Woo commerce - variable product prices missing from WP - wordpress

hoping for some help.
We use the following - Wordpress/ woo commerce /wcvendors pro. Prices for variable products are disappearing from wp engine view despite being in the product variation information. It doesn't impact every product on our site but a fair few. How it occurs is, the price is disappearing when you go in and edit the product. If we quick edit the product the price reappears. But it will dissapears again if we use the edit button. Initially the problem started because under the "Products" and "Inventory" We had checked the following setting: "Hide out of stock items from the catalog". Now this button is not ticked but it is still causing us issues.

It seems you have an error on the product page which cause the price not to be saved.
There can be some reasons, here are two I see occasioanlly:
PHP error is caused during the save, and therefore the data is lost. WordPress and WooCommerce works flawlessly together, so the first suspects are other plugins and your theme. Try first to turn off all your plugins and switch to another theme to see if this happens again. If not try to activate your theme, and recheck, and then the plugins one after the other, and check after each activation, until you find the one makes the problem.
Too many data is being saved at one time. It can be too many variations or too many custom fields. This can be fixed by changing some PHP settings. Please have a look here especially under the WPEngine note, and also check this plugin.


ExVat IncVat on single Product Page of Woocommerce

I am trying to integrate the exVat incVat auto Suffix from the Cart Page to the single product page..
Currently if you go to checkout the prices will show exVat incVAT depending on how taxes are set up within woocoomerce when change the country they change automatically to display correctly. However on the single product page it either shows nothing or you can force it to say one in the settings. Would be much nicer if it could display either suffix.
Screenshots of example from shop page:
Is there a solution to make the single product page do this?
(I have spent 5+hrs trying options from custom code and editing the templates but with little success so would appreciate some help :D)
I have tried a mash of other codes and my own experience into fucntions.php with fatal errors or not really touching what I am looking for.
I have also tried unsuccessfully editing WooCommerce template files.
Any help much appreciated.

How Can I keep Selling Out Of Stock Products?

My client has just upgraded to a new POS system that manages stock and overwrites product data on woo/wp, and the client has had trouble with the "manage stock" setting being automatically applied on woo every time she updates a product on the POS system.
the idea of this is the product needs to show as available regardless of what the stock status. ALL products should show 'add to cart and be purchasable REGARDLESS of the stock status. Any idea how can I achieve that?
From the looks of it, this seems like an issue with the POS. I have tested enabling backorders on WooCommerce and was able to backorder products. Please see if you are able to share the code overwriting product data. As this probably shuts off the back order setting again.
My test case>
Product Configuration
Available Backorder
Page when setting is disabled. (what is probably happening to you)
If you are able to share part of the code I will be able to assist you with this issue because by the looks of it this is an issue with custom code and not with WooCommerce itself.
Keep in mind that this does look different from your webshop, as my test server is currently running a default WP theme.

Product filters by variation show wrong products

I’m having issues trying to understand how to fix a bug I have on my website.
Here's the link to the already filtered product grid: https://marymoonlight.com/fiori-hash-trinciati/?filter_formato=1-kg
I have set that the second product you see in the page (Galaxy Kush) doesn’t even have a 1KG variation in it (on the staging website we have it, but it’s disabled) yet when you apply the 1KG filter you see that product, but you should not!
The filters we’re using (the ones you see above the product grid) are standard WooCommerce widget put in a “sidebar” that has been placed there.
We have a lot of plugins installed on this website, mostly from YITH, but no plugin about filters, sorting or that kind of stuff.
Is there a way to fix this? Has anyone else had this issue before?
Additional info:
WooCommerce: 4.7.0
WordPress: 5.5.3
I tried switching to storefront theme and disabling all of the plugins except for woocommerce and the issue is still there.
It doesn't show the product if it doesn't have the variation, but it will show the product if the variation is disabled.
In the single product view of Galaxy Kush there are 1kg variations available as other products. The disabled are not working properly. Check variations of the product properly. They are still active.

Woocommerce Price Not Showing

I think this is a weird situation. Usually Woocommerce is a normal plugin, when I install it and Voila Ecommerce ready to use. But, when I install it in my staging server, the price never appear.
I try to debug, I print out all value on $product variable. All information I need is placed in there except "price", but regular price appear. If I put "Sale Price", the price appear, ofcourse 2 prices appear, regular and sale. So the function "$product->get_price_html()" was empty. I have tried to downgrade the Woocommerce version, the result is the same. Unlucky me. You can see it on dev.skripptek.com/kulkulfarm/shop
One problem more, if I use variations, it couldn't saved.
product dashboard
I put sale price at above, and below is null.
I have to googled it, and no one have my problems. It make me stressed and crazy. Is anyone have some problem with me? Please help, it's been 3 days.
Additional information
I already debugged Woocommerce. The "price" is never filled with value when I fill the regular price in DB, but when I fill sale price, the "price" filled automaticly with value.
When I try edit product with quick edit, price is also filled with value but not if I edit directly in edit post. Maybe someone in Automattic can help me with this?
I update this description, it is solved actually see and expand the comments below. Not sure why it happen, it is just happened in my staging server but in production working fine. Maybe need reinstall the WordPress installation or not compatible with apache version or mysql version.
I'm having a similar issue. It's been working fine with the current child theme (Dazzling) until towards the end of last year.
Products with variants however are behaving correctly. It's the simple product.. if I enter a new product and regular price, it doesn't show "add to cart" and on the previous multiple product listing screen it shows as "read more". If I put a sale price in, it works.
Also, If I remove/clear the sale price that was saved previously and save again, it still has the price I cleared. It's as if wordpress/woocommerce isn't updating the product on this section. All other areas, updating seems fine.
I did a temporary workaround, until this is resolved, by adding a sale price and scheduling it in the past.
I'm seeing a few posts about this issue and starting to suspect it an woocommerce/wordpress issue after an update? I can't be certain though.

WooCommerce - variable products for all attributes

I am developing an online sales site for a client.
I work on my website online hosting by Godaddy.
I have install the WooCommerce plugin.
I want to add variable products. I already enter the attributes I need. When the time comes to convert its attributes in real variables, using the button create variations for all attributes 95% of the time it does not execute anything.
Nothing append. I don't know what to do.
The button for creating one variation work fine actually. I don't want to enter 312 variations (approximately) one by one. I can make many mistakes.
I see in a forum that deactivated all my plugin (except WooCommerce) work for minimum 2 persons. For me, it does not work.
How can I make my button works all the time?
Version of WordPress: 4.3.1
Version of WooCommerce: 2.4.10
