acf Image Crop Editor Not working - wordpress

Example Image
I am having an issue in wordpress admin where the images are not cropping in WP "edit image" for a site I am creating and I do not know what the cause is.


Feature Images are not being displayed as header image or post thumbnail using uncode theme of undsgn

Feature Images are not being displayed as a header image or post thumbnail using uncode theme of undsgn for new uploads.
I wrote a blog and uploaded a new image and set it as the featured image but that image is not displaying as the header image or the blog thumbnail in archives but if I use an old or previously uploaded image then it works fine and the image appears on both of the places
I've tried clearing the WordPress cache, editing the image to a set of resolutions.

Featured image broken / not displaying in Wordpress

There is a free download template that I liked and installed on my Wordpress site.
This template is the HR Game Pro.
Demo Link:
Download Link:
my website:
This template supports the featured image function, which works perfectly on the demo page but does not show me the featured images.
For posts, I can add a featured image, but it does not appear on my home page (and nowhere else), only a "broken image" icon appears.
enter image description here
Looking at the source code of the "broken image" icon, the link to the image leads to the homepage of my site ( rather than the driect featured image link.
I can not figure out what that is.
I install the theme on any server, the same problem exists, so the bug is in the HR Game Pro template. Unfortunately I can not contact the Wordpress template developer, so I would like to ask for help. :)
If one of you approached me and would help me, please look at the theme of what's causing the problem. Thank you very much.

Images in products are not fully displaying when using WooCommerce?

I'm working on WordPress WooCommerce, the thumbnail image is not fully showing.
site you can see the problem in the link provided above

On woocommerce how do I remove this cropping to product catergory thumbnails?

I've searched and tried fixing this myself for several hours, however, I cannot find a proper solution.
The images I upload to Woocommerce's product category are getting cropped to a 1:1 aspect ratio, and I want them to stay at the original dimensions and aspect ratio that I uploaded them at.
the main part of the snippet I am confused with is that there is an added -150x150.png at the end of my img src. How in the world do I remove that? I could not find it anywhere in any of the woocommerce php files. I'm assuming this is being added when the thumbnail is uploaded?
The code that the php creates to display the image looks like this:
<a href="http://localhost/radioactivewonderland/?product_cat=phone-charms">
<img src="http://localhost/radioactivewonderland/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/cghjnfgchjn-150x150.png" alt="Phone Charms" height="" width="Phone Charms" />
<h3> Phone Charms <mark class="count">(1)</mark> </h3>
Update for WooCommerce 3.4
The thumbnail sizes are now available in the Customizer. You'll need to open the Customizer, then select WooCommerce, then Product Images.
The "main image" is the single product image. And the "thumbnail" is the shop/archive loop image.
The settings are no longer available in the admin Settings.
The category images are the same size as shop_image (or Catalog) thumbnail. WooCommerce handles its product thumbnails in its settings:
You can change its height, width, and toggle the hard crop on/off.
After changing the image sizes you will need to regenerate thumbnails.
Firstly, go to Theme Options> Shop settings, and set Enable Product Image Crop on Catalog pages to OFF.
Then navigate to Appearance> customize> WooCommerce> Product images, and set Thumbnail cropping to uncropped.
Save the settings, and view your shop page out of the customizer. Your full images should display.
Let me know if that works for you.

Wordpress Image is not displayed as featured image nor in Gallery

I have a wordpress website set up. I've uploaded many images and most of them show up in the gallery. But some of them don't and they don't show up as featured images for posts when I select them from the gallery.
The website is:
As you can see no featured image is displayed for this post.
The image file link is:
Can anyone help me please?
