How to restore a over-written built-in function in Julia - julia

The question may apply for other languages, too.
If I use a built-in function name as a variable name,
I can restore the function by doing:
all = 123
all = Base.all
But If I define, for example, a custom function sum() and then I do,
sum = Base.sum
I got an error saying "invalid redefinition of constant sum"
Is there a way to restore a built-in function if I over-wrote it? Or is that impossible by design?

For this example, you could just redefine sum as Base.sum:
sum(x) = Base.sum(x)
Is that what you would like?
NB. this may not "overwrite" your definition of sum. If it uses type parameters (e.g. sum(x::Vector) it may still be dispatched in preference to the general sum(x), in which case you would need to repeat the above for those specific methods.

If this is simply a problem for you when you are working in the REPL, and you don't mind losing all your other definitions, you could do workspace() to reset Main.


Julia type conversion best practices

I have a function which requires a DateTime argument. A possibility is that a user might provide a ZonedDateTime argument. As far as I can tell there are three possible ways to catch this without breaking:
Accept both arguments in a single method, and perform a type conversion if necessary via an if... statement
function ofdatetime(dt::AbstractDateTime)
if dt::ZonedDateTime
dt = DateTime(dt, UTC)
Define a second method which simply converts the type and calls the first method
function ofdatetime(dt::DateTime)
function ofdatetime(dt::ZonedDateTime)
dt = DateTime(dt, UTC)
return ofdatetime(dt)
Redefine the entire function body for the second method
function ofdatetime(dt::DateTime)
function ofdatetime(dt::ZonedDateTime)
dt = DateTime(dt, UTC)
Of course, this doesn't apply when a different argument type implies that the function actually do something different - the whole point of multiple dispatch - but this is a toy example. I'm wondering what is best practice in these cases? It needn't be exclusively to do with time zones, this is just the example I'm working with. Perhaps a relevant question is 'how does Julia do multiple dispatch under the hood?' i.e. are arguments dispatched to relevant methods by something like an if... else/switch... case block, or is it more clever than that?
The answer in the comments is correct that, ideally, you would write your ofdatetime function such that all operations on dt within your function body are general to any AbstractDateTime; in any case where the the difference between DateTime and ZonedDateTime would matter, you can use dispatch at that point within your function to take care of the details.
Failing that, either of 2 or 3 is generally preferable to 1 in your question, since for either of those, the branch can be elided in the case that the type of df is known at compile-time. Of the latter two, 2 is probably preferable to 3 as written in your example in terms of general code style ("DRY"), but if you were able to avoid the type conversion by writing entirely different function bodies, then 3 could actually have better performance than if the type conversion is at all expensive.
In general though, the best of all worlds is to keep most your code generic to either type, and only dispatch at the last possible moment.

Using argument of outer function as global variable for a function defined inside outer function - "function factory"

Is this bad practice? It seems like a lot could go wrong here.*
I am setting the argument of an outer function to be a global variable for a function defined inside it. I am just doing this to work around some existing code.
f = function(a,b){h = function(c){print(b);b+c}}
myh = f(1,2)
#[1] 2
#[1] 9
*On the other hand, it's perfectly acceptable to write something like
h = function(c){print(7);7+c}
Creating a function that creates functions (or a function factory) is a totally acceptable code practice. See for more details on certain parts of the technical implementation in R.
It is most often used if you need to create functions at runtime or you need to create a lot of similar funcions.
The function factory you have created could be considered similar to a function factory that would create different sized counters that told the user how much the amount was incremented by.
It is important to keep track of the functions you create this way however.
Let me know if you'd like more clarification on anything.
(One possible bad practise in the function you have created though is an unused argument a).

Define a new method with only a few changes

I want to write a version that accepts a supplementary argument. The difference with the initial version only resides in a few lines of codes, potentially within loops. A typical example is to user a vector of weight w.
One solution is to completely rewrite a new function
function f(Vector::a)
for x in a
s += x[i]
function f(a::Vector, w::Vector)
for x in a
s += x[i] * w[i]
This solution duplicates code and therefore makes the program harder to maintain.
I could split ... into different helper functions, which are called by both functions, but the resulting code would be hard to follow
Another solution is to write only one function and use a ? : structure for each line that should be changed
function f(a, w::Union(Nothing, Vector) = nothing)
for x in a
s += (w == nothing)? x[i] : x[i] * w[i]
This code requires to check a condition at every step in a loop, which does not sound efficient, compared to the first version.
I'm sure there is a better solution, maybe using macros. What would be a good way to deal with this?
There are lots of ways to do this sort of thing, ranging from optional arguments to custom types to metaprogramming with #eval'ed code generation (this would splice in the changes for each new method as you loop over a list of possibilities).
I think in this case I'd use a combination of the approaches suggested by #ColinTBowers and #GnimucKey.
It's fairly simple to define a custom array type that is all ones:
immutable Ones{N} <: AbstractArray{Int,N}
dims::NTuple{N, Int}
Base.size(O::Ones) = O.dims
Base.getindex(O::Ones, I::Int...) = (checkbounds(O, I...); 1)
I've chosen to use an Int as the element type since it tends to promote well. Now all you need is to be a bit more flexible in your argument list and you're good to go:
function f(a::Vector, w::AbstractVector=Ones(size(a))
This should have a lower overhead than either of the other proposed solutions; getindex should inline nicely as a bounds check and the number 1, there's no type instability, and you don't need to rewrite your algorithm. If you're sure that all your accesses are in-bounds, you could even remove the bounds checking as an additional optimization. Or on a recent 0.4, you could define and use Base.unsafe_getindex(O::Ones, I::Int...) = 1 (that won't quite work on 0.3 since it's not guaranteed to be defined for all AbstractArrays).
In this case, using Optional Arguments may play the trick.
Just make the w argument default to ones().
I've come up against this problem a few times. If you want to avoid the conditional if statement inside the loop, one possibility is to use multiple dispatch over some dummy types. For example:
abstract MyFuncTypes
type FuncWithNoWeight <: MyFuncTypes; end
evaluate(x::Vector, i::Int, ::FuncWithNoWeight) = x[i]
type FuncWithWeight{T} <: MyFuncTypes
evaluate(x::Vector, i::Int, wT::FuncWithWeight) = x[i] * wT.w[i]
function f(a, w::MyFuncTypes=FuncWithNoWeight())
for x in a
s += evaluate(x, i, w)
I extend the evaluate method over FuncWithNoWeight and FuncWithWeight in order to get the appropriate behaviour. I also nest these types within an abstract type MyFuncTypes, which is the second input to f (with default value of FuncWithNoWeight). From here, multiple dispatch and Julia's type system takes care of the rest.
One neat thing about this approach is that if you decide later on you want to add a third type of behaviour inside the loop (not necessarily even weighting, pretty much any type of transformation will be possible), it is as simple as defining a new type, nesting it under MyFuncTypes, and extending the evaluate method to the new type.
UPDATE: As Matt B. has pointed out, the first version of my answer accidentally introduced type instability into the function with my solution. As a general rule I typically find that if Matt posts something it is worth paying close attention (hint, hint, check out his answer). I'm still learning a lot about Julia (and am answering questions on StackOverflow to facilitate that learning). I've updated my answer to remove the type instability pointed out by Matt.

Hybrid handler for dplyr

I'm writing an hybrid handler for dplyr, and I'm wondering two things about the code in dplyr.cpp:
The option na.rm is used as a template and not passed as a parameter to the classes Sd, Var, Sum etc. What's the reason?
What does the line TAG(arg3) == R_NaRmSymbol (line 54) mean?
Although I'm not the author of the code, here's my best guesses at answers to your questions:
The option na.rm is used as a template and not passed as a parameter to the classes Sd, Var, Sum etc. What's the reason?
Likely for run-time efficiency -- dplyr tries to move computation from run-time to compile-time when possible. This is often accomplished through template usage.
What does the line TAG(arg3) == R_NaRmSymbol (line 54) mean?
Nodes in an R pairlist have a TAG attribute, which usually refers to the name of the formal. Hence, dplyr uses that to find the formal with the name na.rm. R caches many of the often-used symbols in src/main/names.c -- you should see NaRmSymbol in there.
So, effectively, the code finds the actual argument value associated with the formal na.rm, and does stuff based on its truthiness.

How to get a function from a symbol without using eval?

I've got a symbol that represents the name of a function to be called:
julia> func_sym = :tanh
I can use that symbol to get the tanh function and call it using:
julia> eval(func_sym)(2)
But I'd rather avoid the 'eval' there as it will be called many times and it's expensive (and func_sym can have several different values depending on context).
IIRC in Ruby you can say something like:
obj.send(func_sym, args)
Is there something similar in Julia?
EDIT: some more details on why I have functions represented by symbols:
I have a type (from a neural network) that includes the activation function, originally I included it as a funcion:
type NeuralLayer
However, I needed to serialize these things to files using JLD, but it's not possible to serialize a Function, so I went with a symbol:
type NeuralLayer
And currently I use the eval approach above to call the activation function. There are collections of NeuralLayers and each can have it's own activation function.
#Isaiah's answer is spot-on; perhaps even more-so after the edit to the original question. To elaborate and make this more specific to your case: I'd change your NeuralLayer type to be parametric:
type NeuralLayer{func_type}
Since func_type doesn't appear in the types of the fields, the constructor will require you to explicitly specify it: layer = NeuralLayer{:excitatory}(w, b). One restriction here is that you cannot modify a type parameter.
Now, func_type could be a symbol (like you're doing now) or it could be a more functionally relevant parameter (or parameters) that tunes your activation function. Then you define your activation functions like this:
# If you define your NeuralLayer with just one parameter:
activation(layer::NeuralLayer{:inhibitory}) = …
activation(layer::NeuralLayer{:excitatory}) = …
# Or if you want to use several physiological parameters instead:
activation{g_K,g_Na,g_l}(layer::NeuralLayer{g_K,g_Na,g_l} = f(g_K, g_Na, g_l)
The key point is that functions and behavior are external to the data. Use type definitions and abstract type hierarchies to define behavior, as is coded in the external functions… but only store data itself in the types. This is dramatically different from Python or other strongly object-oriented paradigms, and it takes some getting used to.
But I'd rather avoid the 'eval' there as it will be called many times and it's expensive (and func_sym can have several different values depending on context).
This sort of dynamic dispatch is possible in Julia, but not recommended. Changing the value of 'func_sym' based on context defeats type inference as well as method specialization and inlining. Instead, the recommended approach is to use multiple dispatch, as detailed in the Methods section of the manual.
