Having trouble connecting RSelenium to Server - r

I've been learning R programming for the last few months and really enjoying the language. I wanted to start using it to automate a few things at work. However for the life of me no matter how much I Google or experiment I can't seem to start the browser.
I followed the steps from this article
and got the server started from the command line. This is the code I ran in the console and the error message I'm getting.
> library(RSelenium)
> checkForServer()
Warning message:
checkForServer is deprecated.
Users in future can find the function in
file.path(find.package("RSelenium"), "example/serverUtils").
The sourcing/starting of a Selenium Server is a users responsiblity.
Options include manually starting a server see
vignette("RSelenium-basics", package = "RSelenium")
and running a docker container see
vignette("RSelenium-docker", package = "RSelenium")
I'm running on Windows 10 64-bit and have installed the latest Firefox.
Any help or pointers on this would be greatly appreciated.

Okay, I just went through this. So you can skip the whole Selenium Server entirely by just using phantomjs, which RSelenium can call directly.
Download phantomjs for your platform here
Put this binary file in the system PATH or anywhere else you have access too from R
Now try this:
pJS <- phantom(pjs_cmd = "<YOUR BINARY LOCATION>") # no arg if it's in PATH
remDr <- remoteDriver(browserName = "phantomjs")
remDr$open(silent = T)
url <- "http://www.google.com"
remDr$screenshot(display = TRUE)
NOTE: When I run this I get an error after the first step, but it still works and pulls up the page. Not sure why that happens.


R / Rvest / RSelenium: scrape data from JS Sites

I am new to the web scraping topic with R and Rvest. With rvest you can scrape static HTML but I have found out that rvest struggeling to scrape data from heavy JS based Sites.
I found some articels or blog posts but they seems depricated like
In my case i want scrape odds from Sport Betting Sites but with rvest and SelectorGadget this isnt possible in my Opinion because of the JS.
There is an Articel from 2018 about scraping Odds from PaddyPower(https://www.r-bloggers.com/how-to-scrape-data-from-a-javascript-website-with-r/) but this is out dated too, because PhantomJS isnt available anymore.
RSelenium seems to be an option but the repo has many issues https://github.com/ropensci/RSelenium.
So is it possible to work with RSelenium in its current state or what options do I have instead of RSelenium?
kind regards
I've had no problems using RSelenium with the help of the wdman package, which allowed me to just not bother with Docker. wdman also fetches all binaries you need if they aren't already available. It's nice magic.
Here's a simple script to spin up a Selenium instance with Chrome, open a site, get the contents as xml and then close it all down again.
# start a selenium server with wdman, running the latest chrome version
selServ <- wdman::selenium(
port = 4444L,
version = 'latest',
chromever = 'latest'
# start your chrome Driver on the selenium server
remDr <- remoteDriver(
remoteServerAddr = 'localhost',
port = 4444L,
browserName = 'chrome'
# open a selenium browser tab
# navigate to your site
# get the html contents of that site as xml tree
page_xml <- xml2::read_html(remDr$getPageSource()[[1]])
# do your magic
# ... check doc at `?remoteDriver` to see what your remDr object can help you do.
# clean up after you

RSelenium: Can't see Browser as I run my Code

MacOS Sierra 10.12.4. Chrome 63 (most recent). R 1.1.383.
I'm using RSelenium to scrape web data. I'm able to pull data using the remote driver, but the actual web page browser doesn't pop up for me to view. This makes it difficult to debug some of my trickier web pulls. This is an example video of what I want to happen. The user can visually see the changes he's making in the browser- The goal of this post is to find out why I cannot visually see the browser as I run the code.
Here's an example of my process to pull from RSelenium.
From the Terminal:
(name)$ docker run -d -p 4567:4444 selenium/standalone-chrome
(name)$ docker ps
8de3a1cbc777 selenium/standalone-chrome "/opt/bin/entry_po..." 5 minutes ago Up 5 minutes>4444/tcp wizardly_einstein
In R
remDr <- rsDriver(port = 4567L, browser = "chrome")
webElems <- remDr$client$findElements("css selector", "iframe")
elems <- remDr$client$findElements("css selector", "#showcase-app-container > nav > div > ul li")
unlist(lapply(elems, function(x) x$getElementText()))
[1] "Display length" "Length menu" "No pagination" "No filtering" "Function callback"
This is my confirmation that RSelenium is working properly. However, this is all happening "blindly" - I can't see what is going on. In a complicated web pull I'm trying to perform (hidden behind credentials so I can't give an example), certain elements cannot be found after iterations even though I know they are on the page. Being able to see the browser would allow me to easily debug the code.
Not sure if this means anything, but it doesn't look like the driver is attached to an IP address:
(name)$ docker-machine ip
Error: No machine name(s) specified and no "default" machine exists
Is there something else I need to download to be able to visually see the webdriving process? Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure about the exact behavior in that video, but I always use a phantomjs headless browser and look at screenshots as I go. This code would produce what I'm talking about:
#this sets up the phantomjs driver
pjs <- wdman::phantomjs()
#open a connection to it
dr <- rsDriver(browser = 'phantomjs')
remdr <- dr[['client']]
#go to the site
#show browser screenshot in viewer

Rselenium issue

I'm trying to scrape a website using Rselenium. However I'm getting an error:
Error: checkForServer is now defunct. Users in future can find the function in
file.path(find.package("RSelenium"), "examples/serverUtils"). The
recommended way to run a selenium server is via Docker. Alternatively
see the RSelenium::rsDriver function.
My chrome is updted to version 58 and moxilla to version 45, rselenium used to work earlier but I'm not sure what happened please help guys.
The following script works for me with the new RSelenium...
rD <- rsDriver(port=4444L,browser="chrome")
remDr <- rD$client
Just make sure you have docker account and you have it installed.
try this
remDr =rD[["client"]]
webElement = remDr$findElement('xpath', '//*[#id="product_2953010"]/span[2]')

phantomjs unable to find element on page

Recently, I've been having trouble driving phantomjs under RSelenium. It seems that the browser is unable to locate anything on the page using findElement(). If I pass something as simple as:
rd <- remoteDriver(browserName = "phantomjs")
searchBar <- rd$findElement(using = "id", "email")
I get the error below:
Error: Summary: NoSuchElement
Detail: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.
class: org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException
Any thoughts on what is causing this? It doesn't seem to matter what page I navigate to; it simply fails anytime I try to locate an element on the webpage. This issue started recently and I noticed it when my cron jobs began failing.
I'm working in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with R 3.3.1 and phantomjs 2.1.1. I don't suspect some type of compatibility issue as this has worked very recently and I haven't updated anything.
The version of phantomjs you installed may be limited. See here
Disabled Ghostdriver due to pre-built source-less Selenium blobs.
Added README.Debian explaining differences from upstream "phantomjs".
If you installed recently using apt-get then this is most likely the case. You can download from the phantomjs website and place the bin location in your PATH.
Alternatively use npm to install a version for you
npm install phantomjs-prebuilt
This will then but a link to the bin in node_modules/.bin/phantomjs.
For the reasons behind the limitations in apt-get you can read the README.Debian file contained here.
Unlike original "phantomjs" binary that is statically linked with
modified QT+WebKit, Debian package is built with system libqt5webkit5.
Unfortunately the latter do not have webSecurity extensions therefore
"--web-security=no" is expected to fail.
Ghostdriver is crippled due to removed source-less pre-built blobs:
Therefore all PDF functionality is broken.
PhantomJS cannot run in headless mode (if there is no X server
Unfortunately it can not be fixed in Debian. To achieve headless-ness
upstream statically link with customised QT + Webkit. We don't want to
ship forks of those projects. It would be great to eventually convince
upstream to use standard libraries. Meanwhile one can use "xvfb-run"
from "xvfb" package:
xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0 640x480x16" phantomjs
If you don't want to set your path for phantomjs then you can add it as a extra:
selServ <- startServer()
pBin <- list(phantomjs.binary.path = "/home/john/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt/lib/phantom/bin/phantomjs")
rd <- remoteDriver(browserName = "phantomjs"
, extraCapabilities = pBin)
searchBar <- rd$findElement(using = "id", "email")

RSelenium - downloading a file with phantom.js

Using RSelenium I can download a file from a webpage using a connection via a Firefox browser with the following formula:
csv = remDr$findElement(using = 'css selector', "a[ng-click*=download]")
remDr$executeScript("arguments[0].click();", list(csv))
When I try to replicate the process with phantomjs browser nothing happens. Guessing maybe no download directory is set, I've tried:
remDr$extraCapabilities = makeFirefoxProfile(list(browser.download.dir = "/download/path"))
Still nothing happens. Grateful for an idea what needs to happen to get this to work.
I should add the following report during setup, which may or may not be relevant, although it doesn't appear to stop the page connection or element selection:
> pJS = phantom()
[ERROR - 2016-03-17T17:54:08.914Z] GhostDriver - main.fail - {"line":85,"sourceURL":"phantomjs://code/main.js","stack":"global code#phantomjs://code/main.js:85:56"}
phantomjs://platform/console++.js:263 in error
phantomjs://platform/console++.js:263 in error
This error commonly happens when you run selenium server and phantomjs in the same port
Hmm it seems phanrom.js doesn't support file download.
