Arithmetic on summarized dataframe from dplyr in R - r

I have a large dataset I use dplyr() summarize to generate some means.
Occasionally, I would like to perform arithmetic on that output.
For example, I would like to get the mean of means from the output below, say "m.biomass".
I've tried this mean(data.sum[,7]) and this mean(as.list(data.sum[,7])). Is there a quick and easy way to achieve this?
data.sum <-structure(list(scenario = c("future", "future", "future", "future"
), state = c("fl", "ga", "ok", "va"), m.soc = c(4090.31654013689,
3654.45350562628, 2564.33199749487, 4193.83388887064), m.npp = c(1032.244475,
821.319385, 753.401315, 636.885535), sd.soc = c(56.0344229400332,
97.8553643582118, 68.2248389927858, 79.0739969429246), sd.npp = c(34.9421782033153,
27.6443555578531, 26.0728757486901, 24.0375040705595), m.biomass = c(5322.76631158111,
3936.79457763176, 3591.0902359206, 2888.25308402464), sd.m.biomass = c(3026.59250918009,
2799.40317348016, 2515.10516340438, 2273.45510178843), max.biomass = c(9592.9303,
8105.109, 7272.4896, 6439.2259), time = c("1980-1999", "1980-1999",
"1980-1999", "1980-1999")), .Names = c("scenario", "state", "m.soc",
"m.npp", "sd.soc", "sd.npp", "m.biomass", "sd.m.biomass", "max.biomass",
"time"), class = c("grouped_df", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
), row.names = c(NA, -4), vars = list(quote(scenario)), labels = structure(list(
scenario = "future"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
-1), vars = list(quote(scenario)), drop = TRUE, .Names = "scenario"), indices = list(0:3))

We can use [[ to extract the column as a vector; as mean only works on a vector or a matrix -- not on a data.frame. If the OP wanted to do this on a single column, use this:
#[1] 3934.726
If there was only the data.frame class, the data.sum[,7] would be extracting it as a vector, but the tbl_df prevents it to collapse it to vector
For multiple columns, the dplyr also has specialised functions
data.sum %>%
summarise_each(funs(mean), 3:7)


use dplyr to get list items from dataframe in R

I have a dataframe being returned from Microsoft365R:
SKA_student <- structure(list(name = "Computing SKA 2021-22.xlsx", size = 22266L,
lastModifiedBy =
structure(list(user =
structure(list(email = "",
id = "8ae50289-d7af-4779-91dc-e4638421f422",
displayName = "Name, My"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -1L))),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -1L)),
fileSystemInfo = structure(list(
createdDateTime = "2021-09-08T16:03:38Z",
lastModifiedDateTime = "2021-09-16T00:09:04Z"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,-1L))), row.names = c(NA, -1L), class = "data.frame")
I can return all the lastModifiedBy data through:
SKA_student %>% select(lastModifiedBy) lastModifiedBy.user.displayName
1 8ae50289-d7af-4779-91dc-e4638421f422 Name, My
But if I want a specific item in the lastModifiedBy list, it doesn't work, e.g.:
SKA_student %>% select(
Error: Can't subset columns that don't exist.
x Column `` doesn't exist.
I can get this working through base, but would really like a dplyr answer
This function allows you to flatten all the list columns (I found this ages ago on SO but can't find the original post for credit)
SO_flat_cols <- function(data) {
ListCols <- sapply(data, is.list)
cbind(data[!ListCols], t(apply(data[ListCols], 1, unlist)))
Then you can select as you like.
SO_flat_cols (SKA_student) %>%
Alternatively you can get to the end by recursively pulling the lists
SKA_student %>%
pull(lastModifiedBy) %>%
pull(user) %>%
You could use
SKA_student %>%
unnest_wider(lastModifiedBy) %>%
This returns
# A tibble: 1 x 1

execute different functions considering output in r

Let's say I have 2 different functions to apply. For example, these functions are max and min . After applying bunch of functions I am getting outputs below. I want to assign a function to each output.
Here is my data and its structure.
data<-structure(list(Apr = structure(list(`a1` = structure(list(
date = c("04-01-2036", "04-02-2036", "04-03-2036"), value = c(0,
3.13, 20.64)), .Names = c("date", "value"), row.names = 92:94, class = "data.frame"),
`a2` = structure(list(date = c("04-01-2037", "04-02-2037",
"04-03-2037"), value = c(5.32, 82.47, 15.56)), .Names = c("date",
"value"), row.names = 457:459, class = "data.frame")), .Names = c("a1",
"a2")), Dec = structure(list(`d1` = structure(list(
date = c("12-01-2039", "12-02-2039", "12-03-2039"), value = c(3,
0, 11)), .Names = c("date", "value"), row.names = 1431:1433, class = "data.frame"),
`d2` = structure(list(date = c("12-01-2064", "12-02-2064",
"12-03-2064"), value = c(0, 5, 0)), .Names = c("date", "value"
), row.names = 10563:10565, class = "data.frame")), .Names = c("d1",
"d2"))), .Names = c("Apr", "Dec"))
I applied these functions:
lapply(y, function(x)(x[!(names(x) %in% c("date"))]))
q1<-lapply(data, drop)
q2<-lapply(q1, function(x) unlist(x,recursive = FALSE))
daily_max<-lapply(q2, function(x) lapply(x, max))
dailymax <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(daily_max), nrow=length(daily_max), byrow=TRUE))
max_value <- apply(dailymax, 1, which.max)
And I'm getting
Apr Dec
2 1
And I am applying any random function to both Apr[2] and Dec[1] like:
Map(function(x, y) sum(x[[y]]), q2, max_value)
So, the function will be executed considering the outputs (to Apr's second element which is a1, Dec's first element which is a2.) As you can see, there are outputs as numbers 1 and 2.
What I want
What I want is assigning specific functions to 1 and 2. If output is 1 then max function; if it is 2, min function will be executed. In conclusion, max function will be applied to Apr[2] and min function will be applied to Dec[1].
I will get this:
[1] 5.32
[1] 5
How can I achieve this automatically for all my functions?
You can take help of switch here to apply a function based on number in max_value.
apply_function <- function(x, num) switch(num, `1` = max, `2` = min)(x)
Map(function(x, y) apply_function(x[[y]], y), q2, max_value)
#[1] 5.32
#[1] 11
Map returns a list if you want a vector output use mapply.

How to select one value of a data.frame within a list column with R?

I have a data.frame that contains a type column. The list contains a 1x3 data.frame. I only want one value from this list. Thus will flatten my data.frame so I can write out a csv.
How do I select one item from the nested data.frame (see the 2nd column)?
Here's the nested col. I'd provide the data but cannot flatten to write_csv.
result of dput:
structure(list(id = c("1386707", "1386700", "1386462", "1386340",
"1386246", "1386300"), fields.created = c("2020-05-07T02:09:27.000-0700",
"2020-05-07T01:20:11.000-0700", "2020-05-06T21:38:14.000-0700",
"2020-05-06T07:19:44.000-0700", "2020-05-06T06:11:43.000-0700",
"2020-05-06T02:26:44.000-0700"), fields.customfield_10303 = c(NA,
NA, 3, 3, NA, NA), fields.customfield_28100 = list(NULL, structure(list(
self = ".../rest/api/2/customFieldOption/76412",
value = "New Feature", id = "76412"), .Names = c("self",
"value", "id"), class = "data.frame", row.names = 1L), structure(list(
self = ".../rest/api/2/customFieldOption/76414",
value = "Technical Debt", id = "76414"), .Names = c("self",
"value", "id"), class = "data.frame", row.names = 1L), NULL,
structure(list(self = ".../rest/api/2/customFieldOption/76411",
value = "Maintenance", id = "76411"), .Names = c("self",
"value", "id"), class = "data.frame", row.names = 1L), structure(list(
self = ".../rest/api/2/customFieldOption/76412",
value = "New Feature", id = "76412"), .Names = c("self",
"value", "id"), class = "data.frame", row.names = 1L))), row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = "data.frame", .Names = c("id", "fields.created",
"fields.customfield_10303", "fields.customfield_28100"))
I found a way to do this.
First, instead of changing the data, I added a column with mutate. Then, directly selected the same column from all nested lists. Then, I converted the list column into a vector. Finally, I cleaned it up by removing the other columns.
It seems to work. I don't know yet how it will handle multiple rows within the nested df.
dat <- sample_dat %>%
mutate(cats = sapply(nested_col, `[[`, 2)) %>%
mutate(categories = sapply(cats, toString)) %>%
select(-nested_col, -cats)
How to directly select the same column from all nested lists within a list?
r-convert list column into character vector where lists are characters
df <- tibble(Group=c("A","A","B","C","D","D"),
nested <- df %>%
unnested <- nested %>%
Nesting and unnesting data with tidyr
nested %>%
mutate(data=map(data,~select(.x,2))) %>%
select with purrr, but lapply as you've done is fine, it's just for aesthetics ;)

Automatically split function output (list) into component data.frames

I have a functions which yields 2 dataframes. As functions can only return one object, I combined these dataframes as a list. However, I need to work with both dataframes separately. Is there a way to automatically split the list into the component dataframes, or to write the function in a way that both objects are returned separately?
The function:
fun.docmerge <- function(x, y, z, crit, typ, doc = checkmerge) {
mergedat <- paste(deparse(substitute(x)), "+",
deparse(substitute(y)), "=", z)
countdat <- nrow(x)
check_t1 <- data.frame(mergedat, countdat)
z1 <- join(x, y, by = crit, type = typ)
countdat <- nrow(z1)
check_t2 <- data.frame(mergedat, countdat)
doc <- rbind(doc, check_t1, check_t2)
This is the call to the function, saving the result list to the new object results.
results <- fun.docmerge(x = df1, y = df2, z = "df3", crit = c("id"), typ = "left")
In the following sample data to replicate the problem:
df1 <- structure(list(id = c("XXX1", "XXX2", "XXX3",
"XXX4"), tr.isincode = c("ISIN1", "ISIN2",
"ISIN3", "ISIN4")), .Names = c("id", "isin"
), row.names = c(NA, 4L), class = "data.frame")
df2 <- structure(list(id= c("XXX1", "XXX5"), wrong= c(1L,
1L)), .Names = c("id", "wrong"), row.names = 1:2, class = "data.frame")
checkmerge <- structure(list(mergedat = structure(integer(0), .Label = character(0), class = "factor"),
countdat = numeric(0)), .Names = c("mergedat", "countdat"
), row.names = integer(0), class = "data.frame")
In the example, a list with the dataframes df3 and checkmerge are returned. I would need both dataframes separately. I know that I could do it via manual assignment (e.g., checkmerge <- results$checkmerge) but I want to eliminate manual changes as much as possible and am therefore looking for an automated way.

How to insert double quotes to a string vector that is being passed to a paste function?

I have a loop of data.frames and I wish to convert them into long format. I have certain strings stored in a vector that I intend to pass them as id.vars for the melt() statement.
Here are the four data.frames, reproduced
df1<-structure(list(Year = 2012L, Area = "South", TopSumOfCount = 780L), .Names = c("Year",
"Area", "TopSumOfCount"), row.names = c(NA, -1L), class = "data.frame")
df2<-structure(list(Year = 2012L, Category = "Condiments", TopSumOfCount = 780L), .Names = c("Year",
"Category", "TopSumOfCount"), row.names = c(NA, -1L), class = "data.frame")
df3<-structure(list(Year = 2012L, Area = "South", TopSumOfCount = 780L), .Names = c("Year",
"Area", "TopSumOfCount"), row.names = c(NA, -1L), class = "data.frame")
df4<-structure(list(Year = 2012L, Category = "Condiments", TopSumOfCount = 780L), .Names = c("Year",
"Category", "TopSumOfCount"), row.names = c(NA, -1L), class = "data.frame")
To present it in a long format, I needed to use a melt() and I encountered the need for using a combination function.The id.vars to be used is stored in a vector and I wish to keep it that way!
So, I used this dQuote to try insert a double quote after splitting the string "Year,Area", with an attempt to get a string like "c(\"Year\",\"Area\")"
ParticipantsForMelt<-c("Year,Area", "Year,Category", "Year,Area", "Year,Category")
for(i in 1:length(AllDF_Names){
The problem in the above code is I'm getting the double quotes in an unusual position : (notice the double quotes before c(...) in the result)
df1_long<-melt(df1,id.vars=“c(\"Year\", \"Area\")”)
Desired output :
df1_long<-melt(df1,id.vars=c(\"Year\", \"Area\"))
An way of doing this is writing a little function and then apply gsub:
addDoubleQuotes <- function(...)as.character([-1]
b=addDoubleQuotes(c("Year,Area", "Year,Category", "Year,Area", "Year,Category"))
> b
[1] "c(\"Year,Area\", \"Year,Category\", \"Year,Area\", \"Year,Category\")"
> gsub(",", '", "',b)
[1] "c(\"Year\", \"Area\"\", \" \"Year\", \"Category\"\", \" \"Year\", \"Area\"\", \" \"Year\", \"Category\")"
