Combining jupyter/ipython kernels in notebook - jupyter-notebook

There are numerous Jupyter Kernels available. I'm also aware of some projects for running one language embedded in another e.g. rpy2. However, i'm interested to know if it's possible (or if there are plans) to combine different kernels together in a single notebook?
So say I would have one cell in python code, and another in scala code, the same way that I currently can have a code cell (press y on a cell) as well as a markdown cell m.
Ideally one should be able to pass variables back and forth, but for this question I'd just be looking to be able to have two different 'code cell' types, without them being aware of each other (so I could have for example a python variable assignment x = 1 and a scala val x : Int = 2 and they wouldn't be aware of one another).

Is is possible to manually switch kernels from cell to cell. I've tested going from Python to Julia to R. Works fine. HOWEVER, the namespaces are wiped clean so you would have to maintain state externally if you wanted to switch back and forth.
Wouldn't guarantee sane behavior though. Don't know how you would automate the kernel switch


Trying to automate an R script that always runs against one dataset and conditionally against another

Very new to R and trying to modify a script to help my end users.
Every week a group of files are produced and my modified script, reaches out to the network, makes the necessary changes and puts the files back, all nice and tidy. However, every quarter, there is a second set of files, that needs the EXACT same transformation completed. My thoughts were to check if the files exist on the network with a file.exists statement and then run through script and then continue with the normal weekly one, but my limited experience can only think of writing it this way (lots of stuff is a couple hundred lines)and I'm sure there's something I can do other than double the size of the program:
if file.exists("quarterly.txt"){
do lots of stuff}
do lots of stuff}
Both starja and lemonlin were correct, my solution was to basically turn my program into a function and just create a program that calls the function with each dataset. I also skipped the 'else' portion of my if statement, which works perfectly (for me).

Executing Wolframscript Code in Rstudio Through Terminal

I am interested in using Wolframscript to perform certain operations in R but am a bit new to programming at a level beyond data analytics.
It is rather easy to start a terminal running wolframscript:
will open it in a terminal tab. Indeed, one can also run lines of code via CTRL+ALT+ENTER. My question, then, is how would one attempt to run commands toward the mathematica terminal and retrieve results thereafter?
My main goal is to create some loop to send code and receive output- here's an example of the general idea:
X <- rweibull(100,1.5)
A <- vector(length=100)
for (a in 1:length(A)){
A[a]<-Output_from_wolfram }
Where T and B are matrices, send_code_to_Wolfram and Output_from_wolfram are undefined functions. Here, the obvious use of wolframscript would be to utilize its numerical integration and matrix exponentiation capabilities which are mostly unavailable in R.
Would anyone know how this might be possible to implement?
It seems that I can send code via naming the terminal and then using the TerminalSend command, though it does not submit (it merely enters it into the input line)

R hanging up when using %in%

I have 2 moderate-size datasets that I am using in R. I want to check one dataset if its referenece number matches with the reference numbers in the other dataset and if so, allot a column in the second dataset which contains the value present in the column in the other dataset.
ghi2$state=ifelse(b1$accntnumber %in% ghi2$referencenumber,b1$address,0)
Every time I am running this code, my RStudio hangs up and is unresponsive for a long time. Is it because its taking the time to process the command or is my command wrong.
I am using a 2GB RAM system so I think R hangs up. Should I use the == operator instead of %in%? Would I get the same result?
1. Should I use the == operator instead of %in%?
No (!). See #2.
2. Would I get the same result?
No. The order and position have to match with ==. Also, see #Akrun's comment.
3. How to make it faster and/or deal with RStudio freezing
If RStudio freezes you can save your log file info, send it to the RStudio team who will quickly respond, and also you could bring your log files here for help.
Beyond that, general Big Data rules apply. Here are some tips:
Try data.table
Try it on the command line instead of RStudio
Watch your Resource Monitor (or whatever you use to monitor resources) and observe the memory and CPU usage
If it's a RAM issue you can
a. use a cloud account to get more RAM
b. buy some more RAM (just sayin')
c. use 64-bit R and increase the RAM available to R to its max if it's not already
If it's a CPU issue you can consider parallelization
If any of these ID's are being repeated (and this makes sense in the context of your specific use-case) you can use unique to avoid redundant comparisons
There are lots of other tips you can find in pre-existing Big Data Q&A's on SO as well.

How do I divide a very large OpenStreetMap file into smaller files in R without running out of memory?

I am currently looking to have map files that are no larger than the sizes of municipalities in Mexico (at largest, about 3 degrees longitude/latitude across). However, I have been running into memory issues (at the very least) when trying to do so. The file size of the OSM XML object is 1.9 GB, for reference.
library(osmar)<-function(province,municipality){ = 'OpenStreetMap/mexico-latest.osm'
#bounds.list is a list that contains the boundaries
bounds = bounds.list[[paste0(province,'*',municipality)]]
my.bbox = corner_bbox(bounds[1],bounds[2],bounds[3],bounds[4]) = osmsource_file( = get_osm(my.bbox,
I am running this inside of a loop, but it can't even get past the first one. When I tried running it, my computer froze and I was only able to take a screenshot with my phone. The memory steadily inclined over the course of a few minutes, and then it shot up really quickly, and I was unable to react before my computer froze.
What is a better way of doing this? I expect to have to run this loop about 100-150 times, so any way that is more efficient in terms of memory would help. I would prefer not to download smaller files from an API service.
If necessary, I would be willing to use another programming language (preferably Python or C++), but I prefer to keep this in R.
I'd suggest not use R for that.
There are better tools for that job. Many ways to split, filter stuff from the command line or using a DBMS.
Here are some alternatives extracted from the OSM Wiki
Filter your osm files using osmfilter: "osmfilter is used to filter OpenStreetMap data files for specific tags. You can define different kinds of filters to get OSM objects (i.e. nodes, ways, relations), including their dependent objects, e.g. nodes of ways, ways of relations, relations of other relations."
Clipping based on Polygons or borders using osmconvert:
You can write bash scripts for both osmfilter and osmconvert, but I'd recommend using a DBMS. Just import into PostGIS using osm2pgsql, and connect your R code with any Postgresql driver. This will optimize your read/write ops.

Strategies for repeating large chunk of analysis

I find myself in the position of having completed a large chunk of analysis and now need to repeat the analysis with slightly different input assumptions.
The analysis, in this case, involves cluster analysis, plotting several graphs, and exporting cluster ids and other variables of interest. The key point is that it is an extensive analysis, and needs to be repeated and compared only twice.
I considered:
Creating a function. This isn't ideal, because then I have to modify my code to know whether I am evaluating in the function or parent environments. This additional effort seems excessive, makes it harder to debug and may introduce side-effects.
Wrap it in a for-loop. Again, not ideal, because then I have to create indexing variables, which can also introduce side-effects.
Creating some pre-amble code, wrapping the analysis in a separate file and source it. This works, but seems very ugly and sub-optimal.
The objective of the analysis is to finish with a set of objects (in a list, or in separate output files) that I can analyse further for differences.
What is a good strategy for dealing with this type of problem?
Making code reusable takes some time, effort and holds a few extra challenges like you mention yourself.
The question whether to invest is probably the key issue in informatics (if not in a lot of other fields): do I write a script to rename 50 files in a similar fashion, or do I go ahead and rename them manually.
The answer, I believe, is highly personal and even then, different case by case. If you are easy on the programming, you may sooner decide to go the reuse route, as the effort for you will be relatively low (and even then, programmers typically like to learn new tricks, so that's a hidden, often counterproductive motivation).
That said, in your particular case: I'd go with the sourcing option: since you plan to reuse the code only 2 times more, a greater effort would probably go wasted (you indicate the analysis to be rather extensive). So what if it's not an elegant solution? Nobody is ever going to see you do it, and everybody will be happy with the swift results.
If it turns out in a year or so that the reuse is higher than expected, you can then still invest. And by that time, you will also have (at least) three cases for which you can compare the results from the rewritten and funky reusable version of your code with your current results.
If/when I do know up front that I'm going to reuse code, I try to keep that in mind while developing it. Either way I hardly ever write code that is not in a function (well, barring the two-liners for SO and other out-of-the-box analyses): I find this makes it easier for me to structure my thoughts.
If at all possible, set parameters that differ between sets/runs/experiments in an external parameter file. Then, you can source the code, call a function, even utilize a package, but the operations are determined by a small set of externally defined parameters.
For instance, JSON works very well for this and the RJSONIO and rjson packages allow you to load the file into a list. Suppose you load it into a list called parametersNN.json. An example is as follows:
"Version": "20110701a",
"indices": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
"step_size": 0.05
"tolerance": 0.01,
"iterations": 100
Save that as "parameters01.json" and load as:
Params <- fromJSON("parameters.json")
and you're off and running. (NB: I like to use unique version #s within my parameters files, just so that I can identify the set later, if I'm looking at the "parameters" list within R.) Just call your script and point to the parameters file, e.g.:
Rscript --vanilla MyScript.R parameters01.json
then, within the program, identify the parameters file from the commandArgs() function.
Later, you can break out code into functions and packages, but this is probably the easiest way to make a vanilla script generalizeable in the short term, and it's a good practice for the long-term, as code should be separated from the specification of run/dataset/experiment-dependent parameters.
Edit: to be more precise, I would even specify input and output directories or files (or naming patterns/prefixes) in the JSON. This makes it very clear how one set of parameters led to one particular output set. Everything in between is just code that runs with a given parametrization, but the code shouldn't really change much, should it?
Three months, and many thousands of runs, wiser than my previous answer, I'd say that the external storage of parameters in JSON is useful for 1-1000 different runs. When the parameters or configurations number in the thousands and up, it's better to switch to using a database for configuration management. Each configuration may originate in a JSON (or XML), but being able to grapple with different parameter layouts requires a larger scale solution, for which a database like SQLite (via RSQLite) is a fine solution.
I realize this answer is overkill for the original question - how to repeat work only a couple of times, with a few parameter changes, but when scaling up to hundreds or thousands of parameter changes in ongoing research, more extensive tools are necessary. :)
I like to work with combination of a little shell script, a pdf cropping program and Sweave in those cases. That gives you back nice reports and encourages you to source. Typically I work with several files, almost like creating a package (at least I think it feels like that :) . I have a separate file for the data juggling and separate files for different types of analysis, such as descriptiveStats.R, regressions.R for example.
btw here's my little shell script,
R CMD Sweave docSweave.Rnw
for file in `ls pdfs`;
do pdfcrop pdfs/"$file" pdfs/"$file"
pdflatex docSweave.tex
open docSweave.pdf
The Sweave file typically sources the R files mentioned above when needed. I am not sure whether that's what you looking for, but that's my strategy so far. I at least I believe creating transparent, reproducible reports is what helps to follow at least A strategy.
Your third option is not so bad. I do this in many cases. You can build a bit more structure by putting the results of your pre-ample code in environments and attach the one you want to use for further analysis.
An example:
setup1 <- local({
x <- rnorm(50, mean=2.0)
y <- rnorm(50, mean=1.0)
# ...
setup2 <- local({
x <- rnorm(50, mean=1.8)
y <- rnorm(50, mean=1.5)
# ...
attach(setup1) and run/source your analysis code
plot(x, y)
t.test(x, y, paired = T, var.equal = T)
When finished, detach(setup1) and attach the second one.
Now, at least you can easily switch between setups. Helped me a few times.
I tend to push such results into a global list.
I use Common Lisp but then R isn't so different.
Too late for you here, but I use Sweave a lot, and most probably I'd have used a Sweave file from the beginning (e.g. if I know that the final product needs to be some kind of report).
For repeating parts of the analysis a second and third time, there are then two options:
if the results are rather "independent" (i.e. should produce 3 reports, comparison means the reports are inspected side by side), and the changed input comes in the form of new data files, that goes into its own directory together with a copy of the Sweave file, and I create separate reports (similar to source, but feels more natural for Sweave than for plain source).
if I rather need to do the exactly same thing once or twice again inside one Sweave file I'd consider reusing code chunks. This is similar to the ugly for-loop.
The reason is that then of course the results are together for the comparison, which would then be the last part of the report.
If it is clear from the beginning that there will be some parameter sets and a comparison, I write the code in a way that as soon as I'm fine with each part of the analysis it is wrapped into a function (i.e. I'm acutally writing the function in the editor window, but evaluate the lines directly in the workspace while writing the function).
Given that you are in the described situation, I agree with Nick - nothing wrong with source and everything else means much more effort now that you have it already as script.
I can't make a comment on Iterator's answer so I have to post it here. I really like his answer so I made a short script for creating the parameters and exporting them to external JSON files. And I hope someone finds this useful:
