Web.config - allow authentication mode to be altered for each deployment - asp.net

Assuming web software is deployed to multiple customers, there may be a requirement to have a different authentication mode set for each customer.
Let's say 1 customer wants to use forms authentication, and the other wants to use Windows authentication - this can be managed by setting the authentication mode accordingly in the Web.config file.
However, when a software update is deployed to them, how can I get a new Web.config file to them without overwriting their authentication mode?
Would an include file do the job (so that the settings are held outside of Web.config), or is there a better way to handle this?

Two options
Set the authentication mode programmatically
You could customize your code so that the authentication mode is set programmatically, perhaps based on a business rule setting in the client's database instance.
For example, this sets windows authentication mode:
String applicationPath = String.Format("{0}/{1}", _server.Sites["Default Web Site"].Name, "AppName");
Configuration config = _server.GetApplicationHostConfiguration();
ConfigurationSection anonymousAuthenticationSection = config.GetSection("system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication", applicationPath);
anonymousAuthenticationSection["enabled"] = false;
ConfigurationSection windowsAuthenticationSection = config.GetSection("system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication", applicationPath);
windowsAuthenticationSection["enabled"] = true;
Use a separate config file
Or, you could "outsource" the configuration to a separate config file that is distributed per client, , e.g. see this answer.
<authentication configSource="ConfigFiles\authentication.config" />
Do both
You could code your site so that it picks the config source for the authentication settings programmatically, perhaps based on the host header in the incoming http request.
authenticationSection.ConfigSource = String.Format("d:\Configurations\{0}.config", HttpContext.Current.Request.Host);
Then you distribute the secondary config file per client.
See this article.


keycloak starts with a new realm and some client configurations

I try to use keycloak as the authentication service in my design. In my case, when the keycloak starts, I need one more realm besides default master realm. Assuming the new agency is called "demo".
So it means when keycloak starts, it should have two realms (master and demo).
In addtion, in the realm demo, I need to configure the default client "admin-cli" to enable "Full Scope Allowed". Also need to add some buildin mapper to this client.
In this case, I wonder whether I can use something like initialization file which keycloak can load when starting ?
Or I need to use keycloak client APIs to do this operations (e.g., Java keycloak admin client)?
Thanks in advance.
You can try the following:
Create the Realm;
Set all the options that you want;
Go to Manage > Export;
Switch Export groups and roles to ON;
Switch Export clients to ON;
That will export a .json file with the configurations.
Then you can tested it be deleting your Demo Realm and:
Go to Add Realm;
Chose the .json file that was exported;
Click Create.
Check if the configurations that you have changed are still presented on the Demo Realm, if there are then it means that you can use this file to import the Realm from. Otherwise, for the options that were not persistent you will have to create them via the Admin Rest API.

The permissions granted to user 'DOMAIN\MY-DESK$' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)

My desktop name is DOMAIN\MY-DESK. So the error is regard as to my desktop rather than my Windows credential.
I searched the web most of them are related to DOMAIN\UserName issue. The local report url is http://localhost/WebAdminOrion/Administrative/Reports
The report page is in a asp.net web application. I have the following code in the report page.
ReportParameter[] prm = new ReportParameter[Request.QueryString.Keys.Count - 1];
I get the error at the line of setting parameters.
By this, I think that the solution might be to configure the file. However the file C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS12.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\rsreportserver.config has 292 lines. One section is
<RSWindowsNTLM />
Not sure how to configure it.
Resolved it and shamed. The permissions granted to user 'servername/iusr-username' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)
You need to go into your SSRS ReportManager and configure the security settings.
Through Properties
-> Security -> New Role Assignment-> Then add the appropriate domain group. For my case, it needs to add by desk name as "DOMAIN\DESK$".

OpenAM J2EE agent installation bringing down tomcat

OpenAM version -12 , Agent version 3.5 and 3.3 , tomcat version 7
I have tried to follow the link https://forums.alfresco.com/forum/installation-upgrades-configuration-integration/authentication-ldap-sso/sso-openam-06052012 to set up my J2EE Agent. Let me paste the steps after asking the question(see at the end)
but I am getting the error as asked below
Not able to configure J2ee agent on adding my customized data store for users
I have tried to use 3.5 version installed and uninstalled multiple times and tried previous version.
There is a nice discussion on this topic at http://database.developer-works.com/article/16009911/%22Cannot+obtain+Application+SSO+token%22+error
but it did not help me much.
I am using LDAP so I have used LDAP realm and subjects are showing up ok. Also I am observing that the policy tab has changed quite a bit from how it is described in the Blogs.
Now with the roadblock I am not sure how to proceed as the error is not giving me any clue what to do. I even added the file named AMConfig.properties in the classpath with username and password of the agent and tried the username and password of the OpenAM admin too as suggested in the discussion mentioned. but that too did not help.
The issue is the Tomcat now is not starting and giving error that AMConfig.properties properties are needed
I know the OpenAM Realm setup is good as I am able to login via this realm to another application (Liferay) where I just have to give the URL for use OpenAM integration. but after uninstallation of the agent the tomcat starts without any error and i am able to login to the application
-------------------Step copied from 1st link(modified)--------------------------
1. Configure your OpenAM agent (tried both 3.5 and 3.3 version on tomcat 7)
a. Log into OpenAM as the admin user and navigate to "Access Control -> (Your Realm) - where in my case LDAP Realm (other application using it without issue)
b. Select Policies -> New Policy
c. Enter Share as the policy name and then create 2 new URL Policy agent rules
d. 1st Resource Name = http://:/share/*
e. 2nd Resource Name = http://alfresco.domain.com:8080/share/*?*
f. Add a subjects - already part of LDAP Realm
g. Now select Agents -> J2EE - > (your J2EE agent)
h. Select the Application tab
i. Login Processing -> Login Form URI - add /share/page/dologin
j. Logout Processing -> Application Logout URL - add Map Key = share - Corresponding Map Value = /share/page/dologout
k. Not Enforced URI Processing - Add 2 entries - /share and /share/
l. Profile Attributes Processing - Select HTTP_HEADER and add Map Key = uid - Corresponding Map Value = SsoUserHeader (This is what I called my header in the alfresco-global.properties file - see below)
Auth chain
SSO settings
NOTE- It does not seem possible to configure SSO where the Guest login has been disabled. There are webscripts used on the Alfresco repository that need guest login.
That concludes the setup for Alfresco and OpenAM
For Share you need to have the following section uncommented in your share-config-custom.xml
Alfresco Connector
Connects to an Alfresco instance using cookie-based authentication
Alfresco Connector
Connects to an Alfresco instance using header and cookie-based authentication
Alfresco - user access
Access to Alfresco Repository WebScripts that require user authentication
Notice I am not using the SSL cert and in my alfrescoHeader connector I have used SsoUserHeader (as setup in OpenAM) and the endpoint uses the alfrescoHeader connector
Now you need to add the OpenAM filter to the Share web.xml file
Add the following filter just before the Share SSO authentication support filter
Add the following filter mapping to the filter-mapping section
----- End ----------
The error message is a bit misleading: the Cannot obtain application SSO token in general means that the agent was unable to authenticate itself. When you install the agent, the agent asks for a profile name and a password file, those values need to correspond to the agent profile configured within OpenAM.
To test if you can authenticate as the user, you could simply try to authenticate as the agent by making the following request:
curl -d "username=profilename&password=password&uri=realm=/%26module=Application" http://aldaris.sch.bme.hu:8080/openam/identity/authenticate
In the above command the realm value needs to be the same as the value for the "com.sun.identity.agents.config.organization.name" property defined in OpenSSOAgentBootstrap.properties (under the agent's install directory).
Having bad username/password combination is only one of the possible root causes for this exception though. It is also possible that during startup the agent was unable to connect to OpenAM to authenticate itself. In those cases the problem could be:
network error, firewall issues preventing the agent from contacting OpenAM
SSL trust issues: agent's JVM does not trust the certificate of OpenAM's container (only problem if you've installed the agent by providing OpenAM's HTTPS URL and the certificate is self-signed or just simply not trusted by the JVM)

The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. Using CSOM in ASP.NET

I'm tried to pull some SharePoint 2013 list data I created which works fine when running locally on my machine and when run locally one the server. I'm user the same credentials when running both locally and locally on the server. The issue is when I publish and navigate to my ASP.NET app on the server I get the "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized." Error...
I've looked at a bunch of the posts on stackoverflow and some other articles on the web
This points out that the context seems to be using IUSR:
This one mentions to try setting the default network credentials:
I've tried using the fixes mentioned in the article as well as trying to force the context to use DefaultNetworkCredentials but no luck. I would like for the app to use the credentials of the logged in user and not the machine...
Here is the code I'm using:
SP.ClientContext context = new SP.ClientContext("MySPDevInstance");
context.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
Entity entity = context.Web.GetEntity(collectionNamespace, collectionName);
LobSystem lobSystem = entity.GetLobSystem();
LobSystemInstanceCollection lobSystemInstanceCollection = lobSystem.GetLobSystemInstances();
LobSystemInstance lobSystemInstance = lobSystemInstanceCollection[0];
FilterCollection filterCollection = entity.GetFilters(filter);
filterCollection.SetFilterValue("LimitFilter", 0, 1000);
EntityInstanceCollection items = entity.FindFiltered(filterCollection, filter, lobSystemInstance);
The server is running IIS 6.0
Any advice would be much appreciated!
Thank you
I presume your ASP.NET web site is using Windows Integrated (NTLM) authentication. A user authenticated this way cannot authenticate to a second location from the server side (the web server.) You are experiencing what is known as the "double-hop" (1) limitation of NTLM. You must use a dedicated account on the server side, or if you really do want to use the logged-in user's identity, you must use an authentication scheme that permits delegation, such as Kerberos.
If you really need the user's identity to access SharePoint data and you cannot change the authentication scheme, then the best way to do this is to use the JavaScript CSOM. This means the user is authenticating directly to the SharePoint server (a single hop, not double) and your ASP.NET site serves the page containing this script to the user.
(1) http://blogs.msdn.com/b/knowledgecast/archive/2007/01/31/the-double-hop-problem.aspx
Use Default Credentials worked for me:
HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
httpWebRequest.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
Setup the crendentials by code:
SP.ClientContext context = new SP.ClientContext("MySPDevInstance");
context.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");
You should put this at the configuration file to change it without publishing or recompiling the application.
Just to add one more setting that I encountered. If the account is restricted to access only certain servers than add the client machine to that account as well. For example if a web application is hosted on Server A and trying to connect to SharePoint 2010 on Server B with account ABC then make sure that account has access to Server A in Active Directory. Normally the AD account doesn't have restrictions to connect to machines but in my case the account was restricted to only certain machines. I added my web application hosted server to the account and it worked.

Multiple applications using same login database logging each other out

I've set up two ASP.NET applications on a machine, their web.config files contain the same applicationName value in AspNetSqlMembershipProvider item so they share users and roles.
The problem sequence is:
user logs into application A,
opens new tab in a browser
logs into application B,
his login in application A is signed out
and vice versa.
Should I use a different approach to sharing login information between two applications?
The problem you have is because the same cookie used, for authenticate the 2 different logins.
The solution from what I understand is to give different cookie name on the different logins, so the one cookie, not overwrite the other one.
Probably the solution is on web.config.
On Config
Change the name value, to something different on your 2 apps, if you have the same domain and run on different directory/apps, or change also the domain value that used also to keep the cookie.
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name=".CookieSuffix" domain="yoururl.com" ... />
For example, on the 2 diferent web.config on your apps, place
on app 1: name=".app1"
on app 2: name=".app2"
on app 1: domain="app1.yoururl.com"
on app 2: domain="app2.yoururl.com"
if you separate your apps, base on url, or even try some similar aproces.
The cookie is keep, using the cookie name on the domain name, so this is the 2 values that you must try to seperate them.
Details on Form setup can be found here:
Manual login
If you have the oportunity to make manual login the solution is on this function
FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(cUserName, false, "cookiePath");
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(cUserName, false, "cookiePath");
You only need to use a diferent cookiePath, but, you must change many points on your program, and capture the process login, logout and Authenticate.
Hope this help you.
You should check out this tutorial.
Scroll down to the section titled Partitioning the User Store Into Applications. It says there that you can use the same user store for multiple applications.
