how to build an old grails project - grails-2.0

trying to build an old grails 2.0.0 project, it seems that it can't properly resolve all dependencies. I guess this is because it looks for them at svn.codehaus...
How to I have to update my dependencies to build the project again?

I succeeded by upgrading my project to Grails 2.0.4 - silly me, I should have done this first...


Build Activiti App from sources

I'm using Activiti 6.0 avaliable in 6.x Download ( I saw some bugs was fixed only in sources, so I thing that i shoud build own release to deploy at my tomcat.
I’m trying to build (Make Activit-app.war, Activit-admin.war and and Activit-rest.war) using sources: and importing by IntelliJ and Building (Crt +F9), but i’m not sure i’m doing by correct way.
Somone one can help me with the steps for build Activiti Community (6.0 and 7.0 beta) from sources ?
Run the maven clean install command with skipping testing, use the following command mvn clean install -DskipTests

Where to download previous version of .net core sdk?

We have a project that uses .net core sdk 1.0.0-preview2-003121.
Currently, I'm setting up a CI server to do automatic builds. In the server, I'm getting this error because the .net core sdk that is installed is not the same as the one in the project.
preview2-003121 which is not installed or cannot be found under the path C:\Program Files\dotnet.
I did a command line check dotnet --version and it gave me 1.0.0-preview2-003131
Where can I download older versions of the .net core sdk? I have tried the following links and they give me the latest version for the download
This article explains how to install the correct .net core version. HTH.
I was able to just get away with following
copy 1.0.0-preview2-003121 directory inside\sdk
paste in C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk
Note: I had newer sdk version already installed(1.0.0-preview2-1-003177)
Official download location is as mentioned by vinicius-paiva and manoj-attal.
If you are looking to download specific version of .Net core, you can download from here. It worked for me.
Dot Net Core Download Archive List
Install using the chocolatey packages, of course.
Even though it is a late answer, it might help others.
Check these out.

The dependency WebActivatorEx could not be resolved

I am building a small web api and i wish to use Swagger ui to test it.
However, when i install it, i get the following errors:
DNX 4.5.1 error NU1001, in project.json: The dependency WebActivatorEx could not be resolved.
DNX Core 5.0 error NU1002, in project.json: The dependency Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client 4.0.20710 in project DiveApi does not support framework DNXCore,Version=v5.0.
My dependencies look as follows :
I am using ASP.NET 5 Web API.
So far the suggestions i have found have not solved my problem and have no clue what to do from here. Hope I have supplied sufficient info, and thanks in advance!
You need a newer version of Swashbuckle: 6.0.0-rc1-final. It is still a pre release so, in NuGet manager you have to enable pre release versions.

jhipster hot reload failed to register liquibase changelog directory

i just started using jhipster and face a problem already,
here's my development stack :
- os windows 7
- eclipse Juno
- maven 3.1
- latest node and npm
- mysql as db in ubuntu vm
and here's what i have done :
- generate jhipster "yo jhipster"
- convert it to maven project "mvn eclipse:eclipse"
- maven compile "mvn clean" & "mvn install"
- add jhipster-reload feature in eclipse run vm arguments
- and run the main class in eclipse "right click and run as java application"
- generate new entity yo jhipster:entity ala
- everything was pretty much generated for this new entity, only the liquibase changelog doesn't generated
- i try to recompile the maven from eclipse then i found the line below
[ERROR] io.github.jhipster.loaded.JHipsterFileSystemWatcher - Failed to register the directory 'target\classes\config\liquibase\changelog'
- AFAIK it seems to be the same bug here, but they says it's fixed
Thanks for anyone that could help this, i'm confused as what to do here as i'm new to jhipster, liquibase, hot reload concept, and the documentation or google search barely help as jhipster is relatively still young.
Do not use "mvn eclipse:eclipse" in jhipster projects.
Just import the project as existing Maven project.
See this.

Grails plugin compass-sass doesn't work on grails version 2.3.5

In the latest version of Grails, 2.3.5, I am trying to use the plugin compass-sass.
So, I put the following in my build.groovy file. compile ":compass-sass:0.7"
And, I add the following into the "Arguments" when running my example app. PATH=C:\jruby-1.7.4\bin
All I should have to do here is run the app and it should work. I know, cause I have it going on Grails 2.1.1.
What happens is, the app runs and there is no mention of compass at all. I should see the following in the grails console "Executing: jruby -S compass watch --sass-dir ./src/scss --css-dir ./web-app/css/local --output-style nested --images-dir web-app/images --relative-assets"
Anybody any ideas?
By the way, I have JRuby installed and compass is installed in JRuby.
So I've figured this out.
Compass-sass relies on the the event "eventConfigureTomcat" to react when the scss file is changed. This Event is in the file _Events.groovy within the compass-sass plugin itself.
Turns out the event "eventConfigureTomcat" doesn't trigger in Grails 2.3.
After I figured this out it was easy to find info on this Grails bug.
Here is a link for Stackoverflow - The eventConfigureTomcat is not invoked in Grails 2.3. How to config tomcat in grails 2.3 development environment?
Anyway, a workaround is to knock off fork for run. See below.
grails.project.fork = [
run: false,
