Closure Compiler: JSC_PARSE_ERROR: Parse error - google-closure-compiler

Does anyone know how to fix the following error when trying to use Google's Closure Compiler:
JSC_PARSE_ERROR: Parse error. primary expression expected at line 1 character 1 in
If i just specify javascript files i get the following error (errors appear for each file when i do one at a time):
JSC_PARSE_ERROR: Parse error. primary expression expected at line 17 character 72
That files code is as follows:
/*! v1.1 by #viljamis */
(function(a,i,g){a.fn.tinyNav=function(j){var b=a.extend({active:"selected",header:"",label:""},j);return this.each(function(){g++;var h=a(this),d="tinynav"+g,f=".l_"+d,e=a("<select/>").attr("id",d).addClass("tinynav "+d);if("ul,ol")){""!==b.header&&e.append(a("<option/>").text(b.header));var c="";h.addClass("l_"+d).find("a").each(function(){c+='<option value="'+a(this).attr("href")+'">';var b;for(b=0;b<a(this).parents("ul, ol").length-1;b++)c+="- ";c+=a(this).text()+"</option>"});e.append(c);
b.header||e.find(":eq("+a(f+" li").index(a(f+" li."")").attr("selected",!0);e.change(function(){i.location.href=a(this).val()});a(f).after(e);b.label&&e.before(a("<label/>").attr("for",d).addClass("tinynav_label "+d+"_label").append(b.label))}})}})(jQuery,this,0);
I don't understand where the error is?

The closure compiler compiles closure-annontated JavaScript ; not random JavaScript.

As in the comments, CC is seeing a webpage. That webpage is the Git page, not the actual extern URL required in the CC header.
To Fix:
When at Github looking for your extern file:
Click the button called Raw to see the actual file URL:
Then copy it in to your CC header
// #externs_url


Unexpected token ILLEGAL in concatenated CSS file

I'm getting the following error in the Chrome console:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
At the start of my concatenated CSS file:
#import url(",400,600")
This line ends up on its own, and it's specifically this line that throws the error:
I've had a look around and it seems this error should relate to invisible characters making their way into the code. Unfortunately in my case that doesn't seem to be true. I've even deleted this portion of code and re-written it by hand to make sure - no difference.
I use Stylus (with gulp) and the resulting compile is naturally what throws the error - is this maybe an issue with gulp-stylus? I've looked at the compiled code and can't track down any invisible characters there either…
Does anything else throw this error?
The error implies you are trying to load the style sheet with <script> instead of <link rel=stylesheet>.
CSS is not JavaScript and can't be treated as such.

Call Rmath via Ctypes from Ocaml on OS X

I want to use R's mathematical functions as provided in libRmath from Ocaml. I successfully installed the library via brew tap homebrew science && brew install --with-librmath-only r. I end up with a .dylib in /usr/local/lib and a .h in /usr/local/include. Following the Ocaml ctypes tutorial, i do this in utop
#require "ctypes.foreign";;
open Ctypes;;
open Foreign;;
let test_pow = foreign "pow_di" (float #-> int #-> returning float);;
this complains that it can't find the symbol. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to open the dynamic library first? Set some environment variables? After googling, I also did this:
nm -gU /usr/local/lib/libRmath.dylib
which gives a bunch of symbols all with a leading underscore including 00000000000013ff T _R_pow_di. In the header file, pow_di is defined via some #define directive from _R_pow_di. I did try variations of the name like "R_pow_di" etc.
Edit: I tried compiling a simple C program using Rmath using Xcode. After setting the include path manually to include /usr/local/include, Xcode can find the header file Rmath.h. However, inside the header file, there is an include of R_ext/Boolean.h which does not seem to exist. This error is flagged by Xcode and compilation stops.
Noob alert: this may be totally obvious to a C programmer...
In order to use external library you still need to link. There're at least two different ways, either link using compiler, or link even more dynamically using dlopen.
For the first method use the following command (as an initial approximation):
ocamlbuild -pkg ctypes.foreign -lflags -cclib,-lRmath yourapp.native
under premise that your code is put into file.
The second method is to use ctypes interface to dlopen to open the library. Using the correct types and name for the C function call, this goes like this:
let library = Dl.dlopen ~filename:"libRmath.dylib" ~flags:[]
let test_pow = foreign ~from:library "R_pow_di" (double #-> int #-> returning double)

C linkage and declaration error on include<QtNetwork>

I have the weird problem that when I include anything from the QtNetwork module into my Qt Desktop application, I get a bunch of errors, before anything of the included is even used.
For example, if I include QtNetwork/QHostAddress, I get the following errors:
..\..\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\mingw\include/QtNetwork/qabstractsocket.h:66: error: template with C linkage
..\..\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\mingw\include/QtNetwork/qabstractsocket.h:253: error: declaration of C function 'QDebug operator<<(QDebug, QAbstractSocket::SocketState)' conflicts with
..\..\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\mingw\include/QtNetwork/qabstractsocket.h:252: error: previous declaration 'QDebug operator<<(QDebug, QAbstractSocket::SocketError)' here
..\..\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\mingw\include/QtNetwork/qhostaddress.h:141: error: declaration of C function 'QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const QHostAddress&)' conflicts with
..\..\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\mingw\include/QtNetwork/qabstractsocket.h:253: error: previous declaration 'QDebug operator<<(QDebug, QAbstractSocket::SocketState)' here
..\..\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\mingw\include/QtNetwork/qhostaddress.h:148: error: declaration of C function 'QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream&, const QHostAddress&)' conflicts with
..\..\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\mingw\include/QtNetwork/qhostaddress.h:141: error: previous declaration 'QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const QHostAddress&)' here
Of course, I added the line
Qt += network
to my .pro file, so this can't be the issue. Another module (opengl) could be included without problems.
I already ensured that nothing is wrong with my Qt installation itself by creating a dummy project which did nothing but including QtNetwork. It worked just fine.
So, there must be something wrong with my project, but as the error messages only occur in this special case I have no idea what information to provide for you.
All I can say is that the program was pure C-Code before and it is now being changed to C++ with Qt, so there is still a mix in it. But this does not seem to be a problem as long as QtNetwork is not included.
Any ideas on how to solve this or on what information is relevant for this problem?
I finally figured out my problem. The solution is quite easy:
I included QTNetwork into a header file, which in turn was included into some other .cpp-file by my team member, but he wrongly placed the include-statement in an extern "C" block, so that in the end QTNetwork was included as an extern "C" even though it is C++.
So, two lessons learned:
Don't rely on the correctness of your team mates' code.
If an include leads to errors, follow up the whole include chain to track down the problem.

VS Error: Octal escape sequences are only supported in ECMAScript 3 compatibility mode

I have twitter bootstrap setup to build in a new project, but am getting the following error from VS2010.
Fatal error, cannot continue: Octal escape sequences are only supported in ECMAScript 3 compatibility mode.
Which seems to be related to the following CSS/Less entry in bootstrap (type.less)...
blockquote small:before {
content: '\2014 \00A0';
Can anyone help?
Just wanted to say that I had this error too, and the problem for me ended up being with Chirpy. I tried to make a merged css file with it, but i was using .min files and i didn't use the chripy Minify="false" parameter in my File node. Added that parameter and that fixed it right up

including Qt headers in DLL

I have a DLL in wich I would like to take a reference to a QObject and manipulate it, without actually creating an interface. So, I included "Qt/qobject.h" and compiled, but the compiler (Visual Studio 2008 pro) gives me syntax errors. It looks like it doesn't recognize the QThread object. How do I use a QObject in my dll? Is this even possible? Do I have to start my program from a Qt app? I'm actually trying to set a system-wide hook and get 3rd application QWidgets to manipulate... Any idea how I can use QObject in my dll?
Here are the errors:
1>------ Build started: Project: FroggerDLL, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>c:\qt-win-opensource-src-4.5.2\src\corelib\kernel\qobject.h(154) : error C2059: syntax error : 'type'
1>c:\qt-win-opensource-src-4.5.2\src\corelib\kernel\qobject.h(154) : error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'
1>c:\qt-win-opensource-src-4.5.2\src\corelib\kernel\qobject.h(155) : error C2144: syntax error : 'int' should be preceded by ')'
1>c:\qt-win-opensource-src-4.5.2\src\corelib\kernel\qobject.h(155) : error C2144: syntax error : 'int' should be preceded by ';'
1>c:\qt-win-opensource-src-4.5.2\src\corelib\kernel\qobject.h(155) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'
1>c:\qt-win-opensource-src-4.5.2\src\corelib\kernel\qobject.h(155) : error C2208: 'int' : no members defined using this type
1>FroggerDLL - 6 error(s), 1 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 3 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
What's on line 154? Mine is just the declaration
QThread* thread() const;
but that's 4.5.1 on Linux so it might be different. The first reference to anything involving the token type is on line 204 which is a variable of type Qt::ConnectionType.
BTW. I just tried compiling the following on my system ( in the file incqobj.cpp )
include <QOObject>
QObject myQOject;
g++ -I/usr/lib/qt4/include -I/usr/lib/qt4/include/QtCore -c incqobj.cpp
and it compiled fine so it should be as simple as that.
Edit: Since Jesse confirms that it works for him on Windows I'm tempted to say that you've got a non-Qt macro coming in and interfering. One thing you could do is a sanity check on what the compiler is actually seeing by getting VS to only produce the preprocessed source rather than do the compilation.
I haven't used VS in years but I think the option is \E maybe?
[Edit: see the 2nd comment by Jesse, it should be /E] It may also be an explicit option now in the compiler properties which can be set for that source file. Can't remember where it puts the output either so you may need to hunt around for it a bit! If you get that going though you can check to see if the code looks right at the part that would correspond to line 154 in the original QObject header.
Thanks for all the help, solution: I had to include the Qt headers before all my other includes, and it now compiles.
Thanks again!
Try including QThread?
#include <QThread>
Qt uses forward declaration extensively and sometimes you need to include extra headers.
Do you set any defines? Here is what I have for my 2003 Qt commercial (4.3.4) project (executable that links to Qt dlls):
