Inno Setup: Make desktop icon 'Run as administrator' [duplicate] - icons

I'm creating an installer using Inno Setup. As part of the install process I'm installing Tomcat. On Windows 7 I suffer from the problem described here:
I can fix it by manually setting the 'Run as administrator' on tomcat7w.exe (the issue and the root cause is the same for tomcat7 as well), but I don't know how to do it through Inno Setup.
I'm finding threads that explain running some_program.exe as administrator, but here the program is started when the Tomcat service starts (e.g. on machine start-up), so I need a way to flag it using Inno Setup to 'Run as administrator' rather than actually run it.

You can add a Registry entry in [Registry] Section that will set run as Administrator as a default action for running this app.
Root: "HKLM"; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers"; \
ValueType: String; ValueName: "{app}\tomcat7w.exe"; ValueData: "RUNASADMIN"; \
Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty uninsdeletevalue; MinVersion: 0,6.1

If you really want to set the "Run as administrator" flag of the shortcut (as opposite to forcing the target application run with administrator privileges), you can use this code:
Name: "{userdesktop}\My Program"; Filename: "{app}\MyProg.exe"; \
AfterInstall: SetElevationBit('{userdesktop}\My Program.lnk')
procedure SetElevationBit(Filename: string);
Buffer: string;
Stream: TStream;
Filename := ExpandConstant(Filename);
Log('Setting elevation bit for ' + Filename);
Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenReadWrite);
Stream.Seek(21, soFromBeginning);
SetLength(Buffer, 1);
Stream.ReadBuffer(Buffer, 1);
Buffer[1] := Chr(Ord(Buffer[1]) or $20);
Stream.Seek(-1, soFromCurrent);
Stream.WriteBuffer(Buffer, 1);
This is based on:
LinkFlags in [MS-SHLLINK]: Shell Link (.LNK) Binary File Format;
How to create a Run As Administrator shortcut using Powershell;
How can I use JScript to create a shortcut that uses "Run as Administrator"
Tested on Unicode version of Inno Setup. But it should, even more naturally, work on Ansi version too, though you should use Unicode version anyway.
If you want to allow user to execute the program at the end of the installation using a postinstall entry in [Run] section, you will of course need to explicitly request the elevation.
If the installer runs with Administrator privileges, you can simply add runascurrentuser flag:
Filename: "{app}\MyProg.exe"; Description: "Launch application"; \
Flags: postinstall nowait skipifsilent runascurrentuser
If the installer runs without Administrator privileges, set Verb parameter to runas (for that you also need shellexec flag):
Filename: "{app}\MyProg.exe"; Verb: runas; Description: "Launch application"; \
Flags: postinstall nowait skipifsilent shellexec
Though, make sure you have a very good reason to run your application with Administrator privileges. User applications should not need Administrator privileges. If they need it, it's usually a sign of a bad design. One common (bad) reason to want an application to run with Administrator privileges, is that the application needs to write to its installation folder.
See Application does not work when installed with Inno Setup

Add the runascurrentuser flag attribute to the [Run] section
Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#StringChange(MyAppName, '&', '&&')}}"; Flags: runascurrentuser nowait postinstall skipifsilent;


How to package Qt5 application with snapcraft

I'm trying to create snap package of a Qt/QML application, the application is packaged well, when I try to run it I get /snap/swipe-app/x2/bin/qt5-launch: 74: exec: application: not found error.
here's my snapcraft.yaml file
name: swipe-app # you probably want to 'snapcraft register <name>'
version: '0.1' # just for humans, typically '1.2+git' or '1.3.2'
summary: Single-line elevator pitch for your amazing snap # 79 char long summary
description: description
grade: devel # must be 'stable' to release into candidate/stable channels
confinement: strict # use 'strict' once you have the right plugs and slots
command: qt5-launch application
- unity7
- home
# See 'snapcraft plugins'
plugin: qmake
project-files: [""]
source: .
- qtbase5-dev
# Here for the plugins-- they're not linked in automatically.
- libqt5gui5
after: [qt5conf] # A wiki part
As you have told the launch script that your program is called application then it will try to execute application from the current working directory when you run your snap. There are two things to note here:
The working directory is preserved from the terminal outside the snap context. For example if you are in your home directory /home/your-user then the working directory for swipe-app will also be /home/your-user.
As the working directory above is your home directory then commands without any anchor, such as application, will try to execute in your home directory. So in your example the launch script will attempt to run the command equivalent of /home/your-user/application.
You can fix this by either ensuring that the launch script executes a cd to change the working directory, e.g. cd $SNAP; or anchor your command by adding an achor, e.g. command: qt5-launch $SNAP/application.
Another thing you might need to check is that your qmake build actually outputs a binary called application. If you have not set TARGET= in your project file then the binary will default to being called snap, not application. The line should read TARGET=application to make a binary called application: (ref:

How to use the extension modules in saltstack from Git repository?

I have one extension python module in Git repository, named
I want to use this as an external pillar, below are my extension_module settings:
extension_modules: /var/cache/salt/master/gitfs
gitfs_ssl_verify: False
gitfs_provider: gitpython
- root: salt
- base: master
- file:///var/cache/salt/master/gitfs
Below is my pillar.conf:
- cmd_json: 'echo {\"arg\":\"value\"}'
- compute_pillar: True
Now when calling pillar.items, it calls the cmd_json as it is local, but for compute_pillar it never executes, below is the error message in the log:
[salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ][24791] Could not LazyLoad
compute_pillar.ext_pillar: 'compute_pillar.ext_pillar' is not
available. [salt.pillar ][CRITICAL][24791] Specified ext_pillar
interface compute_pillar is unavailable
What is the configuration setting to call the extension modules directly from git repository?
You do not need to point salt to /var/cache/salt/master/gitfs.
Assuming your gitfs backend is configured properly and working, create a directory called _modules under salt directory (for example for roots backend /srv/salt/_modules) and put your extension python module here, push to git, wait 60 seconds or run salt-run fileserver.update.
Now just sync your minion salt minion_A saltutil.sync_all and you should be able to use the module.

Command 'generate' not found, compiling with rebar

I am following this blog:
In short, I am trying to compile an application with rebar just as the person in the blog.
Everything goes smoothly until I want to run the command:
./rebar get-deps compile generate
This then give me the following errors and warnings,
> User#user-:~/simple_server/rebar$ ./rebar get-deps compile generate
> ==> rebar (get-deps)
> ==> rebar (compile) Compiled src/simple_server.erl Compiled src/simple_server_http.erl src/simple_server_http_static.erl:5:
> Warning: behaviour cowboy_http_handler undefined Compiled
> src/simple_server_http_static.erl
> src/simple_server_http_catchall.erl:2: Warning: behaviour
> cowboy_http_handler undefined Compiled
> src/simple_server_http_catchall.erl WARN: 'generate' command does not
> apply to directory /home/harri/simple_server/rebar Command 'generate'
> not understood or not applicable
I have found a similar post with the same error:
Command 'generate' not understood or not applicable
I think the problem is in the reltool.config but do not know how to proceed, I changed the path to the following: {lib_dirs, ["home/user/simple_server/rebar"]}
Is there a problem with the path? How can rebar get access to all the src files and also the necessary rebar file to compile and build the application?
You need to make sure your directory structure and its contents are arranged so that rebar knows how to build everything in your system and generate a release for it. Your directory structure should look like this:
-- rel
-- deps
-- apps
-- myapp
| |
| -- src
| -- priv
-- another_app
The rel directory holds all the information needed to generate a release, and the apps directory is where the applications that make up your project live. Application dependencies live in the deps directory. Each app such as myapp and another_app under the apps directory can have their own rebar.config files. While two or more such applications are possible here, normally you'd have just one and all others would be dependencies.
In the top-level project directory there's also a rebar.config file with contents that look like this:
{sub_dirs, ["rel", "apps/myapp", "apps/another_app"]}.
{lib_dirs, ["apps"]}.
If necessary, you can use rebar to generate your apps from application skeletons:
cd apps
mkdir myapp another_app
( cd myapp && rebar create-app appid=myapp )
( cd another_app && rebar create-app appid=another_app )
If an application has dependencies, you'll have to add a rebar.config to its directory and declare each dependency there. For example, if myapp depends on application foo version 1.2, create apps/myapp/rebar.config with these contents:
[{foo, "1.*", {git, "git://", {tag, "foo-1.2"}}}]
When you run rebar get-deps, rebar will populate the top-level deps directory to hold all dependencies, creating deps if necessary. The top-level rebar.config can also declare dependencies if necessary.
You also need to generate a node, necessary for your releases:
cd ../rel
rebar create-node nodeid=project
You then need to modify the reltool.config file generated by the previous step. You need to change
{lib_dirs, []},
{lib_dirs, ["../apps", "../deps"]},
and just after the line {incl_cond, derived}, add {mod_cond, derived}, so that releases contain only the applications needed for correct execution.
Next, wherever the atom 'project' appears, you need to replace it with the applications under the apps directory. For our example, we'd change this part:
{rel, "project", "1",
to this:
{rel, "project", "1",
and change this part:
{app, project, [{mod_cond, app}, {incl_cond, include}]}
to this:
{app, myapp, [{mod_cond, app}, {incl_cond, include}]},
{app, another_app, [{mod_cond, app}, {incl_cond, include}]}
You might also need to add the line:
{app, hipe, [{incl_cond, exclude}]},
to exclude the hipe application since sometimes it causes errors during release generation or when trying to run the release. Try without it first, but add it if you see errors related to hipe when generating a release, or if attempts to run the generated release result in this sort of error:
{"init terminating in do_boot",{'cannot load',elf_format,get_files}}
you'll need to add it.
With all this in place you can now execute:
rebar get-deps compile generate
and you should be able to successfully generate the release. Note that running rebar generate at the top level rather than in the rel dir will result in a harmless warning like this, which you can ignore:
WARN: 'generate' command does not apply to directory /path/to/project
Finally, you can run the release. Here's how to run it with an interactive console:
$ ./rel/project/bin/project console
Exec: /path/to/project/rel/project/erts-6.2/bin/erlexec -boot /path/to/project/rel/project/releases/1/project -mode embedded -config /path/to/project/rel/project/releases/1/sys.config -args_file /path/to/project/rel/project/releases/1/vm.args -- console
Root: /path/to/project/rel/project
Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V6.2 (abort with ^G)
or you could run ./rel/project/bin/project start to start it in the background. Run ./rel/project/bin/project with no arguments to see all available options.

How can I install Qt 5.2.1 from the command line in Cygwin?

$ wget --quiet
As seen above, I first downloaded the Qt package for Visual Studio in a Cygwin Bash shell.
A sidenote: The Qt library packaged within Cygwin is not useful for me because I need to use the Visual Studio C++ compiler.
First I set the correct permissions on the file
$ chmod 755 qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2012_64_opengl-5.2.1.exe
If I start it like this
$ ./qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2012_64_opengl-5.2.1.exe
a graphical window (GUI) is shown but that is not what I want as I would later like to have the installation procedure written into a Bash script that I could run in Cygwin.
If I add the option --help, like this
$ ./qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2012_64_opengl-5.2.1.exe --help
a new terminal window is opened with the following text
Usage: SDKMaintenanceTool [OPTIONS]
--help Show commandline usage
--version Show current version
--checkupdates Check for updates and return an XML file describing
the available updates
--updater Start in updater mode.
--manage-packages Start in packagemanager mode.
--proxy Set system proxy on Win and Mac.
This option has no effect on Linux.
--verbose Show debug output on the console
--create-offline-repository Offline installer only: Create a local repository inside the
installation directory based on the offline
installer's content.
--runoperation [OPERATION] [arguments...] Perform an operation with a list of arguments
--undooperation [OPERATION] [arguments...] Undo an operation with a list of arguments
--script [scriptName] Execute a script
--no-force-installations Enable deselection of forced components
--addRepository [URI] Add a local or remote repo to the list of user defined repos.
--addTempRepository [URI] Add a local or remote repo to the list of temporary available
--setTempRepository [URI] Set a local or remote repo as tmp repo, it is the only one
used during fetch.
Note: URI must be prefixed with the protocol, i.e. file:///
http:// or ftp://. It can consist of multiple
addresses separated by comma only.
--show-virtual-components Show virtual components in package manager and updater
--binarydatafile [binary_data_file] Use the binary data of another installer or maintenance tool.
--update-installerbase [new_installerbase] Patch a full installer with a new installer base
--dump-binary-data -i [PATH] -o [PATH] Dumps the binary content into specified output path (offline
installer only).
Input path pointing to binary data file, if omitted
the current application is used as input.
I don't know how to continue from here. Do you know how I could install the Qt 5.2.1 library (for Visual Studio) from the Bash shell in Cygwin?
Update: The advantage of writing the build script for a Cygwin environment is that commands like git, wget, and scp are available. This Stackoverflow answer describes how to invoke the MSVC compiler from a Cygwin bash script. Note, that the Qt application I'm building is not going to have any dependency on Cygwin.
I didn't test with Cygwin but I successfully installed Qt5.5 using a script. To do so, you must use the --script line of the normal installer.
.\qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2013_64-5.5.1.exe --script .\qt-installer-noninteractive.qs
Here's an example of qt-installer-noninteractive.qs file I used in the command above
function Controller() {
installer.installationFinished.connect(function() {
Controller.prototype.WelcomePageCallback = function() {
Controller.prototype.CredentialsPageCallback = function() {
Controller.prototype.IntroductionPageCallback = function() {
Controller.prototype.TargetDirectoryPageCallback = function() {
Controller.prototype.ComponentSelectionPageCallback = function() {
var widget = gui.currentPageWidget();
// widget.selectComponent("qt.55.qt3d");
// widget.selectComponent("qt.55.qtcanvas3d");
// widget.selectComponent("qt.55.qtquick1");
// widget.selectComponent("qt.55.qtscript");
// widget.selectComponent("qt.55.qtwebengine");
// widget.selectComponent("qt.55.qtquickcontrols");
// widget.selectComponent("qt.55.qtlocation");
Controller.prototype.LicenseAgreementPageCallback = function() {
Controller.prototype.StartMenuDirectoryPageCallback = function() {
Controller.prototype.ReadyForInstallationPageCallback = function()
Controller.prototype.FinishedPageCallback = function() {
var checkBoxForm = gui.currentPageWidget().LaunchQtCreatorCheckBoxForm
if (checkBoxForm && checkBoxForm.launchQtCreatorCheckBox) {
checkBoxForm.launchQtCreatorCheckBox.checked = false;
The tricky part was to found the id of the components! I was able to found the right id qt.55.win64_msvc2013_64 by adding the flag --verbose and installing it normally with the UI and stopping at the last page; all the ids that you selected for installation are there.
There is slightly more information in this answer if you need more details.
EDIT (29-11-2017): For installer 3.0.2-online, the "Next" button in the "Welcome" page is disabled for 1 second so you must add a delay
gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton, 3000);
EDIT (10-11-2019): See Joshua Wade's answer for more traps and pitfalls, like the "User Data Collection" form and "Archive" and "Latest releases" checkboxes.

Unable to create OpenShift application using --from-code option

I am trying to create an OpenShift application using the --from-code option to grab the application code from GitHub. I've created two different OpenShift QuickStarts -- with one, the --from-code option works, and with the other, it doesn't work.
So clearly I'm doing something wrong in the QuickStart that isn't working. But I can't see what I'm doing wrong. I either get error 504 or an error occurred, neither of which tells me what the problem is, and there doesn't seem to be a verbose flag to get more details on the error.
Tests-Mac:~ testuser$ rhc app create sonr diy-0.1 --from-code
The cartridge '' will be downloaded and installed
Application Options
Domain: schof
Cartridges: diy-0.1,
Source Code:
Gear Size: default
Scaling: no
Creating application 'sonr' ... Server returned an unexpected error code: 504
Tests-Mac:~ testuser$ rhc app create sonr diy-0.1 --from-code
The cartridge '' will be downloaded and installed
Application Options
Domain: schof
Cartridges: diy-0.1,
Source Code:
Gear Size: default
Scaling: no
Creating application 'sonr' ...
An error occurred while communicating with the server. This problem may only be temporary. Check that you have correctly specified your
OpenShift server ''.
Tests-Mac:~ testuser$
That's creating an application with --from-code using this repo: . If I use this repo it works flawlessly:
The code itself seems to be good, as I can create an empty new application, merge the SONR code in, and it works flawlessly.
What am I doing wrong?
UPDATE: I've worked around this issue by creating the app in two stages instead of doing it in one stage:
rhc app create APPNAME diy-0.1
git remote add github -f
git merge github/master -s recursive -X theirs
git push origin master
I'd still love to know why doing it in one step was failing, though.
#developercorey had the right idea.
I tried with a ridiculous timeout of 99999, and then got a different timeout error that I don't think I can change:
$ rhc app create APPNAME diy-0.1 --from-code --timeout 99999
Creating application 'APPNAME' ...
The initial build for the application failed: Shell command '/sbin/runuser -s /bin/sh 5328a9385973ca70150002af -c "exec /usr/bin/runcon 'unconfined_u:system_r:openshift_t:s0:c5,c974' /bin/sh -c \"gear postreceive --init >> /tmp/initial-build.log 2>&1\""' exceeded timeout of 229
The fix I mentioned in my earlier update is working perfectly, and that's what I recommend anyone with a similar problem try -- I'm creating the app as empty without the --from-code option, and then merging in the code I wanted to use in a separate step:
rhc app create APPNAME diy-0.1
git remote add github -f
git merge github/master -s recursive -X theirs
git push origin master
It could be that the application takes to long to clone/setup, and the creation is timing out. Something you can try is to create the application without the --from-code, then clone it locally, and merge in your code from github, then do a git push. This operation has a much longer timeout period, and will also let you see what, if any, errors that you get since the application won't disappear if it doesn't succeed, unlike an app create.
