Unrecognized attribute ‘targetframework’ when debugging in Visual Studio - asp.net

Although there are several questions and answers about the "Unrecognized attribute ‘targetframework’" error, the other questions mainly have to do with errors deploying to a server, and so the answers show IIS 7 settings that need changing. In my case, I was getting the "Unrecognized attribute ‘targetframework’" error when trying to debug in Visual Studio.
I manually modified my web.config file to upgrade it to 4.0, as described in this MSDN article. That included adding the targetFramework attribute to my compilation tag, like this:
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0">
I did this because I wanted to use an assembly that targeted the 4.0 framework. But then when I tried to debug the site, I received the "Unrecognized attribute ‘targetframework’" error. As I mentioned, the solutions that I found all talked about changing the application pool in IIS 7, but I was just trying to run the site in the Visual Studio debugger. I tried looking at the Properties for the Solution, but didn't find anything about the framework.

I had the same problem....
I cloned a solution from MS Source safe, open the solution in VS 2015.
Tried to register the dot.net framework 4.0.... nothing worked....
The solution for me:
go to project settings-->Web change the IIS express port http://localhost:59563/ to something like http://localhost:59569 or check the Override application root URL

It took me a lot longer than it should have, but eventually I found the other Properties dialog I was looking for. It wasn't in the Solution Properties, but was in the site "Property Pages", in the Build section.
To open the Property Pages dialog, you can do any of these:
go to View > Property Pages, or
go to Debug > [My Site] Properties... (last item in Debug menu), or
Right-click on the Web Site in the Solution Explorer (2nd item in Solution Explorer, under the solution itself) and choose Property Pages
Then in the dialog that pops up, click the Build section on the left. The right side will then contain a drop down box for "Target Framework". When you change it to 4.0, Visual Studio will warn you that the project will be reloaded. After that, it will debug properly.

I encountered this issue when I used the Visual Studio interfaces to change the .NET version but then reverted the changed files. To resolve, I closed Visual Studio and deleted the .vs folder from the project. Visual Studio rebuilds this with the appropriate information when the project is rebuilt.


How do you allow parent paths in Visual Studio 2013?

I am converting a classic ASP site to a Visual Studio 2013 MVC project. When I run the classic ASP code inside of the Visual Studio 2013 debugger I get an error message:
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0131'
Disallowed Parent Path
The question is: how can I enable parent paths in the VS2013 debugger?
FYI - This is not IISExpress and enabling parent paths is different.
I discovered the answer myself. Here is how I did it.
I opened Task Manager and saw that Visual Studio was running
processes of IISExpress for the web server functionality.
I clicked on Start and entered IISExpress to find out where it was installed. To my surprise, but an obvious choice, it was located in documents.
I opened the C:\Users\Mike\Documents\IISExpress\config folder then
opened Notepad as an administrator.
I then opened the applicationhost.config file and under the <system.webServer> element there is an <asp> element. I modified it to read. <asp scriptErrorSentToBrowser="true" enableParentPaths="true">
I then opened by MVC solution and ran the Classic ASP program without any
problems. Everything works!
I have Visual Studio 2015 and I had to do something else.
Right-click on the IIS Express icon in your tray while the application is running, and select Show All Applications.
Click on the application you want to manage. You'll see the location of the IIS Express server config file in the details section below.
Edit it as administrator and add enableParentPaths="true" to the asp XML element (under system.webServer), as in the Mike G's answer.
For me, the config file was located in SolutionDir\.vs\config\applicationhost.config.

Is there any solution to Visual Studio 2013 not correctly generating .designer files for ASPX pages?

We have been encountering more and more frequently the Visual Studio error of being unable to generate the designer file in a web project. This problem has been occurring for a few months now, in several of our ASP.NET projects.
The errors occur when saving a file or when building the project, and are variations of errors like this:
Generation of the designer file for [filename] failed: Error HRESULT
E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
Generation of the designer file for [filename] failed: Unspecified
error (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004005 (E_FAIL))
Generation of the designer file for [filename] failed: An entry with
the same key already exists.
Generation of the designer file for [filename] failed: Value cannot
be null.
Sometimes, additional error messages are displayed for valid, previously-working code/markup; errors such as:
The name 'Eval' does not exist in the current context
This is with Visual Studio 2013 (Premium), with "Web Application Projects" type projects using the .NET 4.5 framework. Some of the projects were originally created in Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Studio 2012, but one of the projects was a new project created in Visual Studio 2013.
We have a few Visual Studio extensions installed, such as "Web Essentials 2013", but I have tried disabling all the installed Visual Studio extensions and the same designer file errors still occur. We do not have Resharper or CodeRush installed. We are also using a third-party components package (DevExpress) for ASP.NET. We are using IIS Express for the local development web server.
All available updates (including Update 1 for Visual Studio 2013) have been installed for Visual Studio, the operating system (Windows 8.1), .NET, Visual Studio extensions, and DevExpress.
I have searched StackOverflow and the web for this issue, and have found some suggestions but no solutions, and I have also seen that the issue has been reported to Microsoft several times, dating back some years.
Many indications are that the problem with generating designer files is caused by some invalid syntax (in an ASPX file), or multiple elements with the same ID in the same scope, or collisions in namespace or class names, etc. I have searched through our projects as best as I can for issues like this, but haven't found any.
I found the Redesigner project on Sourceforge (thanks very much to the author), and I tried using that to verify the designer files, but unfortunately it can't handle the DevExpress components (it reports that DevExpress elements are using invalid child tags when the tags are valid and correct for DevExpress).
I have also tried clearing the Visual Studio development cache on my workstation (that is, deleting everything from the folders "\Temp\IISExpress", "\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files", and "\Microsoft\WebsiteCache" folders in the %localappdata% folder, rebooting and restarting Visual Studio.
I also found a website that explained how to turn on additional logging for Visual Studio to help with tracking down designer file generation issues. For Visual Studio 2013, this requires adding a key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\WebApplicationProjects\Debug and then adding values under that key for "Enabled" (set to 1), "LogFieldGeneratorFailures" (set to 1), and "LogFile" (set to a path and filename that you have permission to write to).
When I added this key, Visual Studio 2013 did write to the debug log file, but it only included error messages similar to the error messages above plus a small stack trace plus the entire content of the ASPX file for which the designer file could not be generated (with no apparent indication of where in the ASPX page there might be an error or invalid syntax).
I think I have tried essentially all suggested approaches in this topic:
How do you force Visual Studio to regenerate the .designer files for aspx/ascx files?
None of these have worked for me. The "Convert to Web Application" option for the ASPX file is not available for me in Visual Studio 2013 in these projects.
Does anyone have any suggestions for potential causes or fixes for this desinger file issue or for any other troubleshooting approaches?
The latest that we have discovered with this issue is that it's related to the Source Control option in Visual Studio to "Get everything when a solution or project is opened".
Having this option UNCHECKED seems to have resolved the problems for our team so far (for the past few days).
There is also this issue posted at Microsoft Connect: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/760443/visual-studio-2012-ide-loses-intellisense-and-reference-resolution
The comments at the link above suggest that the bug is caused by asynchronous retrieval of files from source control or the asynchronous solution load when Visual Studio is opened. The choices suggested for fixing the problem are to either turn off the asynchronous solution load or to disable the "get everything on open" option.
There are also suggestions that deleting the .suo (Solution User Options) file in the project directory resolves the problem, but this seems to be only temporary.
The only solution that I've found to work is to delete the Visual Studio cache # C:\Users\<>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio and then running Visual Studio with the /resetuserdata switch. It's a horrible solution that deletes all of your local settings, and resets Visual Studio.
(You can try exporting and importing your settings before and after the surgery.)
(Delete the 2013 cache)
(Fixing the error in 2010, which is slightly different)http://rathodkrunal.blogspot.com/2011/11/visual-studio-2010-error-hresult-efail.html
It's also an open item on connect, if you want to bug MS into fixing it.
Ran into a very similar issue assisting a colleague. The project had been converted from 2010 to 2013 and was working for most developers. To "resolve" this, we had him close the solution, then delete all of the source control files at the solution level, (vsssc). Once reopening the solution, all was fine.
I've had this issue constantly in different dev environments for the last while. I managed to solve it in one case without using the cache clearing technique by launching component services->DCOM Config. When I did this I was prompted to register a missing key. (didn't quite catch it but something related to EventManagement). Clicked OK and lauched visual studio...hey presto...back in business. Hopefully this advice might catch a few cases out there.

In Visual Studio 2010, how do I rebuild my site in "release mode"? I can't find "release mode"

I'm getting this error, vb / .net4, although the website is working fine, at the bottom of the page:
YAF Compiled in DEBUG MODE.
Recompile in RELEASE MODE to remove this information:
I opened up Visual Studio 2010 right-clicked my solution, looked under the "build" tab, but I cannot find anything about release mode. Could somebody please tell me where I can find this and build my site in release mode? Thanks!
I'm experiencing the same issue with VS 2010 and VS 2011 beta. I suspect a third party tool or plugin may be the culprit and am in the process of looking into this.
For now, just change the compilation switch in the Web.Config to false:
<compilation debug="false">
I have fixed my VS 2010 issue by uninstalling Telerik JustTrace. I was still experiencing the same issue with VS 2011 beta (on a separate VM to VS 2010) though. So, I tried using a Web Application Project instead of a Website Project and the problem went away.
This is normal for website projects as each page is compiled dynamically:
Why can't you build a website in release mode?
Make sure you have the "Standard" toolbar visible and you should see something like this:
Change the "Debug" to "Release" and rebuild your solution.
I have it right in my toolbar.
But you can also change it by using the menu Build => Configuration Manager. Select Release from the Configuration drop down next to your project.

breakpoints in code behind not hit

common problem I guess, but no solution has worked so far:
my breakpoints (asp.net 2.0) get hit nicely in "backend" assemblies but not
in the code behind.
i can even see the
<% Response.CacheControl="no-cache"; %> line being hit in my asp.net master file
but still not the code behind.
I'm using VS 2005, windows 7 32 bit.
Any idea what else could I check?
If your code file is newer than the compiled version that is being run against (on the web server, whether it be IIS or the dev server), breakpoints will not be hit (the red circles will be hollow).
Try doing a clean / rebuild and see if that works.
I just noticed something in your last comment; you said you are attaching to the asp.net process. To which process are you attaching? It should be w3wp.exe.
My problem ended up being that I'd created a new configuration for the project, but that none of the debug properties on the project were set for it. So this is what I had to do:
Right click the web project and select Properties.
Go to the Build tab.
Click Advanced.
In the dialog, ensure that in the Output section, Debug Info is NOT set to none.
I'm guess there is a problem in loading the symbols for the page, and hence the breakpoint is not hitting,
try this
1 - While debugging in Visual Studio, click on Debug > Windows > Modules. The IDE will dock a Modules window, showing all the modules that have been loaded for your project.
2 - Look for your project's DLL, and check the Symbol Status for it.
3 - If it says Symbols Loaded, then you're golden. If it says something like Cannot find or open the PDB file, right-click on your module, select Load Symbols, and browse to the path of your PDB.
4 - I've found that it's sometimes necessary to
stop the debugger
close the IDE
close the hosting application
nuke the obj and bin folders
restart the IDE
rebuild the project
go through the Modules window again
Once you browse to the location of your PDB file, the Symbol Status should change to Symbols Loaded, and you should now be able to set and catch a breakpoint at your line in code.
hope it helps !
Answer source
Ugh. In my case I had mapped the right folder in IIS, but the application was set on IIS Express.
So the correct assemblies where loaded when I went to the URL, but the application was attached to a IIS Express version that never got any hits.
In my case I updated my repo from Git and the Project changed from Local IIS to IIS Express (Project > Properties > Web tab). This somehow messed up my configuration and I was not able to debug.
My problem was fixed by setting it to "Startup Project"
Solution Explorer -> Right Click on the project -> Set as StartUp Project
Menu bar -> PROJECT or WEBSITE -> Set as StartUp Project
Just to help others who come across this question, I too had this issue where none of my breakpoints where being hit.
It turned out that the project was originally created in Visual Studio 2015. I have 2008, 2010, 2015, 2017, 2019 installed. I accidentally opened it in 2017 and then this issue occurred. Opened it back up in 2015 and back to normal.

Is There a Visual Studio 2005 ASP.NET debug and release build

Is there a "debug" and "release" build in VS 2005? If so, how do I switch between the two?
Are you working on an ASP.NET web site project?
If so, Visual Studio delegates the build step to the ASP.NET runtime, and the ASP.NET runtime picks up debug versus release in the web.config .
I have a post on the topic that will help: Debug and Release Builds in ASP.NET 2.0
Note that a couple things have changed since that time. Namely, MSFT released two add-ins for VS 2005 - one to add real web application projects that have debug and release settings (for the code-behind and loose c# files), and they also released web deployment projects, which can use the asp.net command line compiler. Web App projects became a part of VS2005 in SP1, too.
Use the Configuration Manager. Right-click on your solution in the Solution Explorer, select "Configuration Manager...", and change the active solution configuration.
You can change your project's behavior when in debug or release mode. Bring up your project properties pane, select the appropriate configuration from the dropdowns at top, and change the settings as appropriate. Notice that some changes are made by default for you. For instance, release builds by default are set to optimize code, and debug builds are not.
In the ASP.NET web.config file there is a debug="true" attribute. The first time you run the web application Visual Studio will ask you if you want to turn on debugging, selecting yes will cause Visual Studio to edit the config file for you.
Just remember to make sure you change that back to false for your release builds. For more info click here.
The quick way is to right click on the toolbars and turn on the standard toobar. Then you can quickly change between build targets by choosing the one you want from the solutions configuration drop down.
If you want to change what those configurations do, then follow what Michael Petrotta said in his answer.
