TensorFlow apply a function to each row of a matrix variable - r

Hi I'm a newbie to Tensorflow. What I want to do is something like this in R:
mat = tf$Variable(matrix(1:4, nrow = 2))
apply(mat, 1, cumprod)
Is this do-able in Tensorflow, either in Python API or R tensorflow package? Thanks!
EDIT: tf$cumprod is actually what I want.

The TensorFlow Python API includes the tf.map_fn(fn, elems) higher-order operator, which allows you to specify a (Python) function fn that will be applied to each slice of elems in the 0th dimension (i.e. to each row if elems is a matrix).
Note that, while tf.map_fn() is very general, it may be more efficient to use specialized ops that either broadcast their arguments on one or more dimensions (e.g. tf.multiply()), or reduce in parallel across one or more dimensions (e.g. tf.reduce_sum()). However, tf.map_fn() is useful when there is no built-in operator to do what you want.


More efficient way to compute the rowNorms in R?

I wrote a program using an unsupervised K-means algorithm to try and compress images. It now works but in comparison to Python it's incredibly slow! Specifically it's finding the rowNorms thats slow. The array X is 350000+ elements.
This is the particular function:
find_closest_centroids <- function(X, centroids) {
m <- nrow(X)
c <- integer(m)
for(i in 1:m){
distances = rowNorms(sweep(centroids,2,X[i,]))
c[i] = which.min(distances)
In Python I am able to do it like this:
def find_closest_centroids(X, centroids):
m = len(X)
c = np.zeros(m)
for i in range(m):
distances = np.linalg.norm(X[i] - centroids, axis=1)
c[i] = np.argmin(distances)
return c
Any recommendations?
As dvd280 has noted in his comment, R tends to do worse than many other languages in terms of performance. If are content with the performance of your code in Python, but need the function available in R, you might want to look into the reticulate package which provides an interface to python like the Rcpp package mentioned by dvd280 does for C++.
If you still want to implement this natively in R, be mindful of the data structures you use. For rowwise operations, data frames are a poor choice as they are lists of columns. I'm not sure about the data structures in your code, but rowNorms() seems to be a matrix method. You might get more mileage out of a list of rows structure.
If you feel like getting into dplyr, you could find this vignette on row-wise operations helpful. Make sure you have the latest version of the package, as the vignette is based on dplyr 1.0.
The data.table package tends to yield the best performance for large data sets in R, but I'm not familiar with it, so I can't give you any further directions on that.

How does one perform the exp() operation element-wise in Juila?

I'm new to Julia and this seems like a straight-forward operation but for some reason I am not finding the answer anywhere.
I have been going through some tutorials online and they simply use exp(A) where A is a nxm matrix but this gives me a DimensionMismatch error.
I looked through the documentation on the official website in the elementary functions as well as the linear algebra section and googled it multiple times but can't find it for the life of me.
In julia, operations on matrices treat the matrix as an object rather than a collection of numbers. As such exp(A) tries to perform the matrix exponential which is only defined for square matrices. To get element-wise operations on matrices, you use broadcasting which is done with the dot operator. Thus here, you want exp.(A).
This design is used because it allows any scalar operation to be done on arrays
rather than just the ones built in to the language.
The broadcasting operator . always changes a function to "element-wise". Therefore the answer is exp.(A), just like sin.(A), cos.(A), or f.(A) for any user-defined f.
In addition to the above answer, one might also wish to consider the broadcast operator with function piping:
A = rand(-10:10, 3, 3)
A .|> sin .|> inv

Memory Efficient Centered Sparse SVD/PCA (in Julia)?

I have a 3 million x 9 million sparse matrix with several billion non-zero entries. R and Python do not allow sparse matrices with more than MAXINT non-zero entries, thus why I found myself using Julia.
While scaling this data with the standard deviation is trivial, demeaning is of course a no-go in a naive manner as that would create a dense, 200+ terabyte matrix.
The relevant code for doing svd is julia can be found at https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/343b7f56fcc84b20cd1a9566fd548130bb883505/base/linalg/arnoldi.jl#L398
From my reading, a key element of this code is the AtA_or_AAt struct and several of the functions around those, specifically A_mul_B!. Copied below for your convenience
struct AtA_or_AAt{T,S} <: AbstractArray{T, 2}
function AtA_or_AAt(A::AbstractMatrix{T}) where T
Tnew = typeof(zero(T)/sqrt(one(T)))
Anew = convert(AbstractMatrix{Tnew}, A)
AtA_or_AAt{Tnew,typeof(Anew)}(Anew, Vector{Tnew}(max(size(A)...)))
function A_mul_B!(y::StridedVector{T}, A::AtA_or_AAt{T}, x::StridedVector{T}) where T
if size(A.A, 1) >= size(A.A, 2)
A_mul_B!(A.buffer, A.A, x)
return Ac_mul_B!(y, A.A, A.buffer)
Ac_mul_B!(A.buffer, A.A, x)
return A_mul_B!(y, A.A, A.buffer)
size(A::AtA_or_AAt) = ntuple(i -> min(size(A.A)...), Val(2))
ishermitian(s::AtA_or_AAt) = true
This is passed into the eigs function, where some magic happens, and the output is then processed in to the relevant components for SVD.
I think the best way to make this work for a 'centering on the fly' type setup is to do something like subclass AtA_or_AAT with a AtA_or_AAT_centered version that more or less mimics the behavior but also stores the column means, and redefines the A_mul_B! function appropriately.
However, I do not use Julia very much and have run in to some difficulty modifying things already. Before I try to dive into this again, I was wondering if I could get feedback if this would be considered an appropriate plan of attack, or if there is simply a much easier way of doing SVD on such a large matrix (I haven't seen it, but I may have missed something).
edit: Instead of modifying base Julia, I've tried writing a "Centered Sparse Matrix" package that keeps the sparsity structure of the input sparse matrix, but enters the column means where appropriate in various computations. It's limited in what it has implemented, and it works. Unfortunately, it is still too slow, despite some pretty extensive efforts to try to optimize things.
After much fuddling with the sparse matrix algorithm, I realized that distributing the multiplication over the subtraction was dramatically more efficient:
If our centered matrix Ac is formed from the original nxm matrix A and its vector of column means M, with a nx1 vector of ones that I will just call 1. We are multiplying by a mxk matrix X
Ac := (A - 1M')
AcX = X
= AX - 1M'X
And we are basically done. Stupidly simple, actually.
AX is can be carried out with the usual sparse matrix multiplication function, M'X is a dense vector-matrix inner product, and the vector of 1's "broadcasts" (to use Julia's terminology) to each row of the AX intermediate result. Most languages have a way of doing that broadcasting without realizing the extra memory allocation.
This is what I've implemented in my package for AcX and Ac'X. The resulting object can then be passed to algorithms, such as the svds function, which only depend on matrix multiplication and transpose multiplication.

fast apply_along_axis equivalent in Julia

Is there an equivalent to numpy's apply_along_axis() (or R's apply())in Julia? I've got a 3D array and I would like to apply a custom function to each pair of co-ordinates of dimensions 1 and 2. The results should be in a 2D array.
Obviously, I could do two nested for loops iterating over the first and second dimension and then reshape, but I'm worried about performance.
This Example produces the output I desire (I am aware this is slightly pointless for sum(). It's just a dummy here:
test = reshape(collect(1:250), 5, 10, 5)
for(i in 1:5)
for(j in 1:10)
println(reshape(a, 5,10))
Any suggestions for a faster version?
Julia has the mapslices function which should do exactly what you want. But keep in mind that Julia is different from other languages you might know: library functions are not necessarily faster than your own code, because they may be written to a level of generality higher than what you actually need, and in Julia loops are fast. So it's quite likely that just writing out the loops will be faster.
That said, a couple of tips:
Read the performance tips section of the manual. From that you'd learn to put everything in a function, and to not use untyped arrays like a = [].
The slice or sub function can avoid making a copy of the data.
How about
f = sum # your function here
Int[f(test[i, j, :]) for i in 1:5, j in 1:10]
The last line is a two-dimensional array comprehension.
The Int in front is to guarantee the type of the elements; this should not be necessary if the comprehension is inside a function.
Note that you should (almost) never use untyped (Any) arrays, like your a = [], since this will be slow. You can write a = Int[] instead to create an empty array of Ints.
EDIT: Note that in Julia, loops are fast. The need for creating functions like that in Python and R comes from the inherent slowness of loops in those languages. In Julia it's much more common to just write out the loop.

Using outer() with a multivariable function

Suppose you have a function f<- function(x,y,z) { ... }. How would you go about passing a constant to one argument, but letting the other ones vary? In other words, I would like to do something like this:
output <- outer(x,y,f(x,y,z=2))
This code doesn't evaluate, but is there a way to do this?
outer(x, y, f, z=2)
The arguments after the function are additional arguments to it, see ... in ?outer. This syntax is very common in R, the whole apply family works the same for instance.
I can't tell exactly what you want to accomplish in your follow up question, but think a solution on this form is probably what you should use.
outer(sigma_int, theta_int, function(s,t)
dmvnorm(y, rep(0, n), y_mat(n, lambda, t, s)))
This calculates a variance matrix for each combination of the values in sigma_int and theta_int, uses that matrix to define a dennsity and evaluates it in the point(s) defined in y. I haven't been able to test it though since I don't know the types and dimensions of the variables involved.
outer (along with the apply family of functions and others) will pass along extra arguments to the functions which they call. However, if you are dealing with a case where this is not supported (optim being one example), then you can use the more general approach of currying. To curry a function is to create a new function which has (some of) the variables fixed and therefore has fewer parameters.
output <- outer(x,y,Curry(f,z=2))
