Call Haskell DLL from Mathematica - r

Looking for a way to call a Haskell DLL from Mathematica, I've stumbled on this, for GNU R:
It is (to me) a beautiful example and I managed to make it work on Mathematica without modification through this spell:
hsStart = DefineDLLFunction["HsStart", "c:\\temp\\SumRoots.dll", "void", {}];
hsEnd = DefineDLLFunction["HsEnd", "c:\\temp\\SumRoots.dll", "void", {}];
sroot = DefineDLLFunction["sumRootsR", "c:\\temp\\SumRoots.dll", "double", {"int*", "double[]", "double*"}];
resulta = 0;
lista = {9, 3.5, 5.58, 64.1, 12.54};
sroot[Length[lista], lista, resulta];
Then I tried to modify the example to return a vector of doubles, instead of a single value:
Code in Haskell:
-- SumRoots.hs
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module SumRoots where
import Foreign
foreign export ccall acumSumR :: Ptr Int -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO ()
acumSum :: [Double] -> [Double]
acumSum xs = scanl (\x y -> x+y) 0 xs
acumSumR :: Ptr Int -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO ()
acumSumR n xs result = do
n <- peek n
xs <- peekArray n xs
pokeArray result $ acumSum xs
Code in C: (exactly the same of the mentioned blog post)
ghc -c SumRoots.hs
ghc -c StartEnd.c
ghc -shared -o SumRoots.dll SumRoots.o StartEnd.o
Code in Mathematica:
hsStart = DefineDLLFunction["HsStart", "c:\\temp\\SumRoots.dll", "void", {}];
hsEnd = DefineDLLFunction["HsEnd", "c:\\temp\\SumRoots.dll", "void", {}];
acums = DefineDLLFunction["acumSumR", "c:\\temp\\SumRoots.dll", "double[]", {"int*", "double[]", "double[]"}];
lista = {9, 3.5, 5.58, 64.1, 12.54};
NETBlock#Module[{n, resultb}, n = Length[lista]+1;
resultb = NETNew["System.Double[]", n]; acums[n, lista, resultb];
{0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}
The result should be {0.0, 9.0, 12.5, 18.08, 82.18, 94.72}. I'm not sure if this problem belongs to Mathematica or Haskell realm, but posting here is based on the fact that the GNU R call worked:
acumSum <- function(input)
return(.C("acumSumR", n=as.integer(length(input)), xs=as.double(input), result=as.double(rep(0,length(input)+1)))$result)
input <- c(9,3.5,5.58,64.1,12.54)
So, can somebody give a hint on how to call this modified Haskell DLL function from Mathematica?
SO: Windows 10 64-bit
Mathematica 8.0 64-bit
Haskell Platform 8.0.1 64-bit
GNU R 3.3.2 64-bit


Idris - erasure of indices fails

I am currently trying to erase all unused indices from my Idris
program - in one case however, the Idris compiler sees indices
as reachable. I tried to replicate the behaviour in the following
minimal example:
module Main
%access public export
data VectA : Nat -> Type -> Type where
VNilA : VectA Z a
VConsA : a -> VectA len a -> VectA (S len) a
data VectB : Nat -> Type -> Type where
VNilB : VectB Z a
VConsB : a -> VectB len a -> VectB (S len) a
fromList : (l : List a) -> VectA (length l) a
fromList [] = VNilA
fromList (x::xs) = VConsA x (fromList xs)
createList : String -> List Int
createList "42" = [42, 42, 42]
createList _ = [1, 2, 3, 4]
transformVectA : VectA n a -> Maybe (VectB n a)
transformVectA VNilA = Just VNilB
transformVectA (VConsA v vs) =
case transformVectA vs of
Just vs' => Just $ VConsB v vs'
Nothing => Nothing
transformVectB : VectA m a -> VectB n a -> Maybe (VectB n a)
transformVectB VNilA ws = Just ws
transformVectB (VConsA v vs) ws = transformVectB vs ws
transformVect : VectA n a -> VectA m a -> Maybe (VectB n a)
transformVect VNilA VNilB = Nothing
transformVect VNilA VNilA = Nothing
transformVect vs VNilA = Nothing
transformVect (VConsA v vs) xs =
case transformVectA (VConsA v vs) of
Nothing => Nothing
Just vs' => transformVectB xs vs'
main : IO ()
main = do
(testArg :: _) <- getArgs
ls <- pure $ createList testArg
va <- pure $ fromList ls
vb <- pure $ transformVect va va
putStrLn "OK"
When this is compiled by running:
idris Erasure.idr -o Erasure --warnreach
...the following warnings are shown:
Main.transformVect: inaccessible arguments reachable:
n (no more information available)
m (no more information available)
I also have trouble reading the dumpcases when
compiling with the additional option:
--dumpcases cases.txt
Why do these warnings appear ?
Is there any information available about how Idris is handling
erasure besides the Chapter 'Erasure By Usage Analysis' in the
Tutorial ?

Titles with PLplot, OCaml

I would like to put titles to my graph with the PLplot bindings in OCaml. So far, my code looks like this:
let simple_example g filename =
let p =
P.init (0.0, -2.0) (10.0, 2.0) `greedy (`svg `core) ~filename:filename
P.plot ~stream:p [P.func `blue g (0.0, 10.0) ~step:0.001];
P.finish ~stream:p ();
I had a look at the plplot.mli file and tried to use the text an text_outside functions, unsuccessfully. I know there is the Quick_plot module, which enables me to write titles easily, but I would like to avoid it as I lose a lot of other options with it.
I had a look at the "canonical" examples, without success (here :
The function P.label should do what you want:
This function is the Plot module's equivalent to pllab.
You can get help from PLplot web site which provides example using ocaml among other languages.
I managed to display a label to the parabol drawing :
let simple_example () =
let xs = Array.init 21 (fun xi -> float xi -. 10.0) in
let ys = (fun x -> x**2.0) xs in
plinit ();
plenv (-10.0) 10.0 0.0 100.0 0 0;
plline xs ys;
pllab "(x)" "(y)" "#frPLplot Example 1 - y=x#u2";
And if you want to use the Plot module from Plplot, you just have to add this into the list you give to P.plot like below :
let simple_example g filename =
let p =
P.init (0.0, -2.0) (10.0, 2.0) `greedy (`svg `core) ~filename:filename
P.plot ~stream:p [P.func `blue g (0.0, 10.0) ~step:0.001; P.text `blue 0. 0. "function"];
P.finish ~stream:p ();

Parallel power set generation in Erlang?

There is a lot of example implementations of generating a powerset of a set in Java, Python and others, but I still can not understand how the actual algorithm works.
What are the steps taken by an algorithm to generate a power set P(S) of a set S?
(For example, the power set of {1,2,3,4} is {{}, {1}, {2}, {1,2}, {3}, {1,3}, {2,3}, {1,2,3}, {4}, {1,4}, {2,4}, {1,2,4}, {3,4}, {1,3,4}, {2,3,4}, {1,2,3,4}}.)
UPD: I have found this explanation, but still I don't get it. I am trying to understand the algorithm of generating a power set, because I would like to write a parallel implementation of it - the following sequential Erlang implementation has an enormous stack and can not count more than 30-elements set on a machine with 8 GB RAM:
powerset(Lst) ->
N = length(Lst),
Max = trunc(math:pow(2,N)),
[[lists:nth(Pos+1,Lst) || Pos <- lists:seq(0,N-1), I band (1 bsl Pos) =/= 0] || I <- lists:seq(0,Max-1)].
This snippet returns all subsets of a set [a,b,c], except [a,b,c]:
generate_all_subsets([],Full_list,Result) ->
generate_all_subsets([Element|Rest_of_list],Full_list,Result) ->
Filtered_list = [X || X <- Full_list, X =/= Element],
?DBG("*Current accumulated result: ~w ~n", [Result]),
Result2 = generate_subsets(Element,Filtered_list,[],[]),
?DBG("Generated new result: ~w ~n", [Result2]),
New_result = lists:append(Result,Result2),
?DBG("Got new accumulated result: ~w ~n", [New_result]),
generate_subsets(Main_element,[],Accumulated_list,Result) ->
generate_subsets(Main_element,[Element|Rest_of_set],Accumulated_list,Result) ->
?DBG("*Generating a subset for ~w ~n", [Main_element]),
New_accumulated_list = lists:flatten([Element|Accumulated_list]),
New_result = [New_accumulated_list|Result],
?DBG("Added ~w to the result: ~w ~n", [New_accumulated_list,New_result]),
I am not sure if this snippet is correct.
Here is pretty simple version which performs far better than version from rosettacode:
generate([]) -> [[]];
generate([H|T]) -> PT = generate(T),
[ [H|X] || X <- PT ] ++ PT.
if you want even better performance you can try this:
generate([]) -> [[]];
generate([H|T]) -> PT = generate(T),
generate(H, PT, PT).
generate(_, [], Acc) -> Acc;
generate(X, [H|T], Acc) -> generate(X, T, [[X|H]|Acc]).
But anyway I doubt if you will be able construct powerset of 30 elements set. According mine calculation it could consume more than 16GB. There can be some reusing of lists tails in mine second version but it would not help enough. I think you can even fail to bigger issue if you will implement it as parallel algorithm because there will be message copying.

IntMap changes type after innocent mapping

consider this piece of code:Welcome to Scala version 2.8.0.r0-b20100714201327 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.6.0_20).
scala> val a = IntMap((1,1))
a: scala.collection.immutable.IntMap[Int] = IntMap((1,1))
scala> => (x._1,x._2 + 1))
res23: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map((1,2))
header of says this
def map [B] (f: ((Int, T)) ⇒ B) : immutable.IntMap[B]
[use case] Builds a new collection by applying a function to all elements
of this immutable integer map.
How should I construct the lambda to return IntMap?
Under Scala 2.8, I get
scala> => (x._1,x._2 + 1))
res0: scala.collection.immutable.IntMap[Int] = IntMap((1,2))

Implementing a direct-threaded interpreter in a functional language like OCaml

In C/C++ you can implement a direct threaded interpreter with an array of function pointers. The array represents your program - an array of operations. Each of the operation functions must end in a call to the next function in the array, something like:
void op_plus(size_t pc, uint8_t* data) {
*data += 1;
BytecodeArray[pc+1](pc+1, data); //call the next operation in the array
The BytecodeArray is an array of function pointers. If we had an array of these op_plus operations then length of the array would determine how ofter we'd be incrementing the contents of data. (of course, you'd need to add some sort of terminating operation as the last operation in the array).
How would one go about implementing something like this in OCaml? I may be trying to translate this code too literally: I was using an OCaml Array of functions as in the C++. The problem with that is that I keep ending up with something like:
let op_plus pc data = Printf.printf "pc: %d, data_i: %d \n" pc data;
let f = (op_array.(pc+1)) in
f (pc+1) (data+1) ;;
Where op_array is an Array defined in the scope above and then redefine it later to be filled with a bunch of op_plus functions... however, the op_plus function uses the previous definition of op_array. It's a chicken&egg problem.
Another alternative would be using CPS and avoid explicit function array altogether. Tail call optimization still applies in this case.
I don't know how do you generate the code, but let's make not unreasonable assumption that at some point you have an array of VM instructions you want to prepare for execution. Every instruction is still represented as a function, but instead of program counter it receives continuation function.
Here is the simplest example:
type opcode = Add of int | Sub of int
let make_instr opcode cont =
match opcode with
| Add x -> fun data -> Printf.printf "add %d %d\n" data x; cont (data + x)
| Sub x -> fun data -> Printf.printf "sub %d %d\n" data x; cont (data - x)
let compile opcodes =
Array.fold_right make_instr opcodes (fun x -> x)
Usage (look at inferred types):
# #use "";;
type opcode = Add of int | Sub of int
val make_instr : opcode -> (int -> 'a) -> int -> 'a = <fun>
val compile : opcode array -> int -> int = <fun>
# let code = [| Add 13; Add 42; Sub 7 |];;
val code : opcode array = [|Add 13; Add 42; Sub 7|]
# let fn = compile code;;
val fn : int -> int = <fun>
# fn 0;;
add 0 13
add 13 42
sub 55 7
- : int = 48
It's easy to introduce [conditional] branching in this model. if continuation is constructed from two arguments: iftrue-continuation and iffalse-continuation, but has the same type as every other continuation function. The problem is that we don't know what constitutes these continuations in case of backward branching (backward, because we compile from tail to head). That's easy to overcome with destructive updates (though maybe more elegant solution is possible if you are compiling from a high level language): just leave "holes" and fill them later when branch target is reached by the compiler.
Sample implementation (I've made use of string labels instead of integer instruction pointers, but this hardly matters):
type label = string
type opcode =
Add of int | Sub of int
| Label of label | Jmp of label | Phi of (int -> bool) * label * label
let make_instr labels opcode cont =
match opcode with
| Add x -> fun data -> Printf.printf "add %d %d\n" data x; cont (data + x)
| Sub x -> fun data -> Printf.printf "sub %d %d\n" data x; cont (data - x)
| Label label -> (Hashtbl.find labels label) := cont; cont
| Jmp label ->
let target = Hashtbl.find labels label in
(fun data -> Printf.printf "jmp %s\n" label; !target data)
| Phi (cond, tlabel, flabel) ->
let tcont = Hashtbl.find labels tlabel
and fcont = Hashtbl.find labels flabel in
(fun data ->
let b = cond data in
Printf.printf "branch on %d to %s\n"
data (if b then tlabel else flabel);
(if b then !tcont else !fcont) data)
let compile opcodes =
let id = fun x -> x in
let labels = Hashtbl.create 17 in
Array.iter (function
| Label label -> Hashtbl.add labels label (ref id)
| _ -> ())
Array.fold_right (make_instr labels) opcodes id
I've used two passes for clarity but it's easy to see that it can be done in one pass.
Here is a simple loop that can be compiled and executed by the code above:
let code = [|
Label "entry";
Phi (((<) 0), "body", "exit");
Label "body";
Sub 1;
Jmp "entry";
Label "exit" |]
Execution trace:
# let fn = compile code;;
val fn : int -> int = <fun>
# fn 3;;
branch on 3 to body
sub 3 1
jmp entry
branch on 2 to body
sub 2 1
jmp entry
branch on 1 to body
sub 1 1
jmp entry
branch on 0 to exit
- : int = 0
Performance-wise, CPS representation is likely to be faster than array-based, because there is no indirection in case of linear execution. Continuation function is stored directly in the instruction closure. In the array-based implementation it has to increment program counter and perform array access (with an extra bounds checking overhead) first.
I've made some benchmarks to demonstrate it. Here is an implementation of array-based interpreter:
type opcode =
Add of int | Sub of int
| Jmp of int | Phi of (int -> bool) * int * int
| Ret
let compile opcodes =
let instr_array = Array.make (Array.length opcodes) (fun _ data -> data)
in Array.iteri (fun i opcode ->
instr_array.(i) <- match opcode with
| Add x -> (fun pc data ->
let cont = instr_array.(pc + 1) in cont (pc + 1) (data + x))
| Sub x -> (fun pc data ->
let cont = instr_array.(pc + 1) in cont (pc + 1) (data - x))
| Jmp pc -> (fun _ data ->
let cont = instr_array.(pc) in cont (pc + 1) data)
| Phi (cond, tbranch, fbranch) ->
(fun _ data ->
let pc = (if cond data then tbranch else fbranch) in
let cont = instr_array.(pc) in
cont pc data)
| Ret -> fun _ data -> data)
let code = [|
Phi (((<) 0), 1, 3);
Sub 1;
Jmp 0;
let () =
let fn = compile code in
let result = fn.(0) 0 500_000_000 in
Printf.printf "%d\n" result
Let's see how it compares to the CPS-based interpreter above (with all debug tracing stripped, of course). I used OCaml 3.12.0 native compiler on Linux/amd64. Each program was run 5 times.
array: mean = 13.7 s, stddev = 0.24
CPS: mean = 11.4 s, stddev = 0.20
So even in tight loop CPS performs considerably better than array. If we unroll loop and replace one sub instruction with five, figures change:
array: mean = 5.28 s, stddev = 0.065
CPS: mean = 4.14 s, stddev = 0.309
It's interesting that both implementations actually beat OCaml bytecode interpreter. The following loop takes 17 seconds to execute on my machine:
for i = 500_000_000 downto 0 do () done
You should not redefine op_array, you should fill it in with instructions by modifying it in place so that it's the same op_array that your functions already refer to. Unfortunately, you can't change the size of an array dynamically in OCaml.
I see two solutions:
1) if you don't need to change the sequence of "instructions", define them in a mutual recursion with the array op_array. OCaml allows mutually recursive functions and values that start with the application of a constructor to be defined. Something like:
let rec op_plus pc data = ...
and op_array = [| ... |]
2) Or use an additional indirection: make op_array a reference to an array of instructions, and refer in the functions to (!op_array).(pc+1). Later, after you have defined all the instructions, you can make op_array point to an array of the right size, full of the instructions you intend.
let op_array = ref [| |] ;;
let op_plus pc data = ... ;;
op_array := [| ... |] ;;
One more option (if the size is known beforehand) - initially fill the array with void instructions :
let op_array = Array.create size (fun _ _ -> assert false)
let op_plus = ...
let () = op_array.(0) <- op_plus; ...
