Rebus - Bus with sql transport in MemoryCache callback - rebus

I have a message handler which accumulates the messages in a MemoryCache for a given time, so that only the last one will be handled.
When the callback happens i want to forward another message to an handler using sql transport, but the sql connection has now been closed.
The code looks something like this:
public IBus SqlBus { get; set; }
public async Task Handle(ServiceMessage message)
await base.Handle(() =>
cache.Set(CacheKey, message, new CacheItemPolicy()
AbsoluteExpiration = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddSeconds(10),
RemovedCallback = new CacheEntryRemovedCallback(CacheCallback),
return Task.FromResult(0);
}, message);
private void CacheCallback(CacheEntryRemovedArguments arguments)
if (arguments.RemovedReason == CacheEntryRemovedReason.Expired)
var message = arguments.CacheItem.Value as ServiceMessage;
SqlBus.Send(new AnotherMessage()).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Is there any approaches which lets me do this?

When is the CacheCallback method called, and on which thread?
It sounds to me like the problem is that the thread calling CacheCallback has a value in AmbientTransactionContext.Current, which is where Rebus enlists queue operations when it can.
If the transaction context is was somehow preserved even though the handler finished executing, then the associated cached items (like e.g. the SqlConnection and SqlTransaction associated with the SQL transport) will be closed.


SignalR return value from client method

Hello I'm developing a Server-Client application that communicate with SignalR. What I have to implement is a mechanism that will allow my server to call method on client and get a result of that call. Both applications are developed with .Net Core.
My concept is, Server invokes a method on Client providing Id of that invocation, the client executes the method and in response calls the method on the Server with method result and provided Id so the Server can match the Invocation with the result.
Usage is looking like this:
var invocationResult = await Clients
.AwaitInvocationResult<string>(ClientInvocationHelper._invocationResults, id);
AwaitInvocationResult - is a extension method to Task
public static Task<TResultType> AwaitInvocationResult<TResultType>(this Task invoke, ConcurrentDictionary<string, object> lookupDirectory, InvocationId id)
return Task.Run(() =>
while (!ClientInvocationHelper._invocationResults.ContainsKey(id.Value)
|| ClientInvocationHelper._invocationResults[id.Value] == null)
object data;
var stingifyData = lookupDirectory[id.Value].ToString();
//First we should check if invocation response contains exception
if (IsClientInvocationException(stingifyData, out ClientInvocationException exception))
throw exception;
if (typeof(TResultType) == typeof(string))
data = lookupDirectory[id.Value].ToString();
data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TResultType>(stingifyData);
var result = (TResultType)data;
return Task.FromResult(result);
catch (Exception e)
As you can see basically I have a dictionary where key is invocation Id and value is a result of that invocation that the client can report. In a while loop I'm checking if the result is already available for server to consume, if it is, the result is converted to specific type.
This mechanism is working pretty well but I'm observing weird behaviour that I don't understand.
If I call this method with await modifier the method in Hub that is responsible to receive a result from client is never invoked.
///This method gets called by the client to return a value of specific invocation
public Task OnInvocationResult(InvocationId invocationId, object data)
ClientInvocationHelper._invocationResults[invocationId.Value] = data;
return Task.CompletedTask;
In result the while loop of AwaitInvocationResult never ends and the Hub is blocked.
Maby someone can explain this behaviour to me so I can change my approach or improve my code.
As it was mentioned in the answer by Brennan, before ASP.NET Core 5.0 SignalR connection was only able to handle one not streaming invocation of hub method at time. And since your invocation was blocked, server wasn't able to handle next invocation.
But in this case you probably can try to handle client responses in separate hub like below.
public class InvocationResultHandlerHub : Hub
public Task HandleResult(int invocationId, string result)
InvoctionHelper.SetResult(invocationId, result);
return Task.CompletedTask;
While hub method invocation is blocked, no other hub methods can be invoked by caller connection. But since client have separate connection for each hub, he will be able to invoke methods on other hubs. Probably not the best way, because client won't be able to reach first hub until response will be posted.
Other way you can try is streaming invocations. Currently SignalR doesn't await them to handle next message, so server will handle invocations and other messages between streaming calls.
You can check this behavior here in Invoke method, invocation isn't awaited when it is stream
So you can try to add some dummy streaming parameter that you will not use:
public async Task TriggerRequestWithResult(string resultToSend, IAsyncEnumerable<int> stream)
var invocationId = InvoctionHelper.ResolveInvocationId();
await Clients.Caller.SendAsync("returnProvidedString", invocationId, resultToSend);
var result = await InvoctionHelper.ActiveWaitForInvocationResult<string>(invocationId);
and on the client side you will also need to create and populate this parameter:
var stringResult = document.getElementById("syncCallString").value;
var dummySubject = new signalR.Subject();
resultsConnection.invoke("TriggerRequestWithResult", stringResult, dummySubject);
More details:
If you can use ASP.NET Core 5, you can try to use new MaximumParallelInvocationsPerClient hub option. It will allow several invocations to execute in parallel for one connection. But if your client will call too much hub methods without providing result, connection will hang.
More details:
Actually, since returning values from client invocations isn't implemented by SignalR, maybe you can try to look into streams to return values into hubs?
This is supported in .NET 7 now
By default a client can only have one hub method running at a time on the server. This means that when you wait for a result in the first hub method, the second hub method will never run since the first hub method is blocking the processing loop.
It would be better if the OnInvocationResult method ran the logic in your AwaitInvocationResult extension and the first hub method just registers the id and calls the client.

Java gRPC: exception from client to server

Is it's possible to throw an exception from the client to the server?
We have an open stream from the server to the client:
rpc addStream(Request) returns (stream StreamMessage) {}
When i try something like this:
throw Status.INTERNAL.withDescription(e.getMessage()).withCause(e.getCause()).asRuntimeException();
I got the exception in the StreamObserver.onError on the client, but there is no exception on the server-side.
Servers can respond with a "status" that the stub API exposes as a StatusRuntimeException. Clients, however, can only "cancel" the RPC. Servers will not know the source of the cancellation; it could be because the client cancelled or maybe the TCP connection broke.
In a client-streaming or bidi-streaming call, the client can cancel by calling observer.onError() (without ever calling onCompleted()). However, if the client called onCompleted() or the RPC has a unary request, then you need to use ClientCallStreamObserver or Context:
stub.someRpc(request, new ClientResponseObserver<Request, Response>() {
private ClientCallStreamObserver<Request> requestStream;
#Override public void beforeStart(ClientCallStreamObserver<Request> requestStream) {
this.requestStream = requestStream;
// And then where you want to cancel
// RequestStream is non-thread-safe. For unary requests, wait until
// stub.someRpc() returns, since it uses the stream internally.
// The string is not sent to the server. It is just "echoed"
// back to the client's `onError()` to make clear that the
// cancellation was locally caused.
requestStream.cancel("some message for yourself", null);
// For thread-safe cancellation (e.g., for client-streaming)
CancellableContext ctx = Context.current().withCancellation();
StreamObserver requestObserver = ->
stub.someRpc(new StreamObserver<Response>() {
#Override public void onCompleted() {
// The ctx must be closed when done, to avoid leaks
#Override public void onError() {
// The place you want to cancel

SignalR Long Running Process

I have setup a SignalR hub which has the following method:
public void SomeFunction(int SomeID)
catch (Exception ex)
// Exception Handling
// Some Actions
m_Logger.Trace("*****Trying To Exit*****");
The issue I am having is that SignalR initiates and defaults to Server Sent Events and then hangs. Even though the function/method exits minutes later (10 minutes) the method is initiated again ( > 3 minutes) even when the sendComplete and hub.stop() methods are initiated/called on the client prior. Should the user stay on the page the initial "/send?" request stays open indefinitely. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
To avoid blocking the method for so long, you could use a Taskand call the client method asynchronously.
public void SomeFunction(Int32 id)
var connectionId = this.Context.ConnectionId;
Task.Delay(600000).ContinueWith(t =>
var message = String.Format("The operation has completed. The ID was: {0}.", id);
var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<SomeHub>();
Hubs are created when request arrives and destroyed after response is sent down the wire, so in the continuation task, you need to create a new context for yourself to be able to work with a client by their connection identifier, since the original hub instance will no longer be around to provide you with the Clients method.
Also note that you can leverage the nicer syntax that uses async and await keywords for describing asynchronous program flow. See examples at The ASP.NET Site's SignalR Hubs API Guide.

Some questions concerning the combination of ADO.NET, Dapper QueryAsync and Glimpse.ADO

I have been experimenting with a lightweight solution for handling my business logic. It consists of a vanilla ADO.NET connection that is extended with Dapper, and monitored by Glimpse.ADO. The use case for this setup will be a web application that has to process a handful of queries asynchronously per request. Below a simple implementation of my setup in an MVC controller.
public class CatsAndDogsController : Controller
public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
var fetchCatsTask = FetchCats(42);
var fetchDogsTask = FetchDogs(true);
await Task.WhenAll(fetchCatsTask, fetchDogsTask);
ViewBag.Cats = fetchCatsTask.Result;
ViewBag.Dogs = fetchDogsTask.Result;
return View();
public async Task<IEnumerable<Cat>> FetchCats(int breedId)
IEnumerable<Cat> result = null;
using (var connection = CreateAdoConnection())
await connection.OpenAsync();
result = await connection.QueryAsync<Cat>("SELECT * FROM Cat WHERE BreedId = #bid;", new { bid = breedId });
return result;
public async Task<IEnumerable<Dog>> FetchDogs(bool isMale)
IEnumerable<Dog> result = null;
using (var connection = CreateAdoConnection())
await connection.OpenAsync();
result = await connection.QueryAsync<Dog>("SELECT * FROM Dog WHERE IsMale = #im;", new { im = isMale });
return result;
public System.Data.Common.DbConnection CreateAdoConnection()
var sqlClientProviderFactory = System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("System.Data.SqlClient");
var dbConnection = sqlClientProviderFactory.CreateConnection();
dbConnection.ConnectionString = "SomeConnectionStringToAwesomeData";
return dbConnection;
I have some questions concerning the creation of the connection in the CreateAdoConnection() method. I assume the following is happening behind the scenes.
The call to sqlClientProviderFactory.CreateConnection() returns an instance of System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection passed as a System.Data.Common.DbConnection. At this point Glimpse.ADO.AlternateType.GlimpseDbProviderFactory kicks in and wraps this connection in an instance of Glimpse.Ado.AlternateType.GlimpseDbConnection, which is also passed as a System.Data.Common.DbConnection. Finally, this connection is indirectly extended by the Dapper library with its query methods, among them the QueryAsync<>() method used to fetch the cats and dogs.
The questions:
Is the above assumption correct?
If I use Dapper's async methods with this connection - or create a System.Data.Common.DbCommand with this connection's CreateCommand() method, and use it's async methods - will those calls internally always end up using the vanilla async implementations of these methods as Microsoft has written them for System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection and System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand? And not some other implementations of these methods that are actually blocking?
How much perf do I lose with this setup compared to just returning a new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection directly? (So, without the Glimpse.ADO wrapper)
Any suggestions on improving this setup?
Yes pretty much. GlimpseDbProviderFactory wraps/decorates/proxies all the registered factories. We then pass any calls we get through to the factory we wrap (in this case SQL Server). In the case of CreateConnection() we ask the inner factory we have, to create a connection, when we get that connection, we wrap it and then return it to the originating caller
Yes. Glimpse doesn't turn what was an async request into a blocking request. We persevere the async chain all the way though. If you are interested, the code in question is here.
Very little. In essence, using a decorator pattern like this adds only one or two frames to the call stack. Compared to most operations performed during the request lifecycle, the time to observe whats happening here is extremely minimal.
What you have looks great. Only suggestion is to maybe us this code to build the factory. This code means that you can shift your connection string, etc to the web.config.

SignalR - sending parameter to OnConnected?

I have the following JS working:
var chat = $.connection.appHub;
My app has a single hub, AppHub, that handles two types of notifications - Chat and Other. I'm using a single hub because I need access to all connections at all times.
I need to be able to tell OnConnected which type it is via something like the following:
public class AppHub : Hub {
private readonly static ConnectionMapping<string> _chatConnections =
new ConnectionMapping<string>();
private readonly static ConnectionMapping<string> _navbarConnections =
new ConnectionMapping<string>();
public override Task OnConnected(bool isChat) { // here
string user = Context.User.Identity.Name;
if (isChat){
_chatConnections.Add(user, Context.ConnectionId);
_navbarConnections.Add(user, Context.ConnectionId);
} else{
_navbarConnections.Add(user, Context.ConnectionId);
Usage would ideally be something like this:
var chat = $.connection.appHub(true);
How can I pass that parameter to the hub from javascript?
// will have another for OtherMessage
public void SendChatMessage(string who, ChatMessageViewModel message) {
message.HtmlContent = _compiler.Transform(message.HtmlContent);
foreach (var connectionId in _chatConnections.GetConnections(who)) {
I would rather add a method to the hub that you call from the client to subscribe to the type. E.g.
public void Subscribe(bool isChat) {
string user = Context.User.Identity.Name;
if (isChat){
_chatConnections.Add(user, Context.ConnectionId);
} else{
_otherConnections.Add(user, Context.ConnectionId);
You call this method after the hub is connected. It is more flexible in terms that it is then possible to change the notification type without having to reconnect. (Unsubscribe and Subscribe)
If you don't want the extra roundtrip/flexibility. You can send QueryString parameters when connecting to the hub. Stackoverflow answer: Signalr persistent connection with query params.
$.connection.hub.qs = 'isChat=true';
And in OnConnected:
var isChat = bool.Parse(Context.QueryString["isChat"]);
Hallvar's answer is useful in most cases. But sometimes you could also use headers to send data to the OnConnected method.
Code example for Asp .Net Framework:
var myParameter = HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers["HeaderName"];
For .NET 5+ you may need Dependency Injection to access HttpContext, as shown here
