I have a TableView that I want to auto complete it's cells when in editing mode. Here is the code:
public static <T > void setEditableColumn(TableColumn<T, String> ){
TextFieldTableCell textCell = new TextFieldTableCell();
I will use ControlsFX to do the autocompletion. My question is how can I access the TextField in textCell
I want to create a JavaFX fxml based dialog, where the user can enter a bunch of integer and double values. I created the dialog in SceneBuilder using for each of the values a dedicated TextField.
Intentionally I am not using Binding between the TextFields and the model. In order to NOT add a ChangeListener or set a TextFormatter to each of these TextFields in the controller again and again, I created a dedicated IntegerTextField and DoubleTextField class, e.g.
public class IntegerTextField extends TextField {
protected static Pattern decimalPattern = Pattern.compile("^-?\\d+$"); // Double ("-?\\d*(\\.\\d{0,1})?");
public IntegerTextField() {
setTextFormatter(new TextFormatter<>(c -> (decimalPattern.matcher(c.getControlNewText()).matches()) ? c : null ));
public int getInt() {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(getText());
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return 0;
and in the Controller class I replaced the previous
#FXML private TextField setsTextField;
#FXML private IntegerTextField setsTextField;
When I got the
javafx.fxml.LoadException:...Can not set util.IntegerTextField field ctrl.ExerciseEditorCtrl.setsTextField to javafx.scene.control.TextField
I realized that this implicit downcasting doesn't work.
Is there a way to do this properly with fxml or is it neccessary to have the dialog setup in a java class when using IntegerTextField?
I have a TableView named as "customers" with TableColumns related to customer details.
In the same TableView, I want to add one more TableColum as "Action" in which User should have possibilities to Add,View and delete Product details for particular Customer.
Tried multiple things by googling it but till now didn't get any solution for it.
Just add a TableColumn with a custom cellFactory. BTW: You probably want to use a single column/row for the Buttons, in which case you can simply use HBox or VBox, but you could of course replace the layout in the following code:
TableColumn<Product, Void> buttonColumn = new TableColumn<>("Action");
buttonColumn.setCellFactory(col -> new TableCell<Product, Void>() {
private final VBox container;
Button add = new Button("Add");
Button view = new Button("View");
Button delete = new Button("Delete");
delete.setOnAction(evt -> {
// delete this row item from TableView items
view.setOnAction(evt -> {
// call some method with the row item as parameter
container = new VBox(5, add, view, delete);
public void updateItem(Void item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
setGraphic(empty ? null : container);
I have the following controller that is instantiated many times on my gui. The reason is beacause it has a tableview that gets filled with different kind of data. Looks like this
class Controller {
TableView<Map<String, String> myTable;
private Manager manager;
//Each TableView has different ammount of columns with different names that get dynamically added to the table view using this function
public void setUpColumns(List<TableColumn<Map<String, String>, String>> columns){
private addContextMenuToColumnHeaders(){
for (TableColumn<Map<String, String>, ?> tc : myTable.getColumns()){
ContextMenu addToGraphContextMenu = createAddToGraphContextMenu(tc);
private ContextMenu createAddToGraphContextMenu(TableColumn<Map<String, String> String> tc){
for (MangerHandledObject mHO : manager.getHandledObjects()){
MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem(mHO.getName());
menuItem.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>(){
public void handle(ActionEvent event){
//I want each menu item to have access to the column that is added to get the name of the column. Even after dynamically adding new menuItems
The manager handled objects are not static. So the are added and deleted from the list that the manager keeps. I tried this
and before showing it will always check for the list from the manager and re-make the context menu items. But the problems is that when this executes I don't have access to the columns anymore. Is there any way to bypass this? Should I implement my own context menu to have a field of the column Name?
It worked. But I had to add at least one dummy MenuItem on my context menu in order for it to appear.
I have a choicebox and textfield next to that choicebox in a JavaFX application. I want grey textbox in the textfield to tell the user what to input. However, I want the prompt text to change according to what is selected in the choicebox.
I looked online and found code on how to have a textfield with prompt text but I couldn't get the prompt text to change with a changeListener on the choicebox.
I tried
textfield = new Textfield(newPrompt);
with the textfield already previously declared with a different prompt text. This did not work. How do I achieve the effect of having changing prompt text based on the users selection in the choicebox?
Instead of reassigning the textfield variable to a new TextField object (via textfield = new TextField(newPrompt);), use the TextField's setPromptText(String s) method in your ChangeListener:
final ChoiceBox<String> box = ...; //choicebox created and filled
box.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<String>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends String> observable, String oldValue, String newValue) {
textfield.setPromptText("New Prompt Text!");
I'm trying to set a variable value when a MenuItem i chosen in a MenuButton object.
I've tried to search for this but I've came up empty handed.
Here's the code to set the MenuItems:
private ObservableList<MenuItem> templateMenuItems = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
#FXML private MenuButton menu = new MenuButton();
protected void getTemplates() throws IOException {
CaspReturn tls = this.socket.runCmd(new Tls(""));
String tlsList = tls.getResponse();
String[] tlsListSplitt = tlsList.split("\\n");
for (int i = 0; i < tlsListSplitt.length; i++) {
String[] tlsLine = tlsListSplitt[i].split("\"");
this.templateMenuItems.add(new MenuItem(tlsLine[1]));
I'm not sure how to write the code to get the text from a menuItem or which field in scenebuilder the method should be in.
It's not clear what your asking, but I'll assume that you want to know the text of a menu item when it is clicked. To do that, you need to add an event handler onto the menu item. The following is clipped from the JavaDoc for ContextMenu:
MenuItem item1 = new MenuItem("About");
item1.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent e) {
You can get the event source, cast in to MenuItem and then get the text from that.
There's a real problem with your code the way it's written, though. You have calls to an external database in getTemplates, and as it's implemented as an #FXML element that almost guarantees that it'll be run on the FXAT, which is really, really bad.
I'd refactor that so that the database access is in a Task, and then the MenuItem creation is a handler for the onSucceeded event of the Task. Then you need instantiate a ContextMenu and install the MenuItem's on it in that event handler.
The getTemplates() method should be called as the onAction event for the button.