How to show widget of woocommerce into sidebar of page - css

Hello I am working with woocommerce plugin and I am using widget for sidebar.
But using widget.widget is not showing on the sidebar they are showing below to
the product how to show widget on sidebar is it possible using css or other
solution for that.
Here is link

Please refer the below snapshot we made changes in your structured using browser console.
If you have added your sidebar data under the rightPanle div still data are not arrive correct means that some where have div closing issue.
Would you please check your structured all div are properly close.


Wordpress - widgets are not showing

i am using neve theme + elementor, and i am trying to add widgets to my footer, but nothing shows. I am going to Appearance>Widgets>then add text and images to all footer columns - 1,2,3,4 respectively and when i hit update, and refresh the site, nothing shows.
I have checked this answer here but i have not used any code in my case(only drag and drop with elementor), so the answer does not apply to me.
i have tried to disable elementor and all other plugins, but same thing, nothing shows.
if i go to appearance>Customize and select widgets this message appears:
Widgets are independent sections of content that can be placed into widgetized areas provided by your theme (commonly called sidebars). Your theme has 5 other widget areas, but this particular page doesn’t display them. You can navigate to other pages on your site while using the Customizer to view and edit the widgets displayed on those pages.
What am i doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated !
L.E SOLUTION : So the solution for this issue (for the beginners of wordpress like me here that could have the same dilemma) is like Daniyal said that before adding widgets to your Header and Footer in the Appearance > Widgets you actually have to design the header/footer in the Appearance > Customize section, by defining through drag and droping which area of the Footer for example Footer 1 is or Footer 2 or so on. Once the areas are defined the widgets added in widgets section will appear in the correct areas defined by the user.
Do you create Footer with elementor?
If you create footer with elementor, so footer widgets not showing and you should drag and drop widget with elementor to footer to show widget
If you don't create footer with elementor, this problem is the Theme

How to link to a section in a One Page website with Revolution Slider

I'm using a Revolution Slider on a one page wordpress website and I want to have a link inside the slider which will take the visitor to the 'contact us' section down the page. I'd rather not use the 'scroll below' option as this will not work properly on mobile devices.
I've added a div id="contact-info" in the raw html, but when I try to link to contact-info or #contact-info I get sent to a 404. What am I missing here?
I've added two screenshots:
one how I made the link in a button in the Revolution Slider
one how I added the HTML in the page (through visual composer)
Even if I change the link to any of the options mentioned above, the link still doesn't work.
Hope you guys can help me out!
Try to the Slide Editor > Link & Seo > Enable Link select "Disable".
then add #contact-info again. Hope can help!

How to move sidebar to the left in shop pages?

I am using woocommerce for the first time and have searched for answers to this question for hours now. Found none. I'm exhausted and really grateful if someone wishes to help out.
I am using woocommerce on a self-created child theme. The main shop page uses a theme-template called "page-left-sidebar", which normally places the sidebar with widgets to the left of the page. This option would look good in the web shop that I'm trying to create.
But Woocommerce templates override my custom templates, and although I get the correct "page-left-sidebar"-template's sidebar widgets, I see with my eyes and also when investigating with firebug, that woocommerce is calling the "page-right-sidebar"-template's main & sidebar css rules instead those of the left-sidebar-template. The page-right-sidebar is the default page template in my theme, as it happens.
I have tried editing woocommerce's "archive-product.php" -page. But I just cannot understand, where and how to tell the div's to be situated where I want them to.
My theme's default "page.php" and "page-left-sidebar.php"-template are identical. Only the template's name (obviously) changes. In my "style.css" I have rules both for default sidebar (sidebar to the right) and page-left-template-sidebar.
What files should I edit and how?
To display sidebar on the left, the style.css file should have property float:left for that section
Found a workaround... I still don't understand how the default templates work, but I've tried until I give up. I just hard-coded a div style="right;" in the archive-product.php, closing the div just before the sidebar commanding lines. It's crude, I know, but it seems to do the trick.

Complete control over Nivo Slider

I have implemented a Nivo Slider in my Drupal site and I am not getting the control I want for styling it.
I know by default Nivo Slider only supports Image, Title, and Link fields for Drupal rows. I did find a workaround to get the teaser to show with the title however:
but looking at the generated HTML in FireFox, I see that my DIVs do not get printed.
How can I get complete control over my Nivo Slider when using Drupal? I want to be able to print as many DIVs and use CSS to my heart's content. I've been stuck for hours playing around with the template files as well with no luck.

Custom per-page sidebar widgets in Wordpress.. possible?

Let's say I'm doing a site about cars, and in the main content area there are a few paragraphs about a particular car.
In the sidebar, are several standard widgets. But I also want a widget with an 'info panel' about the particular car.
So what's the sanest way of putting in a per-page widget in Wordpress? I guess ideally the info-panel could be entered via the standard page editing in Wordpress. (or is this something a plug-in already covers?)
Widget Logic plugin:
Another Option would be to download and install the Graceful Sidebar Widget. This plugin enables you to create a sidebar that with content specific to each page or post. You specify the sidebar content right inside the post edit screen. Hope this helps!
