How does redux keep independent state for the same component of many page when routing? - redux

When I use Redux with react-router, I have the same component 'ticker' on pageA and pageB, when I dispatch action to 'ticker' on pageA and then route to pageB, 'ticker' on pageB is pageA's 'ticker's' state.
How can I split the component state?
And if has a easy way to set all the state to default state when routing ?

Sometimes it's a good idea to store component-specific state inside React's component state. In your case, if you want the state for each component to be reinitialized every time it is remounted, then it's better to update the state using React's setState.
Redux creator's opinion on this matter:
On the other hand, if you want pageA's component state to be preserved between route transitions, then I'd imagine you'll have to assign some sort of ID to pageA's , and use that to store the corresponding state data in the redux store.


Should actions only be used when updating state?

Reducers listen for actions of a certain type and then update the store as needed, but should you use an action without changing the store?
Maybe on route changes or on button clicks so that what the user does shows up in timemachine, or is this abusing actions?
Actions are linked to reducers through their 'type', in general actions should be linked with at least one reducer.
It seems like you can achieve the functionality you are looking for by creating a function inside your component that is your method called by the onClick, submit, or whatever activity happens, something like this:
const {dispatch} = this.props
//any JavaScript code you need
This ensures you can do anything you want that doesn't touch the state while still allowing for actions to fire and state changes when that activity happens.
An action is a call for state change. So if route changes or button clicks don't change the state of your app, you shouldn't use actions for them. Maybe log is more relevant in this scenario.

Dispatching several actions in sequence for single reducer doesn't reflect changes in state for connected component

When dispatching several different actions for one reducer, only the last one triggers component update. It might be better to show then explain.
Some notes on provided example:
App component reflects a history of updates of it's prop redirectPath. When it comes as null then no redirect string adds to history.
There is a reducer which returns just a plain string or null depending on action.
By pressing a button Do redirect I expect both actions (SET_REDIRECT and CLEAR_REDIRECT) provide changed state to AppContainer component. But only the latest one (CLEAR_REDIRECT) triggers render method with null value.
If we add slight delay between dispatching these actions, then both of them trigger component's render. You can check it by pressing Do redirect with delay button.
I expect both changes (provided by SET_REDIRECT and CLEAR_REDIRECT actions) in state should trigger component update without using setTimeout when dispatching actions.
I also tried to move dispatching of CLEAR_REDIRECT from middleware, after it gets SET_REDIRECT, but the same result.
Can I somehow reach expected behaviour?
Initially I posted the issues to redux repo, because I thought it's an issue in redux, but #jimbolla explained me that it's mostly by design of react.
Here is the reference to the original issues and comments from redux team member
Don't ever rely on performing state updates in render(). The only code that should be executed in render() is the code required to construct the view.
You could use componentWillReceiveProps to track when your component receives new properties.
You should listen for the appropriate property and perform your redirect when received. You should then listened for a property that indicates the redirection was successful and then you can dispatch an action to clear the redirect state if required which will trigger another component update.

How can we update the fields of a redux form by dispatching an action

i have two fields with redux form. I have a refresh button through which i update my state through an action. This refresh button updates three text values. My problem is that i must refresh the field values of my form. How to update the state of my redux form. I'm thinking of using a selector like this:
export const formsState = state => state.get('form');
Then i will create a reducer which is taking the formstate and updates it with
update formsState
.update('order', action.payload.price);
But i dont think this is the best solution. Do have some better ideas?
Make sure you refresh button send an action which will update your store via the reducer.
In order to update your component I would suggest to use a react containers usinng connect.
Use the following function:
store.getState() to get your state.
store.dispatch() to dispatch your action.

Angular2 Change Detection with Zones

I am wondering if all asynchronous events and callbacks can be traced back to a specific source component by wrapping all component logic (including logic of non-component directives inside component) in a zone, then only that source component needs to be checked for changes along with any child components with changed inputs from the source component, assuming all changes are following the uni-directional flow.
Is this understanding sound?
Is this change detection strategy available in Angular2?
Why is Angular2 detecting changes on all the components after any asynchronous (XHR) event?
One whole Angular application runs in a single zone. Angular uses the zone to patch async APIs and uses notifications from these patched APIs to run change detection every time some async event happened.
The uni-directional flow is for [prop]="value" bindings that works only from parent to child.
Angular runs change detection from root to leafs.
If ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush is configured for a component, change detection skips these components (and their descendants) until some binding (inputs) have changed.
There are other strategies to optimize CD.
For example observables and promises, that actively notify about changes and don't need change detection.
Immutable objects which are guaranteed to not change their propery values.
Angular doesn't know what values an event handler has changed. Properties of a component, of a global service, of object references that were passed around, .... It just assumes that when an event handler was called that probably something has changed and then runs a complete change detection cycle to propagate all bindings from parent to child.
Child do parent bindings are events anyway and therefore aren't updated during change detection.
... by wrapping all component logic (including logic of non-component directives inside component) in a zone, then only that source component needs to be checked for changes along with any child components with changed inputs from the source component, assuming all changes are following the uni-directional flow. Is this understanding sound?
When an template-bound event fires – e.g., (click)="doSomething()" – the doSomething() method is free to alter any component or application data. Template statements, such as our doSomething() event handler, are not bound by the unidirectional flow rule, as per the Angular docs:
Responding to events is the other side of Angular's "unidirectional data flow". We're free to change anything, anywhere, during this turn of the event loop.
This is why, by default, Angular's change detection has to check every template binding in every component after an event fires. (Well, after an event within the Angular zone fires.) Angular doesn't know what might have changed... it has to discover what has changed.
The unidirectional flow rule applies to template expressions such as {{some expression}} or [childInputProperty]="parent expression" or if you implement an input property setter method: #Input() set childInputProperty(variableName:type) { ... }.
Is this change detection strategy available in Angular2?
No, because it would severely limit what an event handler could do. Dirty-checking every template binding may not be the most efficient way to detect changes, but it makes it much easier for us to write our event handlers (i.e., to write our applications).
Why is Angular2 detecting changes on all the components after any asynchronous (XHR) event?
Angular doesn't want to limit what we can do in our event handlers. An event handler bound in ComponentA's template can change data that is local to ComponentA, but it can also change data that is in a service (and hence it can change data that is visible to other components), and it can change data in other components, e.g., by calling public APIs/methods on other components.

What is Flex good practice to change another component's state?

I currently use: Flexglobals.toplevelapplication.component1.compnent2.currentState = 'something';
is there a better way of doing do? Can I bind the state of a components to variable in my model?
Ideally, components should be self contained little pieces of your application. One component shouldn't have any effect (including changing the state) on any component, except possibly it's children.
The "Encapsulation proper" approach to change the state of an unrelated component is to dispatch an event from the component. The component's parent (or some component higher up in the hierarchy chain) is going to execute an event listener and change that state of the appropriate component, by either calling a method on the component that needs a state change or changing a property on the component that needs a state change.
If you have a complicated hierarchy, this approach can lead to a lot of tedium, creating events up the chain, and creating properties / methods down the chain in order to preserve encapsulation. Some frameworks, such as Cairngorm introduce a global singleton to avoid this tedium. In Cairngorm that singleton is the ModelLocator.
The ModeLlocator is, basically, a global dependency in your application. You can give any component access to it, and through the use of binding if a property is changed in one place, it an be automatically updated elsewhere. To change the state using binding, use an approach like this:
In the ModelLocator, create a variable to hold the state for the view in question:
public var comp1State : String = 'defaultState';
In comp1 do something like this:
<mx:Container currentState="{model.comp1State}" otherComponentProperties>
<!-- other component code including defining the states -->
Then in the component where you want to change the state, do something like this:
model.comp1State = 'nextState'
Binding will take it from here. I wouldn't use his approach lightly though. It depends on the component you're trying to create and how much you car about reuse. The most common way I've seen this implemented is not with states, but with the selectedIndex in a ViewStack. But, the approach would be the same.
Yes. I usually bind the sate of my component to a property in my model.
As long as you are making the properties on your model bindable you should be able to bind
directly to you model in your view. You sitl have to set the state in you model. Id look into using a framework like [swiz][] or or mate.
