Unable to connect to container using host network from host - networking

I set up two container. Using --net=host both. Container A and B can access each other, also can ping host. But host can't connect to container.
It is very strange that using host network but got different IP address in host and containers.
My host ip addr is
Containers' ip addr is
My command to run the container are
docker run -ti -d --name fastdfs_tracker --net=host ewnit/fastdfs sh tracker.sh
docker run -ti --name fastdfs_storage --net=host -e TRACKER_IP= ewnit/fastdfs sh storage.sh
fastdfs_storage using TRACKER_IP to get connect with fastdfs_tracker, and it works well.

I've got the answer. Host networking does not work as expected in Docker for Mac at present.


How to expose ports only within the docker network?

I have a few apps running in a Docker network with their ports (3000,4200, etc) exposed. I also have an nginx container running within the same Docker network which hosts these apps on port 80 with different domain names (site1.com, site2.com).
But right now if I go directly to the ports the apps are running on (localhost:3000) I can access them that way too.
How do I expose those ports only to the nginx container and not the host system?
But right now if I go directly to the ports the apps are running on
(localhost:3000) I can access them that way too.
Thats because you are using -p aka --publish command in your docker run
If you want to expose ports between containers only, Do Not use -p or --publish just put them on the same docker network.
Lets create a new user-defined network:
sudo docker network create appnet
Lets create nginx container for reverse proxy, It should be available to outside world so we use publish.
sudo docker run --name nginx -d --network appnet nginx
Now put your apps in the same network but do not expose ports.
sudo docker run --name app1 -d --network appnet <app image name/id>
You have to use Docker networks.
The default network is shared with host, thus accessible from localhost. You can either configure Docker, creating a network manually, or let tools like docker-compose or Kubernetes to do it for you.

docker userdefined network - no connection to the outside world

I try to expose a docker container to the outside world (well, to be specific just in my internal network - with a static ip adress. In my example the container should have the IP address
Docker version is 1.10.3.
Therefore i created a userdefined network:
docker network create --subnet --gateway dn in bridge mode.
Then i created a container and attached it to the container.
docker run -d \
--name testhost \
-it \
-h testhost \
--net dn \
--ip \
-p 8080:8080 \
some image
The container has the correct ip and gw assigned (, - which is also the ip from the docker created bridge interface) but no communication from the container to the outside world nor from the outside to the container is possible. only thing that works is nslookup but tbh i dont know why this is working.
From another host in the network i can ping the bridge interface which was created through the docker network create command.
A second container connected the the dn network can ping my first container. so communication inside the network seems fine.
As in the docker [network documentation][1]
[1]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/networking/#a-bridge-network "docker network docu" (second picture in bridge network) it should be possible
It seems that im missing some step or config. Any advice is appreciated, thank you.

How do I find the network ip using docker and travis?

In my local setup, I can run ...
docker run --name myapp -e HOST=$(docker-machine ip default) --user root myapp
... and then use $HOST to connect to any other container (e.g. one running mongodb).
However, in Travis, docker-machine does not exist. Thus, I cannot simply put that line in my .travis.yml.
How do I get the network IP?
The flag --link adds an entry to /etc/hosts with the ip address of the specified running container
docker run --name myapp --link mongodb:mongodb myapp
However please note that:
The default docker0 bridge network supports the use of port mapping
and docker run --link to allow communications between containers in
the docker0 network. These techniques are cumbersome to set up and
prone to error. While they are still available to you as techniques,
it is better to avoid them and define your own bridge networks
Another option is using the flag --add-host if you want to add a known ip address
docker run --name myapp --add-host mongodb: myapp
Option 2
Create a network
docker network create --subnet= mynet123
Run mongodb container assigning an static ip
docker run --network mynet123 --ip -d mongodb
Add that ip to the other container
docker run --network mynet123 --add-host mongodb: -d myapp

My docker container isn't starting on localhost ( on Docker for Windows (Native using Hyper-V)

I'm following Digital Ocean's tutorial on how to start a nginx docker container (Currently on Step 4). Currently this is their output:
$ docker run --name docker-nginx -p 80:80 -d nginx
$ docker ps
b91f3ce26553 nginx "nginx -g 'daemon off" About a minute ago Up About a minute>80/tcp, 443/tcp docker-nginx
But when I run it, this is my output (noticed the different IP of the container):
C:\>docker run --name docker-nginx -p 80:80 -d nginx
C:\>docker ps
d3ccb73a9198 nginx "nginx -g 'daemon off" 14 hours ago Up 2 seconds>80/tcp, 443/tcp docker-nginx
Why does this happen? And how can I get the same results as Digital Ocean's? (Getting the server to start on localhost)
Edit: I'm using Docker for windows (recently released) which apparently runs native using Hyper-V. My output for docker-machine ls is this:
C:\>docker-machine ls
But when I run it, this is my output (noticed the different IP of the
Since this a Windows machine, I assume that you're using Docker Toolbox Docker for Windows. is the IP of the boot2docker virtual machine.
If you are using Windows or Mac OS, you will need some form of virtualization in
order to run Docker. The IP you just saw is the IP of that lightweight virtual machine.
And how can I get the same results as Digital Ocean's? (Getting the
server to start on localhost)
Use a Linux distribution! Also you can enable Expose container ports on localhost in Docker For Windows Settings:
Despite you created the containers in your local machine. These are actually running on a different machine (a virtual machine)
First, check what is the IP of your docker machine (the virtual machine)
$docker-machine ls
default * virtualbox Running tcp://
Then run curl command (or open a browser) to view the default web site on your nginx web server inside the container
if you are using a virtual machine on windows:
docker-machine ip default
When I ran this command for the first time: docker run -d -p 80:80 --name docker-tutorial docker101tutorial
I got this error:
docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name
"/docker-tutorial" is already in use by container "LONG_CONTAINER_ID".
You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that
so, I tried to remove this container using: docker rm -f LONG_CONTAINER_ID
then I did: docker run -d -p 3080:80 --name docker-tutorial docker101tutorial
note 3080:80 instead of 80:80... Had I run this from the docker desktop, I would see this default option below:

Docker EXPOSE vs command line -p option (boot2docker)

After spending way too long trying to access my node server running from a docker container within a boot2docker instance I realised the issue came down to a difference between expose and docker run -p.
In my Dockerfile I had EXPOSE 3001, and I could not access this via my host machine.
After running "docker run -p 3001:3001 myappinst myapp" I was able to access the port.
Up until now I thought "docker run -p 3001:3001" was essentially the same as EXPOSE 3001 in the dockerfile.
I noticed however, when running docker ps
I get the following for "EXPOSE":
16341e2b9968 housemation-crawler:latest "npm start" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes 3001/tcp housemation-crawler-inst
(note: 3001/tcp)
vs the below with docker run -p 3001:3001
0b14f736033c housemation-crawler:latest "npm start" 8 seconds ago Up 2 seconds>3001/tcp housemation-crawler-inst
Looks like the latter is doing some kind of port forwarding, whereas the former is just opening up the port? Would that be right?
If I wanted to access a non forwarded exposed port how would I go about doing so? Also, if I wanted to have port forwarding within the dockerfile, what would be the correct syntax?
Your assumptions about how EXPOSE in Dockerfile and -p option in docker run are right. As you can read in Docker on line documentation:
EXPOSE <port> [<port>...]
The EXPOSE instructions informs Docker that the container will listen
on the specified network ports at runtime. Docker uses this
information to interconnect containers using links (see the Docker
User Guide) and to determine which ports to expose to the host when
using the -P flag. Note: EXPOSE doesn't define which ports can be
exposed to the host or make ports accessible from the host by default.
To expose ports to the host, at runtime, use the -p flag or the -P
So the EXPOSE instruction in Dockerfile will indicate Docker which ports have to map to host if you run the container with the -P flag; but the local ports mapped are not deterministic and are chosen by Docker at run time. Apart from this, Docker will use the ports in EXPOSE to export information as environmental variables in linked containers.
If you want to set the local port mapped, you have to use the -p option in docker run.
