I'm looking for a path to be able to use a Sketch UP 3D Model in babylon JS on a simple web page.
I think I have to convert the .skp file to a babylon JS Compatible format but I don't find a solution.
The only solution I know is to use the blender->babylon exporter.
You can install blender from Here
Then you can install the exporter by following these instructions
And finally, from sketchup, you can export your component in collada format (.dae), import it in blender then export it to babylon format.
After that, you can drag& drop the generated .babylon file on this page to see if your model was correctly generated. For most objects, I had no problem...
I would like to embed a Bokeh figure inside a Dash app, but I can't figure out how to render the Bokeh JSON in Dash.
The simplest solution would be to use Bokeh or Dash on its own. All our other apps at work use Dash (so Bokeh alone is undesirable), however, Dash/Plotly cannot generate the required figure (a raster image overlaid on a tiled map).
There is an old post on the Plotly community forum asking the same question, and the proposed solution was to use the dash-alternative-viz package to embed the Bokeh figure. Unfortunately, the package doesn't render Bokeh plots, even when copying the example usage.py script. This has been raised as an issue on the repo, but the developers have yet to respond.
Bokeh can supply JSON data that BokehJS can use to render a standalone figure (bokeh.embed.json_item()), and the docs give an example of how to serve a Bokeh figure to a Flask app:
def plot():
p = make_plot('petal_width', 'petal_length')
return json.dumps(json_item(p, "myplot"))
How can I do something similar in Dash?
dash-alternative-viz is a proof-of-concept Dash component library that provides Dash interfaces to other visualization libraries like Bokeh. Check out their github page to read more and get started:
When looking at the Examples in the pub.dev/packages, the code for some contained with one page, while the more advanced ones are not showing all the code. For example, in the firebase_auth package, the Example shows the main.dart file, while the most important code is probably at the other two imported files:
import './register_page.dart';
import './signin_page.dart';
My question - How do I see the two files?
Thanks, Gal.
You can use this package by call some function and use IDE to jump to definition for example command + click in VS code.
Or you can open library file in directory flutter_dir/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/name_of_lib/lib
so I have the following:
A Private Package: PrivPack.jl
Within PrivPack.jl, I have 2 modules: mod1 and mod2.
In the PrivPack.jl file I do include("mod1.jl") and include("mod2.jl") which are the files that house the modules. However, when I try to access mod1 anywhere in my package, I do not seem to have access to it. I either need to include the file and do using .mod1 or I have to push the file into my loadpath using the startup.jl file.
What's the solution to fix this issue? I don't want to have to re-include the file every time.
If I'm understanding the question correctly, you should just do using .mod1, .mod2 after includeing the files. Otherwise, you just have modules floating around that haven't actually been loaded.
Seeking an example of FBX loading within A-frame. Aframe Extras docs say that the FBX loader is experimental and only ASCII format is supported. Now I've exported the correct format yet I cannot view the file in my scene. Any ideas?
<a-entity fbx-model="src: url(https://mannymeadows.github.io/Noosa/models/FBX-DEMO.fbx);" material="color: red" crossorigin="anonymous">
Demo - http://codepen.io/MannyMeadows/pen/mmaLWv
You're using the fbx-model component correctly. In the JS console you'll see an error thrown from: THREE.FBXLoader.parseMesh:
aframe-extras.min.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '1926113552' in undefined
at e.exports.THREE.FBXLoader.parseMesh (aframe-extras.min.js:1)
at e.exports.THREE.FBXLoader.parseMeshes (aframe-extras.min.js:1)
at e.exports.THREE.FBXLoader.parse (aframe-extras.min.js:1)
at aframe-extras.min.js:1
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (three.js:29211)
To verify that your model is good, try opening it in FBX Review.
If that works, THREE.FBXLoader just can't read the file for some reason. It's not uncommon unfortunately: FBX is a complex format, and isn't easy to support on the web. You can file a bug on three.js, but may ultimately want to convert to another format like OBJ or glTF.
I have some European Data Format (EDF) files that I would like to import into R.
There are some Python libraries for parsing EDF files and the EDF spec is available, so I know it's possible, but I would avoid writing code if I could.
Does there already exist a facility for importing these kinds of files?
Was looking for the same thing. Found this function written by Fabien Feschet - works well for my data. http://feschet.fr/?p=11
Found another resource recently. This works very well. Need to download both read_edf.R and utilities.R
I tried look for the same thing a while ago, but I couldn't find anything for R. I ended up using biosig Python module to convert edfs to ascii. There is also this edf2ascii-converter.
I guess there wasn't any package available at the time when the question was asked but now you could use edfReader: