Namespace Windows.Devices.I2c nowhere to find - arduino

i am trying to communicate with i2c slaves on raspberry pi 2 with Windows 10 IoT Build 14393 (Background Application C#).
I cannot find the nemspace Windows.Devices.I2c anywhere. I have referenced Windows 10 Iot Extensions in different versions.
Can anyone point me to why this is?
Resolved. See answer (and vote please ;)

If you have older / multiple versions installed of Windows Software Developer Kit, there are issues with namespaces apparently.
Fix: Remove the old installations and/or make a repair of the current version of Windows Software Developer Kit.
Please refer to MSDN:


QT, understanding cross-compiling for Raspberry PI3

I'm trying to understand how to cross-compile for a Raspberry PI3.
First, let me check if I understood correctly the meaning of the cross-compiling: is it to compile for a hardware that is different from the machine I'm building my application? This means, building for example a linux application from a windows system?
Second, all the tutorials I found required the building of QT for the target platform. Is this because to build a QT application I need the target-hardware-specific-built-version of QT libraries? Why there are no pre-built versions?
Third, I don't understand why a raspberry image is required in all the tutorials I could find.
Those are some of the tutorials I found, I found really strange that such a long setup is needed to cross-compile an application and I'm just wondering if what I'm trying to do (compile from a Linux machine a raspberry-pi3 QT application) is what those articles are really describing.
Tutorial 1, Tutorial 2, QT official embedded device page
You are correct, cross-compiling is building on one type of hardware (Host) to run on a different type of hardware (Target).
If you are willing to go for a commercial version of Qt, Qt will provided a turnkey solution (Boot to Qt) for developing on a specific Raspberry Pi. By turn-key, I mean they have all the target tools for cross compiling and the correctly built libraries for the target, etc. It's not cheap, and probably not the way to go for the hobbyist.
If you go with the open source (free) version of Qt, you will need to do most of the setup work yourself. The reason you are having a hard time finding everything built for you are mostly related to two things: The size of the distribution, and what you are building for what (i.e. which Qt version for which Raspberry Pi and which Raspberry Pi Linux version and which drivers, etc.).
The Raspberry Pi image is needed as you need the correct libraries to build Qt against. The cross-compilation tools need to link against the target (Raspberry Pi) images.
Yes, it is a long process to setup a Qt cross compilation environment, but it only needs to be done when once for each Qt version. Once you have setup the environment, building and deploying a Qt application on the target Raspberry Pi is really quite fast and easy.

Is it Meteor support installation in Windows 8 officially?

We successfully setup the Meteor in Centos. Is it Latest version supporting installation in windows 8 officially?. If yes please share the information.
we know its supporting unofficially with the following url
I agree about the cloud solutions. I've used the unofficial Windows version and had some problems, but I am loving cloud development with Meteor.
If you are interested in trying it out, I wrote up an entire tutorial on how to get set up with cloud development in Meteor and included a screencast.
Windows support is not yet official and outlines some workarounds, the better ones which include utilizing a virtual machine. There is a suggested native solution (launchmeteor.exe), although unofficial, with key difference (for some developers) being Meteorite not work on Windows yet.
According to the roadmap trello board official windows support is targeted for 1.0 if time permits, but it seems very unlikely.
For interim portability, you may want to have a look at cloud solutions like at which runs the dev environment on the cloud but has a windows desktop app which at least lets you develop locally and sync to your cloud box.

Installing MPI for Windows

I am trying to install MPI for Windows 8, so when I searched net I got steps for installing it on XP/7 but not for windows 8. The link is:
But firstly when I have to allow mpi.exe and smpd.exe to communicate through firewall these exe files are not listed.
Secondly, when I run cmd(as administrator) and type : "smpd -install",
it says : "Unknown option: -install". I guess the command for windows 8 is something else.
So I will be really grateful if anyone helps with it because I'm not able to proceed further.
Side note before I start, MPI is a standard, not a library that you install. MPICH, Open MPI, Intel MPI, MS-MPI, etc. are all implementations of that standard. When you say you're trying to do X with MPI and you're asking for help, mention which implementation (and version) you're using.
Based on your question, I'm assuming that you're trying to install MPICH, though which version is unclear. MPICH hasn't supported Windows since version 1.4.1p and even that version doesn't have any support from the MPICH team anymore as all of the Windows experts are now gone. I'd suggest that you take a look at one of the implementations that do currently support Windows. The only two I know of are MS-MPI (free) and Intel MPI (paid - Update: Now free for most users), though there are probably others out there that I don't know about. If you still have trouble after trying one of those implementations, they have their own support teams that can help you with your problem.
I am not sure which version of MSMPI you were talking about but here is the webpage you should download the latest MSMPI which also supports Win 8.1.
You just need to double click and follow the instructions of installer.

Managed code in WinPE

If I want to run a program in windows PE (Vista or 7) am I not allowed to use any level of managed code?
Can I only have c++ code that doesn't reference any dotNet code?
How can I interact with windows? Do I have to use user32.dll type files to carry out various operations?
Edit: See also Can Windows PE 2.0 support the .NET framework?
Windows PE is a very limited bit of windows before windows proper. It stands to reason that vast parts of the windows in the WIN32 subsystem will not be available. However this page discusses coding with PE (though its limited to XP embedded). And this discusses some ui aspects under PE and possibly ways of getting access to the windows libraries.
It may be possible to self host the CLR but I doubt it. Might make an interesting challenge. Let us know how you get on.

best way to get started in setting up Mono for ASP.NET on Mac

I have recently gained access to a Mac. I am wondering if anyone has any tips/advice for setting up Mono on a mac for development and execution of ASP.NET? Most resources point to Linux implementations which tend to differ a lot from the way Mac's do things. Any tips or advice would be helpful
To launch the development ASP.NET server, just open a terminal window and run the "xsp2" command from the Mono installation.
The only thing that is missing from the Mono distribution on the Mac compared to Linux is the Apache module, that one you will have to compile yourself if you want to deploy your application in production on OSX.
Since I first worked with mono osx, they've added Cocoa# and ObjC#, but the ASP.NET core was pretty solid (about 3 years ago). You can in fact write web applications according to the Onion book, and port 'em to IIS with little or no difficulty.
Honestly if you want to run ASP.NET you probably don't want to struggle with getting it to run via mono on MacOS. Intel-based Macintoshes can boot Windows, and Apple provides Windows drivers for their various devices as part of Boot Camp.
Alternately you can buy Parallels or VMWare Fusion for less than $100. I use VMWare Fusion. There is also a Mac version of VirtualBox from Sun which is free, though I have never used it.
For MacOS development (not .Net) you really should try Apple's XCode. It is free. It primarily focuses on Objective C though Python, Ruby, and other languages can be used to develop native Mac applications.
Edit 9/22: I'm sorry neither you nor Kev found this a useful answer. Let me try to expand a bit: the Macintosh has a long history of software being ported in from Windows, applying a theme to make the GUI elements look Mac-like but otherwise being content with a minimum cost port. Such software never behaves like a real Mac application: it doesn't respond to AppleEvents, it won't be scriptable, it handles only the cross-platform clipboard formats, etc.
You're free to do whatever you want, including running ASP.NET using mono. If its for your personal use, knock yourself out. However if you're considering it as a way to offer your web-enabled product in a Mac version, I urge you to reconsider. The Mac market has for the most part rejected such products. You'll get some sales, but nothing like you would get for an app which behaves like a native Mac application.
Now, let the down-voting continue.
You can also run ASP.NET via NGINX - easy to install using:
sudo brew install nginx
See installation tutorial:
See configuration steps for your app:
(Note: see my pull request as the fastcgi-mono-server4 should now be used -
Why use Mono on a Mac? Run Parallels, VMWare, or Boot Camp.
