Multiple Ultrasonic sensors with Arduino - arduino

I'm trying to create a robot using three HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors and my Arduino Pro Mini but I've run into a few problems. In short the robot's function is as follows:
The robot is dual wheeled, with an H-bridge (SN754410) driving each wheel.
There's one HC-SR04 sensor on each side of the robot, the left one activates the left wheel motor when it detects a hand in front of it, vice versa for the right side.
i.e. To make the robot go forward, we place our hands near the left and right side of the robot, to make it turn right, we remove the right hand and keep the left one in place, vice versa for turning left, etc.
A third HC-SR04 is located the top of the robot, such that it activates a third motor when the user's hand is hovering above the robot.
My test code is as follows:
#include <NewPing.h>
#define SONAR_NUM 3 // Number of sensors.
#define MAX_DISTANCE 20 // Maximum distance (in cm) to ping.
NewPing sonar[SONAR_NUM] = { // Sensor object array.
NewPing(4, 5, MAX_DISTANCE), // Each sensor's trigger pin, echo pin, and max distance to ping.
NewPing(6, 7, MAX_DISTANCE),
NewPing(8, 9, MAX_DISTANCE)
#define ena1 10 //trigger for left motor H-bridge
//#define ena2 11 //trigger for right motor
//#define ena3 12 //for top motor
long sensors[3]; //array to store sensor distances
void setup() {
Serial.begin (115200);
pinMode(ena1, OUTPUT);
//pinMode(ena2, OUTPUT);
//pinMode(ena3, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < SONAR_NUM; i++) { // Loop through each sensor and display results.
delay(50); // Wait 50ms between pings (about 20 pings/sec). 29ms should be the shortest delay between pings.
sensors[i] = sonar[i].ping_cm();
if (sensors[0] > 0 && sensors[0] <= 20){
digitalWrite(ena1, HIGH);
As you can see, I'm using the NewPing.h library to collect the sensor data. After each iteration of the for loop, the distances detected by the sensors are stored in a sensor array. When a hand is placed about 15-20 cm away from a sensor, the arduino sends a digital "HIGH" trigger signal to the respective H-bridge, activating the respective motor (I only have one of these pins, "ena1", enabled in my code, the other two are commented for the test).
To test my code, I simply connected the H-bridge trigger pin "ena1" to an LED, this pin is activated by the sensor whose distance data is stored in variable "sensors[0]". However, after I compile and upload my code, I notice that the LED simply flickers faintly as I put my hand in front of the sensor. As if the LED is being turned on and off very fast.
The output from the serial monitor is as follows:
As you can see, by putting my hand about ~15cm in front of the sensor, the sensor returns the correct distance and the "ena1" pin is set to high (as evidenced by "detected" being printed to the screen).
However, the sensor always returns a "0" value at the next iteration of the main loop (while my hand is still in front of the sensor), subsequently setting the "ena1" pin to LOW again, which might explain why the LED is being turned on and off so fast.
I'm not sure why this is happening... Interestingly, by removing the digitalWrite lines from the code, the sensor returns the correct values (i.e. no "0" value when my hand is in front of the sensor).
Any ideas on how I can fix this?
Thanks in advance!

This might be a hardware error. I've seen cases where, if the pins of the HC-SR04 were a brass (gold-ish) color, the sensor had a tendency to throw out a 0 for distance.
My suggestion is to get an other ultrasonic sensor, preferably with more silver-ish colored pins.
Your code looks good though!
Good luck!


Calibrate Donkey Car via raspberrypi4 with l298n motor (* no 16 channel servo driver )

So I am building a donkey car in raspberry pi 4 2gb. I have installed the software and all libraries needed and made changes in My car runs properly, but I couldn't calibrate it to turn properly (left and right) according to If anyone could help it would be great.
code changes in
IMAGE_W = 200
IMAGE_H = 120
"LEFT_FWD_PIN": "RPI_GPIO.BOARD.16", # TTL output pin enables left wheel forward
"LEFT_BWD_PIN": "RPI_GPIO.BOARD.18", # TTL output pin enables left wheel reverse
"LEFT_EN_DUTY_PIN": "RPI_GPIO.BOARD.22", # PWM pin generates duty cycle for left motor speed
"RIGHT_FWD_PIN": "RPI_GPIO.BOARD.15", # TTL output pin enables right wheel forward
"RIGHT_BWD_PIN": "RPI_GPIO.BOARD.13", # TTL output pin enables right wheel reverse
"RIGHT_EN_DUTY_PIN": "RPI_GPIO.BOARD.11", # PWM pin generates duty cycle for right wheel speed
This question is probably best asked in the robotics stackexchange or the donkeycar discord. But to answer your question, a differential drive robot (you've chosen the DC_TWO_WHEEL_L298N drive train, so I am assuming you have two motors connected to the L298N) does not need to have it's steering calibrated. So you can ignore that calibration step. The robot is steered by varying the throttle to each motor. For a left turn, the left motor is given less throttle, so it's wheel will turn slower than the right wheel; that will cause the robot to turn in a leftward arc. A right turn is similar but the right wheel turns slower.

Arduino LCD display does not display text

I'm using LCD for the first time and I'm unable to make it work. It lights the background but it does not show any text. I tried three times from the beginning, each time with a different tutorial, and none of the solutions worked. Is there any mistake in my wiring that I do not see?
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);
void setup() {
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.print("hello, world!");
void loop() {
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
Here are the links to the tutorials I used:
I also attached a link to the picture with my wiring.
Maybe you just need to adjust contrast. I dont understand why you have tkat pot connected to + and - and center pin is left over. Also, get better wires. Connect that pot to contrast pins and try to adjust it.
It's quite difficult to look for each wiring as all your cables are bent and twisted. From here I can see that the big yellow cable is meant to lead to the slider. You left the end of it on the left-hand-side of the breadboard, which is NOT connected to the right-hand side.
This means: Connect your red cable on the lower left side (in the column "H") to your slider in column "D", between the other two cables.

Arduino HC-SR04 pwm interfere

I have been struggling with arduino and ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 and PWM.
I am using arduino pro mini. Also using NewPing library.
the newping library example works perfectly if I have just the sonar attached and I get about 170cm when pointing upwards towards the ceiling.
However if I add a pwm call on a different pin(pin 3 in this case) the sonar outputs maximum of 41cm, everything below that works, albeit bit noisily.
I have almost nothing connected to the pwm pin, there is only a capasitor and a resistor. I had a motor as well but removed it for debugging.
Illustration of my wiring:
#include <NewPing.h>
#define TRIGGER_PIN 8 // Arduino pin tied to trigger pin on the ultrasonic sensor.
#define ECHO_PIN 7 // Arduino pin tied to echo pin on the ultrasonic sensor.
#define MAX_DISTANCE 200
int p = 3;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
delay(50); // Wait 50ms between pings (about 20 pings/sec). 29ms should be the shortest delay between pings.
Serial.print("Ping: ");
int d = sonar.ping_cm();
Serial.print(d); // Send ping, get distance in cm and print result (0 = outside set distance range)
The problem does disappear if I remove everything from the pin 3, but I don't see how this wiring can have any effect, especially with the motor missing.
Any ideas how to get the sonar and pwm working at the same time.
Check the pin color of your HC-SR04. Models with "brass" colored pins have a defect. They might and will return false readings. Models with "silver-y-ish" pins are more precise. The defect isn't there.
Also, try using pins 2 & 3 for the distance sensor and something else for the PWM.

Arduino Tower Pro SG90 Continuous rotation servo Control

I have Hacked Tower SG90 for continuous rotation. I can control it for forward and backward motion. But I don't know how to stop the servo. I am using arduino nano to control Servo. Here is my code :
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo
void setup() {
void loop() {
myservo.write(0); // for forward motion
myservo.write(180); // for backward motion
From Arduino Documentation
Writes a value to the servo, controlling the shaft accordingly. On a
standard servo, this will set the angle of the shaft (in degrees),
moving the shaft to that orientation. On a continuous rotation servo,
this will set the speed of the servo (with 0 being full-speed in one
direction, 180 being full speed in the other, and a value near 90
being no movement).

tone() library calls fails on alternating tones

I have a Leonardo generating a square wave using tone(). I ran the output through an LC low pass filter and fed into into a recording jack. Everything works fine for one continuous tone. But if I try and vary the frequency, for example:
then every now and again (it varies, e.g. 14ms, 28ms, 71ms) the signal disappears for about 4ms. This happens even when no other code apart from the above is present, i.e. no serial port access etc.
How can I get the Leonardo to generate tones without these gaps appearing?
