I have a Shiny app that accesses data from a dropbox account. I used the instructions at https://github.com/karthik/rdrop2/blob/master/README.md to be been able to read in csv data with no problem, i.e. using the drop_read_csv command from the rdrop2 package after doing the authentication step.
My next problem however is that there are going to be a lot of gpx track files uploaded to the dropbox that I want the app to be able to read in. I have tried using:
gpx.files<-drop_search('gpx', path="ProjectFolder/gpx_files")
for(i in 1: dim(gpx.files)[1]){
trk.tmp[[i]]<-readOGR(gpx.files$path[i], layer="tracks")
But no luck. At the readOGR step, I get:
Error in ogrInfo(dsn = dsn, layer = layer, encoding = encoding, use_iconv = use_iconv, :
Cannot open data source
Hopefully someone can help.
My problem was I hadn't specified the dropbox path properly. I have used the drop_read_csv code and made a drop_readOGR version:
drop_readOGR<-function(my.file, dest=tempdir()){
localfile = paste0(dest, "/", basename(my.file))
drop_get(my.file, local_file = localfile, overwrite = TRUE)
readOGR(localfile, layer="tracks")
So now I can just use what I was doing before except I have changed the line in the loop to call the new function.
gpx.files<-drop_search('gpx', path="ProjectFolder/gpx_files")
for(i in 1: dim(gpx.files)[1]){
I am trying to find a way of loading shapefiles (.shp) from an online repository/folder/url directly into my global environment in R, for the purpose of making plots in ggplot2 using geom_sf. In the first instance I'm using my Google Drive to store these files but I'd ideally like to find a solution that works with any folder with a valid url and appropriate access rights.
So far I have tried a few options, the first 2 involving zipping the source folder on Google Drive where the shapefiles are stored and then downloading and unzipping in some way. Have included reproducable examples using a small test shapefile:
Using utils::download.file() to retrieve the compressed folder and unzipping using either base::system('unzip..') or zip::unzip() (loosely following this thread: Downloading County Shapefile from ONS):
# Create destination data folder (if there isn't one)
if(!dir.exists('data')) dir.create('data')
# Download the zipped file/folder
download.file("https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BYTCT_VL8EummlAsH1xWCd5rC4bZHDMh/view?usp=sharing", destfile = "data/test_shp.zip")
# Unzip folder using unzip (fails)
unzip(zipfile = "data/test_shp.zip", exdir = "data/test_shp", junkpaths = TRUE)
# Unzip folder using system (also fails)
system("unzip data/test_shp.zip")
If you can't run the above code then FYI the 2 error messages are:
Warning message:
In unzip(zipfile = "data/test_shp.zip", exdir = "data/test_shp", :
error 1 in extracting from zip file
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of data/test_shp.zip or
data/test_shp.zip.zip, and cannot find data/test_shp.zip.ZIP, period.
Worth noting here that I can't even manually unzip this folder outside R so I think there's something going wrong with the download.file() step.
Using the googledrive package:
# Create destination data folder (if there isn't one)
if(!dir.exists('data')) dir.create('data')
# Specify googledrive url:
test_shp = drive_get(as_id("https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BYTCT_VL8EummlAsH1xWCd5rC4bZHDMh/view?usp=sharing"))
# Download zipped folder
drive_download(test_shp, path = "data/test_shp.zip")
# Unzip folder
zip::unzip(zipfile = "data/test_shp.zip", exdir = "data/test_shp", junkpaths = TRUE)
# Load test.shp
test_shp <- read_sf("data/test_shp/test.shp")
And that works!
...Except it's still a hacky workaround, which requires me to zip, download, unzip and then use a separate function (such as sf::read_sf or st_read) to read in the data into my global environment. And, as it's using the googledrive package it's only going to work for files stored in this system (not OneDrive, DropBox and other urls).
I've also tried sf::read_sf, st_read and fastshp::read.shp directly on the folder url but those approaches all fail as one might expect.
So, my question: is there a workflow for reading shapefiles stored online directly into R or should I stop looking? If there is not, but there is a way of expanding my above solution (2) beyond googledrive, I'd appreciate any tips on that too!
Note: I should also add that I have deliberately ignored any option requiring the package rgdal due to its imminient permanent retirement and so am looking for options that are at least somewhat future-proof (I understand all packages drop off the map at some point). Thanks in advance!
I ran into a similar problem recently, having to read in shapefiles directly from Dropbox into R.
As a result, this solution only applies for the case of Dropbox.
The first thing you will need to do is create a refreshable token for Dropbox using rdrop2, given recent changes from Dropbox that limit single token use to 4 hours. You can follow this SO post.
Once you have set up your refreshable token, identify all the files in your spatial data folder on Dropbox using:
shp_files_on_db<- drop_dir("Dropbox path/to your/spatial data/", dtoken = refreshable_token) %>%
filter(str_detect(name, "adm2"))
My 'spatial data' folder contained two sets of shapefiles – adm1 and adm 2. I used the above code to choose only those associated with adm2.
Then create a vector of the names of the shp, csv, shx, dbf, cpg files in the 'spatial data' folder, as follows:
shp_filenames<- shp_files_on_db$name
I choose to read in shapefiles into a temporary directory, avoiding the need to have to store the files on my disk – also useful in a Shiny implementation. I create this temporary directory as follows:
# create a new directory under tempdir
dir.create(dir1 <- file.path(tempdir(), "testdir"))
#If needed later on, you can delete this temporary directory
unlink(dir1, recursive = T)
#And test that it no longer exists
Now download the Dropbox files to this temporary directory:
for (i in 1: length(shp_filenames)){
drop_download(paste0("Dropbox path/to your/spatial data/",shp_filenames[i]),
dtoken = refreshable_token,
local_path = dir1)
And finally, read in your shapefile as follows:
#path to the shapefile in the temporary directory
path1_shp<- paste0(dir1, "/myfile_adm2.shp")
#reading in the shapefile using the sf package - a recommended replacement for rgdal
shp1a <- st_read(path1_shp)
I am using googledrive package from CRAN. But, function - drive_upload lets you upload a local file and not a data frame. Can anybody help with this?
Just save a data_frame in question to a local file. Most basic options would be saving to CSV or saving an RData.
test <- data.frame(a = 1)
tempFileCon <- file()
write.csv(test, file = tempFileCon)
Since clarified it is not possible to use temporary file we could use a file connection.
test <- data.frame(a = 1)
tempFileCon <- file()
write.csv(test, file = tempFileCon)
And now we have the file conneciton in memory that we can use to provide for other functions. Caveat - use literal object name to address it and not quotations like you would with actual files.
Unfortunately I can find no way to push the dataframe up directly, but just to document for others trying to get the basics accomplished that this question touches upon is with the following code that writes a local .csv and then bounces it up through tidyverse::googledrive to express itself as a googlesheet.
write_csv(iris, 'df_iris.csv')
drive_upload('df_iris.csv', type='spreadsheet')
You can achieve this using gs_add_row from googlesheets package. This API accepts dataframes directly as input parameter and uploads data to the specified google sheet. Local files are not required.
From the help section of ?gs_add_row:
"If input is two-dimensional, internally we call gs_add_row once per input row."
This can be done in two ways. Like mentioned by others, a local file can be created and this can be uploaded. It is also possible to create a new spreadsheet in your drive. This spreadsheet will be created in the main folder of your drive. If you want it stored somewhere else, you can move it after creation.
# install the packages
install.packages("googledrive", "googlesheets4")
# load the libraries
## With local storage
# Locally store the file
write.csv(x = iris, file = "iris.csv")
# Upload the file
drive_upload(media = "iris.csv", type='spreadsheet')
## Direct storage
# Create an empty spreadsheet. It is stored as an object with a sheet_id and drive_id
ss <- gs4_create(name = "my_spreadsheet", sheets = "Sheet 1")
# Put the data.frame in the spreadsheet and provide the sheet_id so it can be found
sheet_write(data=iris, ss = ss, sheet ="Sheet 1")
# Move your spreadsheet to the desired location
drive_mv(file = ss, path = "my_creations/awesome location/")
I am trying to use download.file to extract a zip file from a URL and then push all the data in each of the files into a MySQL database. I am getting stuck in the first step where I use download.file to extract the zip file
I have tried the following but to no avail
myURL = paste("https://onedrive.live.com/download.aspx?cid=D700ACC18C0F37E6&resid=D700ACC18C0F37E6%2118670&ithint=%2Ezip",sep = "")
download.file(url=myURL,destfile=zippedFile, method='auto')
myURL = paste("https://onedrive.live.com/download.aspx?cid=D700ACC18C0F37E6&resid=D700ACC18C0F37E6%2118670&ithint=%2Ezip",sep = "")
download.file(url=myURL,destfile=zippedFile, method='curl')
Please suggest where am I going wrong. Also some pointers on how to take one file at a time from the zip folder and push into a DB will be most helpful
What finally worked in AWS is the use of the package downloader
It has features to support https. Hope it will help someone
You can try this:
myURL = paste("https://onedrive.live.com/download.aspx?cid=D700ACC18C0F37E6&resid=D700ACC18C0F37E6%2118670&ithint=%2Ezip",sep = "")
dir = "zippedFile.zip"
download.file(myURL, dir, mode="wb")
destfile -- a character string with the name where the downloaded file
is saved. Tilde-expansion is performed.
I am interested in directly reading (sourcing) R scripts from a multi-user web-based codesharing site. I have not found any sites which store code in a format that is accessible to R (which may very well be due to my ignorance). I have tried a workaround in which I download a GoogleDoc to a .txt and then source it from my local machine, but there seems to be an encoding issue that I don't understand. I have searched for solutions but have not found anything that is current.
(1) Does anyone have specific solutions for how to accomplish a direct source()-like operation from an online code editor (e.g. codeshare.io, kobra.io, etc)? To be clear, I want to be able to read in scripts from shared coding sessions and run them on my local machine in one or two keystrokes. I am not interested in github.
(2) If not, can anyone tell me why the following code snippet fails to source, and what I must do to correct the error?
dl_from_GoogleD <- function(output, key, format) {
bin <- getBinaryURL(paste0("https://docs.google.com/document/d/", key, "/export?format=", format), ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
con <- file(output, open = "wb")
writeBin(bin, con)
message(noquote(paste(output, "read into", getwd())))
dl_from_GoogleD(output = "test.txt", key = "11jYc5uvDOWrHmYRXOJtLsycxvojiW4qIN6aVQsJCYQM", format = "txt")
source("test.txt", echo=T)
Error received:
Error in source("test.txt", echo = T) : test.txt:1:2: unexpected input
1: ï»
I'm running Windows 7 and RStudio.
I'm pretty new to using rgdal so I'm hoping this is something simple that I'm missing, but I've been googling around about it for a few hours and I can't figure out the issue.
Basically I'm trying to make a leaflet map in a shiny app, but I'm getting snarled right at the beginning, trying to load country data like so:
countries <- readOGR("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datasets/geo boundaries-world-110m/master/countries.geojson", "OGRGeoJSON")
but every time I get the following error:
Error in ogrInfo(dsn = dsn, layer = layer, encoding = encoding, use_iconv = use_iconv, :
Cannot open file
I've gone to the address and I see the raw geojson file there, so it's not a missing file. I've also downloaded the file manually into a data folder and then tried to access it with
countries <- readOGR("data/countries.geojson", "OGRGeoJSON")
and I get the same error. Any ideas would be much appreciated.
I'm running R on Windows 7.