Aggregate events / goals per user - google-analytics

I would like to know if there's a way to display information based on how many (similar) goals or events were triggered by a unique user.
For instance, let's say I own amazon. For every product I sell, I trigger a 'Purchase' goal (by using an event).
I would like to know:
How many products does an average user buy, in multiple sessions, over a time span. for instance, how many products did an average user buy in the span of a month.
I would like to segment data by the amount of products bought by users. i.e. segmenting my data based on users that bought 0 products, 1-5 products, 6-10, products, and 11+ products.
Is there a way to do so?

You have to get custom dimension/metric in GA. Add a custom dimension 'product_quantity' and get actual number of products bought as metric value in the variable.
Once you get have it, you do calculation of total products divided by users or creating segments based on product_quantity dimension.
Find more info at
It is easier with Google Tag Manager. Once you define custom dimension/metric, trigger may be completion of 'Purchase' goal or any event.


Woocommerce: how to update an order programmatically

Currently, my customers fill out a form which takes their measurements and then recommends a product variation specifically for their measurements. This is great, but takes time and is not always convenient for the customer.
I want to allow my customers to purchase a generic version of the product (so they pay immediately), submit their measurements at a later, more convenient date for them (e.g. through a form they fill out) and then update the purchased product to a specific variation with their measurements.
Is it possible to do this in Woocommerce? If so, how could I do this programmatically?

Users that View pages 5 times

I have a number of different product pages and i'm interested in seeing how many users view each product more than 5 times. I understand I can do this for one of them with a segment and sequence, but I have too many pages that i'm interested in tracking. Could I do this with a custom metric? Maybe a calculated metric in analytics or data studio?
there's no reasonable way to do that because Google Analytics metrics are reported in an aggregated way and there's no way to introduce some custom conditions like 'if metric X is greater than N for specific user' other than segments.
the only way is to implement custom tracking that would watch for the number of page views for a particular page/product and then send data to analytics when a specific number of page views is reached.

Summarize events per session with Google Analytics

Is it possible to summarize events per user (session)?
I have a subscription (CTA) field on the page.
Further down, there is a small just-for-fun questionnaire.
I want to check, if a user is more willing to subscribe if they performed the questionnaire, or if that doesn't matter at all.
So I track an event for a subscription (I configured this as a "Goal" (conversion)), and an event for the questionnaire. But how can I summarize these two events for each user?
Or do I have to implement this analytics with my own AJAX-PHP-MYSQL setup?
If you mean "a row in the report per indidivual user" then GA does not support this (at least not by default, you would need to store an identifier in a custom dimension and query by that).
If you are looking for aggregated numbers you can create a segment ("include sessions where event equals AND goal conversions for > 1". You can then apply the segment to your query to get the total number of users with both conditions, or add more dimensions e.g. to break down by channel, region etc.

How many Product Variant I can push to Google Analytics? and how to do that using Tag manager?

I'm trying to push multiple Product Variants to the DataLayer and Using the Tag Manager pushing these Variants to Google Analytics Premium.
I would like to know how many Product Variants i can add to the dataLayer, and what is the best way to push them to Google Analytics?
Thanks in advance
Short answer: You can push any number of product variants to the dataLayer, and you can send any number of variants to GA.
Long answer:
You main factor limiting the number of variants is the 8KB hit limit size. This effectively limits you to a few dozen products (or product variants) per hit, but you can get around this by sending multiple hits.
But, since GA also limits us to 500 hits per session, so technically the limit of product variants you can track in a session is somewhere between 10-20K.
There is also the table aggregation limit of 50K, which basically means any product variants below the top 50K will appear grouped in GA tables as 'Other'.
How to track
To track multiple products variants, push each to the datalayer (and then to GA) as a separate product, making sure product id/name and other product data common among variants stays consistent, altering only the 'variant' field (and any other instance-specific fields such as 'list', 'quantity', etc).
Here is a great guide for doing this for large numbers of products / product variants.
I've found that pushing the same product separately, it affects and causes the Quantity and Unique purchases to be the same.
I would expect if I push the same product twice with a different variant, to be "Unique Purchase: 1" "Quantity: 2". but the result was, "Unique Purchase: 2" "Quantity: 2".
So I just opted in combining the variants (ie. 'black, white') for the same product added because I cared more about the discrepancy of quantity.

Filter transactions based on products purchased

In Google Analytics, I gather e-commerce data, allowing me to track purchases. There is a specific analysis, however, which I cannot imagine how to set up. I need to verify how big a percentage of a revenue is generated by transactions which include product X but not products Y and Z. I have attempted to set this up in a custom report, but cannot figure out exactly which combination of dimensions, metrics and filters to use.
In case you're still wondering;
If you make a segment with "Product = X" and then go to the Transaction report you'll see the amount of transactions with only that product.
Took me a while to figure out as well.
