Firebase Analytics API and other data API's - firebase

I'm wanting to interact with my data from Firebase Analytics within my application. I want to be able to use the monthly active users or current active users. Does Firebase offer an API for analytics data? If not, what other API's are available? Thanks.

It looks like in order to access Firebase Analytics data, you export it to BigQuery. This is working for me and is automated.


Google analytics migration to firebase

I have a project which has google analytics and we have important data in GA which we don't want to loose is there any possible way while migrating to FireBase Analytics we can have this data there as well.
What I have tried so far is we can export data from GA in JSON format using Big Query, is there any way we can import this data to FireBase analytics using Big Query or is there a way I can link my GA account to firebase project and data migration will be done automatically?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately, the answer is no: there is no way to import old data to Firebase. That's why during the transition period (from GA to Firebase) it's recommended to use both SDKs or Google Tag Manager in order to log everything to both GA and Firebase. Then when you have built enough historical data in Firebase you can switch to it.
If you need both sets of data (Firebase and GA) you can export your GA analytics data to BigQuery, export Firebase data to BigQuery and then combine them and process them outside of Firebase, for example using Data Studio.

Can bigquery or Firebase analytics data acessible from ios app side programmatically?

I have Firebase analytics data and enabled BigQuery. But I have a requirement to validate the number of events and screens at app side under automated UI testing. Anyway to access and validate the Firebase analytics data at ios app side programmatically either in swift or objective c?
There is no API to retrieve Google Analytics data through Firebase. See Can I get firebase analytics data using query?
There is also no API for BigQuery to allow secure access directly from your client-side app. That would be a significant security risk, as you'd be exposing data about all of your users to all of your users.
The usual way to implement functionality is to create a custom endpoint (either using a server you already have, or Cloud Functions for Firebase) that exposes just the information your clients need access

Question on migration to Google Analytics for Firebase and BigQuery

We currently have hundreds app on Google Analytics Mobile. We understand we need to migrate over to Google Analytics for Firebase. We have some questions which we need help to understand:
Current set up:
Currently we have multiple Google Cloud Platform accounts each with a number of API projects (one per app). Each API Project ID is used to created a Firebase Project for that Google Platform account.
In (old) Google Analytics Mobile we use the the REST API to get data for each app to be displayed in a custom dashboard:
unique users
affinity groups
A) How do we replicate this in Google Analytics for Firebase? Is there a REST API for Google Analytics for Firebase to retrieve this information?
B) I understand an option is to migrate the Firebase analytics into BigQuery? Does BigQuery provide a REST API to extract the above data ? Is there a cost to using BigQuery.
C) Given we have multiple Google Cloud Platform accounts and each with multiple API Projects and linked to a Firebase project. Can all these Firebase projects be connected to the same BigQuery instance?
Many thanks

Is there a way to integrate Firebase Functions with Google Calendar?

I'm creating a chatbot using chatfuel and storage data on firebase, I would like to know if it is possible to get this events and send then to google calendar. Thanks

Is it possible to transfer data to Firebase Analytics?

We are trying to migrate from MixPanel to Firebase analytics. Is there any way to transfer historic data into Firebase?
No there isn't a solution to do just that.
An alternative would be to export your firebase analytics data to Big Query, in Big Query import your data from MixPanel. However you won't be able to visualise the data imported in Big Query in the classic Firebase Dashboard, you'll need to build your custom dashboard using Google Data Studio for instance.
