wp-admin redirects to another page after automatic wordpress upgrade - wordpress

Whenever I try to log into my wordpress site using mysite.com/wp-admin it redirects me to mysite.com/auto-login and giving a 404 error. It is happening with mysite.com/wp-login.php page as well. After go through my email i came to know that worpdress was upgraded automatically to 4.4.6. That means the problem started after the upgrade. Before that I could log into the site using wp-admin or login.php page without any problem.
Let me tell you what I did so far to solve it.
Edited the .htaccess file with the default code from wordpress.org site. Problem remained.
After that I deleted the file and uploaded a new one.
Did both through cpanel, but all in vain.
Update: I disabled my plugins one by one and found a faulty one. wp-admin or wp-login.php is now taking me to login page. But now the problem is it keeps redirecting to this same login page every time I enter my user name and password.

(Posted on behalf of the OP).
I have solved it. Let me tell you how.
I disabled my theme by renaming the folder.
I had no other theme in my directory so I uploaded twentysixteen theme.
I tried to login and It gave me a wrong password error which was weird because I did not change anything.
So I went through my phpMyAdmin and found that my password was changed I don't know how. Anyway I changed that and came back to login.
And voila! WordPress let me in!
Then I changed the theme to my previous real one and everything is OK now.


How to fix wp-admin not coming in the url issue in wordpress?

I am working on wordpress website https://www.iskconujjain.com suddenly some issues are coming although I have not done any major change in the website.
wp-admin are not coming in any admin url.
I am trying to change the Permalinks setting but it is not saving.
All pages are redirecting to home page although in the url having another page path.
for solve this problem you must regenerate permalink-
For solve it go to Settings > Permalink and save it.
Let me know.

Wordpress site - too many redirects when selecting link

I have looked at similar questions but still receive the redirect error.When landing on a homepage URL the site resolves and displays for example http://www.test.co.uk . When selecting any link ie. http://www.test.co.uk/products the browser throws a "Too many redirects" error and the site become unusable. The only way I can get it back up is by clearing cookies and cache and trying again. What I find really confusing is that copying the http://www.test.co.uk/products link or manually typing the URL in resolves the URL correctly and I don't get "too many redirects" error. It only happens when I select a link.
I have tried the following:
Renamed the "plugins" directory to "plugins1" to disable the plugins
Reverted to the default wordpress ".htaccess" file
Ensure the site settings URLS matched in wp-admin area
SSL is enabled on the site but not configured to be used anywhere, all links (that I'm aware of reference http://)
Checked any redirects on the hosting via CPANEL (none exist)
Added these to the wp-config file
define ('WP_HOME','http://www.test.co.uk');
I'm not sure whats changed in the last couple of days but we think a plugin got updated. Would disabling the plugins prove that its nothing to do with plugins?I'm new to WordPress so apologies if I got some terms wrong.
Any suggestions I could try looking at would be helpful.
try to set Home url and site url to http://www.test.co.uk from your WP admin panel

One page won't show on wordpress after moving from live to localhost

I moved my website from live to localhost to make some modifications to it and I have encountered a problem, one page will not show up: "Oops! That page can’t be found.".
I have tried the following
1. activated rewrite_module
2. deactivated each plugin to see if anyone is causing the problem
3. recopied the database and files in case of failure during the first transfer
4. read that resetting permalinks might solve the problem. Changed permalinks to default - the page now works, but when I changed back to custom the problem is still there.
This is weird because only one page does not seem to show, every other page works fine and also there is no problem on the live version.
I ran out of solutions can any one please help?
This may be caused by the permalink or .htaccess
check the url of your page if no issues on URL then
Follow this steps once:
Go to settings-> permalink-> set it as default ->Reload or refresh
Then again now Go to settings-> permalink->postname
Your .htaccess will get update with the permalink.
This could be a problem with htaccess. When using the query string urls in wordpress, no htaccess is required, but for anything else Wordpress uses mod_rewrite.
Is htaccess turned on your localhost Apache server? In httpd.conf, AllowOverride All should be turned on in your active directory.
Is Wordpress able to create new files? Insufficient permissions might prevent it from creating the htaccess file.
Finally, check that your links are pointing to the right place. Sometimes the problem is as simple as a misspelling in your link ;) Good luck.

wordpress login.php redirects to weird places after site was hacked

I am trying to de-hack my wordpress blog, and get it working again. I managed to get the homepage (without a theme). When I try to login into the site (to get my admin access), I see that it redirects to a new url that has nothing to do with my site.
so for example I manage to get to the login page directly:
but when I put my username and password and press the login button I am redirected to:
which doesn't exist (obviously)
I am working on wordpress 4.0.10, and try to understand what has happened and how to fix it. eventually, I might reinstall and hope that the database will be fine - but still. try to find what's going on.

Varnish and WordPress stuck at wp-login.php

I am trying to fix some stuff with some website and came across a big issue which I am really stuck on now and can't move on.
The problem is like this after I do enter right username + password and hit on login at mydomain.com/wp-admin/ it will redirect me to mydomain.com/wp-login.php with a blank page. I have been trying for hours now and came with no solution.
I tried
this VarnishAndWordpress
to disable all plugins
to enable some redirect plugins
this wordpress-wp-admin-redirecting-to-wp-login-php-when-logged-in
to add new users delete users
and I tried to replace wp-admin and wp-includes with a fresh copy.
unfortunately all didn't work. And though if after I do login I change the URL to mydomain.com/wp-admin/ it will take me to the dashboard but I really need the redirect to work :(
Thanks in advance
It turns out to be a Theme problem. changing the theme fixed the problem.
