When I use BorderPane and put a layout in the center part , it covers other parts , how can I prevent the center part of covering other parts n borderPane
as you see , the table covers the right part of the BorderPane .
I put the table inside Pane .
From the BorderPane documentation:
BorderPane does not clip its content by default, so it is possible that childrens' bounds may extend outside its own bounds if a child's min size prevents it from being fit within it space.
To prevent overflow, some options are:
You could code your child node so that it does not have a min size.
You can ensure that the sum of min sizes of all children is at least equal to the min size of the border pane.
You can explicitly set a clip on your child node. For a demo, see: JavaFX Pane Clipping.
final Rectangle outputClip = new Rectangle();
childNode.layoutBoundsProperty().addListener((ov, oldValue, newValue) -> {
The order you set child nodes into the border pane determines which is displayed on top, so if all the nodes are opaque, you could set the center pane first and the sides panes will be painted over any overflow.
I'm trying to make an imageview fit the size of its container (in my case a Pane), and at the same time place it in the center of the Pane in JavaFx, in detail I can't do both at the same time i can get it to fit the container, but not put it in the center.
here is the code i use to make it fit in the container Pane
//imgContainer is the pane that contains the image
//photo is my imageview
photo.setImage(new Image(post.getPhoto()));
this is the output that is produced, the photo adapts to the Pane dimensions, but it is located to the left of the container(the dark background is the Pane container) would to put it in the center of the pane and i couldn't find a method to do it keeping the dimensions of the Pane for the imageview, putting it on a hbox or stackPane allows to put it in the center but the image no longer keeps the container sizes well, so i don't know how to get it centered and fits the container at the same time
I was learning javafx and came across these two statements which I don't know their difference.
Pane pane = new Pane();
StackPane pane = new StackPane();
Can somebody enlighten me about the difference and when to use which?
Both are layouts but the Pane is the basis of all the other layouts, the difference is that the Pane offers a free positioning of nodes, and The StackPane (and other Node with the suffix Pane called Built-in Layout) in return, follow their own logic (Positions/Constraints...). The 'StackPane' for example lays out its children in a back-to-front stack StackPane. This is only superficial and limited information, here's a good tutorial : Layout in JavaFX
The difference between both layouts is positioning of the children and the resizing of resizeable children.
Pane does not do any positioning. The child's layoutX and layoutY are left unmodified. Furthermore resizeable children are resized to their preferred sizes.
StackPane determines the position of children based on the alignment set for the child itself or the one set for the StackPane itself, if no position is set for the child. Resizable children are resized to a size that fits the StackPane's size best (still taking into account max size). Both can be modified by a margin set for individual children...
I have created TreeTableView by coding. Then I created 2 fxml files. one(overview.fxml) has splitpane(left side is label andand button and right side nothing) and the other(RootLayout.fxml) one with a menu bar which wraps the first one. How can i set bind my treetable view which is in main class to the right side of splitpane?
try this sorry for the earlier blunder
SplitPane sp = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("/overview.fxml"));
StackPane container = new StackPane();
sp.setDividerPositions(0.3f, 0.6f, 0.9f); // you can tweak it any how
SplitPane two or more sides, each separated by a divider, which can be dragged by the user to give more space to one of the sides, resulting in the other side shrinking by an equal amount. Nodes needs to be placed inside a layout container before they are added into the SplitPane. If the node is not inside a layout container the maximum and minimum position of the divider will be the maximum and minimum size of the content.
Safe to say you just add your nodes to the SplitPane and it will do the positioning..
hope it helps
I need a scaled ImageView with a Canvas overlay, stretched over the parent, with a constant margin on the right hand side. This suggests an AnchorPane with the ImageView and Canvas as children, each with a rightAnchor inset representing the margin.
I need to put the AnchorPane in a ScrollPane. The ScrollPane must, when resized, resize both the ImageView and the Canvas overlay within the AnchorPane, while retaining the margin.
I have tried adding the ImageView and Canvas to the AnchorPane, and adding the AnchorPane to the ScrollPane, with ScrollPane.setFitToWidth(true). When I increase the size of the ScrollPane, all works well - both the ImageView and Canvas expand to fill the ScrollPane, retaining the margin on the right hand side.
However, when I reduce the size of the ScrollPane, the size of the AnchorPane is not reducing, but instead the viewport over the AnchorPane is reducing, with increasing scrollbars.
NB, an ImageView inserted directly into the ScrollPane does work - it rescales both on grow and shrink.
It looks as though ScrollPane.setFitToWidth behaviour differs depending on the container inside the ScrollPane.
Is this correct, and can anyone suggest a solution, please?
Try adding a listener to one of the ScrollPane's Bounds properties and reduce the AnchorPane's size from there when appropriate.
Solved using Jurgen's answer.
I overrode AnchorPane.computeMinHeight, computePrefHeight and computeMaxHeight to return imageView.minHeight, prefHeight and maxHeight. This ties the anchor pane's height to the imageView's height - which the imageView calculates from its own width.
Then I added a listener to the scrollPane.widthProperty which calls the AnchorPane.setPrefWidth, setMinWidth and setMaxWidth
In this way, the anchor pane is correctly signalling its preferred, minimum and maximum width to the enclosing scrollPane.
Is it possible to change default size of regions ( left, right, top, bottom ) of BorderPane regions ? In case of top and bottom change height and in case of top and bottom width?
I guess you mean "In case of top and bottom heigth changes and in case of left and right width changes?"
It seems not possible to set this sizes, but instead you can set preferredSize, maxSize, or minSize of the node of each of this regions, depending of the situation you want to prevent, as BorderPane regions resize to their Node size somehow. see "Resizable Range" in BorderPane doc.
Maybe you should edit your question and give more details.