caret: `predict` fails when `train` formula has deleted variables - r

TL/DR ANSWER: specify training data in newdata argument.
How do I consistently extract class probabilities from trained models with caret's predict? Currently I get an error when the argument to predict was trained with the formula notation and a variable was indicated to be ignored with -variable.
This can be reproduced with:
fit.lda <- train(Species ~ . -Petal.Length,
data = iris,
preProcess = c("center", "scale"),
trControl = trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
number = 10,
repeats = 3,
classProbs = TRUE,
savePredictions = "final",
selectionFunction = "best",
summaryFunction = multiClassSummary),
method = "lda",
metric = "Mean_F1")
and then the following line will fail:
predict(fit.lda, type = "prob")
Error in predict.lda(modelFit, newdata) : wrong number of variables
If the -Petal.Length is omitted in the train formula, there is no error. Am I doing something wrong with the formula statement?
I suppose I could dig into the model's pred slot and grab the columns corresponding to the class types (see EDIT2), but this seems hackish. Is there a way to get predict to work as expected?
I trained a number of different models (using formula notation) with caretList from the caretEnsemble package, and I got various errors when trying to use predict:
Error in knn3Train(train = c(....) : dims of 'test' and 'train differ
Warning message:
In method$prob(modelFit = modelFit, newdata = newdata, submodels = param) :
kernlab class probability calculations failed; returning NAs
Error in myFunc[[1]](x, ...) :
number of input data columns 28 does not match number of input neurons 20
Methods that worked without errors were nnet and tree based methods (rf, xgbTree)
The following doesn't take repeated resampling into account. The selected answer is much simpler.
Here's a self-fashioned solution for extracting probabilities from the trained model, but for standardization, I'd prefer if it's possible to get predict to behave.
grabProbs <- function(model) model$pred[, colnames(model$pred) %in% model$levels]

Just use the newdata parameter and it will work
predict(fit.lda, newdata = iris, type = "prob")
As we can see, for lda the prediction result is identical:
fit.lda <- lda(Species ~ . -Petal.Length, data = iris)
identical(predict(fit.lda), predict(fit.lda, newdata=iris))
# [1] TRUE
fit.rf <- randomForest(Species ~ . -Petal.Length, data = iris)
identical(predict(fit.rf), predict(fit.rf, newdata=iris))
# [1] FALSE


Message error when trying to train a regression model using KNN method

I'm currently taking an analytics class and i'm pretty much new to this. I'm trying to train a regression model using KNN, when I try set up the model using the train function, I keep receiving the following error message:
Error in `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = gsub("^\\.", "", colnames(printed))) : attempt to set 'colnames' on an object with less than two dimensions
The code is:
TrControl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
number = 10,
repeats = 3)
modele <- train(outcome ~ .,
data = Train,
tuneGrid = expand_grid(k=1:70),
method = 'knn',
trControl = TrControl,
preProc = c('center','scale'))
If anybody can help that would be great :)
PS : The data used for the model is a dataframe with 23 variables and 2580 observations with column names as the first row and observations in the others.

How to get the predicted class instead of class probabilities?

I have trained a random forest using caret package for predicting a binary classification task.
inTrain <- createDataPartition(disambdata$Response, p=3/4, list = FALSE)
trainSet <- disambdata[inTrain,]
testSet <- disambdata[-inTrain,]
ctrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10, repeats = 10)
grid_rf <- expand.grid(.mtry = c(3,5,7,9))
m_rf <- train(Response ~ ., data=trainSet,
method= "rf", metric = "Kappa", trcontrol=ctrl, tuneGrid = grid_rf)
The Response variable contains values {Valid, Invalid}.
Using the following I get the class probabilities for the testing data:
pred <- predict.train(m_rf, newdata = testSet,
type="prob", models=m_rf$finalModel)
However I am interested in obtaining the predicted class i.e. Valid or Invalid instead of class probabilities to generate a confusion matrix.
I have already tried the argument type="raw" in the predict.train function but it returns a list of NAs.
By assigning type = "prob" in predict() function, you are specifically asking for probabilities. just remove it & it will provide labels
pred <- predict.train(m_rf, newdata = testSet,models=m_rf$finalModel)
It seems that the caret package (caret_6.0-70) still has issue with the formula interface. Expanding the formula from Response ~ . to the one that explicitly mentions all predictors like this Response ~ MaxLikelihood + n1 + n2 + count resolves the problem and predict.train(m_rf, newdata=testSet) returns the predicted class.

R - how to set a specific number of PCA components to train a prediction model

Using train() and preProcess() I want to build a predictive model using PCA with the first 7 principal components as my predictors.
The below works but I'm not able to specify the number of PCs:
predModel2 <- train(diagnosis~., data=training2, method = "glm", preProcess = "pca")
I've tried this to specify the number of PCs but I don't know how to incorporate it into train():
training_pre<-preProcess(training[,ILcols],method = c("center", "scale", "pca"),pcaComp= 7)
I've tried using:
predModel2 <- train(diagnosis~., data=training2, method = "glm", preProcess = "pca", pcaComp=7)
Error in train.default(x, y, weights = w, ...) : Stopping
It seems I get around this by using predict() first:
train(diagnosis~., data=training2_pca, method = "glm")
All preprocessing should be done within the training folds or, in this case, resamples. That prevents 'data leaks', so the first of the above approaches should be preferred, see e.g. this question.
The pcaComp argument goes into trainControl(). Using the iris data, KNN and the first two principal components as an example:
predModel2 <- train(Species~., data=iris, method = "knn", preProcess = "pca",
trControl = trainControl(preProcOptions = list(pcaComp = 2)))

Model trained with preprocess using impute not processing new data

I am using caret train function with the preProcess option:
fit <- train(form,
metric = "ROC",
tuneLength = tune,
This preprocesses the training data. However, when I predict, the observations with NAs, they are omitted even though I have bagImpute as an option. I know there is a na.action parameter on predict.train, but I can't get it to work.
predict.train(model, newdata=test, na.action=???)
Is it correct to assume that the predict function automatically preprocesses the new data because the model was trained using the preProcess option? If so, shouldn't the new data be imputed and processed the same way as train? What am i doing wrong?
Thanks for any help.
You would use na.action = na.pass. The problem is, while making a working example, I found a bug that occurs with the formula method for train and imputation. Here is an example without the formula method:
training <- twoClassSim(100)
testing <- twoClassSim(100)
testing$Linear05[4] <- NA
fitControl <- trainControl(classProbs = TRUE,
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary)
fit <- train(x = training[, -ncol(training)],
y = training$Class,
metric = "ROC",
predict(fit, testing[1:5, -ncol(testing)], na.action = na.pass)
The bug will be fixed on the next release of the package.

How to custom a model in CARET to perform PLS-[Classifer] two-step classificaton model?

This question is a continuation of the same thread here. Below is a minimal working example taken from this book:
Wehrens R. Chemometrics with R multivariate data analysis in the
natural sciences and life sciences. 1st edition. Heidelberg; New York:
Springer. 2011. (page 250).
The example was taken from this book and its package ChemometricsWithR. It highlighted some pitfalls when modeling using cross-validation techniques.
The Aim:
A cross-validated methodology using the same set of repeated CV to perform a known strategy of PLS followed typically by LDA or cousins like logistic regression, SVM, C5.0, CART, with the spirit of caret package. So PLS would be needed every time before calling the waiting classifier in order to classify PLS score space instead of the observations themselves. The nearest approach in the caret package is doing PCA as a pre-processing step before modeling with any classifier. Below is a PLS-LDA procedure with only one cross-validation to test performance of the classifier, there was no 10-fold CV or any repetition. The code below was taken from the mentioned book but with some corrections otherwise throws error:
prostate.clmat <- classvec2classmat(prostate.type) # convert Y to a dummy var
odd <- seq(1, length(prostate.type), by = 2) # training
even <- seq(2, length(prostate.type), by = 2) # holdout test
prostate.pls <- plsr(prostate.clmat ~ prostate, ncomp = 16, validation = "CV", subset=odd)
Xtst <- scale(prostate[even,], center = colMeans(prostate[odd,]), scale = apply(prostate[odd,],2,sd))
tst.scores <- Xtst %*% prostate.pls$projection # scores for the waiting trained LDA to test
prostate.ldapls <- lda(scores(prostate.pls)[,1:16],prostate.type[odd]) # LDA for scores
table(predict(prostate.ldapls, new = tst.scores[,1:16])$class, prostate.type[even])
predictionTest <- predict(prostate.ldapls, new = tst.scores[,1:16])$class)
confusionMatrix(data = predictionTest, reference= prostate.type[even]) # from caret
Confusion Matrix and Statistics
Prediction bph control pca
bph 4 1 9
control 1 35 7
pca 34 4 68
Overall Statistics
Accuracy : 0.6564
95% CI : (0.5781, 0.7289)
No Information Rate : 0.5153
P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.0001874
Kappa : 0.4072
Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.0015385
Statistics by Class:
Class: bph Class: control Class: pca
Sensitivity 0.10256 0.8750 0.8095
Specificity 0.91935 0.9350 0.5190
Pos Pred Value 0.28571 0.8140 0.6415
Neg Pred Value 0.76510 0.9583 0.7193
Prevalence 0.23926 0.2454 0.5153
Detection Rate 0.02454 0.2147 0.4172
Detection Prevalence 0.08589 0.2638 0.6503
Balanced Accuracy 0.51096 0.9050 0.6643
However, the confusion matrix didn't match that in the book, anyway the code in the book did break, but this one here worked with me!
Although this was only one CV, but the intention is to agree on this methodology first, sd and mean of the train set were applied on the test set, PLUS transformed into PLS scores based a specific number of PC ncomp. I want this to occur every round of the CV in the caret. If the methodology as code is correct here, then it can serve, may be, as a good start for a minimal work example while modifying the code of the caret package.
Side Notes:
It can be very messy with scaling and centering, I think some of the PLS functions in R do scaling internally, with or without centering, I am not sure, so building a custom model in caret should be handled with care to avoid both lack or multiple scalings or centerings (I am on my guards with these things).
Perils of multiple centering/scaling
The code below is just to show how multliple centering/scaling can change the data, only centering is shown here but the same problem with scaling applies too.
x <- rnorm(200, 2, 1)
xCentered1 <- scale(x, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE)
xCentered2 <- scale(xCentered1, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE)
xCentered3 <- scale(xCentered2, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE)
sapply (list(xNotCentered= x, xCentered1 = xCentered1, xCentered2 = xCentered2, xCentered3 = xCentered3), mean)
xNotCentered xCentered1 xCentered2 xCentered3
2.035540e+00 1.897798e-16 -5.603699e-18 -5.332377e-18
Please drop a comment if I am missing something somewhere in this course. Thanks.
If you want to fit these types of models with caret, you would need to use the latest version on CRAN. The last update was created so that people can use non-standard models as they see fit.
My approach below is to jointly fit the PLS and other model (I used random forest in the example below) and tune them at the same time. So for each fold, a 2D grid of ncomp and mtry is used.
The "trick" is to attached the PLS loadings to the random forest object so that they can be used during prediction time. Here is the code that defines the model (classification only):
modelInfo <- list(label = "PLS-RF",
library = c("pls", "randomForest"),
type = "Classification",
parameters = data.frame(parameter = c('ncomp', 'mtry'),
class = c("numeric", 'numeric'),
label = c('#Components',
'#Randomly Selected Predictors')),
grid = function(x, y, len = NULL) {
grid <- expand.grid(ncomp = seq(1, min(ncol(x) - 1, len), by = 1),
mtry = 1:len)
grid <- subset(grid, mtry <= ncomp)
loop = NULL,
fit = function(x, y, wts, param, lev, last, classProbs, ...) {
## First fit the pls model, generate the training set scores,
## then attach what is needed to the random forest object to
## be used later
pre <- plsda(x, y, ncomp = param$ncomp)
scores <- pls:::predict.mvr(pre, x, type = "scores")
mod <- randomForest(scores, y, mtry = param$mtry, ...)
mod$projection <- pre$projection
predict = function(modelFit, newdata, submodels = NULL) {
scores <- as.matrix(newdata) %*% modelFit$projection
predict(modelFit, scores)
prob = NULL,
varImp = NULL,
predictors = function(x, ...) rownames(x$projection),
levels = function(x) x$obsLevels,
sort = function(x) x[order(x[,1]),])
and here is the call to train:
inTrain <- createDataPartition(prostate.type, p = .90)
trainX <-prostate[inTrain[[1]], ]
trainY <- prostate.type[inTrain[[1]]]
testX <-prostate[-inTrain[[1]], ]
testY <- prostate.type[-inTrain[[1]]]
## These will take a while for these data
plsrf <- train(trainX, trainY, method = modelInfo,
preProc = c("center", "scale"),
tuneLength = 10,
trControl = trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
repeats = 5))
## How does random forest do on its own?
rfOnly <- train(trainX, trainY, method = "rf",
tuneLength = 10,
trControl = trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
repeats = 5))
Just for kicks, I got:
> getTrainPerf(plsrf)
TrainAccuracy TrainKappa method
1 0.7940423 0.65879 custom
> getTrainPerf(rfOnly)
TrainAccuracy TrainKappa method
1 0.7794082 0.6205322 rf
> postResample(predict(plsrf, testX), testY)
Accuracy Kappa
0.7741935 0.6226087
> postResample(predict(rfOnly, testX), testY)
Accuracy Kappa
0.9032258 0.8353982
Based on Max's valuable comments, I felt the need to have IRIS referee, which is famous for classification, and more importantly the Species outcome has more than two classes, which would be a good data set to test the PLS-LDA custom model in caret:
dim(iris) # 150x5
inTrain <- createDataPartition(y = iris$Species,
## the outcome data are needed
p = .75,
## The percentage of data in the
## training set
list = FALSE)
## The format of the results
## The output is a set of integers for the rows of Iris
## that belong in the training set.
training <- iris[ inTrain,] # 114
testing <- iris[-inTrain,] # 36
ctrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
repeats = 5,
classProbs = TRUE)
plsFitIris <- train(Species ~ .,
data = training,
method = "pls",
tuneLength = 4,
trControl = ctrl,
preProc = c("center", "scale"))
plsldaFitIris <- train(Species ~ .,
data = training,
method = modelInfo,
tuneLength = 4,
trControl = ctrl,
preProc = c("center", "scale"))
Now comparing the two models:
TrainAccuracy TrainKappa method
1 0.8574242 0.7852462 pls
TrainAccuracy TrainKappa method
1 0.975303 0.9628179 custom
postResample(predict(plsFitIris, testing), testing$Species)
Accuracy Kappa
0.750 0.625
postResample(predict(plsldaFitIris, testing), testing$Species)
Accuracy Kappa
0.9444444 0.9166667
So, finally there was the EXPECTED difference, and improvement in the metrics. So this would support Max's notion, that two-class problems because of Bayes' probabilistic approach of plsda function both lead to the same results.
You need to wrap the CV around both PLS and LDA.
Yes, both plsr and lda center the data their own way
I had a closer look at caret::preProcess (): as it is defined now, you will not be able to use PLS as preprocessing method because it is supervised but caret::preProcess () uses unsupervised methods only (there is no way to hand over the dependent variable). This would probably make patching rather difficult.
So inside the caret framework, you'll need to go for a custom model.
If the scenario were to custom a model of PLS-LDA type, according to the code kindly provided by Max (maintainer of CARET), something is not corect in this code, but I didn't figure it out, because I used the Sonar data set the same in caret vignette and tried to reproduce the result one time using method="pls" and another time using the below custom model for PLS-LDA, the results were exactly identical even to the last digit, which was nonsensical. For benchmarking, one need a known data set (I think a cross-validated PLS-LDA for iris data set would fit here as it is famous for this type of analysis and there should be somewhere a cross-validated treatment of it), everything should be the same (the set.seed(xxx) and the no of K-CV repitition) except the code in question so as to rightly compare and to judge the code below:
modelInfo <- list(label = "PLS-LDA",
library = c("pls", "MASS"),
type = "Classification",
parameters = data.frame(parameter = c("ncomp"),
class = c("numeric"),
label = c("#Components")),
grid = function(x, y, len = NULL) {
grid <- expand.grid(ncomp = seq(1, min(ncol(x) - 1, len), by = 1))
loop = NULL,
fit = function(x, y, wts, param, lev, last, classProbs, ...) {
## First fit the pls model, generate the training set scores,
## then attach what is needed to the lda object to
## be used later
pre <- plsda(x, y, ncomp = param$ncomp)
scores <- pls:::predict.mvr(pre, x, type = "scores")
mod <- lda(scores, y, ...)
mod$projection <- pre$projection
predict = function(modelFit, newdata, submodels = NULL) {
scores <- as.matrix(newdata) %*% modelFit$projection
predict(modelFit, scores)$class
prob = function(modelFit, newdata, submodels = NULL) {
scores <- as.matrix(newdata) %*% modelFit$projection
predict(modelFit, scores)$posterior
varImp = NULL,
predictors = function(x, ...) rownames(x$projection),
levels = function(x) x$obsLevels,
sort = function(x) x[order(x[,1]),])
Based on Zach's request, the code below is for method="pls" in caret, exactly the same concrete example in caret vigenette on CRAN:
library(mlbench) # data set from here
dim(Sonar) # 208x60
inTrain <- createDataPartition(y = Sonar$Class,
## the outcome data are needed
p = .75,
## The percentage of data in the
## training set
list = FALSE)
## The format of the results
## The output is a set of integers for the rows of Sonar
## that belong in the training set.
training <- Sonar[ inTrain,] #157
testing <- Sonar[-inTrain,] # 51
ctrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
repeats = 3,
classProbs = TRUE,
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary)
plsFitSon <- train(Class ~ .,
data = training,
method = "pls",
tuneLength = 15,
trControl = ctrl,
metric = "ROC",
preProc = c("center", "scale"))
plot(plsFitSon) # might be slightly difference than what in the vignette due to radnomness
Now, the code below is a pilot run to classify Sonar data using the custom model PLS-LDA which is under question, it is expected to come up with any numbers apart from identical with those using PLS only:
plsldaFitSon <- train(Class ~ .,
data = training,
method = modelInfo,
tuneLength = 15,
trControl = ctrl,
metric = "ROC",
preProc = c("center", "scale"))
Now comparing the results between the two models:
TrainROC TrainSens TrainSpec method
1 0.8741154 0.7638889 0.8452381 pls
TrainROC TrainSens TrainSpec method
1 0.8741154 0.7638889 0.8452381 custom
postResample(predict(plsFitSon, testing), testing$Class)
Accuracy Kappa
0.745098 0.491954
postResample(predict(plsldaFitSon, testing), testing$Class)
Accuracy Kappa
0.745098 0.491954
So, the results are exactly the same which cannot be. As if the lda model were not added?
