if the specific input files you need exist or not, and you can modify the command option accordingly.
For option 2, code would look something like this:
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
if os.path.exists('some_input.file'):
self.options['command'] = ['mpirun', 'nodet_mpi', '--design_run']
self.options['command'] = ['mpirun', 'nodet_mpi', '--design_run', '--other_options']
# the parent compute function actually runs the external code
super().compute(inputs, outputs) returns blank file when used with xunit arguments

I am using nose to run my tests the following way
import nose
import unittest
if __name__ == "__main__":
test_cases = unittest.TestLoader().discover(<path_to_test_files>)
suite = unittest.TestSuite([test_cases])
xunit_report = True
log_file = 'my_report.xml'
arguments = ["nosetest",'--verbosity=2']
if xunit_report:
arguments += ['--with-xunit', '--xunit-file', log_file], argv=arguments)
The suite variable is updated with all the test cases discovered. The console log also validates that all the tests got executed.
However, the xml result file always contains
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><testsuite name="nosetests" tests="0" errors="0" failures="0" skip="0"></testsuite>
Am on Python 2.7.14.
What do I need to change to get the actual results in my xml file?
If you change the discover() call to a provide a path, like . for the current directory:
test_cases = unittest.TestLoader().discover('.')
Then the loader will find files in the working directory that you are executing the script from that match the pattern 'test*.py'. If I add add your script to a file, and a test next to it in a file named, with the following UnitTest test:
import unittest
class TestStringMethods(unittest.TestCase):
def test_upper(self):
self.assertEqual('foo'.upper(), 'FOO')
Then the output xml file contains the expected test results.
So: Make sure you're running the script from the same directory your tests are in (or that you change .discover('.') to whatever directory your tests are in, and that your test files match the test*.py pattern.
Also note that that has an argument for just a module name to find tests in that you may find useful:".")

Windows batch script - parse and expand the variable to pass as a string to external program?

I want to use a relative file path as a command line argument but as the example and assessment below will demonstrate, the variable passes \..\ as a string, it doesn't evaluate it.
Can I can force the command line to parse and expand the variable as a string?
: For example: I have a R script file I want to launch from the command line:
Set RPath=C:\Program Files\R\R-3.1.0\bin\Rscript.exe
SET RScript=%CD%\..\..\HCF_v9.R
SET SourceFile=%CD%\..\Source\
ECHO String used for Source Location - %SourceFile%
"%RPath%" "%RScript%" %SourceFile%
The inclusion of \..\ works in the call to R as an external program because the batch file can resolve it's own commands.
The variable of SourceFile however doesn't work because the SourceFile variable hasn't expanded \..\, it has just included it as part of the string and R can't process \..\
You can use the for replaceable parameters to resolve to the real path
for %%a in ("..\..\HCF_v9.R") do set "RScript=%%~fa"
#MC ND has provided the batch file approach; an R-centric approach would be to pass the current directory to R, and modify it there.
; batch file
Set RPath=C:\Program Files\R\R-3.1.0\bin\Rscript.exe
SET RScript=%CD%\..\..\HCF_v9.R
"%RPath%" "%RScript%" %CD%
# in R
srcpath <- commandArgs(TRUE)[1]
srcpath <- normalizePath(file.path(srcpath, "../Source"))

QMake - Erratic behaviour When using echo System Command

Using QMake, I read some boiler plate code, make modifications and write the modified code to a file.
However, I get very strange results. I have simplified the problem down to the following:
# Open boiler plate file
interfaceBoilerPlateCode = $$cat($$boilerPlateFile, blob)
# Make sure we read the right content
message("Content read: $$interfaceBoilerPlateCode")
# Write the read text into a file
output = $$system(echo $$interfaceBoilerPlateCode >> $$targetFile) # Doesnt work
output = $$system(echo "Howde" >> $$targetFile) # This works
The file being read is a plain text file containing only the string "Howde".
The contents of the file get read correctly.
However, when I try and write the contents of the file to another target file, I get no output (literally: no errors/warnings but no new file generated). However, if I use echo with just a string defined in the code itself (as in the last line of snippet above), a new file gets generated with the string "Howde" inside it.
What is going on? What am I doing wrong that the penultimate line does not generate a new file?
Use write_file. Instead of:
$$system(echo $$content >> $$file_path)
write_file($$file_path, $$content)
