fix magento menue from displaying in the wrong area - css

I was editing the menu in magento and i changed the text from
and i changed it to
now the navigation has moved below the black area i didn't not change any code i dont understad how this happen to have a look at the website it is to take a look at the origianl website

It has nothing to do with the text, it is because of the new logo dimensions
The original logo is 151*100
Your logo is 200*121
If you resize the new logo or just add in styles.css:
.logo img { height:100px; } //or max-height:100px;
The menu will come back to the black area


WordPress Theme Logo Invisible and no Parallax on Pages with plugin

I have a website that works fine if a certain plugin (Business Listing) is not activated. But once the plugin is activated the logo disappears on the pages it's on. If you click and drag on the space where logo is suppose to be it will show itself temperately until mouse button is released. The same for the image with parallax effect. It shows on the page but with no parallax effect.
I can't find the conflicting code. Any advice?
It seems that a div that contains your image logo has zero opacity In Customize>>Custom CSS add this:
.pl-pro-version .pla-fade {
opacity: 1!important;
For your parallax image I guess you need something like this (again in Customize>>Custom CSS):
.pl-bg-cover {
background-attachment: fixed;
Consider that your image has small height and will stretch.

Image tag cause product thumb look disorder in Woocommerce

I have installed one plugin under my woocommerce store in order to show appropriate icon awards for wines. When I add image icon which shows in top left corner of woocommerce thing images, and look website on mobile website the image looks disorder and like its squeezed and stretched. If you take a look at website home page and product "FRANCIACORTA BRUT “ALMA” BELLAVISTA" from mobile phone you will see what I mean. I tried assigning z-index value position to absolute or relative to that image icon and nothing happend. I could use any suggestion what to do here.
Thanks a lot for help
The problem is that your image is absolute and have set width:100%, height:100% which makes is stretched. It's because the images is trying to fill the the entire holder which is actually bigger than image size.
You should change your style.css on line 11739 where is the selector for the image ( .post_featured img ) and change so your code will become:
.post_featured img {
width: auto;
height: auto;

image in div- hover when mouse anywhere in the dive

I have an image inside a content area on my site, I want the image only to float up a bit when hovering anywhere inside that content area... not sure how to do that- as of right now it only moves up when mousing over the image itself- can't add the css to the entire content box as I don't want the other content to move, just the image.
(see here: - the little orange and white globes on each content panel)
the css I'm using to move the globes is this:
.img {position:absolute;bottom:-30px;right:0px; transition:.65s;}
.img:hover {bottom:10px}
Place the hover condition on the container like this:
.box1 .img {position:absolute;bottom:-30px;right:0px; transition:.65s;}
.box1:hover .img {bottom:10px;}

rails image hover - makes black bar on bottom

I am using rails and starting by creating my application layout with my logo at the top. The logo is a link to the homepage.
When i hover the image it creates a black bar along the bottom of it, it must be a default style or something but i cannot seem to find anywhere that is making it do this..
Has anyone else experienced this?
also - to try to debug it i opened up the chrome debugger and watched the styles for both the link element and the image element, and nothing is changing between when i am hovering and not hovering.
Just add the CSS line :
a:hover { text-decoration: none; }

second image in footer and styling

I have my wordpress theme built but there are 2 problems, the first the twitter feed I have in my footer (not a widget) is taking the styling for something else instead of the styling I gave it. I styled the links etc for the feed but it's not styling properly. Also I want to have an image behind my footer but not be part of it. In my site I have my footer image that repeats horizontally and an image behind it. My issue is when I put the image in it acts like part of the footer and not the background (it's not my background image just on top of it). Here is a link to my blog (the code is too long to post here):
also here is a pic of what my footer is supposed to look like, any help would be greatly appreciated:
download addon fire bug
Right click on image and click on inspect eliment with fire bug then chang the css of your image
in your case
.art-footer img
border-width: 1px;
and make it
border-width: 0px;
n here is the screen shot of your site
