I'm trying to get a vector of all the working days between to dates with the following code:
days_of_month = seq(as.Date("2017-01-01"), as.Date("2017-01-31"), by="days")
sundays = c(as.Date("2017-01-01"), as.Date("2017-01-08"), as.Date("2017-01-15"), as.Date("2017-01-22"), as.Date("2017-01-29"))
When I do:
working_days = setdiff(days_of_month, sundays)
The return value of setdiff is a vector of strange values:
[1] 17168 17169 17170 17171 17172 17173 17175 17176 17177 17178 17179 17180
[13] 17182 17183 17184 17185 17186 17187 17189 17190 17191 17192 17193 17194
[25] 17196 17197
What are those values? And how I get a vectors of the days that are in days_of_month but not in sundays?
Those are internal numeric value of R S3 class Date. You can see the numeric value by as.numeric(days_of_month). Or, you can convert the result to Date by as.Date(working_days, origin="1970-01-01").
I want to generate a sequence of dates with one quarter interval, with a starting date and ending date. I have below code :
> seq(as.Date('1980-12-31'), as.Date('1985-06-30'), by = 'quarter')
[1] "1980-12-31" "1981-03-31" "1981-07-01" "1981-10-01" "1981-12-31"
[6] "1982-03-31" "1982-07-01" "1982-10-01" "1982-12-31" "1983-03-31"
[11] "1983-07-01" "1983-10-01" "1983-12-31" "1984-03-31" "1984-07-01"
[16] "1984-10-01" "1984-12-31" "1985-03-31"
As you can see, this is not generating right sequence, as I dont understand how the date "1981-07-01" is coming here, I would expect "1981-06-30".
Is there any way to generate such sequence correctly with quarter interval?
Thanks for your time.
The from and to dates in the question are both end-of-quarter dates so we assume that that is the general case you are interested in.
1) Create a sequence of yearqtr objects yq and then convert them to Date class. frac=1 tells it s to use the end of the month. Alternately just use yq since that directly models years with quarters.
from <- as.Date('1980-12-31')
to <- as.Date('1985-06-30')
yq <- seq(as.yearqtr(from), as.yearqtr(to), by = 1/4)
as.Date(yq, frac = 1)
[1] "1980-12-31" "1981-03-31" "1981-06-30" "1981-09-30" "1981-12-31"
[6] "1982-03-31" "1982-06-30" "1982-09-30" "1982-12-31" "1983-03-31"
[11] "1983-06-30" "1983-09-30" "1983-12-31" "1984-03-31" "1984-06-30"
[16] "1984-09-30" "1984-12-31" "1985-03-31" "1985-06-30"
2) or without any packages add 1 to from and to so that they are at the beginning of the next month, create the sequence (it has no trouble with first of month sequences) and then subtract 1 from the generated sequence giving the same result as above.
seq(from + 1, to + 1, by = "quarter") - 1
Using the clock package and R >= 4.1:
seq(year_quarter_day(1980, 4), year_quarter_day(1985, 2), by = 1) |>
set_day("last") |>
# [1] "1980-12-31" "1981-03-31" "1981-06-30" "1981-09-30" "1981-12-31" "1982-03-31" "1982-06-30" "1982-09-30" "1982-12-31"
# [10] "1983-03-31" "1983-06-30" "1983-09-30" "1983-12-31" "1984-03-31" "1984-06-30" "1984-09-30" "1984-12-31" "1985-03-31"
# [19] "1985-06-30"
Note that this includes the final quarter. I don't know if that was your intent.
Different definition of "quarter". A quarter might well be (although it is not in R) 365/4 days. Look at output of :
#[1] "1980-12-31" "1981-04-01" "1981-07-01" "1981-09-30" "1981-12-31" "1982-04-01" "1982-07-01" "1982-09-30"
#[9] "1982-12-31" "1983-04-01" "1983-07-01" "1983-09-30" "1983-12-31"
In order to avoid the days of the month from surprising you, you need to use a starting day of the month between 1 and 28, at least in non-leap years.
seq(as.Date('1981-01-01'), as.Date('1985-06-30'), by = 'quarter')
[1] "1981-01-01" "1981-04-01" "1981-07-01" "1981-10-01" "1982-01-01" "1982-04-01" "1982-07-01" "1982-10-01"
[9] "1983-01-01" "1983-04-01" "1983-07-01" "1983-10-01" "1984-01-01" "1984-04-01" "1984-07-01" "1984-10-01"
[17] "1985-01-01" "1985-04-01"
I want to create a vector in R, which contains month abbreviation and date:
Jan1, Jan2, Jan3, ..., Dec29, Dec30, Dec31.
How can I create such a vector?
I have tried different approaches. Using paste0(month.abb,1:31) gives me a vector containing Jan1,Feb2,Mar3.
I also created 12 different vectors for each month (df_jan <- paste0("Jan",1:31) and so on). Then I attempted to rbind the 12 vectors, but that also doesn't help.
Can you suggest any way to do this?
The solution is dependent on the year of the dates. A leap year would have Feb29 in it.
Here's a function which takes year as an argument and return dates in the required format.
monthday <- function(year) {
format(seq(as.Date(paste0(year, '-01-01')),
as.Date(paste0(year, '-12-31')), by = 'day'), '%b%d')
# [1] "Jan01" "Jan02" "Jan03" "Jan04" "Jan05" "Jan06" "Jan07" "Jan08" "Jan09"
#[55] "Feb24" "Feb25" "Feb26" "Feb27" "Feb28" "Mar01" "Mar02" "Mar03" "Mar04"
#[361] "Dec27" "Dec28" "Dec29" "Dec30" "Dec31"
# [1] "Jan01" "Jan02" "Jan03" "Jan04" "Jan05" "Jan06" "Jan07" "Jan08" "Jan09"
#[55] "Feb24" "Feb25" "Feb26" "Feb27" "Feb28" "Feb29" "Mar01" "Mar02" "Mar03"
#[361] "Dec26" "Dec27" "Dec28" "Dec29" "Dec30" "Dec31"
You can create a sequence of dates and convert it using format For more details on POSIX standard format use ?strptime
whole_year_dates <- seq.Date(as.Date("2021-01-01"), as.Date("2021-12-31"), by = "day")
whole_year_dates_abbr <- format(whole_year_dates, format= "%b%d")
I'm an experienced Pandas user and am having trouble plugging values from my R frame into a function.
The following function works with hard coded values
>seq.Date(as.Date('2018-01-01'), as.Date('2018-01-31'), 'days')
[1] "2018-01-01" "2018-01-02" "2018-01-03" "2018-01-04" "2018-01-05" "2018-01-06" "2018-01-07"
[8] "2018-01-08" "2018-01-09" "2018-01-10" "2018-01-11" "2018-01-12" "2018-01-13" "2018-01-14"
[15] "2018-01-15" "2018-01-16" "2018-01-17" "2018-01-18" "2018-01-19" "2018-01-20" "2018-01-21"
[22] "2018-01-22" "2018-01-23" "2018-01-24" "2018-01-25" "2018-01-26" "2018-01-27" "2018-01-28"
[29] "2018-01-29" "2018-01-30" "2018-01-31"
Here is an extract from a dataframe I'm using
# A tibble: 1 x 2
start_time end_time
<date> <date>
1 2017-04-27 2017-05-11
When plugging these values into the 'seq.Date' function I get an error
> seq.Date(from=df[1,1], to=df[1,2], 'days')
Error in seq.Date(from = df[1, 1], to = df[1, 2], "days") :
'from' must be a "Date" object
I suspect this is because subsetting using df[x,y] returns a tibble rather than the specific value
[1] "tbl_df"
What I'm hoping to derive is a sequence of dates. I need to be able to point this at various places around the dataframe.
Many thanks for any help!
Just use double brackets:
seq.Date(from=df[[1,1]], to=df[[1,2]], 'days')
The extraction functions of tibble may not return vectors but one column tibbles, use dplyr::pull to extract the column as vector, like in this answer: Extract a dplyr tbl column as a vector
Another option is to set the drop argument in the `[` function to TRUE.
If TRUE the result is coerced to the lowest possible dimension
seq.Date(from = df[1, 1, drop = TRUE], to = df[1, 2, drop = TRUE], 'days')
# [1] "2017-04-27" "2017-04-28" "2017-04-29" "2017-04-30" "2017-05-01" "2017-05-02" "2017-05-03" "2017-05-04" "2017-05-05" "2017-05-06"
#[11] "2017-05-07" "2017-05-08" "2017-05-09" "2017-05-10" "2017-05-11"
df <- tibble(start_time = as.Date('2017-04-27'),
end_time = as.Date('2017-05-11'))
I have a text file containing:
Tue Feb 11 12:19:39 +0000 2014
Tue Feb 11 12:19:56 +0000 2014
Tue Feb 11 12:20:04 +0000 2014
and i read it into r
dataset <- read.csv("Time.txt")
and in order for R to recognise the timestamps in the file, i write:
time <- strptime(dataset[,1], format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y")
and whenever i try to plot a histogram with:
hist(time, breaks = 100)
it produces an error together with a generated histogram
In breaks[-1L] + breaks[-nB] : NAs produced by integer overflow
What could be the issue that is prompting this error?
Since you asked what could be causing the error here it is:
The error is created when the hist.default function calculates the midpoints of the histogram. This vector mids <- 0.5 * (breaks[-1L] + breaks[-nB]) calculates the halfway point between each break. The issue arises because the breaks are generated as integers:
If the argument breaks is numeric and length == 1 then the hist.default function (which is called by hist.POSIXt) creates a vector of breaks based on the range of x and the number of breaks. This is done using the pretty command. For reasons I have not looked into too closely, if breaks is small enough that pretty(range(x),n=breaks, min.n = 1) returns only one of each value e.g.:
pretty(range(x), n = 35, min.n = 1)
#[1] 1392121179 1392121180 1392121181 1392121182 1392121183 1392121184
#[7] 1392121185 1392121186 1392121187 1392121188 1392121189 1392121190
#[13] 1392121191 1392121192 1392121193 1392121194 1392121195 1392121196
#[19] 1392121197 1392121198 1392121199 1392121200 1392121201 1392121202
#[25] 1392121203 1392121204
then the output is an integer type. If however, the number of breaks is larger and some of the outputs are duplicated:
pretty(range(x), n = 36, min.n = 1)
# [1] 1392121179 1392121180 1392121180 1392121181 1392121181 1392121182
# [7] 1392121182 1392121183 1392121183 1392121184 1392121184 1392121185
#[13] 1392121185 1392121186 1392121186 1392121187 1392121187 1392121188
#[19] 1392121188 1392121189 1392121189 1392121190 1392121190 1392121191
#[25] 1392121191 1392121192 1392121192 1392121193 1392121193 1392121194
#[31] 1392121194 1392121195 1392121195 1392121196 1392121196 1392121197
#[37] 1392121197 1392121198 1392121198 1392121199 1392121199 1392121200
#[43] 1392121200 1392121201 1392121201 1392121202 1392121202 1392121203
#[49] 1392121203 1392121204 1392121204
then the output is numeric.
Because R uses 32 bit integer types and POSIXt integers are large numbers, adding two POSIXt integers results in an overflow that R can't handle and returns NA. When pretty returns numeric, this is not a problem.
See also: What is integer overflow in R and how can it happen?
In practice, all this means is that, if you print out the hist structure returned, all of your mids values will be NA but I don't think it actually affects the plotting of the histogram. Thus it is only a warning.
pretty internally uses seq.int
In my environement, it does not generate any errors.
dataset <- read.csv("Time.txt", header = F)
time <- strptime(dataset[,1], format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y")
hist(as.numeric(time), breaks = 100)
Perhaps if you just convert time into numeric as above, error will disappear. Then, it is straightforward to change the x-axis of the histogram.
EDIT : The ggplot2 should not face this issue and is much simpler and modern :
ggplot(dataset) + geom_histogram(aes(x = V1), stat = "count", bins = 100)
Where V1 is the default name of the unique column of dataset created by read.csv().
I have a start date and an end date but when I am making a list to contain all dates in between, the format is changed:
> startDate <- as.Date("2012-01-01")
> startDate
[1] "2012-01-01"
> endDate <- as.Date("2012-02-01")
> endDate
[1] "2012-02-01"
> startDate:endDate
[1] 15340 15341 15342 15343 15344 15345 15346 15347 15348 15349 15350 15351 15352 15353 15354 15355
[17] 15356 15357 15358 15359 15360 15361 15362 15363 15364 15365 15366 15367 15368 15369 15370 15371
So you can see that all dates are converted to a numeric format.
But the problem is, I have a API function that can only read date format as "YYYY-MM-DD".
Can any one suggest how I can generate such a list like:
[1] "2012-01-01" "2012-01-02" "2012-01-03" "2012-01-04" ....
Use seq function:
seq(startDate,endDate,by="day") #you could use also by=1
# see ?seq.Date for other options for "by"
From help page of operator : (use ?":" or ?Colon):
For other arguments from:to is equivalent to seq(from, to), and
generates a sequence from from to to in steps of 1 or -1. Value to
will be included if it differs from from by an integer up to a numeric
fuzz of about 1e-7. Non-numeric arguments are coerced internally
(hence without dispatching methods) to numeric—complex values will
have their imaginary parts discarded with a warning.
[1] TRUE
And btw, you are generating a vector, not a list. You can make a list out of your values by using as.list function though, if that is what you really want.