WSO2 Identity Server and WSO2 API Manager integration - ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use - wso2-api-manager

I have integrated API M and Id Server using the prepackaged version
I have started Id Server. But while starting API Manager , i am getting the below error
I have correctly set the offset value as 1 in the carbon.xml...Still i am getting the error..i have passed offset value via command line argument as well..
can someone please help? I am really stuck on this.

This was because my system JAVA_OPTS was being set to debug mode and WSO2 was starting in debug mode. That caused being listening to port 9999 and the conflict. I removed the unnecessary JAVA_OPTS and it solved the issue


Meteor - Accounts.forgotPassword triggers internal server error whil Email.send is working fine

I'm meeting an issue on Meteor with Accounts.forgotPassword method.
My email smtp is well set up as I can use Email.send() without any issue once app is deployed.
But strangely, accounts.forgotPassword return an internal error.
When looking at the logs I have this error :
Exception while invoking method 'forgotPassword' Error: Mail command failed: 550-Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
I do not really understand why I would have mailbox unavailable error with Accounts.forgotPassword but not with Email.send()
Does anyone already met that kind of issues ?
I have already searched on the web for any clues but did not find anything :(
FYI I use ionos smtp
Since Email.send is working, I assume your MAIL_URL is set correctly, but your Accounts.emailTemplates is not. From
In addition to configuring the email package’s MAIL_URL, it is critical that you set proper values (specifically the from address) in Accounts.emailTemplates to ensure proper delivery of e-mails!

Cannot acces the websphere console from web browser

I have an error with accessing the websphere server console, which is weird is that i am able to acces it from the RAD as you can see in the screenshot below:
But when I try to access the console from the web browser I get the following error:
which means A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle / has not been defined
SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle localhost:9444has not been defined.
Console is not on 9444 port but probably in your setup on 9043 or 9044. Your RAD correctly uses this port, but in web browser your are typing incorrect one.

'Try it now' in the Quick Start never returns

I have installed the API Mgr 1.7.0 in Win 7 64. I have been through the Quick Start guide and all appeared to work as described. However, when I get to the point of trying the subscribed-to cdyne api, the 'moving dots' graphic stays there forever. I can't find a way to stop it, other than a browser refresh. I can't see an entry in the API Mgr system logs.
I have removed the parameters and the auth info, which is supposed to return a 401, but it doesn't and the moving dots continue. I'm using Firefox 31, with AdBlock+ and Noscript. There are no blocked scripts as far as I can see.
[edit 1] I get the same problem with the first sample (YouTube). I wonder if the problem is caused by port values? As I have the ESB installed, I increased all the ports for API Mgr by 1. Maybe I missed one, or there is one that hasn't been documented.[/edit 1]
[edit 2] I have reinstalled the API Mgr. I stopped the ESB and left the APIM ports as default. I have recreated the Phone Verify service and I still have same problem with 'Try it now'. I set the global log level to DEBUG, but there is too much detail to be of use. I don't know what package names to set for this problem.
There was an entry in the Application Logs as follows, which might be relevant. The first few lines are shown:
System Error Occurred
Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method getApplicationNames
The following error details are available. Please refer logs for more details.
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method getApplicationNames
at org.apache.axis2.util.Utils.getInboundFaultFromMessageContext(
at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.handleResponse(
at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.send(
at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.executeImpl(
at org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.execute(
at org.wso2.carbon.logging.view.stub.LogViewerStub.getApplicationNames(
at org.wso2.carbon.logging.view.ui.LogViewerClient.getApplicationNames(
[/edit 2]
Regards, John
You may not have configured CORS. CORS is cross-origin resource sharing [1] and it is used by the try-it feature in the store.
The CORS configuration is stored in [API Manager Home]/reposotiry/conf/api-manager.xml . The header must include the Host name used by the CORS request. The host name being used by the try-it service is shown in gray at the bottom-left hand corner of the API-Console / try-it screen. It should show up as 'base url'. For example: [ base url: , api version: 1.0 ]
You may also be having trouble with the default APIs - please make sure that the APIs in [API Manager Home]/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/api/ are updated with your port offset. This may be preventing basic authentication. It is documented here [2]
Hope that helps.

Classic asp "An error occurred when verifying security for the message." iis7 transport level security

On II7 we host a WCF/ based API. In order to allow users of a classic asp application to connect to the API we had to publish a version we refer to as "transport". This Transport version is written in too, it points to the same assembly , its just the security layer is different to allow classic asp to authenticate. Transport level security is used as opposed to message based security.
When using a browser to load the service reference i can loading the svcutil.exe ... WDSL page.
When using my test asp page to call a web method from this reference i get the following returned:
Finished calling Web Service.
Status = Internal Server Error
ResponseText = a:InvalidSecurityAn error occurred when verifying security for the message.
This suggests that the authentication is failing. When testing using or the application WCF storm to contact the normal API everything works well.
The API was recently migrated , it would appear something has not been setup correctly but i am at a loss to explain what.
I can browse to the svcutil.exe ... WDSL service reference, when selecting it via the browser i get the expect XML response.
The USER NAME and password utilised work when using the non-classic asp publicaiton of the API using the message based secuirty.
Would it be possible to post some troubleshooting tip that may help diagnoise the issue please specifically regarding transport level security fault finding and setup ?
Thank you
Attempted to use the Default App Pool and a new App Pool but same problem persists.
My test page error: ResponseText = a:InvalidSecurityAn error occurred when verifying security for the message.
IIS LOG shows:
v3/transport/testclassicasptransportwcfservice.asp ( 200 0 0 ) (i.e iis 200)
/V3/Transport/DeviceService.svc/DeviceService (500 0 0) (i.e iis error 500)
note: virtual dir defined on TRANSPORT and V3. V3 works ok using .net as opposed to classic asp to authenticate.
The Template Persistent Cache initialization failed for Application Pool 'transport' because of the following error: Could not create a Disk Cache Sub-directory for the Application Pool. The data may have additional error codes.
This reference appears to suggest a fix but many of the DIR paths and references in "appcmd" dont exist.
load cmd prompt
CD to C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv
enter: appcmd list config -section:system.webServer/asp
the following path is displayed: c:\inetpub\conf\temp\ASP compiled templates
check path exists (it does)
Check if the NETWORK SERVICE has permissions to access "ASP compiled templates" If not from appcmd execute;
icacls "c:\inetpub\conf\temp\ASP Compiled Templates" /grant "NETWORK SERVICE:(OI)(CI)(M)"
should read "sucessfully processed 1 files"
restarted app pool.
THE "InvalidSecurityAn error occurred when verifying security for the message" problem still persists but the "COULD NOT CREATE A DISK CACHE SUB-DIRECORY .... " error from the eventlog is no longer occurring.
Sorry another update. The network service permission change DID NOT resolve the issue , changeing to the DEFAULT APP POOL solved the problem.
Got a lead at last. Examined:
ServiceSecurityAudit set in service behaviour. Ref
IIS logs (simply shows the non-specific error 500.)
Fault tracing enabled( also shows error 500).
Custom errors were off
Friendly IE messages were off
Asp client side and server side debugging on
ProcessMon running , no errors.
Web.config httpErrors errorMode="Detailed" /> +
ServiceSecurityAudit found me an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" so sounds like our app has a bug.
Follow up (17/08/11):
Service Security Audit documented here:
Was the key for us to resolve this issue. Uncovered the Object Reference Error which indicated out Business Objects and Data Access dlls were out of alignment. Using CLASSIC ASP to contact the WCF.NET API using TRANSPORT AUTHENTICATION there was abolutely no indication of this error until Service Security Audit was enavled on the behaviour.config file in the WCF deployment.

How to enable DomainRuntimeMBean?

I've been trying to installing JDeveloper and Weblogic server , and when trying to login as first time as Administrator in console of weblogic ,
The Server give me this error A required MBean Server is disabled which prevents the proper operation of the Weblogic Administration Console Please enable the DomainRuntimeMBean Server and the Edit MBean Server in this domain's configuration.
also I was maked search in "Oracle Forums" i found answer like that :
Also check to make sure there were no errors in the server log during
startup or when you connected to the MBean Server. Sometimes errors can
occur that cause the MBean Server to appear to be disabled. but that answer doesn't help me.
The question is "How to enable **DomainRuntimeMBean**?"
As per this link, try to delete the pending folder within your domain root and restart the server. The default domain has got some corruption in the console settings.
instead of using PC_NAME use URL
e.g. instead of My_PC:7001/console --> use - Amartya Bandyopadhyay
