Wordpress - Woocommerce: Hook to apply Tax to Shipping price? - wordpress

Using Woocommerce plugin.
I get this code to add Tax based in the buyer rol.
It works fine but the Tax is only applied to product price. I also need to apply the same Tax to the Shipping cost.
I guess I need to use another filter parameter but I don't know which one.
Here is the real code:
function wc_re_eq( $tax_class, $product ) {
if ( is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can( 'client_re' ) ) {
$tax_class = 'R.E';
return $tax_class;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tax_class', 'wc_re_eq', 1, 2 );

You should be applying that in your tax rate chart. There is a checkbox for shipping, where you apply tax to shipping.
WooCommerce documentation: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/setting-up-taxes-in-woocommerce/#tax-rate-examples

#Jpash do you solve it?
Through the label "R.E.", I get the feeling that your problem is related to "recargo de equivalencia" of Spain.
I have the same problem. For certain users I must apply another type of tax only for the shipping costs.


Change items tax rate in WooCommerce order admin based on custom field

My customers have to make a choice during the checkout to select if they are vat exempted or not. i use custom fields. I tried 3 solutions, all worked well:
Change items tax rate in WooCommerce checkout based on radio buttons
Add Tax Exempt form on checkout in woocommerce
and the best for me:
add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_update_order_review', 'bbloomer_taxexempt_checkout_based_on_zip' );
function bbloomer_taxexempt_checkout_based_on_zip( $post_data ) {
WC()->customer->set_is_vat_exempt( false );
parse_str( $post_data, $output );
if ( $output['fsbdd_check_exotva'] === 'OUI' ) WC()->customer->set_is_vat_exempt( true );
But I can't change this setting in the woocommerce order admin page. if the customer was wrong or I need to edit the order manually I would like the VAT to change depending on this custom field.
I can manage the custom field with a metabox in the order backend (from metabox.io plugin). But there is no effect on the VAT. i would like the cart to be recalculate (recalculate button) once I have changed and saved the custom field value.

Create a shortcode to display the Woocommerce flat rate price as displayed on the checkout

I would like to create a plugin to add 2 shortcodes to my woocommerce shop so I can add the shipping cost as shortcode in text like this example:
Our shipping costs to Amsterdam is [shipping_cost_1] Euro
So on front end the text will be like this: Our shipping costs to Amsterdam is 6,95 Euro
These are the rates and shortcodes I want to use:
[shipping_cost_1] = flat rate woocommerce shipping cost including VAT for shipping zone 1 (shipping inside Amsterdam)
[shipping_cost_2] = flat rate woocommerce shipping cost including VAT for shipping zone 2 (shipping outside Amsterdam)
For reference, this is where the shipping costs for Amsterdam are displayed on the checkout page:
I would like to add the code in the following structure:
// The shortcode function
function shipping_cost_display_1() {
// Get shipping cost from woocommerce
// Ad code returned
// Register shortcode
add_shortcode('shipping_cost_1', 'shipping_cost_display_1');
just wondering if you checked this article already: WooCommerce: Show Shipping Rates # Single Product Page?
Basically you can get the shipping zones with a simple command:
Once you have them, you can loop over the array and find rates inside ($instance['cost']).
The following should do the trick for you - of course change "amsterdam" to your desired zone name:
function shipping_cost_display_1() {
$zones = WC_Shipping_Zones::get_zones();
foreach ( $zones as $zone_id => $zone ) {
if ( "amsterdam" !== $zone['zone_name'] ) continue;
$zone_shipping_methods = $zone['shipping_methods'];
foreach ( $zone_shipping_methods as $index => $method ) {
$instance = $method->instance_settings;
return $instance['cost'];
add_shortcode( 'shipping_cost_1', 'shipping_cost_display_1' );
There is also to say that the same shortcode could be used to return the two rates, by using a shortcode parameter.

Change cart total for payment gateways In WooCommerce 2.6.x [duplicate]

I am running into issues with the cart total only displaying 0
Essentially what I am trying to do is only accept a deposit total of a certain amount after all cart items have been added to the carts subtotal.
So for example if the customer adds $100 worth of items, they would only pay $10 initially or (10%) of the subtotal as the total value.
I took the code from here: Change total and tax_total Woocommerce and customize it this way:
add_action('woocommerce_cart_total', 'calculate_totals', 10, 1);
function calculate_totals($wc_price){
$new_total = ($wc_price*0.10);
return wc_price($new_total);
But the total amount shows 0.00 when that code is enabled. If removed the code, I get the standard total.
I also could not find on the woocommerce site where the full api is listed, only generic articles related to how to create a plugin.
Any help or a point in the right direction would be great.
This does not answer this question. Loic's does. This is another way of doing it to show a line item of 10% off:
function prefix_add_discount_line( $cart ) {
$discount = $cart->subtotal * 0.1;
$cart->add_fee( __( 'Down Payment', 'yourtext-domain' ) , -$discount );
add_action( 'woocommerce_cart_calculate_fees', 'prefix_add_discount_line' );
Since Woocommerce 3.2+
it does not work anymore with the new Class WC_Cart_Totals ...
New answer: Change Cart total using Hooks in Woocommerce 3.2+
First woocommerce_cart_total hook is a filter hook, not an action hook. Also as wc_price argument in woocommerce_cart_total is the formatted price, you will not be able to increase it by 10%. That's why it returns zero.
Before Woocommerce v3.2 it works as some WC_Cart properties can be accessed directly
You should better use a custom function hooked in woocommerce_calculate_totals action hook this way:
// Tested and works for WooCommerce versions 2.6.x, 3.0.x and 3.1.x
add_action( 'woocommerce_calculate_totals', 'action_cart_calculate_totals', 10, 1 );
function action_cart_calculate_totals( $cart_object ) {
if ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) )
if ( !WC()->cart->is_empty() ):
## Displayed subtotal (+10%)
// $cart_object->subtotal *= 1.1;
## Displayed TOTAL (+10%)
// $cart_object->total *= 1.1;
## Displayed TOTAL CART CONTENT (+10%)
$cart_object->cart_contents_total *= 1.1;
Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or theme) or also in any plugin file.
Is also possible to use WC_cart add_fee() method in this hook, or use it separately like in Cristina answer.

Change checkout form based on shipping option woo-commerce

How do you change the woo-commerce checkout form for different shipping options? If they choose free shipping the checkout page displays shipping form. If they choose e-voucher the check out page displays a simpler form.
You can use the below code snippet to hide whichever fields you chose when the "e-voucher" shipping method is chosen. Simply put the following inside your functions file.
add_filter('woocommerce_checkout_fields', 'evoucher_remove_fields');
function evoucher_remove_fields($fields) {
$shipping_method ='evoucher:1'; // Change this to the value name of your shipping method
global $woocommerce;
$chosen_methods = WC()->session->get( 'chosen_shipping_methods' );
$chosen_shipping = $chosen_methods[0];
if ($chosen_shipping == $shipping_method) {
unset($fields['billing']['billing_address_1']); // Hides billing address line 1
unset($fields['billing']['billing_address_2']); // Hides billing address line 2
return $fields;
There is a good plugin for such purposes. Its free version includes conditional logic, e.g. change the form with the base on shipping option.

Woocommerce is it possible to disable quantity field on cart page, for some product?

Basically, I finished building custom plugin for my client.
the only thing after products added to cart, before the checkout.
user able to change the quantity of the products, is it possible to display the selected quantity, but disabled the options to read only so client will able to see the quantity in cart page that he selected but can't change it?
and to apply this only to products that I used with my plugin either product ids or better category id because all the products there.
other product display and able to change quantity regular
by the way its regular products not virtual and not Sold Individually i need to find a way to limit clients to change quantity for some products only in cart page!, and not in product page.
I really appreciate any help.
As mentioned in the comment, you can use the woocommerce_cart_item_quantity filter for that. So that might look something like this:
function 668763_change_quantity_input( $product_quantity, $cart_item_key, $cart_item ) {
$product_id = $cart_item['product_id'];
// whatever logic you want to determine whether or not to alter the input
if ( $your_condition ) {
return '<h3>' . $item['quantity'] . '</h3>';
return $product_quantity;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_cart_item_quantity', '668763_change_quantity_input', 10, 3);
This would be just a simple example to replace the input with a h3 element containing the quantity. It can easily be adjust to alter the quantity input element to your liking.
