Get hash tag(#) character of URL in servlet request - servlets

I have a URL In my servlet I need to store #cancel for future use. I have already tried HttpServletRequest getRequestURI() and few other options. But don't see this value in request object. How do I get this value.
In my application I am using GWT which uses rpc calls and rpc request is made based on the hash tag value. eg:, forwards the request to profile.rpc. In my case I am intercepting this call with a filter which does some basic check and then I want to forward the request again to but I am not able to find #profile in request object. Hope this explains my question and what I am looking for.

You cannot get the fragment part of a URL server side, as the browser won't send it to the server.
Eg: User click a link to Browser connect to and send:
GET /foo HTTP/1.1

Hash(#) is used to separate fragment from Url. Fragment is an optional part of the URL and is used to address a particular part of a resource.
please see below links
URL fragment (#) allowed characters
List of valid characters for the fragment identifier in an URL?

request.getRequestURI() will gives you the url
String url1=request.getRequestURI();

Found out that fragmented URL doesn't come in request, when we do response.sedRedirect(), browser doesn't remove the fragmented part from browser URL bar. But not sure how this happens. Anyways in my case instead of posting request to another JSP and then submitting the form to different URL, I am directly doing response.sendRedirect(), which doesn't remove the fragmented part, so its working now :)


how do I get the entire http request line? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
http.Server — get URL fragment
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am trying to handle a request that has a strange formatting
currently testing on localhost as
Is there any way to extract the /founder/1 ?
I have tried the default and custom muxes but cannot find any way to extract the values.
Use the Request.RequestURI field to get the HTTP request URI as read from the network. Parse the value as needed by your requirements.
#/founder/1 Is a fragment. Fragments are not part of the HTTP request URI and are not sent to the server by clients.
To access /founder/1 on the server, move the value to the path or a query parameter.
Anything after # in the URL is considered as the URL fragment.
The design of request URL is not correct here because # is being used here as a part of request path making /founder/1 a URL fragment. URL fragment is only a browser-side concept and browsers do not send URL fragment to the server side.
So in short, you cannot capture /founder/1 on the server side.

Special characters in Request URL in SoapUI

I use SoapUI to send HTTP and SOAP requests. There is an URL like this: https://mydomain/response? , where a HTTP request should be posted. URL in raw request view it appears without question mark. I tried to provide it in URL encoded(%3F) form too, but it is not resolved, it points to a different URL.
This is an example of a GET string.
Anything after the "?" will be the parameters.
You don't have anything after the "?". Thus no parameters.
For some reason, this makes soapui remove it. But it really should be without any consequence. Both https://mydomain/response? and https://mydomain/response will reach the same endpoint with no parameters.

Is it possible to verify whether the GET came from a button or typed in URL bar?

Im wondering if I can detect whether some webpage was reached by a link (button, link, redirect, ...) or by typping in the URL bar.
Im using Clojure for web programming, and I wish I could block the access to some page when the request came from a "typed url".
Right now I am encoding the urls so the user can't have access to the "real" url.
Thanks in advance.
Short answer is no. Your aproach is correct.
And with a bit of skills one can also send arbitrary HTTP requests, GET or POST, modifying cookies, headers and the body of the request, so if this is about security, your approach to use encrypted data seems the only one possible to ensure that the URL is not tampered or manually typed.
The HTTP Referer header can be also faked, the same as a url parameter. There is no more security on using a http header or a url encoded parameter.
Courtesy of Wikipedia:
The HTTP referer (originally a misspelling of referrer[1]) is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage (i.e. the URI or IRI) that linked to the resource being requested. By checking the referrer, the new webpage can see where the request originated.
I assume you can access the HTTP header fields. If the user were to type in the URL into the address bar, there would be no HTTP referer.

Any holes in securing a HTTP request with HMAC using ONLY the HTTP method and URL?

I want to redirect my users browser using HTTP code 303 to a GET URL that I secure using HMAC. Because the request will come from the users browser, I will not have fore-knowledge of the request headers. So I am generating the HMAC hash using the values of the HTTP method and URL only. For example, the URL I want the browser to do to might be:
GET /download
This create report.pdf for me, containing the contents of all the urls specified using the include query param.
My HMAC code will change this URL to be
GET /download
I can issue HTTP 303 to the user using this URL, and the user will get their report.pdf.
As I am not including the request headers in the signature, I am wondering two things:
1) Can a would-be attacker take advantage of the fact that I am not signing the request headers?
2) Is there a better way to achieve what I am trying to do?
When I realised that what I am talking about here is a signed URL, I checked the Amazon Docs and found "REST Authentication Example 3: Query String Authentication Example" in this document:
This example is about a signed URL for use through a browser. About signing the headers, the document says:
You know that when the browser makes the GET request, it won't provide a Content-Md5 or a Content-Type header, nor will it set any x-amz- headers, so those parts are all kept empty.
In other words, Amazon leave the headers out of the signature.
Amazon make no mention of potential security holes, so until I hear otherwise (or get hacked :) ), I will assume my approach above is fine.

Sending info with a HTTP redirect that the browser should send to the redirected location?

Is this possible.. for example, imagine I respond to a request with a 302 (or 303), and I inform the browser to do a request to a given location.. is there a header that I can send with the HTTP 302, so that the subsequent request from the browser would include that header?
I know I could do this with the location header, as in redirect and specify the information in the url as a query string.. but I'm wondering if there is a better way.. it seems that it should be a legit scenario..
'Content has moved, go here .. oh and you'll want to take this with you to give to the redirect location'
I'm guessing a big fat no!
Thanks in advance.
The reason for this is in respect to PRG patterns, where you have a GET url and POST url, given that you post data and it isn't acceptable, the server redirects you to the GET, and does some 'magic' in order to 'send data' to that GET, using most often session state to store a variable.
However this can breakdown in scenarios where many of these PRG requests are happening, granted this isn't a common scenario and generally nobody need worry about this.. but if you do- you'll need a way to identify the requests, this can be done with query string parameters send in the 302.. so that a specific entry can be put in session state according to that request.
The question was regarding trying to remove the 'request key' from the url, and making it more implicit.. cookies 'appear' to work, but they only make the window for screw ups smaller.
It would be great to say when you go the 'location' i've specified, send these parameters.
Just to note, I'm not trying to get the browser to send arbitrary headers to the location, but if there is ANY headers designed to hint the context of the request (like the querystring parameters could).
A redirect response itself doesn't contain any data. You can redirect using a URL with query parameters, but the new "location" will need to know how to consume those parameters.
No, that’s not possible. You cannot force the client to something. You just can say “this is not the right location, but try that location instead”. But it’s not guaranteed that the client will send the same request or another request to that new location. And telling the client to add a specific header field in that subsequent request to the new location is also not possible.
