replacing text with a single backslash [duplicate] - r

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Replacing white space with one single backslash
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have this text and I want to replace // with \
This is the text sdfd//dfsadfs
and I want it to be sdfd\dfsadfs
Can gsub work? This does not work: gsub("//","[\]","sdfd//dfsadfs")

I had a similar problem before. Like #Psidom commented, you should use gsub("//","\\\\","sdfd//dfsadfs"). This will replace //(2 characters) with \\ which is actually a single character in R (Check by running nchar("\\")). Even though it is prints as \\, it behaves as \. You can check this by running cat("\\"). If you exported the data after running gsub to a table (or csv), I believe there will be only one \


In R, how to change working directory more easily? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Escaping backslash (\) in string or paths in R
(4 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
In how to change working directory more easily?
Currently, if we use 'setwd',we have to add many '\', sometimes it's boring
Is there any easier way for this ? (Just like Python can add 'r' )
setwd('C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\myfolder') # can't work
setwd('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\myfolder') # can work,but havt to add many '\'
You could use r (for raw string) and add parenthesis:
> r"(C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\myfolder)"
[1] "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\myfolder"
And now:
Or reading from clipboard automatically adds the extra slashes:

How to automatically handle strings/paths with backslashes? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to escape backslashes in R string
(3 answers)
Efficiently convert backslash to forward slash in R
(11 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I often want to read in csv files and I get the path by using shift + right click and then clicking "copy path".
I paste this path into my code. See an example below:
Obviously this doesn't work because of the backslashes. My current solution is to escape each one, so that my code looks like this:
It works, but it's annoying and occasionally I'll get errors because I missed one of the backslashes.
I wanted to create a function automatically adds the extra slashes
fix_path <- function(string) str_replace(string, "\\\\", "\\\\\\\\")
but R won't recognize the string in the first place until the backslashes are taken care of.
Is there another way to deal with this? Python has the option of adding an "r" before strings to note that the backslashes should be treated just as regular backslashes, is there anything similar in R? To be clear, I know that I can escape the backslashes, but I am looking for a way to do it automatically.
You can use this hack. Suppose you had copied your path as mentioned then you could use
scan("clipboard", "character", quiet = TRUE)
scan reads the text copied from the clipboard and takes care about the backslashes. Then copy again what is returned from scan

How to remove '+ off' from the end of string? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I deal with special characters like \^$.?*|+()[{ in my regex?
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Similar to R - delete last two characters in string if they match criteria except I'm trying to get rid of the special character '+' as well. I also attached a picture of my output.
When I attempt to use the escape command of '+', I get an error message saying
Error: '\+' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting ""\\s\+"
As you noticed, + is a metacharacter in regex so it needs to be escaped. \+ escapes that character, but \, itself, is a special character in R character strings so it, too, needs to be escaped. This is an R requirement, not a regex requirement.
This means that, instead of '\+', you need to write '\\+'.

How to put \' in my string using paste0 function [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to escape backslashes in R string
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have an array:
t <- c("IMCR01","IMFA02","IMFA03")
I want to make it look like this:
I tried different ways like:
But none of them is correct. Any other functions are OK as well.
Actually your second attempt is correct:
If you want to tell paste to use a literal backslash, you need to escape it once (but not twice, as you would need within a regex pattern). This would output the following to the console in R:
[1] "\\'IMCR01\\'" "\\'IMFA02\\'" "\\'IMFA03\\'"
The trick here is that the backslash is even being escaped by R in the console output. If you were instead to write t to a text file, you would only see a single backslash as you wanted:
write(t, file = "/path/to/your/file.txt")
But why does R need to escape backslash when writing to its own console? One possibility is that if it were to write a literal \n then this would actually be interpreted by the console as a newline. Hence the need for eacaping is still there.

Using Gsub in R to remove a string containing brackets [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I deal with special characters like \^$.?*|+()[{ in my regex?
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm trying to use gsub to remove certain parts of a string. However, I can't get it to work, and I think it's because the string to be removed contains brackets. Is there any way around this? Thanks for any help.
The command I want to use:
gsub('(4:4aCO)_','', '(5:3)_(4:4)_(5:3)_(4:4)_(4:4aCO)_(6:2)_(4:4a)')
Expected output:
A quick test to see if brackets were the problem:
gsub('te','', 'test')
#[1] "st"
gsub('(te)','', '(te)st')
#[1] "()st"
We can by placing the brackets inside the square brackets as () is a metacharacter
gsub('[(]4:4aCO[)]','', '(5:3)(4:4)(5:3)(4:4)(4:4aCO)(6:2)_(4:4a)')
Or with fixed = TRUE to evaluate the literal meaning of that character
gsub('(4:4aCO)','', '(5:3)(4:4)(5:3)(4:4)(4:4aCO)(6:2)_(4:4a)', fixed = TRUE)
