Snort Rule: Save number to check later - rules

I am trying to implement Snort rule that will check if the specific field of the Query (transaction id,Modbus Protocol) will be the same in Response. If not then alarm.The question is if it is possible to implement and if yes how?


Intended usage of /network-map/ack-parameters: parameters Hash and(?) NodeKey?

The Corda Node can accept the new network parameters update with the /network-map/ack-parameters post request. The Parameters Hash is sent to the network operator with this request.
Therefore, there are 2 questions:
Is it intended that the network operator can know from which Node this acceptance request came? By other word, how the network operator can know which node accepted the new network parameters update?
If I check the Cordite Network Map Service implementation(, the submitted parameter is interpreted as a key for NodeInfo in the NodeInfo storage, instead of being interpreted as Parameters Hash. It looks inconsistent with how the Corda defines the /ack-parameters request parameters. Does Cordite implementation of Network Map Service is adequate on this aspect?
I'll do my best to use my own intuition to answer these as they're quite specific.
Yes it's intended for the network operator to know where the acceptance request comes from as it's part of properly managing the parties on the network. You can actually check this out in the corda source code here to see how the "doorman" handles new node participants:
I don't think cordite needs to be semantically exactly similar to the way that Corda does it. That being said it's certainly adequate.

Apply proxy rules to only one usergroup

I am attempting to apply an ACL ruleset to members of a specific usergroup on a Linux box running Squid that I administer.
I have created the ruleset without much difficulty, but I am having difficulty configuring an authentication scheme that will only apply those rules to a specific subset of users on the system, while leaving the remainder of traffic untouched.
It seems that the auth_param setting is what I am looking for, but I haven't had much luck parsing the documentation.
Ideally, I would like an auth_param setting that sends the username to a shell script, which would check for that user's existence in the relevant group, and then return some value to determine whether or not to apply the rules to them.
The documentation seems to suggest that such a mechanism would be possible, but I haven't been able to find any relevant examples.

DICOM: C-Move without C-Find (Query Retrieve SCU)

In DICOM, following are the classes defined for C-Find and C-Move at Study Root.
Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND: 1.2.840.10008.
Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE: 1.2.840.10008.
I have implemented Query Retrieve SCP and SCU in multiple applications. In all those cases, I always implemented both the classes. I do C-Find first to get the list of matching data. Then based on result, I do (automatically or manually) C-Move to get the instances. All those implementations are working fine.
Recently, I am working on one application that combines DICOM with other private protocol to fulfill some specific requirements. It just stuck to my mind if it is possible to directly do C-Move without doing C-Find as SCU?
I already know the identifier (StudyInstanceUID) to retrieve and I also know that it does present on SCP.
I looked into specifications but could not found anything conclusive. I am aware that C-Find and C-Move could be issued by SCU to SCP on different connections/associations. So in first glance, what I am thinking looks possible and legal.
I worked with many third party DICOM applications; none of them implements SCU the way I am thinking. All SCUs implement C-Find AND C-Move both.
Is it DICOM legal and practical to implement Query Retrieve SCU C-Move command without C-Find command? Please point me to the reference in specifications if possible.
Short answer: Yes this is perfectly legal per DICOM specification.
Long answer: Let's consider the DCMTK reference DICOM Q/R implementation. It provides a set of basic SCU command line tools, namely findscu and movescu. The idea is to pipe the output of findscu to movescu to construct a valid C-MOVE (SCU) request.
In your requirement you are simply replacing the findscu step with a private implementation that does not rely on the publicly defined C-FIND (SCU) protocol but by another mechanism (extension to DICOM).
So yes your C-MOVE (SCU) implementation is perfectly valid, since there is no requirement to provide C-FIND (SCU) during this query.
I understand you are not trying to backup an entire database using C-MOVE (SCU), that was just a possible scenario where someone would be trying to use C-MOVE (SCU) without first querying with a valid C-FIND (SCU) result.

Determining the set of message destinations at runtime in BizTalk application

I’m a complete newbie at BizTalk and I need to create a BizTalk 2006 application which broadcasts messages in a specific way. I’m not asking for a complete solution, but for advise and guidelines, which capabilities of BizTalk I should use.
There’s a message source, for simplicity, say, a directory where the user adds files to publish them. There are several subscribers, each having a directory to receive published files. The number of subscribers can vary in the course of exploitation of the program. There are also some rules which determine if a particular subscriber needs to receive a particular file, based on the filename. For example, each subscriber has a pattern or mask of filename which files they receives must match. Those rules (for example, patterns) can change in time as well.
I don’t know how to do this. Create a set of send ports at runtime, each for each destination? Is it possible? Use one port changing its binding? Would it work correctly with concurrent sendings? Are there other ways?
I realized my question may be to obscure and general to prefer one answer over another to accept. So I just upvoted them.
You could look at using dynamic send ports to achieve this - if your subscribers are truly dynamic. This introduces a bit of complexity since you'll need to use an orchestration to configure the send port's properties based on your rules.
If you can, try and remove the complexity. If you know that you don't need to be truly dynamic when adding subscribers (i.e. a subscriber and it's rules can be configured one time only) and you have a manageable number of subscribers then I would suggest configuring each subscriber using it's own send port and use a filter to create subscriptions based on message context properties. The beauty of this approach is that you don't need to create and deploy an orchestration and this becomes a highly performant and scalable solution.
If the changes to the destination are going to be frequent, you are right in seeking a more dynamic solution. One nice solution is using dynamic send ports and the Business Rules Engine. You create rule set for the messages you are receving. This could be based on a destination property or customer ID in the message. Using these facts, the rules engine can return a bunch of information like file mask, server name, ip address of deleiver server, etc. You can thenuse this information to configure the dynamic send in the orchestration. The real nice thing here is that you can update the rule set in the rules engine without redeploying the whole solution. As a newb, these are some advanced concepts, but not as diificult as you may think.
For a simpler solution, you might want to look at setting the FILE Send adapters properties via it's Propery Schema (ie. File name, Directory, etc.). You could pull these values from a database with a helper class inside an expresison shape. On each message ogig out, use the property shcema to set where the message will be sent and named. This way, you just update the database as things change.
Good Luck!

Spring-Flex BlazeDs Multi-User + Global Chat Messaging

I'm working on an application that allows users to send internal message to one-another.
I'll tell you what the current setup is and please help me figure out how to make it work or perhaps suggest another angle to take. We're using BlazeDS with Spring.
User A listens for messages on
message topic Chat.A
User B listens for messages on message topic Chat.B
Both users listen for global messages (system-wide messages) on topic Chat.System
So we have a multi-topic consumer for the personal message topic and one for the global message topic.
So a couple of questions I have:
Is it better to do it as two
distinct consumers (that share the
same handler function) or as one,
multi-topic consumer?
How do I check that the client A is actually the one listening to Chat.A and not just some one else that knows how to write BlazeDS clients? We have Spring Security in place, but how can I listen for subscription requests and block them if their user name (pulled from security context) doesn't match the sub-topic that they requested?
I've also read about selectors. Well, that looked promising, but again, how do I check that when a consumer uses selector="for == A || for == System that the consumer belongs to a client that has authenticated as that "for" user.
How do selectors compare/contrast to sub-topics? What's the best situation for each of them?
A selector is basically an expression you can use to filter which messages will be dispatched through your consumer. According to the docs, it uses SQL 92 conditional expression syntax:
A subtopic is sort of a special case of a selector, filtering out messages whose "DSSubtopic" header don't match the provided value.
The important thing to understand with both of these is that the client determines which messages are sent to it, and as such it cannot be relied upon entirely for security.
To implement secure server-based filtering of messages based on an authenticated user's identity, see my answer to a related question here:
Flex Messaging Security
As far as multiple Consumers vs. MultiTopicConsumer, not sure there. They're both going to use the same underlying ChannelSet, so it ought not to have a big performance difference. I think it's mostly a question of whether it's convenient to have one event handler that responds to all messages from the MultiTopicConsumer or whether it's easier to have separate event handlers for each Consumer.
I usually use subtopics for this. But if you do it that way make sure that you disable subscriptions to wildcard subtopics.
