WooCommerce Variable Product issue after updating prices - wordpress

This just started happening yesterday. I changed my price and now when a customer selects a color item, this pops up underneath the item.
It doesn't prevent the customer from ordering, but it looks horrible right underneath the product when they are about to proceed to the checkout.
Any information would be helpful.
Here is a link to the product / image. Choose Either black, or white and you will see this code above pop up underneath the product.
Live website link to a product: sparkslide.com (iphone-66s)

This is a hack.
.woocommerce-variation.single_variation div{display:none;}
But it'll work.

Your theme template is out of date with the newest version of WooCommerce. Or the component in X isn't working correctly. Update your theme first, and if it doesn't work, contact Themeco. Otherwise, your best bet is the quick CSS hack offered by Jaime


In woocommerce making an admin invoice where i change the price manually

if I sell a product from the backend, not from the shop front-end, I would like to change the price for this order only, not in the product table.
I have searched for variable-price products but cannot find anything that fits my needs.
I found variations and discount rules but I just want to change the price when I make an invoice from the backend, maybe through a dummy product where I can change the description too.
Anyone an idea if this is possible?
With the POS systems I support (Chromis) or in front accounting this is possible.
BTW if someone has a link to a WooCommerce-forum where users help users I would be happy.
thanks for the reaction.
I have got an answer from another forum, in Woocommerce one has to enter the order first and afterwords the price is editable.
You cannot see this straight away, first you must put the mouse in the part with the positions, then the pencil to edit appears.
Not the most elegant way but usable.
And i did found more forums.

WooCommerce - Price not including tax on mobile view

(This question is asked over on the Wordpress Stack Overflow, but no one seems to want to answer, so I'm putting it here)
I have a quick question. I have a site http://frenchicpaint.co.uk Everything is fine, except...
When you view thew site on a mobile/iPad, prices are shown exclusive of tax, yet when you view the site on a desktop the prices are inclusive of tax...?
I've only just noticed it, and can't see any option to change it...
Anyone have any ideas how I can get the prices to show INCLUSIVE of tax on the mobile version?
Solved it! In woocommerce settings tax the option must be tax based on shop adress - if not the prices are shown excl tax waiting for the customers adress to calculate tax... Why it only affected the mobile view I dont know.
I have just discovered that I have the same problem :-( at http://sqoop.no/produkt/adventure-food-biff-satay/
I wonder if it appeared after one of the recent upgrades. My site is still in catalogue mode, perhaps this has an effect? Im looking for a solution and will post it here if I get it.
.. found this answer:
"mikejolley commented 9 days ago
You'd need to change the "Display Prices in the Shop" option based on user agent. Not something core will do for you".
Im not sure what "option based on user agent" meens, but it seems to solve the problem for the guy who posted the question.

woocommerce variation/add to cart not showing

so, I have coded a wordpress theme and integrated woocommerce with it. It has used only simple products for some time, and I was using a simple product to test codes, as it works fine. But I recently added a variation product and then, the add to cart button also gone ( variation select dropdown is there, but values are not bonded to drop down.
If anyone can give me a hint, showing what I have done wrong, that would be a big favor.
I just got the same issue and it solved when I manually entered a price for the variable products. Unfortunately I didn't find out yet why I have to enter it, even for the same value. But it fixed it.
Hope it helps !

WooCommerce - Variations

I am using WooCommerce in my project and would like to display variations in a similar style like http://www.e-rudy.com/en/products/detail/SN220724R1. They have a tab called "other colors". Is it possible to do that in WooCommerce?
Yes, it is possible, but you will have to add a custom template for that to be incorporated in the product tabs. In that template you should pull all the variations information corresponding to the main product.
If you don't do it as parent->variations products, you can still link them in the backend and show those in the template. In short, it's doable but you or someone else will have to code that part. It might also be possible to do it with wp-types views, but I have never used it so I can't comment.
Hope that helps to get you started.
Like this https://woocamp.com/product/classic-wordpress-shirt/ ?
When you click on the additional sizes, nothing visually happens. But the size is registered as a variation. Now, when you select a different color, the image actually changes and the image switches as well!
I did that using WooCommerce Variations and Swatches

Wp-e-Commerce Multi Currency Magic in WordPress

I'm working on an e-commerce website. I added a plugin called "Wp-e-Commerce Multi Currency Magic".
It works well. It changes all the product rate according to selected currency on button click. And that's the problem: I want it to change when I select a currency in select box without any button clicks, just on change event.
So is it possible to modify this plugin like that? If you have any idea regarding my problem please help me out, I'd greatly appreciate your answer. Thanks
I coded a plugin to convert currencies of all price fields in wp e-commerce live in a bubble tooltip just a few days ago.
Here is a demo http://haet.at/wp-e-commerce-currency-helper/
You can install the plugin in the wordpress plugin repository, it's free.
I hope you can give me some feedback.
