Kafka log appender not available in kaa Admin UI - kaa

According to the Documentation (http://kaaproject.github.io/kaa/docs/v0.10.0/Programming-guide/Key-platform-features/Data-collection/Kafka-log-appender/ ) I can use Apache Kafka as a log appender in my application, but when I try to create a new log appender using the admin UI the Kafka type doesn't show up.
I'm using v0.10 Sandbox, deployed in a VM

Looks like Kafka Log Appender is missing in the Log Appender type drop-down for some Sandbox installations. This seems to be a bug and there is a ticket in Jira opened. See KAA-1673.


Unable to access the Jira instance. - JIRA X FIREBASE

I'm having trouble integrating Firebase with Jira Server. Firebase shows the message:
Unable to access the Jira instance
Do I need to release any ports on the jira server? I'm putting the correct URL as per the information in the documentation. Previously I had done the process for Jira Software and it worked, but I can't make it work in Jira Sever. Can you help?

Diagnostics Logging for Application Insights Service in Azure

We use Azure Application Insights and Generate Alerts and also use webhooks.
We are looking for Logs of Application Insights itself for the Alert generated (This is not the application's log but the diagnostics logs about Application Insights Alert that was generated) as we want to debug details on what data was sent in the Alert's webhook and what was the url (kind of Verbose log of Application Insights).
Does anyone know where we can find that log? Will it be in AzureDiagnostics in Log Analytics any KQL for it?
Thank you
Azure Monitor Alerts currently do not produce platform diagnostics logs. I understand what you're trying do achieve but that's not currently possible.
It would be great if you file a user voice item for it here:

How shutdown feature can be enabled in SpringBoot Admin UI?

I am trying to monitor my spring boot application, which has actuator support.
And to be able to set a SpringBootAdmin server and client.
I enabled the shutdown endpoint in the client application by adding the
following to the application.properties file:
Now I am able to hit the actuator shutdown api through the postman client and functionality is working fine.
Is there any way to get the shut down feature/tab in the spring boot admin UI?
Sadly, even 2 years later this is still not supported. You can list it inside management.endpoints.web.exposure.include as:
It will show up, but there is no option to action it.

ServiceDataPublisherAdmin not set in wso2 api manager gateway

I am setting up wso2 API manager 1.10.x with DAS 3.0.1 for publishing API statistics using mysql. My API manager system is clustered with gateway worker node on a separate VM. I followed the documents to enable analytics for API manager via UI. I also followed this document to manually enable analytics for gateway worker node. http://blog.rukspot.com/2016/05/configure-wso2-apim-analytics-using-xml.html After setup, I restart all servers, everything seems fine. But when I make a request to published API, gateway does not publish any statistics to DAS receiver. No data in DAS summary tables either.
By debugging wso2 Gateway, I am able to narrow it down to the fact that
private static ServiceDataPublisherAdmin dataPublisherAdminService; inside org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.internal.APIManagerComponent never get set. Therefore APIMgtUsageHandler does not do anything.
Any idea on what could cause this to happen?
Figured it out myself.
bundle org.wso2.carbon.statistics_4.4.8 and 2 other statistics bundles are necessary for gateway worker to publish statistics data to DAS. But worker profile provided in the package of wso2 API manager 1.10.0 had them excluded.
To work around it, start wso2 on worker node with -Dprofile=default.
You can use osgi console to confirm the activation of these bundles. Once the bundle is activated, class inside is instantiated, gateway will start to publish statistics to DAS when you invoke a published API.

Using HangFire without any Dashboard

I am using Hangfire.AspNetCore with ASP.NET Core v1.0.
My Database is SqlLite.
As far as I found, there is no proper SQLite driver for hangfire for .NET Core.
So, I decided to work without any dashboard.
So, what I have configured is like the following:
In Startup.cs, in ConfigureServices method
services.AddHangfire(configuration => {});
And in Configure method, I am using this
But I am getting the next error:
An exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in Hangfire.Core.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: JobStorage.Current property value has not been initialized. You must set it before using Hangfire Client or Server API.
I don't need dashboard, so I did not configured dashboard.
Can anyone please help?
The error is telling you that you have not configured a job storage provider. It's got nothing to do with the dashboard. Even without the dashboard you must have a storage provider.
There is in-memory storage available via Nuget called Hangfire.MemoryStorage that you can use if you don't require persistent storage for your background jobs.
