cluster many curves representing gas consumption - r

I have 700 hourly time series from 2010 to 2014 of gas consumption. One time serie represents the consumption of one companies.
Some have constant consumption, other consume only 4 months of the year and some have a high volatility consumption. As a consequence I would like to cluster them according to the shape of the consuption curve.
I tried the R package "kml", but i do not have good results. I also tried the "kmlShape" package, but it seems that i have too much data, and each time R quit..
I wondered if using Fast fourier transform and then cluster it could be a good idea? My goal is to really distinguish the group that the consumption is constant to those whose consumption is variable.
Then I would like to cluster the variable consummer in function of the peak and when they consumme.
I also tried to calculate the mean et variance of each clients, then cluster it with k-mean but it not very good, i can see 2 cluster, one with 650 clients and on other with 50...

first exemple`
2nd exemple
Here are three exemple of what I have, I have 700 curves likes that, some are high variables, some pretty constant.
I would like to cluster them according to their shape in order to have one group where the consumption is pretty constant, an other where the consumption is highly variable and try to cluster it according to the time the peak appear


Time series forecasting of outcome variable based on current performance of outcome variable in R

I have a very large dataset (~55,000 datapoints) for chicken crops. Chickens are grown over ~35 day period. The dataset covers 10 sheds of ~20,000 chickens each. In the sheds are weighing platforms and as chickens step on them they send the weight recorded to a server. They are sending continuously from day 0 to the final day.
The variables I have are: House (as a number, House 1 up to House 10), Weight (measured in grams, to 5 decimal points) and Day (measured as a number between two integers, e.g. 12 noon on day 0 might be 0.5 in the day, whereas day 23.3 suggests a third of the way through day 23 (8AM). But as this data is sent continuously the numbers can be very precise).
I want to construct either a Time Series Regression model or an ML model so that if I take a new crop, as data is sent by the sensors, the model can make a prediction for what the end weight will be. Then as that crop cycle finishes it can be added to the training data and repeat.
Currently I'm using this very simple Weight VS Time model, but eventually would include things like temperature, water and food consumption, humidity etc.
I've run regression analyses on the data sets to determine the relationship between time and weight (it's likely quadratic, see image attached) and tried using randomForrest in R to create a model. The test model seemed to work well in regards to the MAPE value being similar to the training value, but that was by taking out one house and using that as the test.
Potentially what I've tried so far is completely the wrong methodology but this is a new area so I'm really not sure of the best approach.

DBSCAN on high dense dataset. R

I've been recently studying DBSCAN with R for transit research purposes, and I'm hoping if someone could help me with this particular dataset.
Summary of my dataset is described below.
1029 20001 21249
2944 24832 25687
6876 25231 26179
11120 20364 21259
11428 25550 26398
12447 24208 25172
What I am trying to do is to cluster these data using BTIME as x axis, ATIME as y axis. A pair of BTIME and ATIME represents the boarding time and arrival time of a subway passenger.
For more explanation, I will add the scatter plot of my total data set.
However if I split my dataset in different smaller time periods, the scatter plot looks like this. I would call this a sample dataset.
If I perform a DBSCAN clustering on the second image(sample data set), the clustering is performed as expected.
However it seems that DBSCAN cannot perform cluster on the total dataset with smaller scales. Maybe because the data is too dense.
So my question is,
Is there a way I can perform clustering in the total dataset?
What criteria should be used to separate the time scale of the data
I think the total data set is highly dense, which was why I tried clustering on a sample time period.
If I seperate my total data into smaller time scale, how would I choose the hyperparameters for each seperated dataset? If I look at the data, the distribution of the data is similar both in the total dataset and the seperated sample dataset.
I would sincerely appreciate some advices.

Understanding TSA::periodogram()

I have some data sampled at regular intervals that looks sinusoidal and I would like to determine the frequency of the wave, to that end I obtained R and loaded the TSA package that contains a function named 'periodogram'.
In an attempt to understand how it works I created some data as follows:
This could be interpreted to be 260 samples with an interval of .0001 seconds
The frequency could be interpreted to be 80Hz so there should be about 125 points per wave period
I then do:
In the resulting periodogram I would expect to see a sharp spike at the frequency that corresponds to my data - I do see a sharp spike but the maximum 'spec' value has a frequency of 0.007407407, how does this relate to my frequency of 80Hz?
I note that there is variable foo$bandwidth with a value of 0.001069167 which I also have difficulty interpreting.
If there are better ways of determining the frequency of my data I would be interested - my experience with R is limited to one day.
The periodogram is computed from the time series without knowledge of your actual sampling interval. This result in frequencies which are limited to the normalized [0,0.5] range. To obtain a frequency in Hertz that takes into account the sampling interval, you simply need to multiply by the sampling rate. In your case, the spike you get at a normalized frequency of 0.007407407 and a sampling rate of 10,000Hz, this correspond to a frequency of ~74Hz.
Now, that's not quite 80Hz (the original tone frequency), but you have to keep in mind that a periodogram is a frequency spectrum estimate, and its frequency resolution is limited by the number of input samples. In your case you are using 260 samples, so the frequency resolution is on the order of 10,000Hz/260 or ~38Hz. Since 74Hz is well within 80 +/- 38Hz, it is a reasonable result. To get a better frequency estimate you would have to increase the number of samples.
Note that the periodogram of a sinusoidal tone will typically spike near the tone frequency and decay on either side (a phenomenon caused by the limited number of samples used for the estimation, often called spectral leakage) until the value can be considered comparatively 'negligeable'. The foo$bandwidth variable then indicates that the input signal starts to contain less energy for frequencies above 0.001069167*10000Hz ~ 107Hz, which is consistent with the tone's decay.

Fitting a poisson GLM in R with an aggregated count data

I have a dataset of the number of stranded turtles reported at a variety of locations along the Queensland coast of Australia. What I would like to find out is the number of stranded turtles that are NOT reported at each of these locations. In order to estimate that number, I have collected data on the frequency with which a turtle is reported to a stranding location; i.e. how often is a single turtle stranding reported more than one time at about 20 points along the coast? So I have count data which indicates the number of turtles that are reported to a stranding location one time, two times, or three or more times. Ultimately I would like to relate these data to covariates such as local population density and distance to the nearest road, in order to predict the "zero reporting" incidence for the rest of the coastal areas as well.
My data should look something like this, then:
turtle-, rep1, rep2, rep3ormore, pop)
There are other possible covariates, but I'll keep it simple for now! I think this should be able to be done using a Poisson distribution, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how to do it.
Additionally, in certain instances I don't have exact numbers for the turtles that have been reported, but instead I have categories; 4-6, 7-10, >10, etc. If there's a way to model that possibility, that would be great as well!

Finding cyclic function from points with more than 2 indep. variales

I am doing my master thesis in Electrical engineering about the impact of the humidity and
temperature on power consumption
I have a problem that is related to statistics, numerical methods and mathematics topics
I have real data for one year (year 2000)
Every day has 24 hours records for temperature, humidity, power consumption
So, the total points for one parameter, for example, temperature is 24*366 = 8784 points
I classified the pattern of the power to three patterns:
Daily, seasonally and to cover the whole year
The aim is to find a mathematical model of the following form:
P = f ( T , H , t , date )
P = power consumption,
T = temperature,
t = time in hours from 1 to 24,
date = the date number in the year from 1 to 366 ( or date number in a month from 1 to 31)
I started drawing in Matlab program a sample day, 1st August showing the effect of time,
humidity and temperature on power consumption::
Then, I make the analysis wider to see what changes happened when drawing this day with the next day:
After that I make it wider and include the 1st week of august:
Then, the whole month, august:
Then, starting from January, I plot power and temperature for 1st six months without
humidity (only for scaling):
with humidity :
Then, the whole year plot without humidity:
( P,T,H have constant values but I separate H only for scaling since H values are too much higher than P and H and that cause shrinking of the plot making small plots for P and T)
and finally with humidity:
The reason I have plotted these figures is to follow the behaviors of all parameters. How P is changing with respect to Temperature, Humidity, and time in hours and time in day number.
It is clear that these figures represent cyclic behavior but this behavior is not
constant. It is starting to increase and then decrease during the whole year.
For example the behavior of 1st January is almost the same as any other day in the year
but the difference is in shifting up or down, left or right.
Also, Temperature and Humidity are almost sinusoidal. However, Power consumption behavior is not purely sinusoidal as seen in the following figure:
I am not expert in statistics and numerical methods, and this matter now does not have relation with electrical engineering concept.
The results I am aiming to get are:
Specify the day number in the year from 1 to 366,
then specify the hour in that day,
temperature and humidity also will be specified.
All of these parameters are to be specified by the user
The result:
The mathematical model should be capable to find the power consumption in that specific hour of that day.
Then, the Power found from the model will be compared to the measured real power from the
data and if the values are very close to each other, then the model will be accurate and
I am sorry for this long question. I actually read many papers, many helps but I could not
reach to the correct approach of how to find one unified model by following the curves
behavior from starting till the end of the year and also having more than one independent
variable has disturbed me a lot.
I hope this problem is not difficult for statistics and mathematics experts.
Any help will be highly appreciated,
Thanks in advance
About this:
"Also, Temperature and Humidity are almost sinusoidal. However, Power consumption behavior is not purely sinusoidal"
Seems in local scale (several days/weeks order) temperature and humidity can be expressed as periodic train of Gaussians:
After such assumption we can model power consumption as superposition of temperature and humidity trains of Gaussians. Consider this opencalc spreadsheet chart:
in which f1 and f2 are train of gaussians (here only 4 peaks, but you may calculate as many as you need for data fitting) and f3 is superposition of these two trains,-
just (f12 + f22)1/2
However i don't know to what degree power consumption follows the addition of train of gaussians. You may invest time to explore this possibility.
Good luck!
