Component is briefly rendering without styles on first render - css

When I open my react app, the component below flashes with width:100%, probably because it inherits it from the material-ui card.
In my react app there are a lot of these components being rendered, each with their own width which are based on the parent component's data. I set the width with an inline style based on the props.
As I understand, the component has the inline style as it is created and there should be no delay to apply it. However I see all the SceneThumb components with 100% width for a a fraction of a second, before they apply the given inline style.
If I change the css of scene-thumb-parent to include some width, say 10% for example, then I'll see them all with 10% for a fraction of a second, before the inline style is applied. That makes me think there is a delay in applying inline css, but it really puzzles me..
Is this to be expected of react? Or of html in general? Is there any way to reduce this inline style application delay? Maybe it's something to do with the dev hot reloading setup I get from create-react-app?
SceneThumb.js (code that is irrelevant to the question has been omitted):
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './scene-thumb.css';
import Card from 'material-ui/Card';
class SceneThumb extends Component {
render() {
return (
style={{width:this.props.width, left:this.props.left}}
Hello world!
export default SceneThumb;
.scene-thumb-parent {
min-width: 12px;
.scene-thumb-selected {
border: 2px solid red;
border-radius: 5px;
.scene-thumb,.scene-thumb-selected {
padding: 2px;

The width prop is initially null or some other value. A moment later, the prop is updated which triggers another render. This is why you're seeing the flash you're talking about.
You can test this by adding the following to your render() function:
You'll probably see it logging at least twice with different values.
There are many ways you can fix this. What makes most sense would depend on the rest of the application, and your personal preference. Regardless, here's one way:
render() {
if(!this.props.width) return null; //if it's null, render nothing.
return (
<div className='scene-thumb-parent' style={{width:this.props.width, left:this.props.left}}>
<Card className={this.props.selected?'scene-thumb-selected':'scene-thumb'}>
<span>Hello world!</span>


Override margin in Separator Component of Fluent UI using React

I'm trying to override the margin attribute of a Separator component using Microsoft's Fluent UI using React. The top-margin appears to default to 15px and I would like it to be less than that.
Here's a screenshot:
The beige color section above is defaulting to 15px and I'd like to shrink it but I can't seem to find the correct css to do so.
Here's the code I have thus far:
const separatorStyles = {
root: [
margin: 0,
padding: 0,
selectors: {
'::before': {
background: 'black',
top: '0px'
export default class Home extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Stack verticalAlign="center" verticalFill gap={15}>
<Separator styles={separatorStyles} />
<Component2 />
I've tried placing the margin: 0 where it currently is at the root level and also nested below the ::before but neither have worked.
The only other potential clue I have comes from an inspection of the styles in Chrome's DevTools which yields:
Any ideas would truly be appreciated!
Thanks for your time!
The 15px actually came from the gap prop that was passed to the Stack component. It takes care of adding that css class to children elements to ensure the proper margins exist.
I believe removing it altogether should solve your concern, such as in this example (link to working code):
<Stack verticalAlign="center" verticalFill>
<Separator>no margin</Separator>
<Separator />
However, it is worth noting that the Separator expects to render some text, so you might have trouble getting it to be the exact height you want (as font-size is a concern for the Separator). If that's the case, you might be better off just making your own control to render a 1px line with a simple div or span.
Also you can you use this approach with styled-component:
import React from 'react'
import {Separator} from '#fluentui/react'
import styled from 'styled-components'
const StyledSeparator = styled(Separator)`
&::before {
margin-top: 15px;
div {
//any styles for separator-content
export const Divider = ({children}) => {
return <StyledSeparator>{children}</StyledSeparator>

Styling from separate CSS files not applied with new components

I have been trying to build a small project with React for the past few days and all went great until today. For some reason, no CSS is applied to new components! All the CSS that worked before is still up and running but if I'd add something like a div in between an already existing div, the new div will not pick up any CSS!
<div className="DivStyle"> // Styling applied!
<div className="DivStyle"> </div> // Styling completely ignored!
It is probably worth mentioning that I am still able to style the components inline.
Also, looking at the sources in Chrome, the styles are uploaded!
Here is my concrete example:
import '../styles/drawers.css';
class BottomFilterDrawer extends React.Component<IBottomFilterDrawerProps, IBottomFilterDrawerState> {
public render() {
// tslint:disable-next-line jsx-no-lambda
onClose={() => this.toggleDrawer(false)}>
<div className="BottomDrawerContainer" style={{margin: "10px"}}> // Styling for "BottomDrawerContainer" class not applied!
The CSS file:
#BottomDrawerContainer {
margin: 10px;
I am certain that the import path is correct, Typescript wouldn't even let me run it if it weren't.
You are applying css for class not for id. So your css must be like below.
.BottomDrawerContainer {
margin: 10px;
if you want to apply for inner div.
.DivStyle .DivStyle {
//style for inner div
do not use again same id, React create error and if show any error first you solve error otherwise browser not show anything

Applying CSS stylesheet only to active component

I'm working on a ReactJS app that has a header at the top, a menu on the left, and the "frame" in the middle is where routes and their corresponding components are loaded. I want to be able to apply a CSS stylesheet to specific components only when they are loaded. I also don't want them applied all the time or to the top header or left menu.
My expectation was that adding import 'custom.css'; to a specific component would only apply the stylesheet's styles to that component and it's children when the route is active. Instead, it applies it to the entire page even when the route/component are not loaded.
I understand that an alternative approach is styled components, but, for my use-case, a design company is supplying a stylesheet (which should remain unchanged) that we need to consume only for the sub-module I'm working on and I don't want its styles to affect the rest of the app.
How can I have a stylesheet only applied to my active route/component?
Use simple CSS technique. Suppose you have two components with different css files (say about.css and contact.css). Now consider your both CSS file have one common class with different style properties, like:
max-width: 400px;
max-width: 500px;
Yes in ReactJS both the CSS files will load at the same time and will override any one of the style. so to solve this problem add class to differentiate this styles, like:
max-width: 400px;
max-width: 500px;
If you want apply only when the component is mounted, you can use the lifecycle.
The follow example is based in the idea you are using sass, React, sass-node and have the loaders into webpack.
import React from 'react';
import './styles.scss';
class MyComponent {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { className: '' }
componentDidMount() {
className: 'myOwnClass'
return (
<div className={this.state.className}>This is a example</div>
export default myComponent;
To be able to only call that specific CSS when you need it you can use CSS Modules. You may need to update your version of react.
When saving your CSS file save it with a ".module.css" eg. "styles.module.css". The CSS in these files can only be used and accessed by hte components where are they are imported. As stated in a tutorial from W3Schools.
Let's say this is your CSS code in styles.module.css:
.container {
color: white;
.cont-child {
background-color: red;
Then in your JS file you can import the CSS file like this if the JS and CSS files are in the same directory. Make sure you point to the correct path.
import styles from './styles.module.css'
Then in your HTML section you can use it like this:
class Home extends React.Component {
render() {
<main className={ styles.container } >
<div className={ styles["cont-child"]} >
Some div text about something...
I currently use both ways to access the selectors, since the styles variable acts like an object. I placed both of them here because the second option is capable of fetching selectors named like "btn-active". Which comes in handy in some situations. Camelcasing is considered cleaner though.
Please note: I originally posted this answer as a reply to a similar question here React CSS - how to apply CSS to specific pages only
I want to be able to apply a CSS stylesheet to specific components
only when they are loaded.
Why not apply the styles inline via React.js?
Step 1. Create the style object for the component:
var componentOneStyle = {
color: 'white',
backgroundColor: 'red'
Step 2. Populate the component's style attribute with the style object:
ReactDOM.render(<div style={componentOneStyle}>This is Component One</div>, mountNode);

CSS Specificity with CSS Module

First, let me say I understand that I have a custom component "Card" that I use in one of my routes, "Home".
import s from 'Card.css';
class Card {
return (<div className={cx(className, s.card)}>
.card {
display: block;
<Card className={s.testCard}>
.testCard { display: none; }
A problem I faced here, is that the card remained visible even though I set the display to none, because of seemingly random CSS ordering in the browser. This ordering did not change even if Javascript was disabled.
To get .testCard to correctly load after .card, I used "composes:":
.testCard {
composes: card from 'components/Card.css';
display: none;
Apparently this causes css-loader to recognize that .testCard should load after .card. Except, if I disable Javascript, the page reverts back to the old behavior: the .card is loaded after .testCard and it becomes visible again.
What is the recommended way to get our page to prioritize .testCard over card that behaves consistently with or without Javascript enabled?
As I'm using CSS modules, charlietfl solution wouldn't really work as is. .card is automatically mangled to a name like .Card-card-l2hne by the css-loader, so referencing it from a different component wouldn't work. If I import it into the CSS file of Home.css, that also doesn't work, because it creates a new class with a name like .Home-card-lnfq, instead of referring to .Card-card-l2hna.
I don't really think there's a great way to fix this so I've resorted to being more specific using a parent class instead.
As an example, Home.js:
import s from 'Home.css';
import Card from './components/Card';
class Home {
return (
<div className={s.root}>
<Card className={s.testCard}>Hi</Card>
.root {
margin: 10px;
.root > .testCard {
display: none;
This way, we don't need to know what class names component Card is using internally, especially since in cases like CSS Modules or styled components, the class name is some unique generated name.
I don't think I would have come to this solution if it wasn't for charlieftl's solution, so thank you very much for that.
Just make the testCard rule more specific by combining classes
.card {display: block;}
.card.testCard { display: none; }

CSS Modules & ReactJS: Parent and child CSS classes in different components

So I am building a react application and have a quick question. If I have two separate components:
with CSS classes navigation.css and navigationLogo.css respectively. In navigation.css I have a class named .main and in navigationLogo.css I want to have a class like so:
.main .main_in_logo {
color: red;
But with CSS Modules I am unable to do this, any ideas on a work around?
I just feel that the explanations here are not complete enough. In css you do .parentSelector .childSelector in order to select the child. The same rule is for css modules, but in your html/jsx you should add to the parent and the child the relevant className -> styles.parentSelector , styles.childSelector.
<div className={styles.container}>text</div>
This way you can have in your css something like:
.banner .container{
.banner .container{
Sometimes you use libraries and you want to change something somewhere down the DOM inside the library and you can't change its source code. In this case you can use the :global like this:
.parentElement :global(div)
.parentElement :global(#some-lib-element-selector)
I was looking for the same problem and didn't find the solution here, maybe because the post is 3 years old. The accepted answer is, in my opinion but not mine only, not scalable.
I don't really know if this is something new, but I found out what I would do in vanilla CSS adapted to CSS modules.
Here is what I did and fully suits my needs:
/* parent.css */
.main {
...some CSS...
/* logo.css */
#value main from "./parent.css";
.logo {
...some CSS...
.main .logo {
color: red
Here, we are using #value, which is a CSS modules variable and allows us to bind with another file to build a selector including the final name of the parent "main".
As strange as it looks to me, it took some time to find out about this solution, I hope this will save some time and help other people!
Why you need to create .main .main_in_logo - the main idea of styles with parent elements its not to broke your css with other styles in the future. But its impossible with css modules, because your styles will be unique forever.
But even you really need it you can use global css for these 2 components - documentation about global css for react-css-modules.
The child component should not have a css rule that is dependent upon the parent css classname.
the child should just be:
.main_in_logo { color: red; }
If you need to define styles that involve both parent and child, then the easiest way is to define the styles completely in the parent:
/* navigation.css */
.main .main_in_logo {
color: red;
Then have the parent pass the css class to the child and tell the child to use it:
// Navigation.js
<NavigationLogo className={navigationCss.main_in_logo} />
// NavigationLogo.js
<div className={"foo " + this.props.className}>stuff</div>
You don't need to be specify which child class you are referring to when using CSS modules in ReactjS.
so doing:
.main_in_logo {
color: red;
will be enough in the stylesheet.
I ended up using CSS the normal way but with BEM convention.
I mean after all, what the CSS modules do is adding the [this_name].module.css to your css classes anyway. If you typed it correctly in the first place, there's no need of using this. It's just a new abstract that allow newbies so they can just do stuff without having to worry about class names clashing.
// Main.jsx
import './Main.css'
import Logo from './Logo.jsx'
const Main = () => {
return (
<div className="main">
<Logo className="main__logo" />
/* Main.css */
.main {/* do magic */}
.main__logo {/* do magic but for Logo component */}
So maybe you had Logo component like this..
// Logo.jsx
import './Logo.css'
const Logo = () => {
return (
<div className="logo">
<img className="logo__img" />
/* Logo.css */
.logo {/* do magic for logo */}
.logo__img {/* do magic for logo's image */}
This feels much more natural.
