How can I resolve an exponential function for x in R? - r

I want to analyse a logarithmic growth curve in more detail. Especially I would like to kow the time point when the slope becomes >0 (which is the starting point of growth after a lag phase).
Therefore I fitted a logarithmic function to my growth data with the grofit package of R. I got values for the three parameters (lambda, mu, maximal assymptote).
Now I thought, I could use the first derivative of the logarithmic growth function to put mu=0 (the slope of any time point during growth) and this way solve the equation for the time (x). I'm not sure if this is possible, since the mu=0 will be correct for a longer timespan at the beginning of the curve (and no unique timepoint). But maybe I could approximate to that point by putting mu=0.01. This should be more specific.
Anyway I used the Deriv package to find the first derivative of my logarithmic function:
Deriv(a/(1+exp(((4*b)/a)*(c-x)+2)), "x")
where a=assymptote, b=maximal slope, c=lambda.
As a result I got:
{.e2 <- exp(2 + 4 * (b * (c - x)/a))
4 * (.e2 * b/(.e2 + 1)^2)}
Or in normal writing:
Now I would like to solve this function for x with f'(x)=0.01. Can anyone tell me, how best to do it?
Also, do you have comments on my way of thinking or the R functions I used?
Thank you.

Using a root solving function is more appropriate than using an optimization function.
I'll give an example with two packages.
It would also be a good idea to plot the function for a range of values.
Like this:
You can see that using the base R function uniroot will present problems since it needs function values at the endpoints of the interval to be of opposite sign.
Using package nleqslv like this
[1] 0.003388598
[1] 8.293101e-10
[1] 1
[1] "Function criterion near zero"
<more info> ......
Using function fsolve from package pracma
[1] 0.003388585
[1] 3.136539e-10
The solutions given by both packages are very close to each other.

Might not be the best approach but you can use the optim function to find the solution. Check the code below, I am basically trying to find the value of x which minimizes abs(f(x) - 0.01)
There starting seed value for x may be important, the optim function might not converge for some seeds.
fn <- function(x){
a <- 1
b<- 1
c <- 1
return( abs((4*exp(2+((4*b*(c-x))/a))*b)/ ((exp(2+((4*b*(c-x))/a))+1)^2) - 0.01) )
x <- optim(10,fn)

Thank you very much for your efforts. Unfortunately, none of the above solutions worked for me :-(
I figured the problem out the old fashioned way (pencil + paper + mathematics book).
Have a good day


MLE using nlminb in R - understand/debug certain errors

This is my first question here, so I will try to make it as well written as possible. Please be overbearing should I make a silly mistake.
Briefly, I am trying to do a maximum likelihood estimation where I need to estimate 5 parameters. The general form of the problem I want to solve is as follows: A weighted average of three copulas, each with one parameter to be estimated, where the weights are nonnegative and sum to 1 and also need to be estimated.
There are packages in R for doing MLE on single copulas or on a weighted average of copulas with fixed weights. However, to the best of my knowledge, no packages exist to directly solve the problem I outlined above. Therefore I am trying to code the problem myself. There is one particular type of error I am having trouble tracing to its source. Below I have tried to give a minimal reproducible example where only one parameter needs to be estimated.
x <- rCopula(100, claytonCopula(250))
# Copula density
clayton_density <- function(x, theta){
dCopula(x, claytonCopula(theta))
# Negative log-likelihood function
nll.clayton <- function(theta){
theta_trans <- -1 + exp(theta) # admissible theta values for Clayton copula
nll <- -sum(log(clayton_density(x, theta_trans)))
# Initial guess for optimization
guess <- function(x){
init <- rep(NA, 1)
tau.n <- cor(x[,1], x[,2], method = "kendall")
# Guess using method of moments
itau <- iTau(claytonCopula(), tau = tau.n)
# In case itau is negative, we need a conditional statement
# Use log because it is (almost) inverse of theta transformation above
if (itau <= 0) {
init[1] <- log(0.1) # Ensures positive initial guess
else {
init[1] <- log(itau)
estimate <- nlminb(guess(x), nll.clayton)
(parameter <- -1 + exp(estimate$par)) # Retrieve estimated parameter
fitCopula(claytonCopula(), x) # Compare with fitCopula function
This works great when simulating data with small values of the copula parameter, and gives almost exactly the same answer as fitCopula() every time.
For large values of the copula parameter, such as 250, the following error shows up when I run the line with nlminb():"Error in .local(u, copula, log, ...) : parameter is NA
Called from: .local(u, copula, log, ...)
Error during wrapup: unimplemented type (29) in 'eval'"
When I run fitCopula(), the optimization is finished, but this message pops up: "Warning message:
In dlogcdtheta(copula, u) :
dlogcdtheta() returned NaN in column(s) 1 for this explicit copula; falling back to numeric derivative for those columns"
I have been able to find out using debug() that somewhere in the optimization process of nlminb, the parameter of interest is assigned the value NaN, which then yields this error when dCopula() is called. However, I do not know at which iteration it happens, and what nlminb() is doing when it happens. I suspect that perhaps at some iteration, the objective function is evaluated at Inf/-Inf, but I do not know what nlminb() does next. Also, something similar seems to happen with fitCopula(), but the optimization is still carried out to the end, only with the abovementioned warning.
I would really appreciate any help in understanding what is going on, how I might debug it myself and/or how I can deal with the problem. As might be evident from the question, I do not have a strong background in coding. Thank you so much in advance to anyone that takes the time to consider this problem.
When I run dCopula(x, claytonCopula(-1+exp(guess(x)))) or equivalently clayton_density(x, -1+exp(guess(x))), it becomes apparent that the density evaluates to 0 at several datapoints. Unfortunately, creating pseudobservations by using x <- pobs(x) does not solve the problem, which can be see by repeating dCopula(x, claytonCopula(-1+exp(guess(x)))). The result is that when applying the logarithm function, we get several -Inf evaluations, which of course implies that the whole negative log-likelihood function evaluates to Inf, as can be seen by running nll.clayton(guess(x)). Hence, in addition to the above queries, any tips on handling log(0) when doing MLE numerically is welcome and appreciated.
Second update
Editing the second line in nll.clayton as follows seems to work okay:
nll <- -sum(log(clayton_density(x, theta_trans) + 1e-8))
However, I do not know if this is a "good" way to circumvent the problem, in the sense that it does not introduce potential for large errors (though it would surprise me if it did).

How do I get R to calculate a negative IRR scenario?

I have been doing stochastic cash flow modeling. In some of these scenarios, IRR is negative (cash flows out exceed cash flows in over time). R seems to hate this. I get a uniroot error. I have used the FinCal package irr function, and I even tried to write my own uniroot IRR formula. It's important that any formula solves for both positive and negative IRR scenarios.
Any suggestions or ideas? Is there an R package that handles this, or a simple uniroot formula?
Thank you!
i ended up writing my own code (based upon irr from FinCal) where errors are ignored. I also changed the range to incorporate negative numbers when uniroot is looking for a solution. FYI - errors happen because a value is out of range or because there could be two solutions. Use irr4 to solve.
irr3<-function (cf)
{ n <- length(cf)
subcf <- cf[2:n]
uniroot(function(r) -1 * pv.uneven(r, subcf) + cf[1], lower = -.2, upper = .2, tol = .000001)$root}
irr4<-function (x) {
out<-tryCatch(irr3(x),error= function(e) NULL)

Finding x-value at intersection between a linear and nonlinear equation in R

I have two functions: one for a line (y) and another for a curve (hnc). I would like to determine the one x-value at which the two functions intersect
sigma = 0.075
mu = 0
hnc <- function(x) (1/(sigma*sqrt(2*pi)))*(exp(-(x^2)/(2*(sigma^2))))
y <- function(x) 2*pi*x+(pi*r^2/((360/theta)/H))
I have tried using the nleqslv package, but this results in two separate x-values that do not agree (perhaps because I am using it incorrectly)
int <- function(x){
z <- numeric(2)
z[1] <- (1/(sigma*sqrt(2*pi)))*(exp(-(x[1]^2)/(2*(sigma^2))))
z[2] <- 2*pi*x[2]+(pi*r^2/((360/theta)/H))
Any help would be much appreciated!
Using optimize here to find the minimum of a function if a single variable seems to work well
xx <- optimize(function(x) abs(hnc(x)-y(x)), c(.10,.20))$minimum
abline(v=xx, lty=2)
You are not using nleqslv in the correct way. It is meant for solving a system of non linear equations with as many variables as there are equations.
You have two functions and you want to determine the intersection which in your case consists of a single value for x.
You need to define a new function like this
g <- function(x) hnc(x) - y(x)
Then you can use uniroot to find a zero of g(x) like this:
The root found will be 0.1417802 which corresponds with the graph in the first answer.
Minimizing won't always work to find a point of intersection; if there is no point of intersection you will get misleading results.

numerical integration of a tricky function

The prob package numerically evaluates characteristic functions for base R distributions. For almost all distributions there are existing formulas. For a few cases, though, no closed-form solution is known. Case in point: the Weibull distribution (but see below).
For the Weibull characteristic function I essentially compute two integrals and put them together:
fr <- function(x) cos(t * x) * dweibull(x, shape, scale)
fi <- function(x) sin(t * x) * dweibull(x, shape, scale)
Rp <- integrate(fr, lower = 0, upper = Inf)$value
Ip <- integrate(fi, lower = 0, upper = Inf)$value
Rp + (0+1i) * Ip
Yes, it's clumsy, but it works surprisingly well! ...ahem, most of the time. A user reported recently that the following breaks:
cfweibull(56, shape = 0.5, scale = 1)
Error in integrate(fr, lower = 0, upper = Inf) :
the integral is probably divergent
Now, we know that the integral isn't divergent, so it must be a numerical problem. With some fiddling I could get the following to work:
fr <- function(x) cos(56 * x) * dweibull(x, 0.5, 1)
integrate(fr, lower = 0.00001, upper = Inf, subdivisions=1e7)$value
[1] 0.08024055
That's OK, but it isn't quite right, plus it takes a fair bit of fiddling which doesn't scale well. I've been investigating this for a better solution. I found a recently published "closed-form" for the characteristic function with scale > 1 (see here), but it involves Wright's generalized confluent hypergeometric function which isn't implemented in R (yet). I looked into the archives for integrate alternatives, and there's a ton of stuff out there which doesn't seem very well organized.
As part of that searching it occurred to me to translate the region of integration to a finite interval via the inverse tangent, and voila! Check it out:
cfweibull3 <- function (t, shape, scale = 1){
if (shape <= 0 || scale <= 0)
stop("shape and scale must be positive")
fr <- function(x) cos(t * tan(x)) * dweibull(tan(x), shape, scale)/(cos(x))^2
fi <- function(x) sin(t * tan(x)) * dweibull(tan(x), shape, scale)/(cos(x))^2
Rp <- integrate(fr, lower = 0, upper = pi/2, stop.on.error = FALSE)$value
Ip <- integrate(fi, lower = 0, upper = pi/2, stop.on.error = FALSE)$value
Rp + (0+1i) * Ip
> cfweibull3(56, shape=0.5, scale = 1)
[1] 0.08297194+0.07528834i
Can you do better than this?
Is there something about numerical integration routines that people who are expert about such things could shed some light on what's happening here? I have a sneaking suspicion that for large t the cosine fluctuates rapidly which causes problems...?
Are there existing R routines/packages which are better suited for this type of problem, and could somebody point me to a well-placed position (on the mountain) to start the climb?
Yes, it is bad practice to use t as a function argument.
I calculated the exact answer for shape > 1 using the published result with Maple, and the brute-force-integrate-by-the-definition-with-R kicked Maple's ass. That is, I get the same answer (up to numerical precision) in a small fraction of a second and an even smaller fraction of the price.
I was going to write down the exact integrals I'm looking for but it seems this particular site doesn't support MathJAX so I'll give links instead. I'm looking to numerically evaluate the characteristic function of the Weibull distribution for reasonable inputs t (whatever that means). The value is a complex number but we can split it into its real and imaginary parts and that's what I was calling Rp and Ip above.
One final comment: Wikipedia has a formula listed (an infinite series) for the Weibull c.f. and that formula matches the one proved in the paper I referenced above, however, that series has only been proved to hold for shape > 1. The case 0 < shape < 1 is still an open problem; see the paper for details.
You may be interested to look at this paper, which discuss different integration methods for highly oscillating integrals -- that's what you are essentially trying to compute:
Also, another possible advice, is that instead of infinite limit you may want to specify a smaller one, because if you specify the precision that you want, then based on the cdf of the weibull you can easily estimate how much of the tail you can truncate. And if you have a fixed limit, then you can specify exactly (or almost) the number of subdivisions (e.g. in order to have a few(4-8) points per period).
I had the same problem than Jay - not with the Weibull distribution but with the integrate function. I found my answer to Jay's question 3 in a comment to this question:
Divergent Integral in R is solvable in Wolfram
The R package pracma contains several functions for solving integrals numerically. In the package, one finds some R functions for integrating certain mathematical functions. And there is a more general function integral. That helped in my case. Example code is given below.
To questions 2: The first answer to the linked question (above) states that not the complete error message of the C source file is printed out by R (The function may just converge too slowly). Therefore, I would agree with Jay that the fast fluctuation of the cosine may be a problem. In my case and in the example below it was the problem.
Example Code
# load Practical Numerical Math Functions package
# define function
testfun <- function(r) cos(r*10^6)*exp(-r)
# Integrate it numerically with the basic 'integrate'.
out1 = integarte(testfun, 0, 100)
# "Error in integrate(testfun, 0, 100) : the integral is probably divergent"
# Integrate it numerically with 'integral' from 'pracma' package
# using 'Gauss-Kronrod' method and 10^-8 as relative tolerance. I
# did not try the other ones.
out2 = integral(testfun, 0, 100, method = 'Kronrod', reltol = 1e-8)
Two remarks
The integral function does not break as the integrate function does but it may take quite a long time to run. I do not know (and I did not try) whether the user can limit the number of iterations (?).
Even if the integral function finalises without errors I am not sure how correct the result is. Numerically integrating a function which is fast fluctuating around zero seems to be quite tricky since one does not know where exactly values on the fluctuating function are calculated (twice as much positive than negative values; positive values close to local maxima and negative values far off). I am not on expert on numeric integration but I just got to know some basic fixed-step integration methods in my numerics lectures. So maybe the adaptive methods used in integral deal with this problem in some way.
I'm attempting to answer questions 1 & 3. That being said I am not contributing any original code. I did a google search and hopefully this is helpful. Good luck!
Source: (p.6)
## sampling from a Weibull distribution with parameters shape=2.1 and scale=1.1
#Weibull population with known paramters shape=2 e scale=1
x.teo<-rweibull(n=200,shape=2, scale=1) ## theorical quantiles from a
qqplot(x.teo,x.wei,main="QQ-plot distr. Weibull") ## QQ-plot
abline(0,1) ## a 45-degree reference line is plotted
Is this of any use?
Muraleedharana et al (2007) Modified Weibull distribution for maximum and significant wave height simulation and prediction, Coastal Engineering, Volume 54, Issue 8, August 2007, Pages 630–638
From the abstract: "The characteristic function of the Weibull distribution is derived."

Is there an R library that estimates a multivariate natural cubic spline (or similar) function?

note: originally posted on Cross Validated (stats SE) on 07-26-2011, with no correct answers to date.
I have a model, f, where Y=f(X)
X is an n x m matrix of samples from m parameters and Y is the n x 1 vector of model outputs.
f is computationally intensive, so I would like to approximate f using a multivariate cubic spline through (X,Y) points, so that I can evaluate Y at a larger number of points.
Is there an R function that will calculate an arbitrary relationship between X and Y?
Specifically, I am looking for a multivariate version of the splinefun function, which generates a spline function for the univariate case.
e.g. this is how splinefun works for the univariate case
x <- 1:100
y <- runif(100)
foo <- splinefun(x,y, method = "monoH.FC")
foo(x) #returns y, as example
The test that the function interpolates exactly through the points is successful:
all(y == foo(1:100))
What I have tried
I have reviewed the mda package, and it seems that the following should work:
x <- data.frame(a = 1:100, b = 1:100/2, c = 1:100*2)
y <- runif(100)
foo <- mars(x,y)
predict(foo, x) #all the same value
however the function does not interpolate exactly through the design points:
all(y == predict(foo,x))
I also could not find a way to implement a cubic-spline in either the gam, marss, or earth packages.
Actually several packages can do it. The one I use is the "rms" package which has rcs, but the survival package also has pspline and the splines package has the ns function {}. "Natural splines" (constructed with ns) are also cubic splines. You will need to form multivariate fitting function with the '*' operator in the multivariate formula creating "crossed" spline terms.
that the example you offered was not sufficiently rich.
I guess I am confused that you want exact fits. R is a statistical package. Approximate estimation is the goal. Generally exact fits are more of a problem because they lead to multicollinearity.
Have a look at the DiceKriging package which was developed to undertake tasks like this.
I've provided an example application at
I'm not sure if this is precisely what you are looking for, but you could try Tps() in the R package fields. It's meant for doing thin-plate splines interpolations (2D equivalent of cubic splines) for spatial data, but will take up to four covariates, although it will expect them to be euclidean x,y,z + time, so you need to be clear that you are selecting the correct options for your particular case. If you want to interpolate, set the smoothing parameter lambda to zero. You might also try the function polymars() in the R package polspline.
