Use web application project and call it from Web site -

I already have one existing website project which is in production. Now i want to have another different functionality with set of new pages. So i want to keep another web application project and refer the same in my existing website.
Button click in my website will call my webpage in seperate web application project.
Am not using M.V.C
Is this possible? Can i host my newly creating web application along with my website?
I have tried to call webpage from website to my web application. It is working. But is this the correct way?
what is the best way?

You can point your new domain to previously hosted website. Also you can use url rewriting to show whatever url you need to display to user.


App_Offline dynamically

I have a MVC5 web application on production, but I had to call the server guy to take down the site manually everytime I need to publish new features, just wondering if I can do this dynamically without any access to the webserver. I was thinking of programatically rename the App_Offline file but it won't work if I want to turn the site back on since ASP.NET automatically block any request.
Any help will be appreciated

preventing users to copy displayed image in mvc 4

I'm developing a website in MVC 4.
Part of the site must display images that their showing right is only belong to this site and users can only view this images through site without ability to copy them using either "save as .." option or copying image URLs using web developing tools.
How can I implement this scenario using MVC4.
These images can be stored either in web host or database. Witch one is preferred for this work?

Difference between creating my MVC web application ,under the IIS Default web site, or create it as a new web site

I have published my MVC web application under the “Default web site” inside IIS. I actually added two versions of my web application:-
one directly under the default website and it can be accessed by typing http://servername
one under presaging path , and can be accessed by typing http://servername/prestaging
so I got confused on which approach it is recommend to add my web application, and what is the difference between adding my web application under the default web site, or creating a whole new web site ?
This has more to do with organization within your company's IIS structure than right and wrong. If the site you built truly is the only site on the server, putting it on the Default site is not looked down upon.
But if the application is a sub application of the default site, the latter approach is the more appropriate approach if you only get to access the site from the //servername URL.
If you have a separate domain,, you can install it into the default iis site and add a binding or you could create a whole separate web site.
Has more to do with your structure than right or wrong.
To answer your comment, creating the site under the default web site will make the URL in most cases be: 'http://myservername/MyApp'. Creating your own application would require (in most cases) a separate binding address, '' It is really only affecting the URL you place in your browser and nothing else. More complicated setups are possible, but for most cases, these are your two options.

create new portal in dnn on localhost

Am having a play around with DotNetNuke 7, trying to get to grips with the basics. Have installed it succesfuly on my local machine following the tutorial online which instucts to create the a website in IIS called This worked fine but am having difficulty creating a second protal.
Have tried every didffierent way I can find online or think of and still can't view the new portal in my browser. Can someone please provide a clear step by step instruction of how they create and view their additional portals.
In DNN you can create two different types of Portals, Parent and Child.
A Parent Portal is a portal that has either its own Binding (domain) in IIS (ex: or a Virtual Directory/Application in IIS (ex:
A Child Portal in DotNetNuke doesn't require IIS changes, DNN basically creates a folder ( and redirects the user around based on the portal alias.
To create a new parent portal in IIS, if working locally with IIS6 or greater, you need to add a BINDING for the portal. Using the DNNDEV.ME domain, which points to, you could create a new portal that uses a subdomain like To do this, in IIS add the binding for and then when creating the Portal from the Host/Site Manage page use as the alias/url for the portal.
The key to the whole process is adding the binding in IIS.
If you want to create an application/virtual directory, Add the application in IIS and point the application to the root of your DNN files (c:\websites\

How to run/debug multiple web application projects with-in the same solution?

I have 2 web application projects. One is my MVC app and the other is for the admin related functions which is web forms Dynamic Data. My MVC app would be the main site, but I would want the webforms to work under an Admin folder of the MVC site.
While debugging the application, I would like the "/admin/Default.aspx" link on the MVC site to link to the default page within my Dynamic Data site. How do I accomplish this? I know I can test each project independently.
Within the visual studio project, you can right click on a folder and select "Convert to Web Application" which resolved my issue.
The easiest way would be to run them both in separate virtual directories and use Url Rewriting to push requests for the root to the public site. You can nest ASP.NET applications, but that generally requires quite a bit of fussing with the configuration file to dodge inheritance issues.
You could achieve this behavior via your IIS-Manager. Click on the Website, navigate to the folder you want to behave like a separate application and use right-mouse click and press "convert-to-application".
