Multiple Project Folders Opened in Adobe-Brackets - adobe-brackets

Is there a way to open multiple project folders in the side bar of Adobe-Brackets? I've tried Googling but haven't found any answer specific to this question. When I try to open a secondary project folder, the side bar will close the current project folder open and replace it with the newly opened one.

I have exactly the same problem. Was trying to google it, but haven't found anything.
So the only way I found to be able to open multiple projects in one window is to make one Folder and than put all project you are working in that Folder. Than you will be able to open different files from different projects in the same window.
Not sure how it will work with really huge projects, but for me (I'm student) this works.

I couldn't manage to open two folders but I just opened another brackets window and used split screen


Rstudio cloud. Download a project

Since Rstudio cloud is no longer free, I'd like to download my projects from it. I found a lot of information how to download files from the projects, but I need to download the projects themselves, because I'd like to keep on working on them and be able to use my previous code. Is there any option to reach this, except copying code from every single project as a text?
Thanks in advance for any help

Moving ASP.NET Website to new computer

I am trying to move my website from one computer to another. What would be the best way to do this? I have already downloaded all the correct programs to be able to run the website, I just want to know the best way to actually move the website folder without having any issues.
If you have the option to use git in both computers. Commit from one and clone from another. But I prefer a portable device and move the whole solution folder. Not sure whether it answered your question. :)
It's as simple as copying the files onto a flash drive and dropping them in the new computer's file path of your choice. From there you open Visual studio, Click Open Project/Solution, and go to the file path and choose the Project/Solution you want to use.

Converted WinForm app can't write-access WindowsApps folder

everybody. Sorry if I ask something trivial. I looked into the previously asked questions, to no avail. If the question was already asked, I beg your excuses, and please point me in the right direction.
I have a number of single form WinForms apps that I'm in the process of converting to appx for the store.
So far so good. No issues with that.
Despite, one of my apps uses the application folder to save some data to a temporary file
Dim sw As New StreamWriter(Application.StartupPath + "\somefile.csv", True)
The .exe program of course works with no issue.
The converted .appx program complains that I have no write permission to the WindowsApps and it subfolders. I quickly solved by taking ownership of the folder and give myself full control over it.
Do I have any chance to prevent the error message to appear on a generic machine, other than trivially changing the source code to point the temporary folder to some other path?
Clearly I don't want the admin to give the user full control over WindowsApps folder.
Writing to the package folder is not allowed. You need to change your code to write to a location that is writeable for the app/user, for example to the AppData folder.
This is documented in the Desktop Bridge preparation guide:
(it's the eighth bullet point)

Get history of all files in a project

I have a helper project where the whole system depend on it, to avoid versioning problems on production server, I need to check that, all source files in the project is no older than 15 days ago, how to do that without viewing the history for each cs file under the project.
Open the Source Control Explorer. Select a folder, right click and start the "View history" command.
You will now see a recursive list of changes.

Is there a way to change the file path for an Rstudio project?

I'm using GIT and I note that if I just move the whole folder (or rename it) in windows, that it breaks all the paths. I then end up in an infinite loop of trying to quit Rstudio and Rstudio unable to find the file path to save (or not save).
Is there a way to move the location of the project folder while keeping it still intact?
Sorry, let me make this clearer.
Start Rstudio and create a version-controlled project (I'm using GIT)
Realize that you put the project in the wrong folder of your computer
Move the project to the new folder by (a) moving the Rstudio and GIT files to another location using windows explorer. (breaking all the links) or (b) start a new project in the 'correct' location. (losing the versions of your edits).
With RStudio closed, I moved the project folder (using Windows Explorer) to a new location. My RStudio project opened fine from there. I made an edit and pushed it to Github.
If you use the here package on Cran you won't have to update any links.
If you use GitHub Desktop, it will detect that the project has been moved and allow you to locate (set) it to a different folder.
