Unable to SFTP Bitnami (Wordpress) Google Cloud Instance - wordpress

I'm trying to SFTP Compute Engine from MAC using Filezilla. I can SSH with port 22 without any problem. But I need R/W/D access to my files and trying SFTP to port 21 and getting the following error,
Command: keyfile "/bitnami-google-api-project-4xxxxxxxxxx.pem"
Command: open "bitnami#104.xxx.xxx.xxx" 21
Error: Connection refused
Error: Could not connect to server
I referred a couple of similar threads here nothing make this work, sofar I did,
Bitnami Key added in Google Compute Engine and both are same Added.
PEM key file (MAC) in FileZilla settings.
I'm using root password with default username
Anything I'm missing from the doc to follow to get access through 21?

SFTP runs over an SSH session, usually on TCP port 22. In the Bitnami Stack SFTP is configured to use port 22. In the link below you will find information about how to upload files using SFTP using Bitnami Cloud Images on Google Cloud:
If you want to use SFTP on any other port, you need to open that port on your server and configure SFTP to use port 21. You can open a port on your server following the steps described in the guide below:


How do I connect to a RDS MySQL instance from RStudio via a bastion host?

I would like to use RStudio for analysis of data on a MySQL instance. This is a AWS RDS MySql instance that is only accessible via a jump box / bastion host. I have the credentials necessary to connect to the jump box, and from the jump box to the RDS instance. What do I need to do be able to query this DB directly from within the RStudio console?
I can connect (using the Terminal tab in RStudio)to the jump box using:
ssh -p 22xx user#ip.add.re.ss
Then I can connect to RDS mysql using:
mysql -u username -p database -h hostname.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
I can connect and do manual mysql commands from within RStudio terminal, but I don't seem to be able to do anything with the DB from the RStudio console.
Sorry for opening a 2yo thread, but for everyone dealing with this issue as I am - I found this thread and it looks like it works (connecting with MySQL via ssh from R Studio).
You should use something which is called port forwarding. Some details
are here
(https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/PortForwarding) For
example, say you wanted to connect from your laptop to
http://www.ubuntuforums.org using an SSH tunnel. You would use source
port number 8080 (the alternate http port), destination port 80 (the
http port), and destination server www.ubuntuforums.org. :
ssh -L 8080:www.ubuntuforums.org:80 Where should be
replaced by the name of your laptop.
This is done for whole computer so you dont need to do this from r
Offcourse you need to forward your port to 3036. But you need special
privilige on the server. Because on most hosting you can only connect
from localhost (for example from PHP)
Source: https://www.py4u.net/discuss/881859

Not able to access nginx from outside world

Not able to access nginx from outside the server
I have used ansible role written by me to download nginx on linux machines. But i'm not bale to access that nginx service outside of the server (the one on which it is installed)
You can access the code from above url
I am able to get a welcome page of nginx service running on Centos machines, but can't get anything when i tried to access ip address of machine running on ubuntu 14.04 and having nginx installed on it.
Its simply means nginx port is not opened.
steps to follows:
login to your machine which is trying to access nginx.
if it is windows ,open DOS prompt OR if it is linux, open terminal.
run following command :
Based on output , if port is not open, you can refer following guide to open port:

Connect to a remote Jupyter runtime over HTTPS with Google Colab

I'm trying to use Google's Colab feature to connect to a remote run-time that is configured with HTTPS. However, I only see an option to inform the port on the UI, not the protocol.
I've checked the Network panel and the website starts a WebSocket connection with http://localhost:8888/http_over_websocket?min_version=0.0.1a3, HTTP-style.
Full details of my setup:
I have a public Jupyter server at with self-signed certificate and password authentication
I've followed jupyter_http_over_ws' setup on the remote
I started the remote process with jupyter notebook --no-browser --keyfile key.pem --certfile crt.pem --ip --notebook-dir notebook --NotebookApp.allow_origin='https://colab.research.google.com'
I've created a local port forwarding with ssh -L 8888:localhost:8888 dev#
I've turned on network.websocket.allowInsecureFromHTTPS on Firefox
I've went to https://localhost:8888 and logged in
Naturally, when the UI calls http://localhost:8888/http_over_websocket?min_version=0.0.1a3 it fails. If I manually access https://localhost:8888/http_over_websocket?min_version=0.0.1a3 (note the extra s) it gets through.
I see three options to solve it:
Tell the UI to use secure WS connection
Run a proxy on my local machine to transform the HTTPS into plain HTTP
Turn off HTTPS on my remote
The last two I think will work, but I wouldn't like that way.
How to do #1?
Thanks a lot!
Your option 1 isn't possible in colab today.
Why do you want to use HTTPS over an SSH tunnel that already encrypts forwarded traffic?

What is the configuration for setting up MySQL workbench with a AWS Bitnami instance?

I am some issue with connecting the pipes between MySQL Workbench and my Bitnami Wordpress instance on AWS (using ssh). I have read and attempted the docs several times, I don't know what is going on.
I have successfully ssh-ed via the command line using ssh -i my_key_file bitnami#IP-Address.
However, I cannot get it to work for MySQL Workbench.
Field Value
SSH Hostname IP-Address
SSH Username bitnami
SSH Key File <path-to-key-file>
MySQL Hostname
MySQL Server Port 3306
MySQL username root
The path to key-file is correct as it works for other AWS instances. And the SSH hostname and SSH username get my access via the terminal - so I would assume these are fine?
When I test the connection, I am prompted for a password. Everywhere online suggests that this password is the admin password used the Wordpress account (accessible via the system logs). I have this password. However, this doesn't get me in.
The attempted connection returns the error: Failed to Connect to MySQL at through SSH tunnel at bitnami#IP-Address with user root
Any help would be appreciated
I have read and attempted the docs several times, I don't know what is going on.
I guess you are referring to this documentation
Could you try to reset the password for the root user as described in the guide below?
Once you have restarted it and you have chosen a new one, use this new password on the Workbench.

Amazon EC2 How Do I Host My Own Content on a Bitnami-Wordpress Instance

I created an instance to host my wordpress blog. I made a keypair, converted it using PuTTY Gen so that it would work with winscp.
My security group that is associated with my instance has:
ICMP Allow All
TCP 0-65535
TCP 22 (SSH)
UDP 0-65535
I am running a Bitnami-Wordpress 3.2.1-0 Ubuntu AMI
My Question is: How do I host a simple file on my instance?
UPDATE: so I was able to login using SFTP by simply filling in my instance Public DNS as my host, and the PuTTY Gen key as the private key, the username I had to use was Bitnami. So now I have access to the server, how or where do I put a file so that it will come out www.mywebsite.com/myfile.file???
I am assuming that I need to SSH into the server using putty, and add it into the WWW directoroy?
What I have tried:
I tried logging in using WinSCP with host name being my instance's Public DNS, and my private key file the converted PuTTY Gen file that was originally the key pair for the instance.
Using SFTP, pressing login it asks me for a user name, entering "user" or "ec2-user" I get an error saying:
"disconnected, no supported authentication methods available (server sent: public key), Server >refused our key. Authentication failed.
Using root for the username, it asks for a passphrase that I created for my keypair using PuTTY Gen, It accepts it, but then I get this error:
"Received too large (1349281121 B) SFTP packet. Max supported packet size is 1024000 B. The error >is typically caused by message printed from startup script (like .profile). The message may start >with ""Plea"". Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?
If in WinSCP I put the username as "user" and the password as "bitnami" (before I press login) (default wordpress password for bitnami AMI) it gives me this error:
Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey). Authentication log (see session log for details):Using username: "user". Server refused ourkey. Authentication failed.
I get the same errors using SCP instead of SFTP in WinSCP except when I use SCP and I press login, and I use username "root" it asks me for my passphrase, after entering that I get this error:
Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 0. Error skipping startup message. Your shell is probably incompatible with the application (BASH is recommended).
Also, if you want to remove wordpress from the URL, you can use the following instructions I posted on my blog (travisnelson.net):
$ sudo chmod 777 /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
$ vi /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
changed DocumentRoot to be: DocumentRoot “/opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs”
$ sudo chmod 544 /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
$ sudo apachectl -k restart
Then in WordPress, change the Site address (URL) in General Settings to not have /wordpress.
Hope this helps
If you are already able to connect using SFTP. Now you just need to copy the file. Where you need to copy it depend on what you are trying to do.
BitNami Wordpress AMI has the following directory structure (I only include the relevant directories for this question):
|-- apache2/htdocs
|-- apps/wordpress/htdocs
You mentioned that you want to www.mywebsite.com/myfile.file. If you didn't modify the default apache configuration you will need to copy file in /opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs (this is the DocumentRoot for the BitNami WordPress AMI.
If you want that file to be accessed from www.mywebsite.com/wordpress/myfile.file, then you need to copy it in /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs.
If what you are trying to do is to manually install a theme or plugin you can follow the WordPress documentation taking into account that the wordpress installation directory is /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs.
Also, you can find below some links to the BitNami Wiki explaining how to connect to the AMIs. I just include them as a reference for other users that find the same connection issues.
Further reading:
How to connect to your amazon instance
How to upload files from Windows
I had a similar problem recently. Having setup Bitnami Wordpress on AmazonAWS I was unable to modify, add, or remove themes from within the Wordpress admin interface even though all of my permissions were setup appropriately according to Wordpress recommended settings. However, I did not want to have to resort to turning FTP access on.
I was able to resolve the issue by:
Setting the file access method for Bitnami Wordpress to 'direct'.
Changing all users to Apache Bitnami.
Adding Bitnami to Apache group and Apache to Bitnami group.
