Calculate angle Pinball - math

Right now I am coding a Pinball clone in ActionScript (actually in this case the language doesn't matter). I have the following problem: I have two paddles and a ball moving with a certain speed (represented as a velocity vector). I can't figure out how to calculate the new velocity vector of the ball after hitting the paddle. All my calculations are going terribly wrong.
What I have:
Current angle of the paddle (in radians), the velocity vector of my ball and the current angle (in radians) of that vector where 1,5708 (90 degrees) is straight down (e.g. velocity vector with x = 0 and y = 5).
Does anyone have an idea how to approach this. The programming language doesn't matter here - pseudo code is also fine.

You need to mirror the velocity vector (vx,vy) on the line with direction
(c,s) = ( cos(anglePaddle), sin(anglePaddle))
so that the component orthogonal to it gets reverted and the component parallel to it remains the same. The orthogonal component is
so that the reflected vector becomes
(vx,vy) - 2*(-s,c)*(-s*vx+c*vy) = ( c2*vx + s2*vy, s2*vx - c2*vy )
where double angle trigonometric identities where used to simplify using
(c2,s2) = ( cos(2*anglePaddle), sin(2*anglePaddle)).


Vertical projectile motion, finding interersection with moving target

I am writing an aimbot script for my AI, I am a bit confused about how to get the vertical projectile motion formulas to help me find the time and initial velocity required to fire the projectile at so it hits its target, For the target, I have its velocity and vertical displacement, I thought a Quadratic formula to find the intersection of its displacement over time intersecting with the projectiles displacement over time would be the solution but now I am stuck because I am missing the initial velocity as well as the time, Any help would be appreciated :)
Orient your coordinate plane such that the y-axis is up/down from your perspective, and the z-axis passes through you and your target (+ being towards the target). We do not care about x. Center the origin on you.
We need to first talk about finding the time it takes a projectile to travel from you to the target. Assuming there's no air drag, the projectile will move at a constant velocity along the z axis (it may accelerate along the y-axis, however). This gives us:
df_pz = a_pz * t**2 / 2 + vi_pz * t + di_pz
df_pz : final displacement - projectile's z component
di_pz : initial displacement - projectile's z component
a_pz : acceleration - projectile's z component
vi_pz : initial velocity - projectile's z component
t : time
If we assume there's no air resistance, a_pz is zero, and since the origin is centered on you, di_pz is zero. That leaves:
df_pz = vi_pz * t
We know df_pz is the distance to the target along the z-axis, and can solve for time t for the projectile to travel there. t will be defined in terms of vi_pz, which is fine.
Now, lets talk about your target's motion. Your target will follow a trajectory:
df_ty = a_ty * t**2 / 2 + vi_ty * t + di_ty
df_ty : final displacement - target's y component
di_ty : initial displacement - target's y component
a_ty : acceleration - target's y component
vi_ty : initial velocity - target's y component
t : time
We know t however (or, have an equation we can substitute in anyways), so we can plug in and solve for the final displacement (in terms of vi_pz).
With the df_ty value, we can now determine the initial y velocity of the projectile. We'll be using a similar formula:
df_py = a_py * t**2 / 2 + vi_py * t + di_py
df_py : final displacement - projectile's y component
di_py : initial displacement - projectile's y component
a_py : acceleration - projectile's y component
vi_py : initial velocity - projectile's y component
t : time
We have time t, the a_py may or may not be equal to a_ty, depending on the game engine, but I'll assume you know that value regardless. We know di_py is zero since we're centered at the origin. That just leaves vi_py and df_py. Since we want to intercept the target, df_py equals df_ty.
We then plug in those values and solve for vi_py. This gives us the initial velocity of the projectile along the y axis, in terms of vi_pz.
Now, with this newest equation, we'll actually solve for vi_py and vi_pz. Take the equation:
|V|**2 = vi_py**2 + vi_pz**2
|V| - magnitude of the initial velocity vector
The value |V| should be constant for any shot (assuming you can't "charge" you shot to shoot the projectile faster / further).
Take whatever this value is, substitute the value for vi_py (defined in terms of vi_pz) and solve for vi_pz. This will give you a concrete value for vi_pz. Take this, plug it back into the equation for vi_py, and obtain a concrete value for vi_py. Do the same for t.
Now, there may be one issue- df_ty we used earlier may be wrong. If df_ty is so low that it places the target below the ground, we need to clamp it to ground-level. Plug in vi_pz and check. This is just a simple if statement, I won't be writing a formula for this. You do need to know what y coordinate is "ground-level" below the target.
If this happens, also recompute a new vi_py, vi_pz, and t using this new df_ty. The process will be much the same, except you already have a concrete value for df_ty now, so you can skip the part involving |V| to get vi_py.
And there you have it: vi_py, vi_pz, and t - the velocity and time necessary to intercept the target. You may have to take this one step further and calculate the angle to shoot at, which would just be arctan(vi_py/vi_pz).
Finding the time tmin where the missile and target are at the closest approach is fairly straightforward.
Consider at the time of launch t=0 the target missile is at the origin, with an initial velocity vector v and being tracked as a function of time as
p(t) = v t + 0.5 g t2
where g is the gravity vector (usually pointing downwards).
At the time of launch, the target is at position vector o, moving with velocity vector u and being tracked over time with
r(t) = o + u t + 0.5 g t2
The time of minimum distance is
tmin = (o·(v-u)) / ((v-u)·(v-u))
Here · is the vector dot product and it results in a number.So both the numerator and denominators are numbers.
The closest approach distance is
dmin = √( (o·o) - (o·(v-u))2 / ((v-u)·(v-u)) )
The next part is harder. To optimize the problem, in order to make the minimum distance zero, and find the velocity vector that fits the constraints (max. speed, or time to impact).
The insight here is that the launch velocity vector must be on the plane defined by the target velocity vector and gravity. The simplest approach here is to employ a numerical method to estimate the minimum distance as a function of the launch angle if the launch speed is fixed.
There is an analytical solution here but is very complex and it depends on some assumptions.
Furthermore, once the optimal trajectory is found, you can play around to see which launch speed works best. With some random testing I did I noticed the required speed at the optimal angle as a function of a delay from detection jumps to a really high value at some point, and then gradually decreases. I suppose this corresponds to the time the target is mostly overhead. Optimally you want to detect the target as early as possible.

Understanding Angular velocities and their application

I recently had to convert euler rotation rates to vectorial angular velocity.
From what I understand, in a local referential, we can express the vectorial angular velocity by:
R = [rollRate, pitchRate, yawRate] (which is the correct order relative to the referential I want to use).
I also know that we can convert angular velocities to rotations (quaternion) for a given time-step via:
alpha = |R| * ts
nR = R / |R| * sin(alpha) <-- normalize and multiply each element by sin(alpha)
Q = [nRx i, nRy j, nRz k, cos(alpha)]
When I test this for each axis individually, I find results that I totally expect (i.e. 90°pitch/time-unit for 1 time unit => 90° pitch angle).
When I use two axes for my rotation rates however, I don't fully understand the results:
For example, if I use rollRate = 0, pitchRate = 90, yawRate = 90, apply the rotation for a given time-step and convert the resulting quaternion back to euler, I obtain the following results:
(ts = 0.1) Roll: 0.712676, Pitch: 8.96267, Yaw: 9.07438
(ts = 0.5) Roll: 21.058, Pitch: 39.3148, Yaw: 54.9771
(ts = 1.0) Roll: 76.2033, Pitch: 34.2386, Yaw: 137.111
I Understand that a "smooth" continuous rotation might change the roll component mid way.
What I don't understand however is after a full unit of time with a 90°/time-unit pitchRate combined with a 90°/time-unit yawRate I end up with these pitch and yaw angles and why I still have roll (I would have expected them to end up at [0°, 90°, 90°].
I am pretty confident on both my axis + angle to quaternion and on my quaternion to euler formulas as I've tested these extensively (both via unit-testing and via field testing), I'm not sure however about the euler rotation rate to angular-velocity "conversion".
My first bet would be that I do not understand how euler rotation-rates axes interacts on themselves, my second would be that this "conversion" between euler rotation-rates and angular velocity vector is incorrect.
Euler angles are not good way of representing arbitrary angular movement. Its just a simplification used for graphics,games and robotics. They got some pretty hard restrictions like your rotations consist of only N perpendicular axises in ND space. That is not how rotation works in real world. On top of this spherical representation of reper endpoint it creates a lot of singularities (you know when you cross poles ...).
The rotation movement is analogy for translation:
position speed acceleration
pos = Integral(vel) = Integral(Integral(acc))
ang = Integral(omg) = Integral(Integral(eps))
That in some update timer can be rewritten to this:
vel+=acc*dt; pos+=vel*dt;
omg+=eps*dt; ang+=omg*dt;
where dt is elapsed time (Timer interval).
The problem with rotation is that you can not superimpose it like translation. As each rotation has its own axis (and it does not need to be axis aligned, nor centered) and each rotation affect the axis orientation of all others too so the order of them matters a lot. On top of all this there is also gyroscopic moment creating 3th rotation from any two that has not parallel axis. Put all of this together and suddenly you see Euler angles does not match the real geometrics/physics of rotation. They can describe orientation and fake its rotation up to a degree but do not expect to make real sense once used for physic simulation.
The real simulation would require list of rotations described by the axis (not just direction but also origin), angular speed (and its change) and in each simulation step the recomputing of the axis as it will change (unless only single rotation is present).
This can be done by using coumulative homogenous transform matrices along with incremental rotations.
Sadly the majority of programmers prefers Euler angles and Quaternions simply by not knowing that there are better and simpler options and once they do they stick to Euler angles anyway as matrix math seem to be more complicated to them... That is why most nowadays games have gimbal locks, major rotation errors and glitches, unrealistic physics.
Do not get me wrong they still have their use (liek for example restrict free look for camera etc ... but they missused for stuff they are the worse option to use for.

How to rotate a Vector3 using Vector2?

I want to simulate particles driven by wind on a three.js globe. The data I have is a Vector3 for the position of a particle and a Vector2 indicating wind speed and direction, think North/East. How do I get the new Vector3?
I've consulted numerous examples and read the documentation and believe the solution involves quaternions, but the axis of rotation is not given. Also, there are thousands of particles, it should be fast, however real-time is not required.
The radius of the sphere is 1.
I would recommend you have a look at the Spherical class provided by three.js. Instead of cartesian coordinates (x,y,z), a point is represented in terms of a spherical coordinate-system (θ (theta), φ (phi), r).
The value of theta is the longitude and phi is the latitude for your globe (r - sphereRadius would be the height above the surface). Your wind-vectors can then be interpreted as changes to these two values. So what I would try is basically this:
// a) convert particle-location to spherical
const sphericalPosition = new THREE.Spherical()
// b) update theta/phi (note that windSpeed is assumed to
// be given in radians/time, but for a sphere of size 1 that
// shouldn't make a difference)
sphericalPosition.theta += windSpeed.x; // east-direction
sphericalPosition.phi += windSpeed.y; // north-direction
// c) write back to particle-position
Performance wise this shouldn't be a problem at all (maybe don't create a new Spherical-instance for every particle like I did above). The conversions involve a bit of trigonometry, but we're talking just thousands of points, not millions.
Hope that helps!
If you just want to rotate a vector based on an angle, just perform a simple rotation of values on the specified plane yourself using trig as per this page eg for a rotation on the xz plane:
var x = cos(theta)*vec_to_rotate.x - sin(theta)*vec_to_rotate.z;
var z = sin(theta)*vec_to_rotate.x + cos(theta)*vec_to_rotate.z;
rotated_vector = new THREE.Vector3(x,vec_to_rotate.y,z);
But to move particles with wind, you're not really rotating a vector, you should be adding a velocity vector, and it 'rotates' its own heading based on a combination of initial velocity, inertia, air friction, and additional competing forces a la:
position = new THREE.Vector(0,0,0);
velocity = new THREE.Vector3(1,0,0);
wind_vector = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,1);
This model is truer to how wind will influence a particle. This particle will start off heading along the x axis, and then 'turn' eventually to go in the direction of the wind, without any rotation of vectors. It has a mass, and a velocity in a direction, a force is acting on it, it turns.
You can see that because the whole velocity is subject to friction (the multscalar), our initial velocity diminishes as the wind vector accumulates, which causes a turn without performing any rotations. Thought i'd throw this out just in case you're unfamiliar with working with particle systems and maybe were just thinking about it wrong.

Gravity's acceleration between two objects

So I am making a program, where you can have two objects (circles). I want them to orbit like planets around each other, but only in 2D.
I know that using Newtons Universal Law of Gravitation I can get the force between the two objects. I also know A = F / M. My question is how would I take the A from the previous equation and change it into a vector?
You need to use vector equations:
// init values (per object)
double ax=0.0,ay=0.0,az=0.0; // acceleration [m/s^2]
double vx=0.0,vy=0.0,vz=0.0; // velocity [m/s]
double x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0; // position [m]
double m=1.0; // mass [kg]
// iteration inside some timer (dt [seconds] period) ...
int i; double a,dx,dy,dz; // first compute acceleration
for (ax=0.0,ay=0.0,az=0.0,i=0;i<obj.num;i++)
if (obj[i]!=this) // ignore gravity from itself
a=sqrt((dx*dx)+(dy*dy)+(dz*dz)); // a=distance to obj[i]
a=6.67384e-11*(obj[i].m*m)/(a*a*a); // a=acceleration/distance to make dx,dy,dz unit vector
ax+=a*dx; // ax,ay,az = actual acceleration vector (integration)
vx+=ax*dt; // update speed via integration of acceleration
x+=vx*dt; // update position via integration of velocity
Code is taken from here
obj[] is list of all your objects
obj.num is the count of them
I recommend to create object class with all the variables inside (ax,ay,az,...m), init them once and then continuously update (iteration) in some timer. If you want more accuracy then you should compute ax,ay,az for all objects first and only after update speed and position (to avoid change of position of objects during gravity computation). If you want to drive an object (like with truster) then just add its acceleration to ax,ay,az vector)
Now to setup an orbit just:
place planet object
must be massive enough and also set its position / velocity to what you want
place satellite
Initial position should be somewhere near planet. It should not be too massive. Init also speed vector with tangent direction to orbiting trajectory. If speed is too low it will collapse into planet and if speed is too high it will escape from planet otherwise will be orbiting (circle or ellipse)
lower the interval better the simulation usually 10ms is OK but for massive and far objects is also 100ms and more OK. If you want particles or something then use 1ms (very dynamic sceene).
I strongly recommend to read this related QA:
Is it possible to make realistic n-body solar system simulation in matter of size and mass?
especially [edit3] about the integration precision and creating orbital data.
With two objects you are probably best using an ellipse which is the path the objects will follow about their common center of mass. Read Kepler's laws of planetary motion which gives the background.
If one object is a much greater mass than the other, i.e. a sun and a planet you can have one stationary and the other taking an elliptical path. The equation of the ellipse is given by
r = K e / ( 1 + e cos(theta))
K is a constant giving the size and e is the eccentricity. If you want an elliptical orbit have 0 < e < 1 the smaller it is the more circular the orbit. To get x, y coordinates from this use, x = r cos(theta), y = r sin(theta). The missing bit is time and how the angle is dependant on time. This is where the second and third laws come in. If a and b are the semi-major and semi-minor lengths of the ellipse, and P is the period then
0.5 * P * r^2 theta'= pi a b
theta' is the rate of change of angle with respect to time (d theta/d t). You can use this to get how much theta will change given a increase in time. First work out the current radius r0 given the current angle th0 if the time increment is δt then the angle increment δtheta is
δtheta = 2 pi * a * b / r^2 * δt
and the next angle is th0 + δtheta.
If the masses are of similar magnitude then see two body problem. Both objects will have elliptical orbits, there are two patterns which you can see in animations on that page. The ellipses will follow the same formula as above with the focus at the common center of mass.
If you have three object things get considerably harder and there are not generally neat solutions. See three body problem for this.

Intersection between two Arcs? (arc = distance between pair of angles)

I'm trying to find a way to calculate the intersection between two arcs.
I need to use this to determine how much of an Arc is visually on the right half of a circle, and how much on the left.
I though about creating an arc of the right half, and intersect that with the actual arc.
But it takes me wayyy to much time to solve this, so I thought about asking here - someone must have done it before.
I'm sorry the previous illustration was provided when my head was too heavy after crunching angles. I'll try to explain again:
In this link you can see that I cut the arc in the middle to two halves, the right part of the Arc contains 135 degrees, and the left part has 90.
This Arc starts at -180 and ends at 45. (or starts at 180 and ends at 405 if normalized).
I have managed to create this code in order to calculate the amount of arc degrees contained in the right part, and in the left part:
f1 = (angle2>270.0f?270.0f:angle2) - (angle1<90.0f?90.0f:angle1);
if (f1 < 0.0f) f1 = 0.0f;
f2 = (angle2>640.0f?640.0f:angle2) - (angle1<450.0f?450.0f:angle1);
if (f2 < 0.0f) f2 = 0.0f;
f3 = (angle2>90.0f?90.0f:angle2) - angle1;
if (f3<0.0f) f3=0.0f;
f4 = (angle2>450.0f?450.0f:angle2) - (angle1<270.0f?270.0f:angle1);
if (f4<0.0f) f4=0.0f;
It works great after normalizing the angles to be non-negative, but starting below 360 of course.
Then f1 + f2 gives me the sum of the left half, and f3 + f4 gives me the sum of the right half.
It also does not consider a case when the arc is defined as more than 360, which may be an "error" case.
BUT, this seems like more of a "workaround", and not a correct mathematical solution.
I'm looking for a more elegant solution, which should be based on "intersection" between two arc (because math has no "sides", its not visual";
I think this works, but I haven't tested it thoroughly. You have 2 arcs and each arc has a start angle and a stop angle. I'll work this in degrees measured clockwise from north, as you have done, but it will be just as easy to work in radians measured anti-clockwise from east as the mathematicians do.
First 'normalise' your arcs, that is, reduce all the angles in them to lie in [0,360), so take out multiples of 360deg and make all the angles +ve. Make sure that the stop angle of each arc lies to clockwise of the start angle.
Next, choose the start angle of one of your arcs, it doesn't matter which. Sort all the angles you have (4 of them) into numerical order. If any of the angles are numerically smaller than the start angle you have chosen, add 360deg to them.
Re-sort the angles into increasing numerical order. Your chosen start angle will be the first element in the new list. From the start angle you already chose, what is the next angle in the list ?
1) If it is the stop angle of the same arc then either there is no overlap or this arc is entirely contained within the other arc. Make a note and find the next angle. If the next angle is the start angle of the other arc there is no overlap and you can stop; if it is the stop angle of the other arc then the overlap contains the whole of the first arc. Stop
2) If it is the start angle of the other arc, then the overlap begins at that angle. Make a note of this angle. The next angle your sweep encounters has to be a stop angle and the overlap ends there. Stop.
3) If it is the stop angle of the other arc then the overlap comprises the angle between the start angle of the first arc and this angle. Stop.
This isn't particularly elegant and relies on ifs rather more than I generally like but it should work and be relatively easy to translate into your favourite programming language.
And look, no trigonometry at all !
Here's a more 'mathematical' approach since you seem to feel the need.
For an angle theta in (-pi,pi] the hyperbolic sine function (often called sinh) maps the angle to an interval on the real line in the interval (approximately) (-11.5,11.5]. Unlike arcsin and arccos the inverse of this function is also single-valued on the same interval. Follow these steps:
1) If an arc includes 0 break it into 2 arcs, (start,0) and (0,stop). You now have 2, 3 or 4 intervals on the real line.
2) Compute the intersection of those intervals and transform back from linear measurement into angular measurement. You now have the intersection of the two arcs.
This test can be resumed with a one-line test. Even if a good answer is already posted, let me present mine.
Let assume that the first arc is A:(a0,a1) and the second arc is B:(b0,b1). I assume that the angle values are unique, i.e. in the range [0°,360°[, [0,2*pi[ or ]-pi,pi] (the range itself is not important, we will see why). I will take the range ]-pi,pi] as the range of all angles.
To explain in details the approach, I first design a test for interval intersection in R. Thus, we have here a1>=a0 and b1>=b0. Following the same notations for real intervals, I compute the following quantity:
S = (b0-a1)*(b1-a0)
If S>0, the two segments are not overlapping, else their intersection is not empty. It is indeed easy to see why this formula works. If S>0, we have two cases:
b0>a1 implies that b1>a0, so there is no intersection: a0=<a1<b0=<b1.
b1<a0 implies that b0<b1, so there is no intersection: b0=<b1<a0=<a1.
So we have a single mathematical expression which performs well in R.
Now I expand it over the circular domain ]-pi,pi]. The hypotheses a0<a1 and b0<b1 are not true anymore: for example, an arc can go from pi/2 to -pi/2, it is the left hemicircle.
So I compute the following quantity:
S = (b0-a1)*(b1-a0)*H(a1-a0)*H(b1-b0)
where H is the step function defined by H(x)=-1 if x<0 else H(x)=1
Again, if S>0, there is no intersection between the arcs A and B. There are 16 cases to explore, and I will not do this here ... but it is easy to make them on a sheet :).
Remark: The value of S is not important, just the signs of the terms. The beauty of this formula is that it is independant from the range you have taken. Also, you can rewrite it as a logical test:
T := (b0>a1)^(b1>a0)^(a1>=a0)^(b1>=b0)
where ^ is logical XOR
Alas, there is an obvious failure case in this formula ... So I correct it here. I realize that htere is a case where the intersection of the two arcs can be two arcs, for example when -pi<a0<b1<b0<a1<pi.
The solution to correct this is to introduce a second test: if the sum of the angles is above 2*pi, the arcs intersect for sure.
So the formula turns out to be:
T := (a1+b1-a0-b0+2*pi*((b1<b0)+(a1<a0))<2*pi) | ((b0>a1)^(b1>a0)^(a1>=a0)^(b1>=b0))
Ok, it is way less elegant than the previous one, but it is now correct.
