retrieve form element to generate next element (google-script) - google-forms

A bit of a noob so please forgive me.
I am working on a project using Google Sheets and Google Forms. I would love to use javascript and html but I am required to use google.
I have a google form with a drop down. I need to read the value of the drop down and pass it to a google script I have written. The script will populate the values for another question in the same form based on the dropdown value. I need to retrieve the value before the form is submitted so I can create the second question.
Can this be done all on one page?
If not can I create a second page in the form and read the value when the next button is clicked?
I appreciate any info and feedback you can provide. I have tried looking around on the internet but haven really found solutions that helped me, at least not that i understood.


Is there a way to edit css of new google forms?

Before I used to be able to just copy the source code of the form and paste the part between <form></form> into the page and add my own styling. But this doesn't seem to work anymore.
Has anyone found a way to still be able to customize google forms?
Yes, you can easily make the <form> work by following these steps.
Create a Google Form.
Get the link and open the form in a new tab.
Create a barebone form having same items as the Google form.
Inspect Google form for action attribute.
a. Copy the same action to your form.
Inspect and find values for attributes name in the Google form.
a. Give the same name values for your form items as well. The values look like entry.742532386.
Check if your form gets the responses.
Since it is a native <form> element, apply CSS however you want to.
Read more here
Google forms does not currently (mar-2021) have a built in feature to add css or javascript to their forms.
I created this GitHub project to work around the problem:

SynchronizerToken In ASP.Net

I was wondering if anyone can help me out. I have an application with several links. One thing I have been noticing is that when a user clicks a link more than once I can get a response multiple times. This may result in a record being committed to a database table multiple times and cannot happen. From what research I've done, it looks like this is an example of when I would use SynchronizerToken's but this is new to me and i have no experience using them. I did find this example: Button doing post back of one user
Is this method the best possible one to use for this scenario? I haven't really seen any other examples out there. Any help would be great.
How about disabling the UI element right before postback so multiple clicks are not possible?
I ended up scrapping the idea of tokens and just disabled forms when a post back occurs.

How-to do Google search input form transaction position: from center to top

I am asking this question after spending more than 10 days, looking for information in books, youtube tutorial for php , mysql, javascript , jquery, and not able to get an answer or some feedback how to do it.
I am doing the search engine in my website and I would like to create the same effect as Google... once you type or input something in the search box the whole page will change from having the search form in the center of the page TO place it on the header of the page. HOW TO DO THAT???
Your search box is a form. Its going to pass that form data to a script, process it and then output the search results on a new page. You simple apply a different style template to the results page.
If this is an overly simplistic answer for your situation please give more specific information on the search script you are using and whether your website is hardcoded or generated via a CMS solution.

FileUpload.HasFile always remain false(I am using Ajax)

I am writing one simple page in APS.Net with VB.Net as the scripting language. In this page I have two text boxes and relevant buttons to complete the job of taking input from the user.
The form prompts the user to enter an image title, image to upload(using ASP AjaxControlToolkit FileUpload control) and a list of search tags to research this image in the future.
I have researched for more than three hours and tried many different solutions posted online but still I am not able to fix the FileUpload.HasFile = False problem. This condition always remains false even after choosing the file to upload.
I understand that many similar questions have already been posted but I have tried those solutions and still I could not fix it.
It would be really great if someone could please help me with this.
I am using MS SQL database but I haven't done anything related to database in this page as I am not done with the validation and the input yet.
Please download the code files from:,olcmd5yct3tz52m,7lm3a9syplfdec6
Please let me know if you need anything else.
What u need is here! Checkout this , you may get some help from here.
mark this as answer if u like it. :)

UI Automation - how to capture - record using javascript editor doesn't have accessibility labels
is there a way to capture (record) events so that i can use in the javascript for UI Automation?
there was a previous post which made that statement but didn't provide any instructions as to how to record using the javascript editor
details please
thank you in advance!
Just open a new script in your Instrument session, and push the little record button at bottom of the page (appears on the screenshot). Now use your app and you should get that kind of stuff:
Now you can see the value or the name of your buttons and use it to write your own scripts. I'm not a programmer, so this tool is very useful for me.
Hope it will be for you too. :)
First print the element hierarchy on any object you want and you can access the elements through indexing.
