Remove a referral from Google Analytics - google-analytics

My website has a feature to login via Google. So whenever they log in via Google, in my Google Analytics it counts'' as a referral. Is there any way to prevent this from going to 'referral'?

You have yo use the referal exclusion list, this prevent the session cutting and avoid the creation of new sessions when the user return from, but if the domain is make sure to use the correct domain (you dont want to mess the Organic and SEM data).
To exclude you have to go to the property tab and them referral exclusion list
And them add the domain
This change is not retroactive, that means if the user got this referral as campaign you have to wait until this expire on the server, bu default this is 30 days. So can you see remnants during that date range.

You have set it up already, only thing I would do is escape the dots
You can Verify the filter before saving.
If there is significant difference in data it will show message otherwise you get this
This filter would not have changed your data. Either the filter configuration is incorrect, or the set of sampled data is too small.
This message means that filter is not significant enough to improve data or set up incorrectly. You may have to play a little with it to get to right result.
Hope that helps.


Using event as view exclude filter in Google Analytics

I have an event that triggers from my tag manager every time someone clicks a certain URL link. This event appears to be tracking properly in GA. However, I am attempting to create a filtered view that excludes traffic that triggers this event. When I use the Filter Verification I get:
"This filter would not have changed your data. Either the filter configuration is incorrect, or the set of sampled data is too small."
Indeed it does not change my data. I am using the event label as the field field/pattern if that makes a difference. Any suggestions?
Ok, there are issues with this question. But first, the answer is: filters aren't meant to remove more than particular hits. They aren't meant to remove sessions or users. Only hits. But there's a hackaround.
Now, more points:
You don't exclude "traffic". Traffic is not precise enough to be useful here. You have to decide what you want to exclude: an event, a session or a user. Or something inbetween, but then you need to define it properly.
A session in Google's understanding is really a bit different from what it seems like. It is custom to believe that a session is a series of interactional events with less than 30 minutes (configurable) inbetween. Not quite. If your source changes, that's a new session. Bear with me.
You... can hack around it if you really need to. By "painting" users or sessions. You do it by setting a specific custom dimension (user- or session-level) and then delete all events that have that custom dimension set using a view filter. The CD will be backfilled, so the filter should clean stuff close to how you expect it to do.
However! GA is... a little bit odd with how they record sessions and users. There may occur a situation when you end up having users or sessions with no events in them. However, if you find this issue at play, you still can export the data to BQ and query it properly. You may find that export cleaner.

Is it possible to selectively delete data (specifi page URLs) from Google Analytics?

I'm pretty sure the answer to this question is "no", but I would like to get a definitive answer from an official source, and also understand what my alternative options might be.
Long story short, my app has old data in it that used to include user email addresses as a GET parameter. Those URLs are showing up as unique page view URLs in Google analytics, like this:
I don't want to be recording email addresses in my Google Analytics account (for privacy reasons), and I have fixed the code that was causing this in the first place, but I also want to delete or scrub the old data that currently exists in Google Analytics.
From everything I've read, it doesn't sound like this is possible without completely deleting the property, maybe even the account?
To be clear, I am NOT interested in creating new views that don't include URLs with email parameters in them, or otherwise change the view and not the data. The data needs to be gone and be completely inaccessible to anyone with access to this Google Analytics account.
Here are the options I've come up with:
Delete the property and start over. I'm pretty sure this will
actually delete the collected data, but it's not clear to me if I
would have to actually delete the account itself to achieve that.
Set the data retention time to the lowest possible value (looks like 14 months right now) and wait 14 months for it to go away
Perform some kind of magic to get in contact with an actual human at Google who could help me scrub or remove this data.
Does this sound right? Are there options I'm missing? If there's a way to do this through a Google API that would not be a problem.
If this is still a relevant issue. GoogleAnalytics provides a way to delete some data. Universal Analytics and GA4
You are right: changing the data, that you have collected, and Google Analytics have already processed, is not possible. You have the option to make changes during processing with various filters, e.g. Search-and-replace filters, but as it is written in this official support article:
Like all filters, search-and-replace filters only apply to hits
collected after you've applied the filter to the view (filters cannot
change historical data).
Regarding you suggested options:
Deleting a view or property will result in a permanent loss of data after a 35 days period of waiting time. (While this could be undone.) So unless the requirement of scrubbing the collected PII is more important than having your historical data, this should not be a way to go. The same applies to deleting the whole account, so it would be enough to delete affected properties or views.
From the article you have linked as well, you can see, that data retention is about removing user and event level data, and it will not affect the data in aggregated reports. My understanding is, that an already created, page level report will keep showing the page with an email address:
Keep in mind that standard aggregated Google Analytics reporting is
not affected.
I hope these references help you to evaluate your options. Sorry for not being able to come up with a solution, but the basic concept is, as highlighted in this Google article:
Once Analytics processes the data, it’s stored in a database where it can’t be changed

Google Analytics goal/segmenting set up to track traffic from a single website/URL?

How can I set up Google Analytics goal to track traffic from a single website and track whether the user ends up on specific pages (as in, track how they move through the funnel/website) as well if they convert to a subscriber (I can put that tracking code on a signup / thank you page).
But I am concerned about traffic only from a single domain, as a specific and unique measuring statistic, in addition to overall traffic tracking, obviously.
I can't figure it out for the life of me....
The filtering would not be a goal setting. Set up, either:
A custom segment that filters users based on the referrer / hostname / whatever you need. It sounds like you are looking to filter on the referrer or referrerPath. Then set up the goal and when you report, change the segment
Or set up a separate view that filters for traffic based on the criteria above. That view can then have the goal, inclusive funnels, set up.
Both methods have drawbacks, the second method is cleaner if that goal is something you plan on reporting on for the foreseeable future.

How can I track visitors’ paths from one page to another with full URLs?

Say I have two pages on a site called “Page 1” and “Page 10”. I'd like to be able to see the paths visitors take to get from “Page 1” to “Page 10” with full URLs intact. Many of the URLs (including those for “Page 1” and “Page 10”) will include query strings that are important.
Is this possible? If so, how?
Try using behavior flow reports. The report basically shows you how visitors click through your website. There are a lot of ways to customize the report, with which you will need to play around to really answer your question. By default, the behavior flow focuses on entry and exit points of visitors, regardless how many times they hit the different subpages in between. However, I'm sure you can set appropriate filters and settings to answer your question.
I use two methods for tracking where people have been on my website:
Track and store the information in my own SQL database. (details below)
Lead Forensics (paid subscription, but you can do a trial).
For tracking and storing my own data, I record unique visitors based upon the IP Address they're connecting from and then have a separate table that records all page views that links back to the unique visitor table.
Lead Forensics data simply allows me to link up those unique visitors with actual companies that have viewed my website.
Doing it yourself means you don't have to rely on Google working for your records to work, and in my experience Google Analytics tends to round numbers so you don't get a true indication of numbers, and also you can remove bots and website trawlers from your data by tracking the user agent string.
As a somewhat ugly hack you could use transaction tracking. If you use the same transaction id multiple times subsequent products will be added to the existing data. So assign an ID at the start of the visits and on each page record a transaction with the current page url as product name (and the ID as transaction id). This will give you the complete path per user (I am frankly not to sure how this is useful - at some point you probably want aggregated data. Plus each transaction and product counts towards your quota for interaction counts, so on a large site you might run over the 10mio hits limit).
you can do it programatically
have a MAP in the backend which stores the userId (assuming u would have given a unique ID at the time of login to each user) with a list of Strings(each string being URL visited by that user)
whenever the user hits another URL from Page 1(and only from page1, check it using JS), send a POST request to backend with the new URL in its data section.
In the backend, check if the URL is of Page 10 and if not, add this URL as a string into the MAP for that corresponding user
Finally, when the user clicks on the Page 10 URL, you know the URLs in the way from Page 1 to Page 10 and so use them.
Though if I consider JS and I have not misunderstood your question, we can get the previous URL from request header information using document.referrer.
Are you trying to do it from 'Google Tag Manager'? I am not sure whether you are trying to trace the URLS in clientside or server side?

can google analytics tell me http referrer for each specific goal conversion?

I have a website that allows people to create an account (that is the conversion I wish to track).
I wish to know where a specific person is coming from. I have google analytics installed and have set up the registration page as a goal, but the reporting tells me traffic sources as an aggregated pie chart. It doesn't report down to the user account level to say that 'person with email xyz' came from 'facebook' for example.
What custom variables or mark up would I need to add to GA to report at that detailed level, if that is at all possible?
Otherwise, I will just have to record the first http_referer in a cookie and stick it in a database during the registration process.
Any advice?
Firstly I must ask you, how actionable do you think it is to look at data at that granular of a level? Finding out what % of people who registered came from facebook or some other place is actionable, because it helps you do things like determine where to focus marketing efforts. But individual users? How is this actionable to you? (hint: it's not)
However, if you are still determined to know this, you should first note that it is against Google's ToS to record personally identifiable data both directly (recording the actual value in GA) or indirectly (e.g. - recording a unique id that you can use to tie to personal info stored within your own system). If this is something you don't want to risk, I suggest moving to another analytics tool that does not have this sort of thing in their ToS (e.g. Adobe SiteCatalyst, which costs money, or perhaps you may instead prefer to choose an "in-house" approach, like Piwik)
If you are still determined to follow through with this and hope not to get caught or whatever, Google Analytics doesn't record data like what info a visitor filled out in a form (like their email address) unless you populate that data in a custom field/dimension/metric/event to be sent along with the request. Usually you would populate this on the form "thank you" page (which is usually the same page you use as your goal url or goal event if you're popping and using an event for your goal). So you would populate the email address in one of those custom variables and then have it as a dimension to break down the http referrer by.
