I have a point in cartesian coordinate system for example :
x = 3 & y = 5
And I want to get new coordinate of this point after a move through a distance in the given direction (in degrees).
How I can do for get new x and new y ?
Well-known formulas from the school geometry:
new_x = x + distance * Math.Cos(angle_degrees * Math.Pi / 180)
new_y = y + distance * Math.Sin(angle_degrees * Math.Pi / 180)
Note that angle_degrees = "given direction" is measured from the positive x-axis moving toward the positive y-axis
Suppose, (x1, y1) is a point on the perimeter of a circle (x-420)^2 + (y-540)^2 = 260^2 what are the two points on the circle perimeter of distance d(euclidean) from the point (x1, y1)
Using trig
Assuming you are using a programming language. The answer is using pseudo code.
Using radians the distance d along a circle can be expressed as an angle a computed as a = d / r (where r is the radius)
Given an arbitrary point on the circle. (x1-420)^2 + (y1-540)^2 = 260^2 (NOTE assumes x1, y1 are known) we can extract the center is x = 420, y = 540, and radius r = 260
The angular distance d is then a = d / 260.
Most languages have the function atan2 which will compute the angle of a vector, We can get the angle from the circle center to the arbitrary point as ang = atan2(y1 - 540, x1 - 420) (Note y first then x)
Thus the absolute angles from the arbitrary point {x1, y1} to the points d distance along the circle (ang1 , ang2) is computed as...
// ? represents known unknowns
x = 420
y = 540
r = 260
d = ?
x1 = ?
y1 = ?
ang = atan2(y1 - y, x1 - x)
ang1 = ang + d / r
ang2 = ang - d / r
And the coordinates of the points (px1, py1, px2, py2) computed as...
px1 = cos(ang1) * r + x
py1 = sin(ang1) * r + y
px2 = cos(ang2) * r + x
py2 = sin(ang2) * r + y
Vector algebra
The problem can also be solved using vector algebra and does not require the trig function atan2
Compute the unit vector representing the angle a = d / r and then with the circle at the origin, transform (rotate) the point on the circle using the unit vector in both directions. Translate the points back to the circles original position for the solution.
For my current project, a user taps 2 locations on the X,Y plane. Once the two points are tapped, the user should then click and drag to extend 2 new points starting at the original 2 locations into a perfect rectangle (90 degree corners).
The math seems super simple, I just can't seem to get the right configuration to slide these two points along the perpendicular slope (by a certain distance).
My current attempt is to find the perpendicular slope and slide it by X distance (the distance the user has dragged), but I'm stuck on translating the perp. slope by distance.
You have points A and B. Difference vector
D = (Dx, Dy) = (Bx - Ax, By - Ay)
Normalized (unit) vector
Len = Sqrt(Dx*Dx + Dy*Dy)
(dx, dy) = (Dx / Len, Dy / Len)
Perpendicular unit vector
(px, py) = (-dy, dx)
Shift by distance L
pL = (px * L, py * L)
So shifted A will have coordinates
(a'x, a'y) = (Ax +/- px * L, Bx +/- py * L)
+ or - for two possible shift directions
I need to calculate a distance vector from two GPS coordinates.
The purpose is to calculate the vector of one's change in position,
so the coordinates are not far from each other.
I would like to calculate the latitudinal and longitudinal distances in meters.
I found something here,
but this only gives the direction without distance.
Due to the fact that those coordinates are very close in my case,
I made the approximation that the center of the earth and those two points form a triangle.
Thus, I can use the Al Kashi theorem.
Here is the code:
// Common values
double b = EARTH_RADIUS + destination.altitude;
double c = EARTH_RADIUS + this.altitude;
double b2 = b*b;
double c2 = c*c;
double bc2 = 2*b*c;
// Longitudinal calculations
double alpha = destination.longitude - this.longitude;
// Conversion to radian
alpha = alpha * Math.PI / 180;
// Small-angle approximation
double cos = 1 - alpha*alpha/2; //Math.cos(alpha);
// Use the law of cosines / Al Kashi theorem
double x = Math.sqrt(b2 + c2 - bc2*cos);
// Repeat for latitudinal calculations
alpha = destination.latitude - this.latitude;
alpha = alpha * Math.PI / 180;
double cos = 1 - alpha*alpha/2; //Math.cos(alpha);
double y = Math.sqrt(b2 + c2 - bc2*cos);
// Obtain vertical difference, too
double z = destination.altitude - this.altitude;
return new Vector3D(x, y, z);
As you can see,
I have approximated the cosine because the angles are really small.
I think adding the altitude to the earth's radius doesn't give a better approximation,
but since I have it…
I tested it compared to Google Maps for a distance of 38 meters and I got a result of 37.877.
My result might be more accurate! ^^
how do i find out pixel value at certain degree on the circumference of a circle if I know the pixel co-ordinates of the center of the circle, radius of the circle ,and perpendicular angle.
Basically, I am trying to draw the hands of a clock at various times ( 1 o clock , 2 o clock etc )
Let h be the hour as a floating point number (h=2.25 would be 02:15, etc.) between 0 and 12. (cX,cY) are the coordinates of the center. hLength and mLength are the lengths of the hour and min hands.
// Hour hand
hAngle = 2.0*Pi*h/12.0; // 0..12 mapped to 0..2*Pi
hX = cX + hLength * sin(hAngle);
hY = cY - hLength * cos(hAngle);
// Min hand
mAngle = 2.0*Pi*h; // 0..1 mapped to 0..2*Pi, etc.
mX = cX + mLength * sin(mAngle);
mY = cY - mLength * cos(mAngle);
Where the centre of the circle is (X0, Y0), the radius is R and the angle with the x-axis is theta:
X1 = (R * cos theta) + X0
Y1 = (R * sin theta) + Y0
If (x1,y1) is a point on the circumference and (x,y) is the center, then x1 = x + r * cos(angle) and y1 = y + r * sin(angle)
if center is at x0, y0, and 0,0 iz at bottom-left corner, then 1 o'clock is at x0 + rsin(2π/3), y0+rcos(2π/3).
Draw lines from the center to coordinates computed with sin for the y coordinates and cos for the x coordinates (both multiplied by the length of the hand).
Wikipedia has more information on how sin and cos "work".
Convert angle in degrees to a point
How could I convert an angle (in degrees/radians) to a point (X,Y) a fixed distance away from a center-point.
Like a point rotating around a center-point.
Exactly the opposite of atan2 which computes the angle of the point y/x (in radians).
Note: I kept the original title because that's what people who do not understand will be searching by!
Let the fixed distance be D, then X = D * cos(A) and Y = D * sin(A), where A is the angle.
If center-point (Xcp, Ycp) isn't the origin you also need to add it's coordinates to (X,Y) i.e. X = Xcp + D * cos(A) and Y = Ycp + D * sin(A)
What PolyThinker said.
Also, if you need the distance from the origin, it's sqrt(x^2 + y^2).
t = angle
r = radius (fixed distance)
x = rcost
y = rsint