Random tree procedure in ANSI-C - what generates SIGSEGV? - pointers

In main.c the tree is declared and initiated, but procedure:
void MakeTree(Tree T, int n)
int i, r;
Node *x, *p;
time_t t;
srand((unsigned) time(&t));
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
Node * new = malloc(sizeof(Node));
new->key = rand() % 100;
x = T.root;
while(x != NULL)
p = x;
r = rand() % 2;
if(r == 0) x = p->left;
else x = p->right;
new->parent = p;
if (T.root == NULL)
T.root = new;
if (r == 0)
p->left = new;
p->right = new;
generates memory violation error in WHILE loop in line below:
else x = p->right;
What have I missed in this assignment?


trying to run a 3axes gantry in sequence mode similar to the sequence of serial data sent

i want to run my 3 axes gantry(stm32) in sequence similar to the sequence of serial data sent from the pc but this is not happening. no data is lost as all the axes perform their task but in wrong sequence.
this is the recieve complete callback loop
`void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
if(r != ',')
Rx[i++] = r;
Home = strrchr(s1, 'H');
StringX = strrchr(s1, 'X');
StringY = strrchr(s1, 'Y');
StringZ = strrchr(s1, 'Z');
StringW = strrchr(s1, 'W');
if(Home[0] == 'H' && Home[1] == 'O' && Home[2] == 'M' && Home[3] == 'E')
homeValue = 1;
if(StringX[0] == 'X')
MoveX= substr(StringX,1,8);
MoveXvalue = (atol(MoveX))/100;
SpeedX = substr(StringX,8,12);
SpeedXvalue = atol(SpeedX);
insertintoQueue_X(MoveXvalue, SpeedXvalue);
insertintoSequenceQueue (1);
if(StringY[0] == 'Y')
MoveY= substr(StringY,1,8);
MoveYvalue = (atol(MoveY))/100;
SpeedY = substr(StringY,8,12);
SpeedYvalue = atol(SpeedY);
insertintoQueue_Y(MoveYvalue, SpeedYvalue);
insertintoSequenceQueue (2);
///goes on for other axes
i = 0;
i tried sequencing these received cmds with below loop(posting only for one axis)
`void insertintoQueue_X (int j, int l)
uint8_t queuefull[] = "XFULL";
if(countXmove == 256 || countXspeed == 256 )
HAL_UART_Transmit_IT (&huart1, queuefull, sizeof (queuefull));
Xmovequeue[countXmove] = j ;
Xspeedqueue[countXspeed] = l;
void removefromQueue_X()
//uint8_t queueEmpty[] = "XEMPTY";
/*if(countXmove == 0 || countXspeed == 0)
HAL_UART_Transmit_IT (&huart2, queueEmpty, sizeof (queueEmpty));
currentXmoveelement = Xmovequeue[0];
currentXspeedelement = Xspeedqueue[0];
for(int i = 0; i < countXmove - 1; i++)
Xmovequeue[i] = Xmovequeue[i+1];
Xspeedqueue[i] = Xspeedqueue[i+1];
while loop is as below
` removefromSequenceQueue();//only called once in while loop
for(int p = 0; p < countXmove ; p++)
if(currentSequence == 1)
if(currentXmoveelement >0)
//uint8_t Xmovvestatus[] = "XMMM";
if(CurrentXposition != currentXmoveelement)
if(CurrentXposition > currentXmoveelement )
currentmoveX = CurrentXposition - currentXmoveelement;
else if(CurrentXposition < currentXmoveelement )
// HAL_UART_Transmit_IT (&huart1, Xmovvestatus, sizeof (Xmovvestatus));
currentmoveX = currentXmoveelement - CurrentXposition ;
CurrentXposition = currentXmoveelement;
currentXmoveelement = 0;
currentmoveX = 0;

Why do I get a StackOverFlow error on the first recursive call?

Below is the code I am referring to, and the first recursive call # checkDirections(grid, i - 1, j) is giving me a StackOverFlow error. I understand that this means the code is not hitting the base case, but I do not understand why.
class Solution {
public int orangesRotting(int[][] grid) {
int rowLength = grid.length;
int colLength = grid[0].length;
int minMinutes = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rowLength; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < colLength; j++) {
if (grid[i][j] == 2) {
checkDirections(grid, i, j);
return minMinutes;
public void checkDirections(int[][] grid, int i, int j) {
if ((i < 0 || i > grid.length || j < 0 || j > grid[0].length) || grid[i][j] == 0) {
} else if (grid[i][j] == 1) {
grid[i][j] = 2;
//check left
checkDirections(grid, i - 1, j);
//check right
checkDirections(grid, i + 1, j);
//check up
checkDirections(grid, i, j - 1);
//check down
checkDirections(grid, i, j + 1);

Building a Huffman Tree in C. The result is always only a tree with the root and its two sons

I've been trying to build a Huffman tree in C with this algorithm.
struct node *temp1, *temp2, *new_node;
while (size != 1) {
temp1 = extractmin(minheap, size);
temp2 = extractmin(minheap, size);
new_node = newnode((temp1->frequency) + (temp2->frequency), '$');
new_node->lson = temp1;
new_node->rson = temp2;
insert(minheap, new_node, size);
struct node * extractmin(struct node * heap[], int N) {
struct node *min = heap[1];
struct node *temp = newnode((heap[N])->frequency, (heap[N])->c);
heap[1] = temp;
N = N - 1;
min_heapify(heap, 1, N);
return min;
void insert(struct node * heap[], struct node * new_node, int N) {
int i, j;
N = N + 1;
i = N;
j = (i / 2);
while ((i > 1) && ((heap[j])->frequency > (new_node)->frequency)) {
heap[i] = heap[j];
i = j;
j = i / 2;
heap[i] = new_node;
The result always seems to be a tree only with its root and its two sons. Trying to access a son of any of its sons always returns NULL and causes Segementation faults. What am I doing that results to that?

How to convert Ximea xiAPI camera data into QImage?

I have data from a camera in mono 8bit.
This is converted into an int vector using
std::vector<int> grayVector(size);
// convert / copy pointer data into vector: 8 bit
if (static_cast<XI_IMG_FORMAT>(format) == XI_MONO8)
quint8* imageIterator = reinterpret_cast<quint8*> (pMemVoid);
for (size_t count = 0; count < size; ++count)
grayVector[count] = static_cast<int>(*imageIterator);
Next, I need to convert this into a QImage. If I set the image format to QImage::Format_Mono the app crashes. With QImage::Format_RGB16 I get strippes, and with QImage::Format_RGB32 everything is black.
I would like to know how to do this the best, efficient and correct way?
// convert gray values into QImage data
QImage image = QImage(static_cast<int>(sizeX), static_cat<int>(sizeY), QImage::Format_RGB16);
for ( int y = 0; y < sizeY; ++y )
int yoffset = sizeY*y;
QRgb *line = reinterpret_cast<QRgb *>(image.scanLine(y)) ;
for ( int x = 0; x < sizeX ; ++x )
int pos = x + yoffset;
int color = grayVector[static_cast<size_t>(pos)];
*line++ = qRgb(color, color, color);
The conversion to int is unnecessary and you do it in a very inefficient way; all you need is to use the QImage::Format_Grayscale8 available since Qt 5.5 (mid-2015).
Anyway, what you really want is a way to go from XI_IMG to QImage. The default BP_UNSAFE buffering policy should be adequate - the QImage will do a format conversion, so taking the data from XiApi's internal buffer is OK. Thus the following - all of the conversions are implemented in Qt and are quite efficient - much better than most any naive code.
I didn't check whether some Xi formats may need a BGR swap. If so, then the swap can be set to true in the format selection code and the rest will happen automatically.
See also: xiAPI manual.
static QVector<QRgb> grayScaleColorTable() {
static QVector<QRgb> table;
if (table.isEmpty()) {
auto *data = table.data();
for (int i = 0; i < table.size(); ++i)
data[i] = qRgb(i, i, i);
return table;
constexpr QImage::Format grayScaleFormat() {
return (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,5,0))
? QImage::Format_Grayscale8
: QImage::Format_Indexed8;
QImage convertToImage(const XI_IMG *src, QImage::Format f) {
Q_ASSERT(src->fmt == XI_MONO16);
Q_ASSERT((src->padding_x % 2) == 0);
if (src->fmt != XI_MONO16) return {};
const quint16 *s = static_cast<const quint16*>(src->bp);
const int s_pad = src->padding_x/2;
if (f == QImage::Format_BGR30 ||
f == QImage::Format_A2BGR30_Premultiplied ||
f == QImage::Format_RGB30 ||
f == QImage::Format_A2RGB30_Premultiplied)
QImage ret{src->width, src->height, f};
Q_ASSERT((ret->bytesPerLine() % 4) == 0);
const int d_pad = ret->bytesPerLine()/4 - ret->width();
quint32 *d = (quint32*)ret.bits();
if (s_pad == d_pad) {
const int N = (src->width + s_pad) * src->height - s_pad;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
quint32 const v = (*s++) >> (16-10);
*d++ = 0xC0000000 | v << 20 | v << 10 | v;
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < src->height; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < src->width; ++i) {
quint32 const v = (*s++) >> (16-10);
*d++ = 0xC0000000u | v << 20 | v << 10 | v;
s += s_pad;
d += d_pad;
return ret;
QImage ret{src->width, src->height, grayScaleFormat()};
const int d_pad = ret->bytesPerLine() - ret->width();
auto *d = ret.bits();
if (s_pad == d_pad) {
const int N = (src->width + s_pad) * src->height - s_pad;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
*d++ = (*s++) >> 8;
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < src->height; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < src->width; ++i)
*d++ = (*s++) >> 8;
s += s_pad;
d += d_pad;
return ret;
QImage fromXiImg(const XI_IMG *src, QImage::Format dstFormat = QImage::Format_ARGB32Premultiplied) {
Q_ASSERT(src->width > 0 && src->height > 0 && src->padding_x >= 0 && src->bp_size > 0);
Q_ASSERT(dstFormat != QImage::Format_Invalid);
bool swap = false;
int srcPixelBytes = 0;
bool externalConvert = false;
QImage::Format srcFormat = QImage::Format_Invalid;
switch (src->fmt) {
case XI_MONO8:
srcPixelBytes = 1;
srcFormat = grayScaleFormat();
case XI_MONO16:
srcPixelBytes = 2;
externalConvert = true;
case XI_RGB24:
srcPixelBytes = 3;
srcFormat = QImage::Format_RGB888;
case XI_RGB32:
srcPixelBytes = 4;
srcFormat = QImage::Format_RGB32;
if (srcFormat == QImage::Format_Invalid && !externalConvert) {
qWarning("Unhandled XI_IMG image format");
return {};
Q_ASSERT(srcPixelBytes > 0 && srcPixelBytes <= 4);
int bytesPerLine = src->width * srcPixelBytes + src->padding_x;
if ((bytesPerLine * src->height - src->padding_x) > src->bp_size) {
qWarning("Inconsistent XI_IMG data");
return {};
QImage ret;
if (!externalConvert)
ret = QImage{static_cast<const uchar*>(src->bp), src->width, src->height,
bytesPerLine, srcFormat};
ret = convertToImage(src, dstFormat);
if (ret.format() == QImage::Format_Indexed8)
if (ret.format() != dstFormat)
ret = std::move(ret).convertToFormat(dstFormat);
if (swap)
ret = std::move(ret).rgbSwapped();
if (!ret.isDetached()) // ensure that we don't share XI_IMG's data buffer
return ret;

Changing method to be completely recursive

void merge(List<E> l, int lower, int upper) {
ArrayList<E> array = new ArrayList<E>();
for (int i = lower; i <= upper; i++)
int front= 0;
int front2= (array.size() + 1) / 2;
for (int i = lower; i <= upper; i++) {
if (front2 >= array.size() ||
(first < ((array.size() + 1) / 2) &&
(array.get(first).compareTo(array.get(second)) <= 0))) {
l.set(i, array.get(front));
}// end if
else {
l.set(i, array.get(front2));
This is my method. I want to change it to be completely recursive(I don't want to use for loops), but I simply don't see how. Is there a way to make this recursive or avoid using loops?
