Grunt relative file path globbing - gruntjs

Is it possible to use Globbing partially on a directory in a file path?
I have a grunt-contrib-less task set up, the file path for my task looks something like this:
files: {
"../../application/user/themes/some-theme-": "less/base.less",
However the version number in the relative path may sometime change, such as:
files: {
"../../application/user/themes/some-theme-": "less/base.less",
Ideally I'd like to something like this:
files: {
"../../application/user/themes/some-theme-*/css/main.css": "less/base.less",
Is there a way of doing this? With the above syntax it stops searching after the asterisk.

One potential solution to achieve this is to utilize grunts --options feature.
When running a grunt task via the command line it is possible to specify an additional options value.
In your scenario you could pass in the version number of the folder name that is going to change. (I.e. In your case the part that you tried to specify using the asterisk character (*) E.g. ''
Caveat: For this solution to be of any use it does require knowing what that value, (the version number), of the destination folder is upfront prior to running the task via the command line.
Example Gruntfile.js
module.exports = function(grunt) {
themesFolder: {
namePart: '' // <-- If no option is passed via the CLI this name will be used.
less: {
production: {
options: {
// ...
files: {
// The destination path below utilizes a grunt template for the part
// of the folder name that will change. E.g. ''
'../../application/user/themes/some-theme-<%= %>/css/main.css': 'less/base.less'
grunt.registerTask('saveFolderNameFromOption', 'Uses the option provided to configure name part.', function(n) {
var themesFolder = grunt.option('themesFolder');
if (themesFolder) {
// Store the option value so it can be referenced in the less task.
grunt.config('themesFolder.namePart', themesFolder);
grunt.registerTask('processLess', ['saveFolderNameFromOption', 'less:production']);
Running the ProcessLess task
Run the task via the command line as follows:
$ grunt processLess --themesFolder=
Note: The additional option that is specified. Namely: --themesFolder=
When using the above command the .css output will be directed to the following path:
'../../application/user/themes/some-theme-': 'less/base.less'
Now, each time you run the task you modify the options accordingly.
Benefits: By providing the version number as an option via the CLI will avoid having to reconfigure your Gruntfile.js each time it is run.


How to get outputs of one Rule item as inputs of another one?

I want to create automatic crossplatform installation builder for my project. For this reason I made this file myprojectpackage.qbs:
Product {
type: "mypackage"
Depends { name: "myproject" } // <- this one has type "application"
Depends { name: "applicationpackage" }
applicationpackage.qbs uses some submodules and looks like:
Module {
name: "applicationpackage"
Depends { name: "qtlibsbinariespackage" }
Depends { name: "3rdpartybinariespackage" }
Depends { name: "resourcepackage" }
All these modules try to find something and copy to package directory. After they finish, I have a folder with a portable version of application. Every module of this group have typical structure:
Module {
name: "somepackage"
Rule {
condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("windows")
multiplex: true
alwaysRun: true
inputsFromDependencies: ["application"]
Artifact {
filePath: "Copied_files.txt"
fileTags: "mypackage"
prepare: {
var cmdQt = new JavaScriptCommand()
// prepare paths
cmdQt.sourceCode = function() {
// copy some files and write to Copied_files.txt
return [cmdQt]
After portable folder package complete, I want to make a zip archieve. So, I need another Module, which will run after package modules. I think, that only way to do like this is taking .txt files, that were created by modules in applicationpackage, as inputs for another Rule.
I have tried a lot of things (FileTaggers, outputFileTags etc.), but noone worked properly. So is there any way to do make modules work in pipeline as I want to do?
Do I understand correctly that you want to "merge" the contents of the txt files tagged "mypackage" into the archive, i.e. everything listed in all the files is supposed to end up there?
If so, then you simply need a "top-level" rule that does the aggregation. Your existing rules would tag their outputs as e.g. "mypackage.part" and then a multiplex rule would take these as inputs and create a "mypackage" artifact.
Note that there is the archiver module ( that can do the final step of creating the package for you from the aggregated txt file.

Grunt-complexity on all the files in a directory

I'd like to run Grunt-Complexity on all the files in a directory?
I'd like to get this kind of output.
Is there a way?
My js files are all under a subdirectory called "js".
Here's my gruntfile:
/*global module:false*/
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project configuration.
// Task configuration.
complexity: {
generic: {
src: ['grunt.js', 'js/*'],
//exclude: ['doNotTest.js'],
options: {
breakOnErrors: false,
jsLintXML: 'report.xml', // create XML JSLint-like report
checkstyleXML: 'checkstyle.xml', // create checkstyle report
pmdXML: 'pmd.xml', // create pmd report
errorsOnly: false, // show only maintainability errors
cyclomatic: [3, 7, 12], // or optionally a single value, like 3
halstead: [8, 13, 20], // or optionally a single value, like 8
maintainability: 100,
hideComplexFunctions: false, // only display maintainability
broadcast: false // broadcast data over event-bus
// These plugins provide necessary tasks.
// Default task.
grunt.registerTask('default', 'complexity');
I'm simply calling this by typing
from the command line.
then if I type this
grunt complexity js/*
I get
Warning: Task "js/AgencyMediaController.js" not found. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
And AgencyMediaController.js is the first file in my js directory. So it's having a look and listing the files, but then it crashes.
for all js file in JS folder:
src: ['js/**/*.js']
for ass .scss files in scss folder:
src: ['scss/**/*.scss']
I suggest for you create a config for your src folder can be easy in future folder changes in future projects:
var src;
config.src = src = {
sassMain : 'scss/main.scss',
distFolder : 'public/stylesheets/lovelycss.dist.css',
devFolder : 'public/stylesheets/',
libFolder : 'lib/**/*.js',
sassFolder : 'scss/**/*.scss',
spriteCssFolder : 'scss/helpers/_sprite.scss',
spriteDestImg : 'public/images/sprite/spritesheet.png',
spriteSrc : 'public/images/min/*.{png,jpg,gif}',
imageminCwd : 'public/images/',
imageminDest : 'public/images/min'
//grunt Watch =============================== = {
scripts: {
files: ["<%= src.libFolder %>", "<%= src.sassFolder %>"]
,tasks: ["dev", "sass:dist"]
//,tasks: ["dev",'sass:dist']
I hope that helped you.
It's been quite a long while since I asked this question. I just ran into the same issue again and found the answer so here it is:
In the end it turned out to be that one of the files I was trying to analyse was causing the crash. This particular Javascript environment allows for C-like preprocessor directives and the Javascript file had something like this:
var mySettings = {
setting : constants.FOO_SETTING
setting : constants.BAR_SETTING
I guess the problem is that if this is read as strictly Javascript, the preprocessor directives are just plane comments, and there's a comma missing between the two properties, so Grunt complexity is unable to read this because of a syntax error. Using --force makes no difference BTW.
The annoying part is that this is all the error shows:
$ grunt --force
Running "complexity:generic" (complexity) task
Warning: undefined: Unexpected token, expected , (17570:1) Used --force, continuing.
Done, but with warnings.
So while it does say expected , (175:1) it doesn't say in which of the several Javascript files in this project the problem was found!
Just adding exclude: ['path/to/MyFileWithPreprocessorDirectives.js'] to Gruntfile.js in order to exclude this file from the analysis gets me around the problem.

How to force jshint to print source file where the the hint applies?

I am running jshint from grunt.
Here is my config:
jshint: {
files: ['Gruntfile.js', 'app/htmlplayer/js/directives/**/*.js'],
options: {
globals: {
jQuery: true
But after running grunt test which triggers jshint in the console are printed hints and at the end is printed:
"118 errors in 30 files"
Here is one example
How I can find a file where this problem is found?
Is there a way to configure jshint to specify source file responsible for each error?
You will need to change the reporter option, to modify the plugin's output.
By default (when reporter value is null), the output is like -
Switching to checkstyle reporter, will give an output like -
Switching to jslint reporter, will give an output like -
Other than this, you can use custom reporters as well, for example the jshint-stylish -
The grunt task configuration would be -
jshint: {
all: ['entry.js'],
options: {
reporter: require('jshint-stylish')
You can find other custom reporters at -

How to pass _OPTIONS to included premake4 scripts?

I've got a main premake4.lua script:
solution "MySolution"
language "c++"
newoption = {
trigger = "my-option",
description = "This is an option"
include "../my_library"
I would like to pivot logic in the included script ( ../my_library/premake4.lua ) based on the contents of _OPTIONS:
if _OPTIONS["my-option"] then
project "myStaticLibrary"
kind "StaticLib"
project "mySharedLibrary"
kind "SharedLib"
files "foo.cpp"
How to get _OPTIONS in the scope of the included premake4 script?
You don't need to do anything. _OPTIONS is a global variable and will be accessible to all of your scripts automatically. Are you seeing otherwise?
I'm answering my own question just in case anyone else is tempted to solve things in the same way. I was Doing It Wrong. After struggling with it my final solution defined multiple configurations:
-- the main script
solution "MySolution"
language "c++"
configurations { "Release", "Debug", "ReleaseDLL", "DebugDLL" }
configuration { "Release", "ReleaseDLL" }
flags { "Optimize" }
configuration { "Debug", "DebugDLL" }
flags { }
defines {"_DEBUG=1"}
configuration {}
include "../my_library"
The included script specified the kind according to configuration:
-- the included script
project "myStaticLibrary"
configuration { "*" }
kind "StaticLib"
configuration { "*DLL" }
kind "SharedLib"
configuration {}
files "foo.cpp"
And to to build the right targets the config is specified at the make:
premake4 gmake
cd gmake
make config=release
make config=debug
make config=releasedll
make config=debugdll

How can I skip a grunt task if a directory is empty

I'm using grunt-contrib's concat and uglify modules to process some javascript. Currently if src/js/ is empty, they will still create an (empty) concat'd file, along with the minified version and a source map.
I want to task to detect if the src/js/ folder is empty before proceeding, and if it is, then the task should skip (not fail). Any ideas how to do this?
The solution may not be the prettiest, but could give you an idea. You'll need to run something like npm install --save-dev glob first. This is based on part of the Milkshake project you mentioned.
grunt.registerTask('build_js', function(){
// get first task's `src` config property and see
// if any file matches the glob pattern
if (grunt.config('concat').js.src.some(function(src){
return require('glob').sync(src).length;
})) {
// if so, run the task chain[
, 'concat:js'
, 'uglify:yomama'
A gist for comparison:
With this plugin:
You can check file existence. (I didn't try, but the source looks like supporting grunt expands. (*, ** ...)
For example like this::
fileExists: {
scripts: ['a.js', 'b.js']
grunt.registerTask('conditionaltask', [
But maybe if the file doesn't exist it will fail with error instead of simple skip.
(I didn't test it.)
If this is a problem you can modify a bit the source of this plugin to run the related task if the file exists:
The config:
fileExists: {
scripts: ['a.js', 'b.js'],
options: {tasks: ['maintask']}
grunt.registerTask('conditionaltask', [
And you should add this:;
In this file:
after this line:
Maybe this is just a more up-to-date answer as the others are more than a year old, but you don't need a plugin for this; you can use grunt.file.expand to test if files matching a certain globbing pattern exist.
Update of #Kosmotaur's answer (path is just hard-code here though for simplicity):
grunt.registerTask('build_js', function(){
// if any file matches the glob pattern
if (grunt.file.expand("subdir/**/*.js").length) { /** new bit here **/
// if so, run the task chain[
, 'concat:js'
, 'uglify:yomama'
