define object within image html5 - css

I have a bootstrap colum:
<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-12">
<img src="sample.jpg" style="height:100vh;width:100%;" />
and a sample picture:
My question is: Is there anyway I could define these two squares on a image as an objects? The problem I am facing is, I have a picture with some elements which would need to be defined as an objects... And I am trying to figure out what would be the best way to do it, if it is possible at all? Is there any software, which can help you with this? Some image to html generator or somethin? Eternal glory to the person who can present me solution! I would appreciate your reply.

Perhaps all you want to do is an image map?
Or, maybe, you want to position other elements over an image (see: example below)?
Or, you should use background image?
Perhaps your use–case could be not oversimplified and we'd be able to provide better solution for your exact need.
You need to be aware of different users and environments, especially if you plan to use this idea for navigation.
.rectangles {
border: solid red 1px;
position: relative;
.rectangles img {
outline: dashed blue 1px;
width: 100%;
.rectangle {
position: absolute;
outline: dashed red 1px;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
.rectangle:hover {
background: red;
.rectangle.first {
left: 24.2%;
top: 14.4%;
width: 30.9%;
height: 20.2%;
.rectangle.second {
left: 24.9%;
top: 52.7%;
width: 29.9%;
height: 22.1%;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div class="container">
<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-12 rectangles">
<img src="" alt="Image with rectangles">
<a class="rectangle first" href="#">First rectangle</a>
<div class="rectangle second">Second rectangle</div>

Although I am not completely sure what you are asking, I think what you are asking for is if you can turn the image into a clickable object. The answer to that is yes. It is actually very simple because all you need is two different images (one for each square) surrounded by <a> tags. Here is the code:
function register1() {
document.getElementById('box').value = "Box 1 Clicked";
function register2() {
document.getElementById('box').value = "Box 2 Clicked";
div.2 {
<div class="1">
<a onClick="register1()">
<img src="" width="200px" height="200px">
<div class="2">
<a onClick="register2()">
<img src="" width="200px" height="200px">
<input type="text" id="box" value="Click A Box">
There you go, you have two boxes that are images and can run a function when clicked.


I am trying to wrap my text around my images by floating the images to the left and right but nothing is happening

I am still learning and trying to get my text to wrap around two images, one left and one right, but nothing seems to be changing. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong! :( Any suggestions are very appreciated!
Here is what it looks like.
.skill-row {
display: inline-block;
width: 50%;
margin: 100px auto 100px auto;
text-align: left;
line-height: 2;
.layout-pic {
width: 25%;
float: left;
margin-right: 30px;
.phones-pic {
width: 25%;
float: right;
<div class="skills">
<h2>My Skills.</h2>
<div class="skill-row">
<img class="circular" "layout-pic" src="images/layout.png" alt="website-layout-pic">
<h3>Create Your Vision</h3>
<p>I create using a complementary focus on color palettes, typography, and quality content. All of these elements help to bring your vision to life and really make it SHINE.</p>
<div class="skill-row">
<img class="circular" "phones-pic" src="images/seo.jpg" alt="phone-screens">
<h3>Fine Tune Your Vision</h3>
<p>As a developer, I know how to fine tune your website to give your audience the best functionality and visual appeal across devices.</p>
Multi classes should be wrapped in one string like :
<img class="one two three"/> ✔
and not like <img class="one" "two" "three"/> this is wrong

select second active slide in slickslider through css-selector

I am using slick slider and showing 3 slides, I would like to add specific styling on the center slide. by using nth-of-type but it seems to fail when I add .slick-active:nth-of-type(2) any ideas?
for example:
<div class="slickslider">
<div class="slick-slide"></div>
<div class="slick-slide"></div>
<div class="slick-slide"></div>
<div class="slick-slide slick-current slick-active"></div>
<div class="slick-slide slick-active"></div>
<div class="slick-slide slick-active"></div>
<div class="slick-slide"></div>
<div class="slick-slide"></div>
background: blue;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
margin-bottom: 1px;
background: green;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background: pink;
You can do it this way by playing process of elimination:
.slickslider .slick-active + .slick-active:nth-child(odd){
background: pink !important;
See demo
Basically, eliminate the first one with the + and next, eliminate the last one by choosing the odd child. Or first child would've worked too
If you think there will be more than 3 active slides in the future and you want to make this more dependable, I suggest you wrap the active slides in a <span> and class it active-slides or something similar. Then. you will be able to select through them with nth-child without using .slickslider as a parent.
Is a stupid solution, but works:
background: pink;

Using CSS to position text after an image

I've trying to do something that I'm sure is simple, but I can't do it.
All I want to do is have an image and then some text after that image, and be able to control accurately the amount of space between the image and the text.
Here's my code:
<div class="wrap"><div style="width:189px;""position:relative;float:left;top:5px;">
<img src="30000000_1.jpg" style="position:absolute" width="189">
In my style sheet, wrap has these attributes:
.wrap {
/*text-align: left;*/
width: 1100px;
height: 870px;
background-color: white;
color: black;
padding: 10px;
margin: auto;
I want my text to look like this directly below the image:
Currently, I just add loads of break tags to control where I have the text, but that's messy and there must be a better way.
Thanks in advance for any help.
<div class="wrap">
<div style="width:189px;position:relative;float:left;top:5px;">
<img src="30000000_1.jpg" style="position:absolute" width="189" />
<br clear="all" />
<div id="bottomText">
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
.wrap {
/*text-align: left;*/
width: 1100px;
height: 870px;
background-color: white;
color: black;
padding: 10px;
margin: auto;
margin-top: 10px;
Change margin-top: 10px to the desired distance.
Change bottomText to a class rather than an id, if you plan on having more than one.
(Note: I removed your "" from the second div because I'm not sure why that was there.
Check this solution jsfiddle. Personally I will not use inline style, because it becomes more messy. I have used <ul> for the text. This can give you better control over the position of the text.
Just use an Unordered List for the text since it is a list. ul are "block level elements" so they will self-clear. And definitely use an external stylesheet vs. inline styles. External is much cleaner and easier to work with and make changes to. Example:
<div class="wrap">
<img src="30000000_1.jpg">
.wrap {
/*text-align: left;*/
width: 1100px;
height: 870px;
background-color: yellow;
color: black;
padding: 10px;
margin: auto;
ul { list-style-type:none; }
li { padding:5px 0; }
I can't get it to work. Probably because you guys can't see the other code I have going on. But maybe I was approaching the problem in the wrong way.
Here's my code before I started fiddling with css positioning:
<div class="imgleft">
<span style="font-weight: bolder;font-size: 12px;"></br><br><br></br>
<font color="green"> User69 </font> <img src="online01.gif" alt="" border="0" style="float:center"><br>
<script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>
<script language="JavaScript">document.write(geoip_region_name());</script></span>
The problem is, the images have a set width, but vary in height, so sometimes I'll use 8 break tags, other times 7, but the exact distance beneath each image (where the text goes) is different. And it looks bad.
There are 3 images on the page, so it goes image, text (well, there's an image as well, flashing gif) below image, then another image with text below it, and so on. From top to bottom on the left of the page.
Here are the relevant bits from my css:
.imgleft {
float: left;
width: 120px;
.imgleft img {
clear: both;
width: 175px;
padding-bottom: 0px;
I'm certain I'm making this way more complicated than it needs to be! Sorry.
I've put a link to my code in the comments to the first answer, if someone could take a look. Thanks.

How to specify a html tag on a LESS CSS nested class?

I have a class used on an article and a section HTML5 tag.
On the home:
<article class="exit">
<a href="exit.php">
<figure class="box">
<img src="assets/img/projects/exit-m.jpg" alt="">
On the project page:
<section class="page project exit">
<div class="corner nw intro">
<figure class="box">
<img src="assets/img/projects/exit.jpg" alt="">
Each elements with the class exit have a figure HTML5 element inside. With Less, I use this code to do what I want.
article.exit{width:260px; height:200px; top:315px; left:505px;
.box:hover{.perspective-box(se, 10, #exit-shadow);}
.box:hover{.perspective-box(nw, 10, #exit-shadow);}
.intro figcaption:hover{background:#exit-hover;}
But I have to specify if it's an article or a section! I have a lot of classes like that and it's a little annoying…
Is there a solution to do something like this? It will be very cool…
width:260px; height:200px; top:315px; left:505px;
.box:hover{.perspective-box(se, 10, #exit-shadow);}
.box:hover{.perspective-box(nw, 10, #exit-shadow);}
.intro figcaption:hover{background:#exit-hover;}
I kinda don't see much of a point in trying to nest these two rules if they won't share any common styles within the exit class.
That said, if you still want to nest them, remember that in selectors, element names always precede other simple selectors. Try placing the & after the element name and see if it works:
width:260px; height:200px; top:315px; left:505px;
.box:hover{.perspective-box(se, 10, #exit-shadow);}
.box:hover{.perspective-box(nw, 10, #exit-shadow);}
.intro figcaption:hover{background:#exit-hover;}
I had this same doubt and landed here but found an interesting quirk that might be helpful. I prefer to nest the styles according to the HTML that I have written when I am using LESS.
So for example, if my HTML looks like this:
<div id="content">
<div class="form-container">
<input type="text" class="form-control"....>
<textarea class="form-control"></textarea>
My stylesheet would look like this:
color: red;
border: 1px solid black;
Now, I wanted to code the input element and textarea differently. When I looked at the above answer, I tried this:
color: red;
border: 1px solid black;
height: 40px;
height: 100px;
The input& portion (and textarea&) was compiled as:
input#content .form-container .form-control {
height: 20px;
So this is a caveat to keep in mind. To resolve this, just extract the .form-control portion out of the nested portion.

On hover, show image at the right of a div

I have a list of action (Create a free account, view stats, etc.). Here is how it's look like.
<div class="box_go">
<div class="ico"><img src="img/ico/arrow_f.png" width="16" /></div>
<h3>Get a free account</h3>
<p>And start earning points</p>
<div class="box_go">
<div class="ico"><img src="img/ico/arrow_f.png" width="16" /></div>
<h3>View stats</h3>
I want that a little arrow (div.ico) appear at the right of the parent div on hover.
Using jQuery... but when I hover on the first element, both arrows shows up...
Any idea? Thanks!
Why not just use CSS?
.box_go {
position: relative;
.box_go .ico {
position: absolute;
right: 10px;
display: none;
.box_go:hover .ico {
display: block;
<span id="matter">Matter written</span>
<span id="ico">image.ico</span>
$('#matter').mouseover(function() {
$('#matter').mouseleave(function() {
